// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool PositionBasedFluids::computePBFLagrangeMultiplier(
	const unsigned int particleIndex,
	const unsigned int numberOfParticles,
	const Vector3r x[],	
	const Real mass[],
	const Vector3r boundaryX[],
	const Real boundaryPsi[],
	const Real density,
	const unsigned int numNeighbors,
	const unsigned int neighbors[],
	const Real density0,
	const bool boundaryHandling,
	Real &lambda)
	const Real eps = 1.0e-6;

	// Evaluate constraint function
	const Real C = std::max(density / density0 - 1.0, 0.0);			// clamp to prevent particle clumping at surface

	if (C != 0.0)
		// Compute gradients dC/dx_j 
		Real sum_grad_C2 = 0.0;
		Vector3r gradC_i(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numNeighbors; j++)
			const unsigned int neighborIndex = neighbors[j];
			if (neighborIndex < numberOfParticles)		// Test if fluid particle
				const Vector3r gradC_j = -mass[neighborIndex] / density0 * CubicKernel::gradW(x[particleIndex] - x[neighborIndex]);
				sum_grad_C2 += gradC_j.squaredNorm();
				gradC_i -= gradC_j;
			else if (boundaryHandling)
				// Boundary: Akinci2012
				const Vector3r gradC_j = -boundaryPsi[neighborIndex - numberOfParticles] / density0 * CubicKernel::gradW(x[particleIndex] - boundaryX[neighborIndex - numberOfParticles]);
				sum_grad_C2 += gradC_j.squaredNorm();
				gradC_i -= gradC_j;

		sum_grad_C2 += gradC_i.squaredNorm();

		// Compute lambda
		lambda = -C / (sum_grad_C2 + eps);
		lambda = 0.0;

	return true;
예제 #2
void NewtonIntegrator::updateEnergy(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, const State* state, const Vector3r& fluctVel, const Vector3r& f, const Vector3r& m){
	assert(b->isStandalone() || b->isClump());
	// always positive dissipation, by-component: |F_i|*|v_i|*damping*dt (|T_i|*|ω_i|*damping*dt for rotations)
	if(damping!=0. && state->isDamped){
		// when the aspherical integrator is used, torque is damped instead of ang acceleration; this code is only approximate
	// kinetic energy
	Real Etrans=.5*state->mass*fluctVel.squaredNorm();
	Real Erot;
	// rotational terms
		Matrix3r mI; mI<<state->inertia[0],0,0, 0,state->inertia[1],0, 0,0,state->inertia[2];
		Matrix3r T(state->ori);
	} else { Erot=0.5*state->angVel.dot(state->inertia.cwise()*state->angVel); }
	if(!kinSplit) scene->energy->add(Etrans+Erot,"kinetic",kinEnergyIx,/*non-incremental*/true);
	else{ scene->energy->add(Etrans,"kinTrans",kinEnergyTransIx,true); scene->energy->add(Erot,"kinRot",kinEnergyRotIx,true); }
예제 #3
	Real periPtDistSq(const Vector3r& p1, const Vector3r& p2){
		Vector3r dr;
		for(int ax=0; ax<3; ax++) dr[ax]=min(cellWrapRel(p1[ax],p2[ax],p2[ax]+cellSize[ax]),cellWrapRel(p2[ax],p1[ax],p1[ax]+cellSize[ax]));
		return dr.squaredNorm();