VideoFrame VideoDecoderDXVA::frame() { DPTR_D(VideoDecoderDXVA); //qDebug("frame size: %dx%d", d.frame->width, d.frame->height); if (!d.frame->opaque || !d.frame->data[0]) return VideoFrame(); if (d.frame->width <= 0 || d.frame->height <= 0 || !d.codec_ctx) return VideoFrame(); IDirect3DSurface9 *d3d = (IDirect3DSurface9*)(uintptr_t)d.frame->data[3]; if (copyMode() == ZeroCopy && d.interop_res) { dxva::SurfaceInteropDXVA *interop = new dxva::SurfaceInteropDXVA(d.interop_res); interop->setSurface(d3d, width(), height()); VideoFrame f(width(), height(), VideoFormat::Format_RGB32); //p->width() f.setBytesPerLine(d.width * 4); //used by gl to compute texture size f.setMetaData(QStringLiteral("surface_interop"), QVariant::fromValue(VideoSurfaceInteropPtr(interop))); f.setTimestamp(d.frame->pkt_pts/1000.0); f.setDisplayAspectRatio(d.getDAR(d.frame)); return f; } class ScopedD3DLock { IDirect3DSurface9 *mpD3D; public: ScopedD3DLock(IDirect3DSurface9* d3d, D3DLOCKED_RECT *rect) : mpD3D(d3d) { if (FAILED(mpD3D->LockRect(rect, NULL, D3DLOCK_READONLY))) { qWarning("Failed to lock surface"); mpD3D = 0; } } ~ScopedD3DLock() { if (mpD3D) mpD3D->UnlockRect(); } }; D3DLOCKED_RECT lock; ScopedD3DLock(d3d, &lock); if (lock.Pitch == 0) { return VideoFrame(); } //picth >= desc.Width D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; d3d->GetDesc(&desc); const VideoFormat fmt = VideoFormat(pixelFormatFromD3D(desc.Format)); if (!fmt.isValid()) { qWarning("unsupported dxva pixel format: %#x", desc.Format); return VideoFrame(); } //YV12 need swap, not imc3? // imc3 U V pitch == Y pitch, but half of the U/V plane is space. we convert to yuv420p here // nv12 bpp(1)==1 // 3rd plane is not used for nv12 int pitch[3] = { lock.Pitch, 0, 0}; //compute chroma later uint8_t *src[] = { (uint8_t*)lock.pBits, 0, 0}; //compute chroma later const bool swap_uv = desc.Format == MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','3'); return copyToFrame(fmt, d.surface_height, src, pitch, swap_uv); }
VideoFrame VideoDecoderDXVA::frame() { DPTR_D(VideoDecoderDXVA); if (!d.frame->opaque || !d.frame->data[0]) return VideoFrame(); if (d.width <= 0 || d.height <= 0 || !d.codec_ctx) return VideoFrame(); class ScopedD3DLock { public: ScopedD3DLock(IDirect3DSurface9* d3d, D3DLOCKED_RECT *rect) : mpD3D(d3d) { if (FAILED(mpD3D->LockRect(rect, NULL, D3DLOCK_READONLY))) { qWarning("Failed to lock surface"); mpD3D = 0; } } ~ScopedD3DLock() { if (mpD3D) mpD3D->UnlockRect(); } private: IDirect3DSurface9 *mpD3D; }; IDirect3DSurface9 *d3d = (IDirect3DSurface9*)(uintptr_t)d.frame->data[3]; //picth >= desc.Width //D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; //d3d->GetDesc(&desc); D3DLOCKED_RECT lock; ScopedD3DLock(d3d, &lock); if (lock.Pitch == 0) { return VideoFrame(); } const VideoFormat fmt = VideoFormat((int)D3dFindFormat(d.render)->avpixfmt); if (!fmt.isValid()) { qWarning("unsupported dxva pixel format: %#x", d.render); return VideoFrame(); } //YV12 need swap, not imc3? // imc3 U V pitch == Y pitch, but half of the U/V plane is space. we convert to yuv420p here // nv12 bpp(1)==1 // 3rd plane is not used for nv12 int pitch[3] = { lock.Pitch, 0, 0}; //compute chroma later uint8_t *src[] = { (uint8_t*)lock.pBits, 0, 0}; //compute chroma later const bool swap_uv = d.render == MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','3'); return copyToFrame(fmt, d.surface_height, src, pitch, swap_uv); }
