예제 #1
// Computes the gradient for conservative advancement 
// gradient: | (radius * -sin theta * sin phi) * y(1) + ...
//             (radius * cos theta * sin phi) * y(2)         |
//           | (radius * cos theta * cos phi) * y(1) + ...
//             (radius * sin theta * cos phi) * y(2) + ...
//             (radius * -sin phi) * y(3)                    |
void SpherePrimitive::calc_gradient(const VectorNd& x, void* data, VectorNd& g)
  // get the pair
  std::pair<double, VectorNd>& data_pair = *((std::pair<double, VectorNd>*) data);

  // get radius and y
  double r = data_pair.first;
  VectorNd& y = data_pair.second;

  // get components of y
  const double Y1 = y[0];
  const double Y2 = y[1];
  const double Y3 = y[2];

  // get theta and phi
  double THETA = x[0];
  double PHI = x[1];

  // compute trig functions 
  double CTHETA = std::cos(THETA);
  double STHETA = std::sin(THETA);
  double CPHI = std::cos(PHI);
  double SPHI = std::sin(PHI);

  // setup gradient 
  g[0] = (-STHETA * SPHI) * Y1 + (CTHETA * SPHI) * Y2;
  g[1] = (CTHETA * CPHI) * Y1 + (STHETA * CPHI) * Y2 - SPHI * Y3; 
  g *= -r;
예제 #2
/// Determines (and sets) the value of Q from the axes and the inboard link and outboard link transforms
void UniversalJoint::determine_q(VectorNd& q)
  const unsigned X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 2;

  // get the outboard link
  RigidBodyPtr outboard = get_outboard_link();

  // verify that the outboard link is set
  if (!outboard)
    throw std::runtime_error("determine_q() called on NULL outboard link!");

  // set proper size for q

  // get the poses of the joint and outboard link
  shared_ptr<const Pose3d> Fj = get_pose();
  shared_ptr<const Pose3d> Fo = outboard->get_pose();

  // compute transforms
  Transform3d wTo = Pose3d::calc_relative_pose(Fo, GLOBAL); 
  Transform3d jTw = Pose3d::calc_relative_pose(GLOBAL, Fj);
  Transform3d jTo = jTw * wTo;

  // determine the joint transformation
  Matrix3d R = jTo.q;

  // determine q1 and q2 -- they are uniquely determined by examining the rotation matrix
  // (see get_rotation())
  q[DOF_1] = std::atan2(R(Z,Y), R(Y,Y));
  q[DOF_2] = std::atan2(R(X,Z), R(X,X));   
예제 #3
 * Assume the signed distance function is Phi(q(t)), so 
 * Phi(q(t_0 + \Delta t))_{t_0} \approx Phi(q(t_0)) + d/dt Phi(q(t_0)) * dt ==>
 * d/dt Phi(q(t_0)) \approx (Phi(q(t_0 + \Delta t)) - Phi(q(t_0))/dt 
void SignedDistDot::compute_signed_dist_dot_Jacobians(UnilateralConstraintProblemData& q, MatrixNd& Cdot_iM_CnT, MatrixNd& Cdot_iM_CsT, MatrixNd& Cdot_iM_CtT, MatrixNd& Cdot_iM_LT, VectorNd& Cdot_v)
  const double DT = NEAR_ZERO;
  vector<shared_ptr<DynamicBodyd> > tmp_supers1, tmp_supers2, isect;
  VectorNd gc, gv;

  // get all pairs of bodies involved in contact
  vector<shared_ptr<DynamicBodyd> > ubodies;
  for (unsigned i=0; i< q.signed_distances.size(); i++)
    // get the two single bodies
    shared_ptr<SingleBodyd> s1 = q.signed_distances[i].a->get_single_body();
    shared_ptr<SingleBodyd> s2 = q.signed_distances[i].b->get_single_body();

    // get the two super bodies
    shared_ptr<DynamicBodyd> sb1 = ImpactConstraintHandler::get_super_body(s1); 
    shared_ptr<DynamicBodyd> sb2 = ImpactConstraintHandler::get_super_body(s2); 

    // add the bodies to ubodies

  // get all unique bodies involved in contact
  std::sort(ubodies.begin(), ubodies.end());
  ubodies.erase(std::unique(ubodies.begin(), ubodies.end()), ubodies.end());

  // save all configurations for all bodies involved in contact
  map<shared_ptr<DynamicBodyd>, VectorNd> gc_map;
  for (unsigned i=0; i< ubodies.size(); i++)

