int main( int argc, char** argv ) { QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer");; trace.beginBlock ( "Testing Polygon 3D display in Viewer3D" ); std::vector<Z3i::RealPoint> polyg1; polyg1.push_back(Z3i::RealPoint(0,0,0)); polyg1.push_back(Z3i::RealPoint(0,1,0)); polyg1.push_back(Z3i::RealPoint(1,1,0)); viewer.addPolygon(polyg1); viewer.createNewPolygonList("hop"); std::vector<Z3i::RealPoint> polyg2; polyg2.push_back(Z3i::RealPoint(0,10,0)); polyg2.push_back(Z3i::RealPoint(0,11,0)); polyg2.push_back(Z3i::RealPoint(11,11,0)); viewer.addPolygon(polyg2); viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; bool res = application.exec(); trace.emphase() << ( res ? "Passed." : "Error." ) << endl; trace.endBlock(); return res ? 0 : 1; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { typedef DGtal::ImageContainerBySTLVector< DGtal::Z2i::Domain, unsigned char> imageNG; typedef DGtal::ImageContainerBySTLVector< DGtal::Z2i::Domain, unsigned int> imageCol; QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer");; Point p1( 0, 0, 0 ); Point p2( 125, 188, 0 ); Point p3( 30, 30, 30 ); std::string filename = testPath + "samples/church-small.pgm"; std::string filename3 = testPath + "samples/color64.ppm"; imageNG image = DGtal::PGMReader<imageNG>::importPGM(filename); imageNG image2 = DGtal::GenericReader<imageNG>::import(filename); imageCol image3 = DGtal::GenericReader<imageCol>::import(filename3); viewer << DGtal::AddTextureImage2DWithFunctor<imageNG, hueFct , Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>(image2, hueFct(), Viewer3D<>::RGBMode ); viewer << image; viewer << DGtal::AddTextureImage2DWithFunctor<imageCol, DefaultFunctor, Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>(image3, DefaultFunctor(), Viewer3D<>::RGBMode ); viewer << DGtal::UpdateImagePosition<Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>(0, Viewer3D<>::xDirection, 50, 50, 50 ); viewer << DGtal::UpdateImagePosition<Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>(2, Viewer3D<>::yDirection, 0, 0, 0); viewer << SetMode3D( image.domain().className(), "BoundingBox" ); viewer << image.domain(); viewer << DGtal::Update2DDomainPosition<Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>(0, Viewer3D<>::xDirection, 0, 0, 0); for(unsigned int i= 0; i< 10; i++){ if(i%4==0){ viewer << SetMode3D( image.className(), "" ); }else if(i%4==1){ viewer << SetMode3D( image.className(), "BoundingBox" ); }else if(i%4==2){ viewer << SetMode3D( image.className(), "Grid" ); }else if(i%4==3){ viewer << SetMode3D( image.className(), "InterGrid" ); } viewer << image; viewer << DGtal::UpdateImageData<imageNG>(i+3, image, i*50, i*50, i*50); } viewer << p1 << p2 << p3; viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; bool res = application.exec(); trace.emphase() << ( res ? "Passed." : "Error." ) << endl; trace.endBlock(); return res ? 0 : 1; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { typedef DGtal::ImageContainerBySTLVector< DGtal::Z3i::Domain, unsigned char> Image3D; QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer");; trace.beginBlock("Testing Viewer with display of 3D Image "); Point p1( 0, 0, 0 ); Point p2( 125, 188, 0 ); Point p3( 30, 30, 30 ); std::string filename = testPath + "samples/lobsterCroped.vol"; viewer.setFillTransparency(150); Image3D image3d = VolReader<Image3D>::importVol(filename); viewer << SetMode3D(image3d.className(), "BoundingBox"); viewer << DGtal::AddTextureImage3DWithFunctor<Image3D, hueFct , Space, KSpace>(image3d, hueFct(),Viewer3D<>::RGBMode ); viewer.setFillTransparency(255); // Extract some slice images: // Get the 2D domain of the slice: DGtal::Projector<DGtal::Z2i::Space> invFunctor; invFunctor.initRemoveOneDim(2); DGtal::Z2i::Domain domain2D(invFunctor(image3d.domain().lowerBound()), invFunctor(image3d.domain().upperBound())); typedef DGtal::ConstImageAdapter<Image3D, DGtal::Z2i::Domain, DGtal::Projector< Z3i::Space>, Image3D::Value, DGtal::DefaultFunctor > SliceImageAdapter; DGtal::DefaultFunctor idV; DGtal::Projector<DGtal::Z3i::Space> aSliceFunctorZ(5); aSliceFunctorZ.initAddOneDim(2); SliceImageAdapter sliceImageZ(image3d, domain2D, aSliceFunctorZ, idV); viewer << sliceImageZ; viewer << DGtal::UpdateImagePosition<Space, KSpace>(6, Viewer3D<>::zDirection, 0.0, 0.0, -10.0); viewer << p1 << p2 << p3; viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; bool res = application.exec(); trace.emphase() << ( res ? "Passed." : "Error." ) << endl; trace.endBlock(); return res ? 