예제 #1
파일: linprog.cpp 프로젝트: Codermay/libigl
IGL_INLINE bool igl::linprog(
  const Eigen::VectorXd & c,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & _A,
  const Eigen::VectorXd & b,
  const int k,
  Eigen::VectorXd & x)
  // This is a very literal translation of
  // http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/2166-introduction-to-linear-algebra/content/strang/linprog.m
  using namespace Eigen;
  using namespace std;
  bool success = true;
  // number of constraints
  const int m = _A.rows();
  // number of original variables
  const int n = _A.cols();
  // number of iterations
  int it = 0;
  // maximum number of iterations
  //const int MAXIT = 10*m;
  const int MAXIT = 100*m;
  // residual tolerance
  const double tol = 1e-10;
  const auto & sign = [](const Eigen::VectorXd & B) -> Eigen::VectorXd
    Eigen::VectorXd Bsign(B.size());
    for(int i = 0;i<B.size();i++)
      Bsign(i) = B(i)>0?1:(B(i)<0?-1:0);
    return Bsign;
  // initial (inverse) basis matrix
  VectorXd Dv = sign(sign(b).array()+0.5);
  MatrixXd D = Dv.asDiagonal();
  // Incorporate slack variables
  MatrixXd A(_A.rows(),_A.cols()+D.cols());
  // Initial basis
  VectorXi B = igl::colon<int>(n,n+m-1);
  // non-basis, may turn out that vector<> would be better here
  VectorXi N = igl::colon<int>(0,n-1);
  int j;
  double bmin = b.minCoeff(&j);
  int phase;
  VectorXd xb;
  VectorXd s;
  VectorXi J;
  if(k>0 && bmin<0)
    phase = 1;
    xb = VectorXd::Ones(m);
    // super cost
    // [0 1 2 3 4]
    //      ^
    // [0 1]
    //      [3 4]
    J.head(j) = B.head(j);
    J.tail(B.size()-j-1) = B.tail(B.size()-j-1);
    B(j) = n+m;
    MatrixXd AJ;
    const VectorXd a = b - AJ.rowwise().sum();
      MatrixXd old_A = A;
    D.col(j) = -a/a(j);
    D(j,j) = 1./a(j);
  }else if(k==m)
    phase = 2;
    xb = b;
    // cost function
  }else //k = 0 or bmin >=0
    phase = 1;
    xb = b.array().abs();
    // super cost
    double df = -1;
    int t = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    // Lagrange mutipliers fro Ax=b
    VectorXd yb = D.transpose() * igl::slice(s,B);
      if(MAXIT>0 && it>=MAXIT)
        cerr<<"linprog: warning! maximum iterations without convergence."<<endl;
        success = false;
      // no freedom for minimization
      if(N.size() == 0)
      // reduced costs
      VectorXd sN = igl::slice(s,N);
      MatrixXd AN = igl::slice(A,N,2);
      VectorXd r = sN - AN.transpose() * yb;
      int q;
      // determine new basic variable
      double rmin = r.minCoeff(&q);
      // optimal! infinity norm
      // increment iteration count
      // apply Bland's rule to avoid cycling
        if(MAXIT == -1)
          cerr<<"linprog: warning! degenerate vertex"<<endl;
          success = false;
        double Nq = igl::slice(N,J).minCoeff();
        // again seems like q is assumed to be a scalar though matlab code
        // could produce a vector for multiple matches
      VectorXd d = D*A.col(N(q));
      VectorXi I;
      if(I.size() == 0)
        cerr<<"linprog: warning! solution is unbounded"<<endl;
        // This seems dubious:
        success = false;
      VectorXd xbd = igl::slice(xb,I).array()/igl::slice(d,I).array();
      // new use of r
      int p;
        double r;
        r = xbd.minCoeff(&p);
        p = I(p);
        // apply Bland's rule to avoid cycling
          double Bp = igl::slice(B,igl::slice(I,J)).minCoeff();
          // idiotic way of finding index in B of Bp
          // code down the line seems to assume p is a scalar though the matlab
          // code could find a vector of matches)
        // update x
        xb -= r*d;
        xb(p) = r;
        // change in f
        df = r*rmin;
      // row vector
      RowVectorXd v = D.row(p)/d(p);
      yb += v.transpose() * (s(N(q)) - d.transpose()*igl::slice(s,B));
      // update inverse basis matrix
      D = D - d*v;
      t = B(p);
      B(p) = N(q);
        // remove qth entry from N
        VectorXi old_N = N;
        N.head(q) = old_N.head(q);
        N.head(q) = old_N.head(q);
        N.tail(old_N.size()-q-1) = old_N.tail(old_N.size()-q-1);
        N(q) = t;
    // iterative refinement
    xb = (xb+D*(b-igl::slice(A,B,2)*xb)).eval();
    // must be due to rounding
    VectorXi I;
      // so correct
      VectorXd Z = VectorXd::Zero(I.size(),1);
    // B, xb,n,m,res=A(:,B)*xb-b
    if(phase == 2 || it<0)
    if(xb.transpose()*igl::slice(s,B) > tol)
      it = -it;
      cerr<<"linprog: warning, no feasible solution"<<endl;
      success = false;
    // re-initialize for Phase 2
    phase = phase+1;
    s.head(n) = c;
  x = x.head(n).eval();
  return success;
예제 #2
파일: kmeans.cpp 프로젝트: cpieloth/mne-cpp
bool KMeans::onlineUpdate(MatrixXd& X, MatrixXd& C, VectorXi& idx)
    // Initialize some cluster information prior to phase two
    MatrixXd Xmid1;
    MatrixXd Xmid2;
    if (m_sDistance.compare("cityblock") == 0)
        Xmid1 = MatrixXd::Zero(k,p);
        Xmid2 = MatrixXd::Zero(k,p);
        for(qint32 i = 0; i < k; ++i)
            if (m[i] > 0)
                // Separate out sorted coords for points in i'th cluster,
                // and save values above and below median, component-wise
                MatrixXd Xsorted(m[i],p);
                qint32 c = 0;
                for(qint32 j = 0; j < idx.rows(); ++j)
                    if(idx[j] == i)
                        Xsorted.row(c) = X.row(j);
                for(qint32 j = 0; j < Xsorted.cols(); ++j)