  // save all velocities for all bodies involved in contact
  map<shared_ptr<DynamicBodyd>, VectorNd> gv_map;
  for (unsigned i=0; i< ubodies.size(); i++)
    ubodies[i]->get_generalized_velocity(DynamicBodyd::eSpatial, gv_map[ubodies[i]]);

  // resize Cdot(v)

  // for each pair of bodies
  for (unsigned k=0; k< q.signed_distances.size(); k++)
    // get the two single bodies
    shared_ptr<SingleBodyd> s1 = q.signed_distances[k].a->get_single_body();
    shared_ptr<SingleBodyd> s2 = q.signed_distances[k].b->get_single_body();

    // get the signed distance between the two bodies
    double phi = q.signed_distances[k].dist;

    // integrates bodies' positions forward
    shared_ptr<DynamicBodyd> sup1 = ImpactConstraintHandler::get_super_body(s1);
    shared_ptr<DynamicBodyd> sup2 = ImpactConstraintHandler::get_super_body(s2);
    if (sup1 != sup2)
    integrate_positions(tmp_supers1, DT);

    // compute the signed distance function
    double phi_new = calc_signed_dist(s1, s2);

    // set the appropriate entry of Cdot(v) 
    Cdot_v[k] = (phi_new - phi)/DT;  

    // restore coordinates and velocities
    restore_coords_and_velocities(tmp_supers1, gc_map, gv_map);

  // resize the Jacobians
  Cdot_iM_CnT.resize(q.signed_distances.size(), q.N_CONTACTS);
  Cdot_iM_CsT.resize(q.signed_distances.size(), q.N_CONTACTS);
  Cdot_iM_CtT.resize(q.signed_distances.size(), q.N_CONTACTS);
  Cdot_iM_LT.resize(q.signed_distances.size(), q.N_LIMITS);

  // prepare iterators for contacts
  ColumnIteratord Cn_iter = Cdot_iM_CnT.column_iterator_begin();
  ColumnIteratord Cs_iter = Cdot_iM_CsT.column_iterator_begin();
  ColumnIteratord Ct_iter = Cdot_iM_CtT.column_iterator_begin();
  ColumnIteratord L_iter =  Cdot_iM_LT.column_iterator_begin();

  // for each pair of bodies
  for (unsigned k=0; k< q.signed_distances.size(); k++)
    // get the two single bodies
    shared_ptr<SingleBodyd> s1 = q.signed_distances[k].a->get_single_body();
    shared_ptr<SingleBodyd> s2 = q.signed_distances[k].b->get_single_body();

    // get the two bodies involved
    shared_ptr<DynamicBodyd> sup1 = ImpactConstraintHandler::get_super_body(s1);
    shared_ptr<DynamicBodyd> sup2 = ImpactConstraintHandler::get_super_body(s2);

    // sort the vector so we can do the intersection
    std::sort(tmp_supers1.begin(), tmp_supers1.end());

    // get the signed distance between the two bodies
    double phi = q.signed_distances[k].dist;

    // for each contact constraint 
    for (unsigned i=0; i< q.contact_constraints.size(); i++)
      // zero the Cn, Cs, and Ct iterators
      *Cn_iter = 0.0;
      *Cs_iter = 0.0;
      *Ct_iter = 0.0;

      // see whether constraint will have any effect on this pair of bodies

      // sort the vector so we can do the intersection
      std::sort(tmp_supers2.begin(), tmp_supers2.end());

      // do the intersection
      std::set_intersection(tmp_supers1.begin(), tmp_supers1.end(),
                            tmp_supers2.begin(), tmp_supers2.end(),
      if (isect.empty())

      // apply a test impulse in the normal direction

      // integrates bodies' positions forward
      integrate_positions(isect, DT);

      // compute the signed distance function
      double phi_new = calc_signed_dist(s1, s2);

      // set the appropriate entry of the Jacobian
      *Cn_iter = (phi_new - phi)/DT - q.Cdot_v[k];  Cn_iter++;

      // restore coordinates and velocities
      restore_coords_and_velocities(isect, gc_map, gv_map);

      // apply a test impulse in the first tangent direction

      // integrates bodies' positions forward
      integrate_positions(isect, DT);

      // compute the signed distance function
      phi_new = calc_signed_dist(s1, s2);

      // set the appropriate entry of the Jacobian
      *Cs_iter = (phi_new - phi)/DT - q.Cdot_v[k];  Cs_iter++;

      // restore coordinates and velocities
      restore_coords_and_velocities(isect, gc_map, gv_map);

      // apply a test impulse in the second tangent direction

      // integrates bodies' positions forward
      integrate_positions(isect, DT);

      // compute the signed distance function
      phi_new = calc_signed_dist(s1, s2);