0 : 1; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { typedef DGtal::ImageContainerBySTLVector< DGtal::Z3i::Domain, unsigned int> Image3D; typedef DGtal::ConstImageAdapter<Image3D, Z2i::Domain, DGtal::Point2DEmbedderIn3D<DGtal::Z3i::Domain>, Image3D::Value, DGtal::DefaultFunctor > ImageAdapterExtractor; QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer");; trace.beginBlock("Testing Viewer with Image Embedder "); Point pcenter( 10, 20, 20 ); Point pcenterImg( 10, 20, 20 ); std::string filename = testPath + "samples/cat10.pgm3d"; Image3D image = DGtal::GenericReader<Image3D>::import(filename); const int IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH = 80; // Setting the image domain of the resulting image to be displayed in 3D: DGtal::Z2i::Domain domainImage2D (DGtal::Z2i::Point(0,0), DGtal::Z2i::Point(IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH, IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH)); DGtal::Point2DEmbedderIn3D<DGtal::Z3i::Domain > embedder(image.domain(), pcenterImg, Z3i::RealPoint(1, 1, 1), IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH); DGtal::Point2DEmbedderIn3D<DGtal::Z3i::Domain > embedder2(image.domain(), pcenterImg, Z3i::RealPoint(1, 0, 0), IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH); DGtal::Point2DEmbedderIn3D<DGtal::Z3i::Domain > embedder3(image.domain(), pcenterImg, Z3i::RealPoint(0, 1, 0 ), IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH); DGtal::Point2DEmbedderIn3D<DGtal::Z3i::Domain > embedder4(image.domain(), pcenterImg, Z3i::RealPoint(0, 0, 1 ), IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH); DGtal::DefaultFunctor idV; ImageAdapterExtractor extractedImage(image, domainImage2D, embedder, idV); ImageAdapterExtractor extractedImage2(image, domainImage2D, embedder2, idV); ImageAdapterExtractor extractedImage3(image, domainImage2D, embedder3, idV); ImageAdapterExtractor extractedImage4(image, domainImage2D, embedder4, idV); viewer << extractedImage; viewer << extractedImage2; viewer << extractedImage3; viewer << extractedImage4; viewer << DGtal::UpdateImage3DEmbedding<Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>(0, embedder(Z2i::RealPoint(0,0),false), embedder(Z2i::RealPoint(IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH,0),false), embedder(domainImage2D.upperBound(), false), embedder(Z2i::RealPoint(0, IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH), false)); viewer << DGtal::UpdateImage3DEmbedding<Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>(1, embedder2(Z2i::RealPoint(0,0),false), embedder2(Z2i::RealPoint(IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH,0),false), embedder2(domainImage2D.upperBound(), false), embedder2(Z2i::RealPoint(0, IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH), false)); viewer << DGtal::UpdateImage3DEmbedding<Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>(2, embedder3(Z2i::RealPoint(0,0),false), embedder3(Z2i::RealPoint(IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH,0),false), embedder3(domainImage2D.upperBound(), false), embedder3(Z2i::RealPoint(0, IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH), false)); viewer << DGtal::UpdateImage3DEmbedding<Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>(3, embedder4(Z2i::RealPoint(0,0),false), embedder4(Z2i::RealPoint(IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH,0),false), embedder4(domainImage2D.upperBound(), false), embedder4(Z2i::RealPoint(0, IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH), false)); viewer.setFillColor(DGtal::Color(250,20,20,255)); viewer << pcenter; viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; bool res = application.exec(); trace.emphase() << ( res ? "Passed." : "Error." ) << endl; trace.endBlock(); return res ? 