                qint32 nn = floor(0.5*m[i])-1;
                if ((m[i] % 2) == 0)
                    Xmid1.row(i) = Xsorted.row(nn);
                    Xmid2.row(i) = Xsorted.row(nn+1);
                else if (m[i] > 1)
                    Xmid1.row(i) = Xsorted.row(nn);
                    Xmid2.row(i) = Xsorted.row(nn+2);
                    Xmid1.row(i) = Xsorted.row(0);
                    Xmid2.row(i) = Xsorted.row(0);
    else if (m_sDistance.compare("hamming") == 0)
//    Xsum = zeros(k,p);
//    for i = 1:k
//        if m(i) > 0
//            % Sum coords for points in i'th cluster, component-wise
//            Xsum(i,:) = sum(X(idx==i,:), 1);
//        end
//    end

    // Begin phase two:  single reassignments
    VectorXi changed = VectorXi(m.rows());
    qint32 count = 0;
    for(qint32 i = 0; i < m.rows(); ++i)
        if(m[i] > 0)
            changed[count] = i;

    qint32 lastmoved = 0;
    qint32 nummoved = 0;
    qint32 iter1 = iter;
    bool converged = false;
    while (iter < m_iMaxit)
        // Calculate distances to each cluster from each point, and the
        // potential change in total sum of errors for adding or removing
        // each point from each cluster.  Clusters that have not changed
        // membership need not be updated.
        // Singleton clusters are a special case for the sum of dists
        // calculation.  Removing their only point is never best, so the
        // reassignment criterion had better guarantee that a singleton
        // point will stay in its own cluster.  Happily, we get
        // Del(i,idx(i)) == 0 automatically for them.

        if (m_sDistance.compare("sqeuclidean") == 0)
            for(qint32 j = 0; j < changed.rows(); ++j)
                qint32 i = changed[j];
                VectorXi mbrs = VectorXi::Zero(idx.rows());
                for(qint32 l = 0; l < idx.rows(); ++l)
                    if(idx[l] == i)
                        mbrs[l] = 1;

                VectorXi sgn = 1 - 2 * mbrs.array(); // -1 for members, 1 for nonmembers

                if (m[i] == 1)
                    for(qint32 l = 0; l < mbrs.rows(); ++l)
                            sgn[l] = 0; // prevent divide-by-zero for singleton mbrs

                Del.col(i) = ((double)m[i] / ((double)m[i] + sgn.cast<double>().array()));