      // set the appropriate entry of the Jacobian
      *Ct_iter = (phi_new - phi)/DT - q.Cdot_v[k];  Ct_iter++;

      // restore coordinates and velocities
      restore_coords_and_velocities(isect, gc_map, gv_map);

    // for each limit constraint 
    for (unsigned i=0; i< q.limit_constraints.size(); i++)
      // zero the LT iterator
      *L_iter = 0.0;

      // see whether constraint will have any effect on this pair of bodies
      std::set_intersection(tmp_supers1.begin(), tmp_supers1.end(),
                            tmp_supers2.begin(), tmp_supers2.end(),
      if (isect.empty())

      // apply a test impulse in the limit direction

      // integrates bodies' positions forward
      integrate_positions(isect, DT);

      // compute the signed distance function
      double phi_new = calc_signed_dist(s1, s2);

      // set the appropriate entry of the Jacobian
      *L_iter = (phi_new - phi)/DT - q.Cdot_v[k];  L_iter++;

      // restore coordinates and velocities
      restore_coords_and_velocities(isect, gc_map, gv_map);
 * \param x the solution is returned here; zeros will be returned at appropriate indices for inactive contacts
void ImpactConstraintHandler::solve_nqp_work(UnilateralConstraintProblemData& q, VectorNd& x)
  const double INF = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

  // setup constants
  const unsigned N_CONTACTS = q.N_CONTACTS;
  const unsigned N_LIMITS = q.N_LIMITS;
  const unsigned CN_IDX = 0;
  const unsigned CS_IDX = N_CONTACTS;
  const unsigned CT_IDX = CS_IDX + N_CONTACTS;
  const unsigned CL_IDX = CT_IDX + N_CONTACTS;
  const unsigned NVARS = N_LIMITS + CL_IDX; 

  // setup the optimization data
  _ipsolver->epd = &q;

  // setup true friction cone for every contact
  for (unsigned i=0; i< N_CONTACTS; i++)
    _ipsolver->mu_c[i] = sqr(q.contact_constraints[i]->contact_mu_coulomb);
    _ipsolver->mu_visc[i] = (sqr(q.Cs_v[i]) + sqr(q.Ct_v[i])) *

  // setup matrices
  MatrixNd& R = _ipsolver->R;
  MatrixNd& H = _ipsolver->H;
  VectorNd& c = _ipsolver->c; 
  VectorNd& z = _ipsolver->z; 

  // init z (particular solution) 

  // first, compute the appropriate nullspace 
    // compute the homogeneous solution
    _A = q.Jx_iM_JxT;
    (_workv = q.Jx_v).negate();
      _LA.solve_LS_fast1(_A, _workv);
    catch (NumericalException e)
      _A = q.Jx_iM_JxT;
      _LA.solve_LS_fast2(_A, _workv);
    z.set_sub_vec(q.ALPHA_X_IDX, _workv);

    // setup blocks of A
    SharedMatrixNd b1 = _A.block(0, N_CONSTRAINT_EQNS_IMP, 0, N_CONTACTS);
    SharedMatrixNd b2 = _A.block(0, N_CONSTRAINT_EQNS_IMP, N_CONTACTS, N_CONTACTS*2);
    SharedMatrixNd b3 = _A.block(0, N_CONSTRAINT_EQNS_IMP, N_CONTACTS*2, N_CONTACTS*3);
    SharedMatrixNd b4 = _A.block(0, N_CONSTRAINT_EQNS_IMP, N_CONTACTS*3, N_CONTACTS*3+N_LIMITS);

    // compute the nullspace
    MatrixNd::transpose(q.Cn_iM_JxT, b1);
    MatrixNd::transpose(q.Cs_iM_JxT, b2);
    MatrixNd::transpose(q.Ct_iM_JxT, b3);
    MatrixNd::transpose(q.L_iM_JxT, b4);
    _LA.nullspace(_A, R);
    // clear the nullspace 

  // get number of qp variables
  const unsigned N_PRIMAL = (R.columns() > 0) ? R.columns() : NVARS;

  // setup number of nonlinear inequality constraints
  const unsigned NONLIN_INEQUAL = N_CONTACTS;

  // init the QP matrix and vector
  H.resize(N_PRIMAL, N_PRIMAL);

  // setup row (block) 1 -- Cn * iM * [Cn' Cs Ct' L']
  unsigned col_start = 0, col_end = N_CONTACTS;
  unsigned row_start = 0, row_end = N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd Cn_iM_CnT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd Cn_iM_CsT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd Cn_iM_CtT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_LIMITS;
  SharedMatrixNd Cn_iM_LT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);

