예제 #1
      void generateTexCoordsSphere( VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr const& vas, const Sphere3f &sphere, unsigned int tu )
        Buffer::ConstIterator<Vec3f>::Type vertices = vas->getVertices();
        std::vector<Vec2f> texCoords( vas->getNumberOfVertices() );
        Vec2f tp;

        for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vas->getNumberOfVertices() ; i++ )
          Vec3f p = vertices[i] - sphere.getCenter();
          if ( fabsf( p[1] ) > FLT_EPSILON )
            tp[0] = 0.5f * atan2f( p[0], -p[1] ) / (float) PI + 0.5f;
            tp[0] = (float)( ( p[0] >= 0.0f ) ? 0.75f : 0.25f );

          float d = sqrtf( square( p[0] ) + square( p[1] ) );
          if ( d > FLT_EPSILON )
            tp[1] = atan2f( p[2], d ) / (float) PI + 0.5f;
            tp[1] = (float)( ( p[2] >= 0.0f ) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );

          texCoords[i] = tp;

        vas->setTexCoords( tu, &texCoords[0], vas->getNumberOfVertices() );
예제 #2
      void  generateTexCoordsPlane( VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr const& vas, const Sphere3f &sphere, unsigned int tu )
        Buffer::ConstIterator<Vec3f>::Type vertices = vas->getVertices();

        // get the bounding box of vas and determine the axes u,v to use to texture along
        unsigned int u, v, w;
        getSortedAxes( vertices, vas->getNumberOfVertices(), u, v, w );

        // create the texture coordinates
        std::vector<Vec2f> texCoords( vas->getNumberOfVertices() );
        Vec2f tp;
        float oneOverTwoR = 0.5f / sphere.getRadius();
        Vec2f tpMin( 1.0f, 1.0f );
        Vec2f tpMax( 0.0f, 0.0f );
        for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vas->getNumberOfVertices() ; i++ )
          Vec3f p = vertices[i] - sphere.getCenter();
          tp[0] = p[u] * oneOverTwoR + 0.5f;  // 0.0 <= tp[0] <= 1.0
          if ( tp[0] < tpMin[0] )
            tpMin[0] = tp[0];
          else if ( tp[0] > tpMax[0] )
            tpMax[0] = tp[0];

          tp[1] = p[v] * oneOverTwoR + 0.5f;   //  0.0 <= tp[1] <= 1.0
          if ( tp[1] < tpMin[1] )
            tpMin[1] = tp[1];
          else if ( tp[1] > tpMax[1] )
            tpMax[1] = tp[1];

          texCoords[i] = tp;

        // scale the texcoords to [0..1]
        DP_ASSERT( ( FLT_EPSILON < ( tpMax[0] - tpMin[0] ) ) && ( FLT_EPSILON < ( tpMax[1] - tpMin[1] ) ) );
        Vec2f tpScale( 1.0f / ( tpMax[0] - tpMin[0] ), 1.0f / ( tpMax[1] - tpMin[1] ) );
        for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vas->getNumberOfVertices() ; i++ )
          texCoords[i] = Vec2f( ( texCoords[i][0] - tpMin[0] ) * tpScale[0],
                                ( texCoords[i][1] - tpMin[1] ) * tpScale[1] );

        vas->setTexCoords( tu, &texCoords[0], vas->getNumberOfVertices() );
예제 #3
      void  generateTexCoordsCylinder( VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr const& vas, const Sphere3f &sphere, unsigned int tu )
        Buffer::ConstIterator<Vec3f>::Type vertices = vas->getVertices();

        // get the bounding box of vas and determine the axes u,v to use to texture along
        unsigned int u, v, w;
        getSortedAxes( vertices, vas->getNumberOfVertices(), u, v, w );

        // create the texture coordinates
        std::vector<Vec2f> texCoords( vas->getNumberOfVertices() );
        Vec2f tp;
        float oneOverTwoR = 0.5f / sphere.getRadius();
        float tpuMin = 1.0f;
        float tpuMax = 0.0f;
        for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vas->getNumberOfVertices() ; i++ )
          Vec3f p = vertices[i] - sphere.getCenter();

          // largest axis as the cylinder axis
          tp[0] = p[u] * oneOverTwoR + 0.5f;   //  0.0 <= tp[1] <= 1.0
          if ( tp[0] < tpuMin )
            tpuMin = tp[0];
          else if ( tpuMax < tp[0] )
            tpuMax = tp[0];

          if ( FLT_EPSILON < fabsf( p[v] ) )
            tp[1] = 0.5f * atan2f( p[w], -p[v] ) / (float) PI + 0.5f;
            tp[1] = (float)( ( 0.0f <= p[w] ) ? 0.75f : 0.25f );

          texCoords[i] = tp;

        // scale the texcoords to [0..1]
        DP_ASSERT( FLT_EPSILON < ( tpuMax - tpuMin ) );
        float tpuScale = 1.0f / ( tpuMax - tpuMin );
        for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vas->getNumberOfVertices() ; i++ )
          texCoords[i][0] = ( texCoords[i][0] - tpuMin ) * tpuScale;
        vas->setTexCoords( tu, &texCoords[0], vas->getNumberOfVertices() );