                Del.col(i).array() *= (X - C.row(i).replicate(n,1)).array().pow(2).rowwise().sum().array();
        else if (m_sDistance.compare("cityblock") == 0)
            for(qint32 j = 0; j < changed.rows(); ++j)
                qint32 i = changed[j];
                if (m(i) % 2 == 0) // this will never catch singleton clusters
                    MatrixXd ldist = Xmid1.row(i).replicate(n,1) - X;
                    MatrixXd rdist = X - Xmid2.row(i).replicate(n,1);
                    VectorXd mbrs = VectorXd::Zero(idx.rows());

                    for(qint32 l = 0; l < idx.rows(); ++l)
                        if(idx[l] == i)
                            mbrs[l] = 1;
                    MatrixXd sgn = ((-2*mbrs).array() + 1).replicate(1, p); // -1 for members, 1 for nonmembers
                    rdist = sgn.array()*rdist.array(); ldist = sgn.array()*ldist.array();

                    for(qint32 l = 0; l < idx.rows(); ++l)
                        double sum = 0;
                        for(qint32 h = 0; h < rdist.cols(); ++h)
                            sum += rdist(l,h) > ldist(l,h) ? rdist(l,h) < 0 ? 0 : rdist(l,h) : ldist(l,h) < 0 ? 0 : ldist(l,h);
                        Del(l,i) = sum;
                    Del.col(i) = ((X - C.row(i).replicate(n,1)).array().abs()).rowwise().sum();
        else if (m_sDistance.compare("cosine") == 0 || m_sDistance.compare("correlation") == 0)
            // The points are normalized, centroids are not, so normalize them
            MatrixXd normC = C.array().pow(2).rowwise().sum().sqrt();
//            if any(normC < eps(class(normC))) % small relative to unit-length data points
//                error('Zero cluster centroid created at iteration %d during replicate %d.',iter, rep);
//            end
            // This can be done without a loop, but the loop saves memory allocations
            MatrixXd XCi;
            qint32 i;
            for(qint32 j = 0; j < changed.rows(); ++j)
                i = changed[j];
                XCi = X * C.row(i).transpose();

                VectorXi mbrs = VectorXi::Zero(idx.rows());
                for(qint32 l = 0; l < idx.rows(); ++l)
                    if(idx[l] == i)
                        mbrs[l] = 1;

                VectorXi sgn = 1 - 2 * mbrs.array(); // -1 for members, 1 for nonmembers

                double A = (double)m[i] * normC(i,0);
                double B = pow(((double)m[i] * normC(i,0)),2);

                Del.col(i) = 1 + sgn.cast<double>().array()*
                        (A - (B + 2 * sgn.cast<double>().array() * m[i] * XCi.array() + 1).sqrt());

                std::cout << "Del.col(i)\n" << Del.col(i) << std::endl;

//                Del(:,i) = 1 + sgn .*...
//                      (m(i).*normC(i) - sqrt((m(i).*normC(i)).^2 + 2.*sgn.*m(i).*XCi + 1));
        else if (m_sDistance.compare("hamming") == 0)
//            for i = changed
//                if mod(m(i),2) == 0 % this will never catch singleton clusters
//                    % coords with an unequal number of 0s and 1s have a
//                    % different contribution than coords with an equal
//                    % number
//                    unequal01 = find(2*Xsum(i,:) ~= m(i));
//                    numequal01 = p - length(unequal01);
//                    mbrs = (idx == i);
//                    Di = abs(X(:,unequal01) - C(repmat(i,n,1),unequal01));
//                    Del(:,i) = (sum(Di, 2) + mbrs*numequal01) / p;
//                else
//                    Del(:,i) = sum(abs(X - C(repmat(i,n,1),:)), 2) / p;
//                end
//            end

        // Determine best possible move, if any, for each point.  Next we
        // will pick one from those that actually did move.
        previdx = idx;
        prevtotsumD = totsumD;

        VectorXi nidx = VectorXi::Zero(Del.rows());
        VectorXd minDel = VectorXd::Zero(Del.rows());

        for(qint32 i = 0; i < Del.rows(); ++i)
            minDel[i] = Del.row(i).minCoeff(&nidx[i]);

        VectorXi moved = VectorXi::Zero(previdx.rows());
        qint32 count = 0;
        for(qint32 i = 0; i < moved.rows(); ++i)
            if(previdx[i] != nidx[i])
                moved[count] = i;

        if (moved.sum() > 0)
            // Resolve ties in favor of not moving
            VectorXi moved_new = VectorXi::Zero(moved.rows());
            count = 0;
            for(qint32 i = 0; i < moved.rows(); ++i)
                if ( Del.array()(previdx[moved(i)]*n + moved(i)) > minDel(moved(i)))
                    moved_new[count] = moved[i];
            moved = moved_new;

        if (moved.rows() <= 0)
            // Count an iteration if phase 2 did nothing at all, or if we're
            // in the middle of a pass through all the points
            if ((iter == iter1) || nummoved > 0)