0 : 1; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { std::string inputFilename = examplesPath + "samples/Al.100.vol"; //------------ typedef Z3i::Point Point; QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer");; //Default image selector = STLVector typedef ImageSelector<Z3i::Domain, unsigned char>::Type Image; Image image = VolReader<Image>::importVol( inputFilename ); Z3i::Domain domain = image.domain(); Image imageSeeds ( domain); for ( Image::Iterator it = imageSeeds.begin(), itend = imageSeeds.end();it != itend; ++it) (*it)=1; Z3i::Point p0(10,10,10); //imageSeeds.setValue(p0, 0 ); randomSeeds(imageSeeds, 70, 0); //Distance transformation computation typedef SimpleThresholdForegroundPredicate<Image> Predicate; Predicate aPredicate(imageSeeds,0); typedef DistanceTransformation<Z3i::Space,Predicate, Z3i::L2Metric> DTL2; DTL2 dtL2(&domain, &aPredicate, &Z3i::l2Metric); unsigned int min = 0; unsigned int max = 0; for(DTL2::ConstRange::ConstIterator it = dtL2.constRange().begin(), itend=dtL2.constRange().end(); it!=itend; ++it) { if( (*it) < min ) min=(*it); if( (*it) > max ) max=(*it); } GradientColorMap<long> gradient( 0,30); gradient.addColor(Color::Red); gradient.addColor(Color::Yellow); gradient.addColor(Color::Green); gradient.addColor(Color::Cyan); gradient.addColor(Color::Blue); gradient.addColor(Color::Magenta); gradient.addColor(Color::Red); viewer << SetMode3D( (*(domain.begin())).className(), "Paving" ); for(Z3i::Domain::ConstIterator it = domain.begin(), itend=domain.end(); it!=itend; ++it){ double valDist= dtL2( (*it) ); Color c= gradient(valDist); if(dtL2(*it)<=30 && image(*it)>0){ viewer << CustomColors3D(Color((float)(, (float)(, (float)(,205)), Color((float)(, (float)(, (float)(,205)); viewer << *it ; } } viewer<< Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; return application.exec(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { // parse command line ---------------------------------------------- po::options_description general_opt ( "Allowed options are: " ); general_opt.add_options() ( "help,h", "display this message." ) ( "input-file,i", po::value<std::string>(), "Input volumetric file (.vol, .pgm3d or p3d)" ) ( "min,m", po::value<int>()->default_value( 0 ), "Minimum (excluded) value for threshold." ) ( "max,M", po::value<int>()->default_value( 255 ), "Maximum (included) value for threshold." ) ("fixedPoints", po::value<std::vector <int> >()->multitoken(), "defines the coordinates of points which should not be removed." ); bool parseOK=true; po::variables_map vm; try{ po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, general_opt), vm); }catch(const std::exception& ex){ parseOK=false;<< "Error checking program options: "<< ex.what()<< endl; } po::notify ( vm ); if ( !parseOK || vm.count ( "help" ) ||argc<=1 ) { << "Illustration of homotopic thinning of a 3d image file (vol,longvol,pgm3d...) with 3D viewer."<<std::endl << std::endl << "Basic usage: "<<std::endl << "\thomotopicThinning3d [options] --input-file <3dImageFileName> {vol,longvol,pgm3d...} "<<std::endl << general_opt << "\n" << " Usage by forcing point to be left by the thinning: \n" << "homotopicThinning3D --input-file ${DGtal}/examples/samples/Al.100.vol --fixedPoints 56 35 5 56 61 5 57 91 38 58 8 38 45 50 97 \n"; return 0; } //Parse options if ( ! ( vm.count ( "input-file" ) ) ) missingParam ( "--input" ); std::string filename = vm["input-file"].as<std::string>(); typedef ImageSelector < Z3i::Domain, unsigned char>::Type Image; Image image = GenericReader<Image>::import ( filename ); trace.beginBlock("DT Computation"); typedef IntervalForegroundPredicate<Image> Predicate; Predicate aPredicate(image, vm[ "min" ].as<int>(), vm[ "max" ].as<int>() ); DistanceTransformation<Z3i::Space, Predicate , Z3i::L2Metric> dt(image.domain(),aPredicate, Z3i::L2Metric() ); trace.endBlock(); <<image<<std::endl; // Domain creation from two bounding points. trace.beginBlock("Constructing Set"); DigitalSet shape_set( image.domain() ); DigitalSet fixedSet( image.domain() ); // Get the optional fixed points if( vm.count("fixedPoints")){ std::vector<int> vectC = vm["fixedPoints"].as<std::vector<int> >(); if(vectC.size()%3==0){ for( unsigned int i=0; i < vectC.size()-2; i=i+3){ Z3i::Point pt(,,; fixedSet.insertNew(pt); } }else{ trace.error()<< " The coordinates should be 3d coordinates, ignoring fixedPoints option." << std::endl; } } SetFromImage<DigitalSet>::append<Image>(shape_set, image, vm[ "min" ].as<int>(), vm[ "max" ].as<int>() ); << shape_set<<std::endl; trace.endBlock(); trace.beginBlock("Computing skeleton"); // (6,18), (18,6), (26,6) seem ok. // (6,26) gives sometimes weird results (but perhaps ok !). Object26_6 shape( dt26_6, shape_set ); int nb_simple=0; int layer = 1; std::queue<DigitalSet::Iterator> Q; do { << "Layer: "<< layer << std::endl; int nb=0; DigitalSet & S = shape.pointSet(); trace.progressBar(0, (double)S.size()); for ( DigitalSet::Iterator it = S.begin(); it != S.end(); ++it ) { if ( nb % 100 == 0 ) trace.progressBar((double)nb, (double)S.size()); nb++; if (dt( *it ) <= layer) { if ( shape.isSimple( *it ) ) Q.push( it ); } } trace.progressBar( (double)S.size(), (double)S.size() ); nb_simple = 0; while ( ! Q.empty() ) { DigitalSet::Iterator it = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if ( shape.isSimple( *it ) && fixedSet.find(*it) == fixedSet.end() ) { S.erase( *it ); ++nb_simple; } } << "Nb simple points : "<<nb_simple<< " " << std::endl; ++layer; } while ( nb_simple != 0 ); trace.endBlock(); DigitalSet & S = shape.pointSet(); << "Skeleton--> "<<S<<std::endl; // Display by using two different list to manage OpenGL transparency. QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleExample3DViewer");; viewer << SetMode3D( shape_set.className(), "Paving" ); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(25,25,255, 255), Color(25,25,255, 255)); viewer << S ; viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(255,25,255, 255), Color(255,25,255, 255)); viewer << fixedSet; viewer << SetMode3D( shape_set.className(), "PavingTransp" ); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(250, 0,0, 25), Color(250, 0,0, 5)); viewer << shape_set; viewer<< Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; return application.exec(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer");; trace.beginBlock ( "Testing class for Viewer3D" ); Point p1( 14, 14, 14 ); Point p2( 27, 27, 27 ); Domain domain( p1, p2 ); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(20, 20, 20, 50),Color(20, 0,250,30)); viewer << SetMode3D(domain.className(), "Grid"); viewer << domain; DigitalSet shape_set( domain ); Shapes<Domain>::addNorm1Ball( shape_set, Point( 13, 23, 13 ), 7 ); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(250, 200,0, 100),Color(250, 200,0, 50)); viewer << shape_set ; DigitalSet shape_set2( domain ); Shapes<Domain>::addNorm1Ball( shape_set2, Point( 24, 15, 12 ), 12 ); viewer << shape_set2 ; DigitalSet shape_set3( domain ); Shapes<Domain>::addNorm2Ball( shape_set3, Point( 11, 15, 12 ), 12 ); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(250, 20,0, 190),Color(220, 20,20, 250)); viewer << shape_set3 ; Point pp1( -1, -1, -2 ); Point pp2( 2, 2, 3 ); Domain domain2( pp1, pp2 ); Point pp3( 1, 1, 1 ); Point pp4( 2, -1, 5 ); Point pp5( -1, 2, 3 ); Point pp6( 0, 0, 0 ); Point pp0( 0, 2, 1 ); //viewer<< m; viewer << SetMode3D( pp1.className(), "Paving" ); viewer << pp1 << pp2 << pp3; //viewer << SetMode3D( pp1.className(), "Grid" ); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(250, 0,0),Color(250, 0,0)); viewer << SetMode3D( pp1.className(), "PavingWired" ); viewer << pp4 << pp5 ; viewer << SetMode3D( pp1.className(), "Both" ); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(250, 200,0, 100),Color(250, 0,0, 100)); viewer << pp6; viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(250, 200,0, 100),Color(250, 200,0, 20)); viewer << pp0; viewer << SetMode3D(domain.className(), "Paving"); viewer << domain2 << Display3D<Space, KSpace>::updateDisplay; bool res = application.exec(); trace.emphase() << ( res ? "Passed." : "Error." ) << endl; trace.endBlock(); return res ? 