void* SurfaceInteropDXVA::mapToHost(const VideoFormat &format, void *handle, int plane) { Q_UNUSED(plane); class ScopedD3DLock { IDirect3DSurface9 *mpD3D; public: ScopedD3DLock(IDirect3DSurface9* d3d, D3DLOCKED_RECT *rect) : mpD3D(d3d) { if (FAILED(mpD3D->LockRect(rect, NULL, D3DLOCK_READONLY))) { qWarning("Failed to lock surface"); mpD3D = 0; } } ~ScopedD3DLock() { if (mpD3D) mpD3D->UnlockRect(); } }; D3DLOCKED_RECT lock; ScopedD3DLock(m_surface, &lock); if (lock.Pitch == 0) return NULL; //picth >= desc.Width D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; m_surface->GetDesc(&desc); const VideoFormat fmt = VideoFormat(pixelFormatFromFourcc(desc.Format)); if (!fmt.isValid()) { qWarning("unsupported dxva pixel format: %#x", desc.Format); return NULL; } //YV12 need swap, not imc3? // imc3 U V pitch == Y pitch, but half of the U/V plane is space. we convert to yuv420p here // nv12 bpp(1)==1 // 3rd plane is not used for nv12 int pitch[3] = { lock.Pitch, 0, 0}; //compute chroma later quint8 *src[] = { (quint8*)lock.pBits, 0, 0}; //compute chroma later Q_ASSERT(src[0] && pitch[0] > 0); const bool swap_uv = desc.Format == MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','3'); // try to use SSE. fallback to normal copy if SSE is not supported VideoFrame frame(VideoFrame::fromGPU(fmt, frame_width, frame_height, desc.Height, src, pitch, true, swap_uv)); // TODO: check rgb32 because d3d can use hw to convert if (format != fmt) frame =; VideoFrame *f = reinterpret_cast<VideoFrame*>(handle); frame.setTimestamp(f->timestamp()); *f = frame; return f; }
void QPainterFilterContext::initializeOnFrame(VideoFrame *vframe) { if (!vframe) { if (!painter) { painter = new QPainter(); //warning: more than 1 painter on 1 device } if (!paint_device) { paint_device = painter->device(); } if (!paint_device && !painter->isActive()) { qWarning("No paint device and painter is not active. No painting!"); return; } if (!painter->isActive()) painter->begin(paint_device); return; } VideoFormat format = vframe->format(); if (!format.isValid()) { qWarning("Not a valid format"); return; } if (format.imageFormat() == QImage::Format_Invalid) { format.setPixelFormat(VideoFormat::Format_RGB32); if (!cvt) { cvt = new VideoFrameConverter(); } *vframe = cvt->convert(*vframe, format); } if (paint_device) { if (painter && painter->isActive()) { painter->end(); //destroy a paint device that is being painted is not allowed! } delete paint_device; paint_device = 0; } Q_ASSERT(video_width > 0 && video_height > 0); // direct draw on frame data, so use VideoFrame::constBits() paint_device = new QImage((uchar*)vframe->constBits(0), video_width, video_height, vframe->bytesPerLine(0), format.imageFormat()); if (!painter) painter = new QPainter(); own_painter = true; own_paint_device = true; //TODO: what about renderer is not a widget? painter->begin((QImage*)paint_device); }