//                printf("%6d\t%6d\t%8d\t%12g\n",iter,2,nummoved,totsumD);
            converged = true;

        // Pick the next move in cyclic order
        VectorXi moved_new(moved.rows());
        for(qint32 i = 0; i < moved.rows(); ++i)
            moved_new[i] = ((moved[i] - lastmoved) % n) + lastmoved;

        moved[0] = moved_new.minCoeff() % n;//+1

        // If we've gone once through all the points, that's an iteration
        if (moved[0] <= lastmoved)
//            printf("%6d\t%6d\t%8d\t%12g\n",iter,2,nummoved,totsumD);
            if(iter >= m_iMaxit)
            nummoved = 0;
        lastmoved = moved[0];

        qint32 oidx = idx(moved[0]);
        nidx[0] = nidx(moved[0]);
        totsumD += Del(moved[0],nidx[0]) - Del(moved[0],oidx);

        // Update the cluster index vector, and the old and new cluster
        // counts and centroids
        idx[ moved[0] ] = nidx[0];
        m( nidx[0] ) = m( nidx[0] ) + 1;
        m( oidx ) = m( oidx ) - 1;

        if (m_sDistance.compare("sqeuclidean") == 0)
            C.row(nidx[0]) = C.row(nidx[0]).array() + (X.row(moved[0]) - C.row(nidx[0])).array() / m[nidx[0]];
            C.row(oidx) = C.row(oidx).array() - (X.row(moved[0]) - C.row(oidx)).array() / m[oidx];
        else if (m_sDistance.compare("cityblock") == 0)
            VectorXi onidx(2);
            onidx << oidx, nidx[0];//ToDo always right?

            qint32 i;
            for(qint32 h = 0; h < 2; ++h)
                i = onidx[h];
                // Separate out sorted coords for points in each cluster.
                // New centroid is the coord median, save values above and
                // below median.  All done component-wise.
                MatrixXd Xsorted(m[i],p);
                qint32 c = 0;
                for(qint32 j = 0; j < idx.rows(); ++j)
                    if(idx[j] == i)
                        Xsorted.row(c) = X.row(j);
                for(qint32 j = 0; j < Xsorted.cols(); ++j)

                qint32 nn = floor(0.5*m[i])-1;
                if ((m[i] % 2) == 0)
                    C.row(i) = 0.5 * (Xsorted.row(nn) + Xsorted.row(nn+1));
                    Xmid1.row(i) = Xsorted.row(nn);
                    Xmid2.row(i) = Xsorted.row(nn+1);
                    C.row(i) = Xsorted.row(nn+1);
                    if (m(i) > 1)
                        Xmid1.row(i) = Xsorted.row(nn);
                        Xmid2.row(i) = Xsorted.row(nn+2);
                        Xmid1.row(i) = Xsorted.row(0);
                        Xmid2.row(i) = Xsorted.row(0);
        else if (m_sDistance.compare("cosine") == 0 || m_sDistance.compare("correlation") == 0)
            C.row(nidx[0]).array() += (X.row(moved[0]) - C.row(nidx[0])).array() / m[nidx[0]];
            C.row(oidx).array() += (X.row(moved[0]) - C.row(oidx)).array() / m[oidx];
        else if (m_sDistance.compare("hamming") == 0)
//                % Update summed coords for points in each cluster.  New
//                % centroid is the coord median.  All done component-wise.
//                Xsum(nidx,:) = Xsum(nidx,:) + X(moved,:);
//                Xsum(oidx,:) = Xsum(oidx,:) - X(moved,:);
//                C(nidx,:) = .5*sign(2*Xsum(nidx,:) - m(nidx)) + .5;
//                C(oidx,:) = .5*sign(2*Xsum(oidx,:) - m(oidx)) + .5;

        VectorXi sorted_onidx(1+nidx.rows());
        sorted_onidx << oidx, nidx;
        std::sort(sorted_onidx.data(), sorted_onidx.data()+sorted_onidx.rows());
        changed = sorted_onidx;
    } // phase two

    return converged;

} // nested function