0 : 1; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { // parse command line ---------------------------------------------- po::options_description general_opt ( "Allowed options are: " ); general_opt.add_options() ( "help,h", "display this message." ) ( "input,i", po::value<std::string>(), "Input vol file." ); bool parseOK=true; po::variables_map vm; try{ po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, general_opt), vm); }catch(const std::exception& ex){ parseOK=false;<< "Error checking program options: "<< ex.what()<< endl; } po::notify ( vm ); if ( !parseOK || vm.count ( "help" ) ||argc<=1 ) { << "Illustration of homotopic thinning of a vol file with 3D viewer."<<std::endl << std::endl << "Basic usage: "<<std::endl << "\thomotopicThinning3d [options] --input <volFileName>"<<std::endl << general_opt << "\n"; return 0; } //Parse options if ( ! ( vm.count ( "input" ) ) ) missingParam ( "--input" ); std::string filename = vm["input"].as<std::string>(); typedef ImageSelector < Z3i::Domain, unsigned char>::Type Image; Image image = VolReader<Image>::importVol ( filename ); trace.beginBlock("DT Computation"); typedef DistanceTransformation<Image, 0> DTL2; DTL2 dtL2; DTL2::OutputImage resultL2 = dtL2.compute ( image ); trace.endBlock(); <<image<<std::endl; // Domain cretation from two bounding points. Point c( 0, 0, 0 ); Point p1( -50, -50, -50 ); Point p2( 50, 50, 50 ); Domain domain( p1, p2 ); trace.beginBlock("Constructing Set"); DigitalSet shape_set( domain ); SetPredicate<DigitalSet> set3dPredicate( shape_set ); SetFromImage<DigitalSet>::append<Image>(shape_set, image, 0, 255); << shape_set<<std::endl; trace.endBlock(); trace.beginBlock("Computing skeleton"); Object26_6 shape( dt26_6, shape_set ); int nb_simple=0; int layer = 1; std::queue<DigitalSet::Iterator> Q; do { << "Layer: "<< layer << std::endl; int nb=0; DigitalSet & S = shape.pointSet(); for ( DigitalSet::Iterator it = S.begin(); it != S.end(); ++it ) { trace.progressBar((double)nb, (double)S.size()); << nb<<" "; nb++; if (resultL2( *it ) <= layer*layer) { if ( shape.isSimple( *it ) ) Q.push( it ); } } nb_simple = 0; while ( ! Q.empty() ) { DigitalSet::Iterator it = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if ( shape.isSimple( *it ) ) { S.erase( *it ); ++nb_simple; } } << "Nb simple points : "<<nb_simple<<std::endl; ++layer; } while ( nb_simple != 0 ); trace.endBlock(); DigitalSet & S = shape.pointSet(); << "Skeleton--> "<<S<<std::endl; // Display by using two different list to manage OpenGL transparency. QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleExample3DViewer");; viewer << SetMode3D( shape_set.className(), "Paving" ); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(25,25,255, 255), Color(25,25,255, 255)); viewer << S ; viewer << SetMode3D( shape_set.className(), "PavingTransp" ); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(250, 0,0, 25), Color(250, 0,0, 5)); viewer << shape_set; viewer<< Viewer3D::updateDisplay; return application.exec(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { std::string inputFilename = examplesPath + "samples/Al.100.vol"; //------------ typedef SpaceND<3> Space4Type; typedef HyperRectDomain<Space4Type> TDomain; typedef TDomain::Point Point; QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer");; //Default image selector = STLVector typedef ImageSelector<TDomain, unsigned char>::Type Image; Image image = VolReader<Image>::importVol( inputFilename ); TDomain domain(image.lowerBound(), image.upperBound()); Image imageSeeds (image.lowerBound(), image.upperBound()); for ( Image::Iterator it = imageSeeds.begin(), itend = imageSeeds.end();it != itend; ++it) (*it)=1; Z3i::Point p0(10,10,10); //imageSeeds.setValue(p0, 0 ); randomSeeds(imageSeeds, 70, 0); //Distance transformation computation typedef ImageSelector<TDomain, long int>::Type ImageLong; typedef DistanceTransformation<Image, 2> DTL2; typedef DistanceTransformation<Image, 0> DTLInf; typedef DistanceTransformation<Image, 1> DTL1; DTL2 dtL2; DTLInf dtLinf; DTL1 dtL1; dtL1.checkTypesValidity ( imageSeeds ); DTL1::OutputImage resultL1 = dtL1.compute ( imageSeeds ); unsigned int min = 0; unsigned int max = 0; for(DTL1::OutputImage::ConstIterator it = resultL1.begin(), itend=resultL1.end(); it!