static void replaceShuffleVectorWithByteSwap64(
    ShuffleVectorInst *SI, SmallVector<int, 16> &RefMasks)
    Value *LHS = SI->getOperand(0);
    Value *RHS = SI->getOperand(1);
    VectorType *LHSType = cast<VectorType>(LHS->getType());
    VectorType *RHSType = cast<VectorType>(RHS->getType());
    unsigned LHSWidth = LHSType->getBitWidth();
    errs() << "In Replace: " << LHSWidth << "\n";
    unsigned RHSWidth = RHSType->getBitWidth();

    //ReplaceWork begins
    //TODO:Make it automatic and compact

    unsigned ITEMNUM = LHSWidth / 64;
    VectorType *Ty1 = VectorType::get(

    BitCastInst *BCI1 = new BitCastInst(
        LHS, Ty1, "", SI);

    //TODO:Remove ShuffleVectorInst
    SmallVector<Constant *, 16> BigMasks;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ITEMNUM; ++i) {
        APInt num(32, ITEMNUM - i - 1);
    Constant *Masks = ConstantVector::get(BigMasks);
    ShuffleVectorInst *SVI = new ShuffleVectorInst(
        BCI1, UndefValue::get(BCI1->getType()),
        Masks,//Mask is ConstantVector

    SmallVector<CallInst *, 16> CIS;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ITEMNUM; ++i) {
        ConstantInt *CI =
                    SI->getContext()), i);
        ExtractElementInst *EEI = ExtractElementInst::Create(
            SVI, CI, "", SI);

        Module *M = SI->getParent()->getParent()->getParent();
        Constant *Int = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(
            M, Intrinsic::bswap, EEI->getType());
        Value *Op = EEI;
        CallInst *CaI = CallInst::Create(Int, Op, "", SI);

    VectorType *Ty2 = VectorType::get(

    BitCastInst *BCIW = new BitCastInst(
        CIS[0], Ty2, "", SI);

    Value *V = BCIW;
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < CIS.size(); ++i) {
        Value *Elt = CIS[i];
        InsertElementInst *IEI =
                V, Elt,
                ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(SI->getContext()), 0),
                "", SI);
        V = IEI;

    return ;
예제 #2
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitShuffleVectorInst(ShuffleVectorInst &SVI) {
  Value *LHS = SVI.getOperand(0);
  Value *RHS = SVI.getOperand(1);
  SmallVector<int, 16> Mask = SVI.getShuffleMask();
  Type *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(SVI.getContext());

  bool MadeChange = false;

  // Undefined shuffle mask -> undefined value.
  if (isa<UndefValue>(SVI.getOperand(2)))
    return replaceInstUsesWith(SVI, UndefValue::get(SVI.getType()));

  unsigned VWidth = cast<VectorType>(SVI.getType())->getNumElements();

  APInt UndefElts(VWidth, 0);
  APInt AllOnesEltMask(APInt::getAllOnesValue(VWidth));
  if (Value *V = SimplifyDemandedVectorElts(&SVI, AllOnesEltMask, UndefElts)) {
    if (V != &SVI)
      return replaceInstUsesWith(SVI, V);
    LHS = SVI.getOperand(0);
    RHS = SVI.getOperand(1);
    MadeChange = true;

  unsigned LHSWidth = cast<VectorType>(LHS->getType())->getNumElements();

  // Canonicalize shuffle(x    ,x,mask) -> shuffle(x, undef,mask')
  // Canonicalize shuffle(undef,x,mask) -> shuffle(x, undef,mask').
  if (LHS == RHS || isa<UndefValue>(LHS)) {
    if (isa<UndefValue>(LHS) && LHS == RHS) {
      // shuffle(undef,undef,mask) -> undef.
      Value *Result = (VWidth == LHSWidth)
                      ? LHS : UndefValue::get(SVI.getType());
      return replaceInstUsesWith(SVI, Result);