  // setup row (block) 2 -- Cs * iM * [Cn' Cs' Ct' L']
  row_start = row_end; row_end += N_CONTACTS;
  col_start = 0; col_end = N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd Cs_iM_CnT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd Cs_iM_CsT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd Cs_iM_CtT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_LIMITS;
  SharedMatrixNd Cs_iM_LT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);

  // setup row (block) 3 -- Ct * iM * [Cn' Cs' Ct' L']
  row_start = row_end; row_end += N_CONTACTS;
  col_start = 0; col_end = N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd Ct_iM_CnT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd Ct_iM_CsT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd Ct_iM_CtT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_LIMITS;
  SharedMatrixNd Ct_iM_LT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);

  // setup row (block 4) -- L * iM * [Cn' Cs' Ct' L']
  row_start = row_end; row_end += N_LIMITS;
  col_start = 0; col_end = N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd L_iM_CnT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd L_iM_CsT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_CONTACTS;
  SharedMatrixNd L_iM_CtT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  col_start = col_end; col_end += N_LIMITS;
  SharedMatrixNd L_iM_LT = H.block(row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end);
  SharedMatrixNd L_block = H.block(row_start, row_end, 0, col_end);

  // copy to row block 1 (contact normals)
  q.Cn_iM_CnT.get_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS, 0, N_CONTACTS, Cn_iM_CnT);
  q.Cn_iM_CsT.get_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS, 0, N_CONTACTS, Cn_iM_CsT);
  q.Cn_iM_CtT.get_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS, 0, N_CONTACTS, Cn_iM_CtT);
  q.Cn_iM_LT.get_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS, 0, N_LIMITS, Cn_iM_LT);
  // copy to row block 2 (first contact tangents)
  MatrixNd::transpose(Cn_iM_CsT, Cs_iM_CnT);
  q.Cs_iM_CsT.get_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS, 0, N_CONTACTS, Cs_iM_CsT);
  q.Cs_iM_CtT.get_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS, 0, N_CONTACTS, Cs_iM_CtT);
  q.Cs_iM_LT.get_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS, 0, N_LIMITS, Cs_iM_LT);

  // copy to row block 3 (second contact tangents)
  MatrixNd::transpose(Cn_iM_CtT, Ct_iM_CnT);
  MatrixNd::transpose(Cs_iM_CtT, Ct_iM_CsT);
  q.Ct_iM_CtT.get_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS, 0, N_CONTACTS, Ct_iM_CtT);
  q.Ct_iM_LT.get_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS, 0, N_LIMITS, Ct_iM_LT);

  // copy to row block 6 (limits)
  MatrixNd::transpose(Cn_iM_LT, L_iM_CnT);
  MatrixNd::transpose(Cs_iM_LT, L_iM_CsT);
  MatrixNd::transpose(Ct_iM_LT, L_iM_CtT);
  q.L_iM_LT.get_sub_mat(0, N_LIMITS, 0, N_LIMITS, L_iM_LT);

  // get components of c
  SharedVectorNd Cn_v = c.segment(0, N_CONTACTS); 
  SharedVectorNd Cs_v = c.segment(N_CONTACTS, N_CONTACTS*2); 
  SharedVectorNd Ct_v = c.segment(N_CONTACTS*2, N_CONTACTS*3); 
  SharedVectorNd L_v = c.segment(N_CONTACTS*3, N_CONTACTS*3+N_LIMITS); 

  // setup c 
  q.Cn_v.get_sub_vec(0, N_CONTACTS, Cn_v);
  q.Cs_v.get_sub_vec(0, N_CONTACTS, Cs_v);
  q.Ct_v.get_sub_vec(0, N_CONTACTS, Ct_v);
  L_v = q.L_v;

  // ****** now setup linear inequality constraints ******

  // determine whether to use kappa constraint
  const unsigned KAPPA = 1;

  // determine number of linear inequality constraints
  const unsigned N_INEQUAL = q.N_CONTACTS + N_LIMITS + KAPPA;

  // get Cn sub blocks
  SharedConstMatrixNd sub_Cn_Cn = q.Cn_iM_CnT.block(0, q.N_CONTACTS, 0, q.N_CONTACTS);
  SharedConstMatrixNd sub_Cn_Cs = q.Cn_iM_CsT.block(0, q.N_CONTACTS, 0, q.N_CONTACTS);
  SharedConstMatrixNd sub_Cn_Ct = q.Cn_iM_CtT.block(0, q.N_CONTACTS, 0, q.N_CONTACTS);
  SharedConstMatrixNd sub_Cn_L = q.Cn_iM_LT.block(0, q.N_CONTACTS, 0, q.N_LIMITS);