=itend; ++it) { if( (*it) < min ) min=(*it); if( (*it) > max ) max=(*it); } GradientColorMap<long> gradient( 0,30); gradient.addColor(Color::Red); gradient.addColor(Color::Yellow); gradient.addColor(Color::Green); gradient.addColor(Color::Cyan); gradient.addColor(Color::Blue); gradient.addColor(Color::Magenta); gradient.addColor(Color::Red); viewer << SetMode3D( (*(domain.begin())).styleName(), "Paving" ); for(TDomain::ConstIterator it = domain.begin(), itend=domain.end(); it!=itend; ++it){ unsigned int valDist= resultL1( (*it) ); Color c= gradient(valDist); if(resultL1(*it)<=30 ){ viewer << CustomColors3D(Color((float)(, (float)(, (float)(,205)), Color((float)(, (float)(, (float)(,205)); viewer << *it ; } } //viewer << ClippingPlane(1,0,0,-60); viewer<< Viewer3D::updateDisplay; return application.exec(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { trace.beginBlock ( "Example simple example of 3DViewer" ); QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleExample3DViewer");; // Domain cretation from two bounding points. Point c( 0, 0, 0 ); Point p1( -50, -50, -50 ); Point p2( 50, 50, 50 ); Domain domain( p1, p2 ); trace.warning() << "Constructing a ring DigitalSet ... "; DigitalSet shape_set( domain ); for (Domain::ConstIterator it = domain.begin(); it != domain.end(); ++it ) { if ( ((*it - c ).norm() <= 25) && ((*it - c ).norm() >= 18) && ( (((*it)[0] <= 3)&& ((*it)[0] >= -3))|| (((*it)[1] <= 3)&& ((*it)[1] >= -3)))){ shape_set.insertNew( *it ); } } trace.warning() << " [Done]" << std::endl; trace.beginBlock ( "Thinning" ); Object18_6 shape( dt18_6, shape_set ); int nb_simple=0; DigitalSet::Iterator it, itE; do { DigitalSet & S = shape.pointSet(); std::queue<DigitalSet::Iterator> Q; it = S.begin(); itE = S.end(); #ifdef WITH_OPENMP std::vector<DigitalSet::Iterator> v( S.size() ); std::vector<uint8_t> b( v.size() ); for ( size_t i = 0; it != itE; ++it, ++i ) v[ i ] = it; #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) for ( size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i ) b[ i ] = shape.isSimple( *(v[ i ]) ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i ) if ( b[ i ] ) Q.push( v[ i ] ); #else for ( ; it != itE; ++it ) if ( shape.isSimple( *it ) ) Q.push( it ); #endif nb_simple = 0; while ( ! Q.empty() ) { DigitalSet::Iterator itt = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if ( shape.isSimple( *itt ) ) { S.erase( *itt ); ++nb_simple; } } } while ( nb_simple != 0 ); DigitalSet & S = shape.pointSet(); trace.endBlock(); // Display by using two different list to manage OpenGL transparency. viewer << SetMode3D( shape_set.className(), "Paving" ); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(25,25,255, 255), Color(25,25,255, 255)); viewer << S ; viewer << SetMode3D( shape_set.className(), "PavingTransp" ); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(250, 0,0, 25), Color(250, 0,0, 5)); viewer << shape_set; viewer<< Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; trace.endBlock(); return application.exec(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer");; trace.beginBlock ( "Testing class 3DDomain2DView" ); Z2i::Point p1( 0, 0 ); Z2i::Point p2( 10, 15 ); Z3i::Point p13D( 0, 0, 0 ); Z3i::Point p23D( 10, 15, 0 ); Z3i::Point p13Dt( 20, 20, 20 ); Z3i::Point p23Dt( 30, 35, 20 ); Z3i::Point p13Dtt( 40, 20, 20 ); Z3i::Point p23Dtt( 50, 35, 20 ); HyperRectDomain<Z2i::Space> dom ( p1,p2 ); HyperRectDomain<Z2i::Space> dom2 ( p1,p2 ); HyperRectDomain<Z2i::Space> dom3 ( p1,p2 ); HyperRectDomain<Z2i::Space> dom4 ( p1,p2 ); HyperRectDomain<Z2i::Space> dom5 ( p1,p2 ); HyperRectDomain<Z2i::Space> dom6 ( p1,p2 ); HyperRectDomain<Z2i::Space> dom7 ( p1,p2 ); HyperRectDomain<Z2i::Space> dom8 ( p1,p2 ); HyperRectDomain<Z2i::Space> dom9 ( p1,p2 ); viewer << p13D << p23D << p13Dt << p23Dt << p13Dtt << p23Dtt; viewer << dom << dom2 << dom3; viewer << SetMode3D( dom4.className(), "Grid" ); viewer << dom4 << dom5 << dom6; viewer << SetMode3D( dom4.className(), "Grid" ); viewer << dom7 << dom8 << dom9; viewer << Update2DDomainPosition<Space, KSpace>(0, Viewer3D<Space, KSpace>::xDirection, 0, 0, 0); viewer << Update2DDomainPosition<Space, KSpace>(1, Viewer3D<Space, KSpace>::yDirection, 0, 0, 0); viewer << Update2DDomainPosition<Space, KSpace>(2, Viewer3D<Space, KSpace>::zDirection, 0, 0, 0); viewer << Update2DDomainPosition<Space, KSpace>(3, Viewer3D<Space, KSpace>::xDirection, 0, 0, 0); viewer << Update2DDomainPosition<Space, KSpace>(4, Viewer3D<Space, KSpace>::yDirection, 0, 0, 0); viewer << Update2DDomainPosition<Space, KSpace>(5, Viewer3D<Space, KSpace>::zDirection, 0, 0, 0); viewer << Update2DDomainPosition<Space, KSpace>(6, Viewer3D<Space, KSpace>::xDirection, 0, 0, 0); viewer << Update2DDomainPosition<Space, KSpace>(7, Viewer3D<Space, KSpace>::yDirection, 0, 0, 0); viewer << Update2DDomainPosition<Space, KSpace>(8, Viewer3D<Space, KSpace>::zDirection, 0, 0, 0); viewer << DGtal::Translate2DDomain(3, 20, 20 ,20); viewer << DGtal::Translate2DDomain(4, 20, 20 ,20); viewer << DGtal::Translate2DDomain(5, 20, 20 ,20); viewer << DGtal::Translate2DDomain(6, 40, 20 ,20); viewer << DGtal::Translate2DDomain(7, 40, 20 ,20); viewer << DGtal::Translate2DDomain(8, 40, 20 ,20); viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; bool res = application.exec(); trace.emphase() << ( res ? "Passed." : "Error." ) << endl; trace.endBlock(); return res ? 0 : 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { //Reading the image try { typedef ImageContainerBySTLVector< Z2i::Domain, unsigned char> Image; Image image = GenericReader<Image>::import("church.pgm"); //You can access to image domain and values << image.domain()<<std::endl; << "Value at (5,5)="<< (int)image( Z2i::Point(5,5) )<<std::endl; //Creating the viewer // press 'h' for help QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer");; //Display 2 voxels viewer << Z3i::Point(2,3,5) ; viewer << Z3i::Point(3,2,1) ; //Display a triangle Z3i::RealPoint p1(1.0,0.0,0.0), p2(0.0,1.0,0.0), p3(0.0,0.0,1.0); viewer.addTriangle(p1,p2,p3); //Display a green triangle (with shift) Z3i::RealPoint shift(3.0,0.0,0.0); viewer<< CustomColors3D(Color(0, 250,0),Color(0, 250,0)); viewer.addTriangle(p1+shift, p2+shift, p3+shift); //A triangle whose color is given by a colormap on scalar function // (see colormaps // scalar are 'unsigned char' type here (and we want the 128th color) unsigned char maxscalar=255; unsigned char minscalar=0; HueShadeColorMap<unsigned> huemap(minscalar,maxscalar); Z3i::RealPoint shift2(5.0,0.0,0.0); viewer<< CustomColors3D(huemap(128), huemap(128)); viewer.addTriangle(p1+shift2, p2+shift2, p3+shift2); //Important: we need to update the display viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; //infinite loop (ESC to close the viewer) bool res = application.exec(); return res; } catch(const std::exception& ex) {<< "Error when reading the file "<< ex.what()<< std::endl; exit(2); } }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { // parse command line ---------------------------------------------- po::options_description general_opt("Allowed options are: "); general_opt.add_options() ("help,h", "display this message") ("input-file,i", po::value<std::string>(), "vol file (.vol) , pgm3d (.p3d or .pgm3d, pgm (with 3 dims)) file or sdp (sequence of discrete points)" ) ("thresholdMin,m", po::value<int>()->default_value(0), "threshold min to define binary shape" ) ("thresholdMax,M", po::value<int>()->default_value(255), "threshold max to define binary shape" ) ("numMaxVoxel,n", po::value<int>()->default_value(500000), "set the maximal voxel number to be displayed." ) #ifdef WITH_ITK ("dicomMin", po::value<int>()->default_value(-1000), "set minimum density threshold on Hounsfield scale") ("dicomMax", po::value<int>()->default_value(3000), "set maximum density threshold on Hounsfield scale") #endif ("transparency,t", po::value<uint>()->default_value(255), "transparency") ; bool parseOK=true; po::variables_map vm; try{ po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, general_opt), vm); }catch(const std::exception& ex){ parseOK=false;<< "Error checking program options: "<< ex.what()<< endl; } po::notify(vm); if( !parseOK || vm.count("help")||argc<=1) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [input-file]\n" << "Display