    // Remap any references to RHS to use LHS.
    SmallVector<Constant*, 16> Elts;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = LHSWidth; i != VWidth; ++i) {
      if (Mask[i] < 0) {

      if ((Mask[i] >= (int)e && isa<UndefValue>(RHS)) ||
          (Mask[i] <  (int)e && isa<UndefValue>(LHS))) {
        Mask[i] = -1;     // Turn into undef.
      } else {
        Mask[i] = Mask[i] % e;  // Force to LHS.
        Elts.push_back(ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, Mask[i]));
    SVI.setOperand(0, SVI.getOperand(1));
    SVI.setOperand(1, UndefValue::get(RHS->getType()));
    SVI.setOperand(2, ConstantVector::get(Elts));
    LHS = SVI.getOperand(0);
    RHS = SVI.getOperand(1);
    MadeChange = true;

  if (VWidth == LHSWidth) {
    // Analyze the shuffle, are the LHS or RHS and identity shuffles?
    bool isLHSID, isRHSID;
    recognizeIdentityMask(Mask, isLHSID, isRHSID);

    // Eliminate identity shuffles.
    if (isLHSID) return replaceInstUsesWith(SVI, LHS);
    if (isRHSID) return replaceInstUsesWith(SVI, RHS);

  if (isa<UndefValue>(RHS) && CanEvaluateShuffled(LHS, Mask)) {
    Value *V = EvaluateInDifferentElementOrder(LHS, Mask);
    return replaceInstUsesWith(SVI, V);

  // SROA generates shuffle+bitcast when the extracted sub-vector is bitcast to
  // a non-vector type. We can instead bitcast the original vector followed by
  // an extract of the desired element:
  //   %sroa = shufflevector <16 x i8> %in, <16 x i8> undef,
  //                         <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>
  //   %1 = bitcast <4 x i8> %sroa to i32
  // Becomes:
  //   %bc = bitcast <16 x i8> %in to <4 x i32>
  //   %ext = extractelement <4 x i32> %bc, i32 0
  // If the shuffle is extracting a contiguous range of values from the input
  // vector then each use which is a bitcast of the extracted size can be
  // replaced. This will work if the vector types are compatible, and the begin
  // index is aligned to a value in the casted vector type. If the begin index
  // isn't aligned then we can shuffle the original vector (keeping the same
  // vector type) before extracting.
  // This code will bail out if the target type is fundamentally incompatible
  // with vectors of the source type.
  // Example of <16 x i8>, target type i32:
  // Index range [4,8):         v-----------v Will work.
  //                +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
  //     <16 x i8>: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
  //     <4 x i32>: |           |           |           |           |
  //                +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
  // Index range [6,10):              ^-----------^ Needs an extra shuffle.
  // Target type i40:           ^--------------^ Won't work, bail.
  if (isShuffleExtractingFromLHS(SVI, Mask)) {
    Value *V = LHS;
    unsigned MaskElems = Mask.size();
    unsigned BegIdx = Mask.front();
    VectorType *SrcTy = cast<VectorType>(V->getType());
    unsigned VecBitWidth = SrcTy->getBitWidth();
    unsigned SrcElemBitWidth = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(SrcTy->getElementType());
    assert(SrcElemBitWidth && "vector elements must have a bitwidth");
    unsigned SrcNumElems = SrcTy->getNumElements();
    SmallVector<BitCastInst *, 8> BCs;
    DenseMap<Type *, Value *> NewBCs;
    for (User *U : SVI.users())
      if (BitCastInst *BC = dyn_cast<BitCastInst>(U))
        if (!BC->use_empty())
          // Only visit bitcasts that weren't previously handled.
    for (BitCastInst *BC : BCs) {
      Type *TgtTy = BC->getDestTy();
      unsigned TgtElemBitWidth = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(TgtTy);
      if (!TgtElemBitWidth)
      unsigned TgtNumElems = VecBitWidth / TgtElemBitWidth;
      bool VecBitWidthsEqual = VecBitWidth == TgtNumElems * TgtElemBitWidth;
      bool BegIsAligned = 0 == ((SrcElemBitWidth * BegIdx) % TgtElemBitWidth);
      if (!VecBitWidthsEqual)
      if (!VectorType::isValidElementType(TgtTy))
      VectorType *CastSrcTy = VectorType::get(TgtTy, TgtNumElems);
      if (!BegIsAligned) {
        // Shuffle the input so [0,NumElements) contains the output, and
        // [NumElems,SrcNumElems) is undef.
        SmallVector<Constant *, 16> ShuffleMask(SrcNumElems,
        for (unsigned I = 0, E = MaskElems, Idx = BegIdx; I != E; ++Idx, ++I)
          ShuffleMask[I] = ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, Idx);
        V = Builder->CreateShuffleVector(V, UndefValue::get(V->getType()),
                                         SVI.getName() + ".extract");
        BegIdx = 0;
      unsigned SrcElemsPerTgtElem = TgtElemBitWidth / SrcElemBitWidth;
      BegIdx /= SrcElemsPerTgtElem;
      bool BCAlreadyExists = NewBCs.find(CastSrcTy) != NewBCs.end();
      auto *NewBC =
              ? NewBCs[CastSrcTy]
              : Builder->CreateBitCast(V, CastSrcTy, SVI.getName() + ".bc");
      if (!BCAlreadyExists)
        NewBCs[CastSrcTy] = NewBC;
      auto *Ext = Builder->CreateExtractElement(
          NewBC, ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, BegIdx), SVI.getName() + ".extract");
      // The shufflevector isn't being replaced: the bitcast that used it
      // is. InstCombine will visit the newly-created instructions.
      replaceInstUsesWith(*BC, Ext);
      MadeChange = true;