bool GLWidgetRendererPrivate::initTextures(const VideoFormat &fmt) { // isSupported(pixfmt) if (!fmt.isValid()) return false; video_format.setPixelFormatFFmpeg(fmt.pixelFormatFFmpeg()); // //NV12: UV is 1 plane. 16 bits as a unit. GL_LUMINANCE4, 8, 16, ... 32? //GL_LUMINANCE, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA are deprecated in GL3, removed in GL3.1 //replaced by GL_RED, GL_RG, GL_RGB, GL_RGBA? for 1, 2, 3, 4 channel image // // GL_LUMINANCE does work on a Galaxy Tab 2. LUMINANCE_ALPHA very slow on Linux //ALPHA: vec4(1,1,1,A), LUMINANCE: (L,L,L,1), LUMINANCE_ALPHA: (L,L,L,A) /* * To support both planar and packed use GL_ALPHA and in shader use r,g,a like xbmc does. * or use Swizzle_mask to layout the channels: * GL ES2 support: GL_RGB, GL_RGBA, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_ALPHA * */ internal_format = QVector<GLint>(fmt.planeCount(), FMT_INTERNAL); data_format = QVector<GLenum>(fmt.planeCount(), FMT); data_type = QVector<GLenum>(fmt.planeCount(), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); if (fmt.isPlanar()) { /*! * GLES internal_format == data_format, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA is 2 bytes * so if NV12 use GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, YV12 use GL_ALPHA */ qDebug("///////////bpp %d", fmt.bytesPerPixel()); internal_format[0] = data_format[0] = GL_LUMINANCE; //or GL_RED for GL if (fmt.planeCount() == 2) { internal_format[1] = data_format[1] = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; } else { if (fmt.bytesPerPixel(1) == 2) { // read 16 bits and compute the real luminance in shader internal_format[0] = data_format[0] = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; internal_format[1] = data_format[1] = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; //vec4(L,L,L,A) internal_format[2] = data_format[2] = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; } else { internal_format[1] = data_format[1] = GL_LUMINANCE; //vec4(L,L,L,1) internal_format[2] = data_format[2] = GL_ALPHA;//GL_ALPHA; } } for (int i = 0; i < internal_format.size(); ++i) { // xbmc use bpp not bpp(plane) //internal_format[i] = GetGLInternalFormat(data_format[i], fmt.bytesPerPixel(i)); //data_format[i] = internal_format[i]; } } else { //glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, fmt.bytesPerPixel()); // TODO: if no alpha, data_fmt is not GL_BGRA. align at every upload? } for (int i = 0; i < fmt.planeCount(); ++i) { //qDebug("format: %#x GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA=%#x", data_format[i], GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA); if (fmt.bytesPerPixel(i) == 2 && fmt.planeCount() == 3) { //data_type[i] = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; } int bpp_gl = bytesOfGLFormat(data_format[i], data_type[i]); int pad = qCeil((qreal)(texture_size[i].width() - effective_tex_width[i])/(qreal)bpp_gl); texture_size[i].setWidth(qCeil((qreal)texture_size[i].width()/(qreal)bpp_gl)); effective_tex_width[i] /= bpp_gl; //fmt.bytesPerPixel(i); //effective_tex_width_ratio = qDebug("texture width: %d - %d = pad: %d. bpp(gl): %d", texture_size[i].width(), effective_tex_width[i], pad, bpp_gl); } /* * there are 2 fragment shaders: rgb and yuv. * only 1 texture for packed rgb. planar rgb likes yuv * To support both planar and packed yuv, and mixed yuv(NV12), we give a texture sample * for each channel. For packed, each (channel) texture sample is the same. For planar, * packed channels has the same texture sample. * But the number of actural textures we upload is plane count. * Which means the number of texture id equals to plane count */ if (textures.size() != fmt.planeCount()) { glDeleteTextures(textures.size(),; qDebug("delete %d textures", textures.size()); textures.clear(); textures.resize(fmt.planeCount()); glGenTextures(textures.size(),; } if (!hasGLSL) { initTexture(textures[0], internal_format[0], data_format[0], data_type[0], texture_size[0].width(), texture_size[0].height()); // more than 1? qWarning("Does not support GLSL!"); return false; } qDebug("init textures..."); initTexture(textures[0], internal_format[0], data_format[0], data_type[0], texture_size[0].width(), texture_size[0].height()); for (int i = 1; i < textures.size(); ++i) { initTexture(textures[i], internal_format[i], data_format[i], data_type[i], texture_size[i].width(), texture_size[i].height()); } return true; }
bool GLWidgetRendererPrivate::prepareShaderProgram(const VideoFormat &fmt) { // isSupported(pixfmt) if (!fmt.isValid()) return false; releaseShaderProgram(); video_format.setPixelFormatFFmpeg(fmt.pixelFormatFFmpeg()); // TODO: only to kinds, packed.glsl, planar.glsl QString frag; if (fmt.isPlanar()) { frag = getShaderFromFile("shaders/yuv_rgb.f.glsl"); } else { frag = getShaderFromFile("shaders/rgb.f.glsl"); } if (frag.isEmpty()) return false; if (!fmt.isRGB() && fmt.isPlanar() && fmt.bytesPerPixel(0) == 2) { if (fmt.isBigEndian()) frag.prepend("#define YUV16BITS_BE_LUMINANCE_ALPHA\n"); else frag.prepend("#define YUV16BITS_LE_LUMINANCE_ALPHA\n"); frag.prepend(QString("#define YUV%1P\n").arg(fmt.bitsPerPixel(0))); } #if NO_QGL_SHADER program = createProgram(kVertexShader, frag.toUtf8().constData()); if (!program) { qWarning("Could not create shader program."); return false; } // vertex shader a_Position = glGetAttribLocation(program, "a_Position"); a_TexCoords = glGetAttribLocation(program, "a_TexCoords"); u_matrix = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_MVP_matrix"); // fragment shader u_colorMatrix = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_colorMatrix"); #else if (!shader_program->addShaderFromSourceCode(QGLShader::Vertex, kVertexShader)) { qWarning("Failed to add vertex shader: %s", shader_program->log().toUtf8().constData()); return false; } if (!shader_program->addShaderFromSourceCode(QGLShader::Fragment, frag)) { qWarning("Failed to add fragment shader: %s", shader_program->log().toUtf8().constData()); return false; } if (!shader_program->link()) { qWarning("Failed to link shader program...%s", shader_program->log().toUtf8().constData()); return false; } // vertex shader a_Position = shader_program->attributeLocation("a_Position"); a_TexCoords = shader_program->attributeLocation("a_TexCoords"); u_matrix = shader_program->uniformLocation("u_MVP_matrix"); // fragment shader u_colorMatrix = shader_program->uniformLocation("u_colorMatrix"); #endif //NO_QGL_SHADER qDebug("glGetAttribLocation(\"a_Position\") = %d\n", a_Position); qDebug("glGetAttribLocation(\"a_TexCoords\") = %d\n", a_TexCoords); qDebug("glGetUniformLocation(\"u_MVP_matrix\") = %d\n", u_matrix); qDebug("glGetUniformLocation(\"u_colorMatrix\") = %d\n", u_colorMatrix); if (fmt.isRGB()) u_Texture.resize(1); else u_Texture.resize(fmt.channels()); for (int i = 0; i < u_Texture.size(); ++i) { QString tex_var = QString("u_Texture%1").arg(i); #if NO_QGL_SHADER u_Texture[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, tex_var.toUtf8().constData()); #else u_Texture[i] = shader_program->uniformLocation(tex_var); #endif qDebug("glGetUniformLocation(\"%s\") = %d\n", tex_var.toUtf8().constData(), u_Texture[i]); } return true; }