  // setup Cn block
  MatrixNd& Cn_block = _ipsolver->Cn_block;
  Cn_block.resize(q.N_CONTACTS, NVARS);
  Cn_block.set_sub_mat(0, 0, sub_Cn_Cn); 
  Cn_block.set_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS, sub_Cn_Cs); 
  Cn_block.set_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS*2, sub_Cn_Ct); 
  Cn_block.set_sub_mat(0, N_CONTACTS*3, sub_Cn_L); 

  // verify that L_block can be reset
  _ipsolver->L_block = L_block;
  _ipsolver->Cn_v = q.Cn_v.segment(0, N_CONTACTS);

  // setup optimizations in nullspace (if necessary)
  if (R.columns() > 0)
    R.transpose_mult(H, _RTH);
    _RTH.mult(R, H);
    R.transpose_mult(c, _workv);
    c = _workv;
    _RTH.mult(z, _workv);
    c += _workv;

   FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "ImpactConstraintHandler::solve_nqp_work() entered" << std::endl;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Cn * inv(M) * Cn': " << std::endl << q.Cn_iM_CnT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Cn * inv(M) * Cs': " << std::endl << q.Cn_iM_CsT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Cn * inv(M) * Ct': " << std::endl << q.Cn_iM_CtT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Cn * inv(M) * L': " << std::endl << q.Cn_iM_LT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Cn * inv(M) * Jx': " << std::endl << q.Cn_iM_JxT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Cs * inv(M) * Cs': " << std::endl << q.Cs_iM_CsT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Cs * inv(M) * Ct': " << std::endl << q.Cs_iM_CtT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Cs * inv(M) * L': " << std::endl << q.Cs_iM_LT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Cs * inv(M) * Jx': " << std::endl << q.Cs_iM_JxT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Ct * inv(M) * Ct': " << std::endl << q.Ct_iM_CtT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Ct * inv(M) * L': " << std::endl << q.Ct_iM_LT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Ct * inv(M) * Jx': " << std::endl << q.Ct_iM_JxT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  L * inv(M) * L': " << std::endl << q.L_iM_LT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  L * inv(M) * Jx': " << std::endl << q.L_iM_JxT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Jx * inv(M) * Jx': " << std::endl << q.Jx_iM_JxT;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Cn * v: " << q.Cn_v << std::endl;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Cs * v: " << q.Cs_v << std::endl;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Ct * v: " << q.Ct_v << std::endl;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  L * v: " << q.L_v << std::endl;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "  Jx * v: " << q.Jx_v << std::endl;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "H matrix: " << std::endl << H;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "c vector: " << c << std::endl;

  // setup ipopt options
  _app.Options()->SetIntegerValue("print_level", 0);
  _app.Options()->SetNumericValue("constr_viol_tol", 0.0005);
//  _app.Options()->SetIntegerValue("max_iter", 10000);
//  _app.Options()->SetStringValue("derivative_test", "second-order");

  // set the ipsolver tolerance on the Coulomb friction and kappa constraints
  _ipsolver->_tol = 0.0;

  // solve the nonlinear QP using the interior-point algorithm 
  Ipopt::ApplicationReturnStatus status = _app.OptimizeTNLP(_ipsolver);

  // look for acceptable solve conditions
  if (!(status == Ipopt::Solve_Succeeded || 
        status == Ipopt::Solved_To_Acceptable_Level)) 
    throw std::runtime_error("Could not solve nonlinearly constrained QP");

  // get the final solution out
  SharedVectorNd cn = _ipsolver->z.segment(0, N_CONTACTS);
  SharedVectorNd cs = _ipsolver->z.segment(N_CONTACTS, N_CONTACTS*2);
  SharedVectorNd ct = _ipsolver->z.segment(N_CONTACTS*2, N_CONTACTS*3);
  SharedVectorNd l =  _ipsolver->z.segment(N_CONTACTS*3, N_CONTACTS*3+q.N_LIMITS);

  // put x in the expected format
  x.set_sub_vec(q.CN_IDX, cn);
  x.set_sub_vec(q.CS_IDX, cs);
  x.set_sub_vec(q.CT_IDX, ct);
  x.set_sub_vec(q.L_IDX, l);

  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "nonlinear QP solution: " << x << std::endl; 
    VectorNd workv;
    SharedVectorNd xsub = _ipsolver->z.segment(0, c.rows());
    H.mult(xsub, workv) *= 0.5;
    workv += c;
    FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "(signed) computed energy dissipation: " << xsub.dot(workv) << std::endl;
  FILE_LOG(LOG_CONSTRAINT) << "ImpactConstraintHandler::solve_nqp() exited" << std::endl;