  // If the LHS is a shufflevector itself, see if we can combine it with this
  // one without producing an unusual shuffle.
  // Cases that might be simplified:
  // 1.
  // x1=shuffle(v1,v2,mask1)
  //  x=shuffle(x1,undef,mask)
  //        ==>
  //  x=shuffle(v1,undef,newMask)
  // newMask[i] = (mask[i] < x1.size()) ? mask1[mask[i]] : -1
  // 2.
  // x1=shuffle(v1,undef,mask1)
  //  x=shuffle(x1,x2,mask)
  // where v1.size() == mask1.size()
  //        ==>
  //  x=shuffle(v1,x2,newMask)
  // newMask[i] = (mask[i] < x1.size()) ? mask1[mask[i]] : mask[i]
  // 3.
  // x2=shuffle(v2,undef,mask2)
  //  x=shuffle(x1,x2,mask)
  // where v2.size() == mask2.size()
  //        ==>
  //  x=shuffle(x1,v2,newMask)
  // newMask[i] = (mask[i] < x1.size())
  //              ? mask[i] : mask2[mask[i]-x1.size()]+x1.size()
  // 4.
  // x1=shuffle(v1,undef,mask1)
  // x2=shuffle(v2,undef,mask2)
  //  x=shuffle(x1,x2,mask)
  // where v1.size() == v2.size()
  //        ==>
  //  x=shuffle(v1,v2,newMask)
  // newMask[i] = (mask[i] < x1.size())
  //              ? mask1[mask[i]] : mask2[mask[i]-x1.size()]+v1.size()
  // Here we are really conservative:
  // we are absolutely afraid of producing a shuffle mask not in the input
  // program, because the code gen may not be smart enough to turn a merged
  // shuffle into two specific shuffles: it may produce worse code.  As such,
  // we only merge two shuffles if the result is either a splat or one of the
  // input shuffle masks.  In this case, merging the shuffles just removes
  // one instruction, which we know is safe.  This is good for things like
  // turning: (splat(splat)) -> splat, or
  // merge(V[0..n], V[n+1..2n]) -> V[0..2n]
  ShuffleVectorInst* LHSShuffle = dyn_cast<ShuffleVectorInst>(LHS);
  ShuffleVectorInst* RHSShuffle = dyn_cast<ShuffleVectorInst>(RHS);
  if (LHSShuffle)
    if (!isa<UndefValue>(LHSShuffle->getOperand(1)) && !isa<UndefValue>(RHS))
      LHSShuffle = nullptr;
  if (RHSShuffle)
    if (!isa<UndefValue>(RHSShuffle->getOperand(1)))
      RHSShuffle = nullptr;
  if (!LHSShuffle && !RHSShuffle)
    return MadeChange ? &SVI : nullptr;

  Value* LHSOp0 = nullptr;
  Value* LHSOp1 = nullptr;
  Value* RHSOp0 = nullptr;
  unsigned LHSOp0Width = 0;
  unsigned RHSOp0Width = 0;
  if (LHSShuffle) {
    LHSOp0 = LHSShuffle->getOperand(0);
    LHSOp1 = LHSShuffle->getOperand(1);
    LHSOp0Width = cast<VectorType>(LHSOp0->getType())->getNumElements();
  if (RHSShuffle) {
    RHSOp0 = RHSShuffle->getOperand(0);
    RHSOp0Width = cast<VectorType>(RHSOp0->getType())->getNumElements();
  Value* newLHS = LHS;
  Value* newRHS = RHS;
  if (LHSShuffle) {
    // case 1
    if (isa<UndefValue>(RHS)) {
      newLHS = LHSOp0;
      newRHS = LHSOp1;
    // case 2 or 4
    else if (LHSOp0Width == LHSWidth) {
      newLHS = LHSOp0;
  // case 3 or 4
  if (RHSShuffle && RHSOp0Width == LHSWidth) {
    newRHS = RHSOp0;
  // case 4
  if (LHSOp0 == RHSOp0) {
    newLHS = LHSOp0;
    newRHS = nullptr;

