VideoCamera* VideoCamera::create()
    VideoCamera* pRet = new VideoCamera();
    return pRet;
예제 #2
파일: vidcam.cpp 프로젝트: Winceros/main
VideoCamera *VideoCamera::parseLine(Ogre::SceneManager *mSceneMgr, Ogre::Camera *camera, SerializedRig *truck, parsecontext_t &c)
		int nz=-1, ny=-1, nref=-1, ncam=-1, lookto=-1, texx=256, texy=256, crole=-1, cmode=-1;
		float fov=-1.0f, minclip=-1.0f, maxclip=-1.0f, offx=0.0f, offy=0.0f, offz=0.0f, rotx=0.0f, roty=0.0f, rotz=0.0f;
		char materialname[256] = "";
		char vidCamName[256] = "";
		Ogre::StringVector args;
		int n = truck->parse_args(c, args, 19);
		nref    = truck->parse_node_number(c, args[0]);
		nz      = truck->parse_node_number(c, args[1]);
		ny      = truck->parse_node_number(c, args[2]);
		ncam    = PARSEINT(args[3]);
		lookto  = PARSEINT(args[4]);
		offx    = PARSEREAL(args[5]);
		offy    = PARSEREAL(args[6]);
		offz    = PARSEREAL(args[7]);
		rotx    = PARSEREAL(args[8]);
		roty    = PARSEREAL(args[9]);
		rotz    = PARSEREAL(args[10]);
		fov     = PARSEREAL(args[11]);
		texx    = PARSEINT (args[12]);
		texy    = PARSEINT (args[13]);
		minclip = PARSEREAL(args[14]);
		maxclip = PARSEREAL(args[15]);
		crole   = PARSEINT (args[16]);
		cmode   = PARSEINT (args[17]);
		strncpy(materialname, args[18].c_str(), 255);
		if(n > 19)
			strncpy(vidCamName, args[19].c_str(), 255);
			strncpy(vidCamName, materialname, 255); // fallback, use materialname

		//if (texx <= 0 || !isPowerOfTwo(texx) || texy <= 0 || !isPowerOfTwo(texy))
		// disabled isPowerOfTwo, as it can be a renderwindow now with custom resolution
		if (texx <= 0 || texy <= 0)
			truck->parser_warning(c, "Wrong texture size definition. trying to continue ...");
			return 0;

		if (minclip < 0 || minclip > maxclip || maxclip < 0)
			truck->parser_warning(c, "Wrong clipping definition. trying to continue ...");
			return 0;

		if(cmode < -2 )
			truck->parser_warning(c, "Camera Mode setting incorrect, trying to continue ...");
			return 0;

		if(crole < -1 || crole >1)
			truck->parser_warning(c, "Camera Role (camera, trace, mirror) setting incorrect, trying to continue ...");
			return 0;

		MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(materialname);
			truck->parser_warning(c, "unknown material: '"+String(materialname)+"', trying to continue ...");
			return 0;

		// clone the material to stay unique
		String newMaterialName = String(truck->truckname) + materialname + "_" + TOSTRING(counter++);
		MaterialPtr matNew = mat->clone(newMaterialName);

		// we need to find and replace any materials that could come afterwards
		if(truck && truck->materialReplacer)
			truck->materialReplacer->addMaterialReplace(mat->getName(), newMaterialName);

		VideoCamera *v  = new VideoCamera(mSceneMgr, camera, truck);
		v->fov          = fov;
		v->minclip      = minclip;
		v->maxclip      = maxclip;
		v->nz           = nz;
		v->ny           = ny;
		v->nref         = nref;
		v->offset       = Vector3(offx, offy, offz);
		v->switchoff    = cmode;            // add performance switch off  ->meeds fix, only "always on" supported yet
		v->materialName = newMaterialName;
		v->vidCamName   = vidCamName;
		v->mirrorSize   = Vector2(texx, texy);

		if(crole != 1)                     //rotate camera picture 180°, skip for mirrors
			rotz += 180;

		v->rotation     = Quaternion(Degree(rotz), Vector3::UNIT_Z) * Quaternion(Degree(roty), Vector3::UNIT_Y) * Quaternion(Degree(rotx), Vector3::UNIT_X);

		if (ncam >= 0)                     // set alternative camposition (optional)
			v->camNode  = ncam;
			v->camNode  = nref;

		if (lookto >= 0)                   // set alternative lookat position (optional)
			v->lookat   = lookto;
			crole       = 0;               // this is a tracecam, overwrite mode setting
			v->lookat   = -1;

		v->camRole      = crole;	        // -1= camera, 0 = trackcam, 1 = mirror


		return v;
	} catch(ParseException &)
		return 0;
	return 0;