  if (newLHS == LHS && newRHS == RHS)
    return MadeChange ? &SVI : nullptr;

  SmallVector<int, 16> LHSMask;
  SmallVector<int, 16> RHSMask;
  if (newLHS != LHS)
    LHSMask = LHSShuffle->getShuffleMask();
  if (RHSShuffle && newRHS != RHS)
    RHSMask = RHSShuffle->getShuffleMask();

  unsigned newLHSWidth = (newLHS != LHS) ? LHSOp0Width : LHSWidth;
  SmallVector<int, 16> newMask;
  bool isSplat = true;
  int SplatElt = -1;
  // Create a new mask for the new ShuffleVectorInst so that the new
  // ShuffleVectorInst is equivalent to the original one.
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < VWidth; ++i) {
    int eltMask;
    if (Mask[i] < 0) {
      // This element is an undef value.
      eltMask = -1;
    } else if (Mask[i] < (int)LHSWidth) {
      // This element is from left hand side vector operand.
      // If LHS is going to be replaced (case 1, 2, or 4), calculate the
      // new mask value for the element.
      if (newLHS != LHS) {
        eltMask = LHSMask[Mask[i]];
        // If the value selected is an undef value, explicitly specify it
        // with a -1 mask value.
        if (eltMask >= (int)LHSOp0Width && isa<UndefValue>(LHSOp1))
          eltMask = -1;
      } else
        eltMask = Mask[i];
    } else {
      // This element is from right hand side vector operand
      // If the value selected is an undef value, explicitly specify it
      // with a -1 mask value. (case 1)
      if (isa<UndefValue>(RHS))
        eltMask = -1;
      // If RHS is going to be replaced (case 3 or 4), calculate the
      // new mask value for the element.
      else if (newRHS != RHS) {
        eltMask = RHSMask[Mask[i]-LHSWidth];
        // If the value selected is an undef value, explicitly specify it
        // with a -1 mask value.
        if (eltMask >= (int)RHSOp0Width) {
                 && "should have been check above");
          eltMask = -1;
      } else
        eltMask = Mask[i]-LHSWidth;

      // If LHS's width is changed, shift the mask value accordingly.
      // If newRHS == NULL, i.e. LHSOp0 == RHSOp0, we want to remap any
      // references from RHSOp0 to LHSOp0, so we don't need to shift the mask.
      // If newRHS == newLHS, we want to remap any references from newRHS to
      // newLHS so that we can properly identify splats that may occur due to
      // obfuscation across the two vectors.
      if (eltMask >= 0 && newRHS != nullptr && newLHS != newRHS)
        eltMask += newLHSWidth;

    // Check if this could still be a splat.
    if (eltMask >= 0) {
      if (SplatElt >= 0 && SplatElt != eltMask)
        isSplat = false;
      SplatElt = eltMask;


  // If the result mask is equal to one of the original shuffle masks,
  // or is a splat, do the replacement.
  if (isSplat || newMask == LHSMask || newMask == RHSMask || newMask == Mask) {
    SmallVector<Constant*, 16> Elts;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = newMask.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      if (newMask[i] < 0) {
      } else {
        Elts.push_back(ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, newMask[i]));
    if (!newRHS)
      newRHS = UndefValue::get(newLHS->getType());
    return new ShuffleVectorInst(newLHS, newRHS, ConstantVector::get(Elts));

  // If the result mask is an identity, replace uses of this instruction with
  // corresponding argument.
  bool isLHSID, isRHSID;
  recognizeIdentityMask(newMask, isLHSID, isRHSID);
  if (isLHSID && VWidth == LHSOp0Width) return replaceInstUsesWith(SVI, newLHS);
  if (isRHSID && VWidth == RHSOp0Width) return replaceInstUsesWith(SVI, newRHS);

  return MadeChange ? &SVI : nullptr;