volume file as a voxel set by using QGLviewer"<< endl << general_opt << "\n"; return 0; } if(! vm.count("input-file")) { trace.error() << " The file name was defined" << endl; return 0; } string inputFilename = vm["input-file"].as<std::string>(); int thresholdMin = vm["thresholdMin"].as<int>(); int thresholdMax = vm["thresholdMax"].as<int>(); unsigned char transp = vm["transparency"].as<uint>(); bool limitDisplay=false; if(vm.count("numMaxVoxel")){ limitDisplay=true; } unsigned int numDisplayedMax = vm["numMaxVoxel"].as<int>(); QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simple Volume Viewer");; typedef ImageSelector<Domain, unsigned char>::Type Image; string extension = inputFilename.substr(inputFilename.find_last_of(".") + 1); if(extension!="vol" && extension != "p3d" && extension != "pgm3D" && extension != "pgm3d" && extension != "sdp" && extension != "pgm" #ifdef WITH_ITK && extension !="dcm" #endif ){ << "File extension not recognized: "<< extension << std::endl; return 0; } if(extension=="vol" || extension=="pgm3d" || extension=="pgm3D" #ifdef WITH_ITK || extension =="dcm" #endif ){ unsigned int numDisplayed=0; #ifdef WITH_ITK int dicomMin = vm["dicomMin"].as<int>(); int dicomMax = vm["dicomMax"].as<int>(); typedef DGtal::RescalingFunctor<int ,unsigned char > RescalFCT; Image image = extension == "dcm" ? DicomReader< Image, RescalFCT >::importDicom( inputFilename, RescalFCT(dicomMin, dicomMax, 0, 255) ) : GenericReader<Image>::import( inputFilename ); #else Image image = GenericReader<Image>::import (inputFilename ); #endif << "Image loaded: "<<image<< std::endl; Domain domain = image.domain(); GradientColorMap<long> gradient( thresholdMin, thresholdMax); gradient.addColor(Color::Blue); gradient.addColor(Color::Green); gradient.addColor(Color::Yellow); gradient.addColor(Color::Red); for(Domain::ConstIterator it = domain.begin(), itend=domain.end(); it!=itend; ++it){ unsigned char val= image( (*it) ); if(limitDisplay && numDisplayed > numDisplayedMax) break; Color c= gradient(val); if(val<=thresholdMax && val >=thresholdMin){ viewer << CustomColors3D(Color((float)(, (float)(,(float)(, transp), Color((float)(, (float)(,(float)(, transp)); viewer << *it; numDisplayed++; } } }else if(extension=="sdp"){ vector<Z3i::RealPoint> vectVoxels = PointListReader<Z3i::RealPoint>::getPointsFromFile(inputFilename); for(int i=0;i< vectVoxels.size(); i++){ viewer <<;//Z3i::Point((unsigned int)[0],(unsigned int)[1], //(unsigned int )[2]); } } viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; return application.exec(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { // parse command line ---------------------------------------------- po::options_description general_opt("Allowed options are: "); general_opt.add_options() ("help,h", "display this message") ("input-file,i", po::value<std::string>(), "volume file" ) ("thresholdMin,m", po::value<int>()->default_value(0), "threshold min to define binary shape" ) ("thresholdMax,M", po::value<int>()->default_value(255), "threshold max to define binary shape" ) ("transparency,t", po::value<uint>()->default_value(255), "transparency") ; bool parseOK=true; po::variables_map vm; try{ po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, general_opt), vm); }catch(const std::exception& ex){ parseOK=false;<< "Error checking program options: "<< ex.what()<< endl; } po::notify(vm); if( !parseOK || vm.count("help")||argc<=1) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [input-file]\n" << "Display volume file as a voxel set by using QGLviewer" << general_opt << "\n"; return 0; } if(! vm.count("input-file")) { trace.error() << " The file name was defined" << endl; return 0; } string inputFilename = vm["input-file"].as<std::string>(); int thresholdMin = vm["thresholdMin"].as<int>(); int thresholdMax = vm["thresholdMax"].as<int>(); unsigned char transp = vm["transparency"].as<uint>(); QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simple Volume Viewer");; typedef ImageSelector<Domain, unsigned char>::Type Image; Image image = VolReader<Image>::importVol( inputFilename ); << "Image loaded: "<<image<< std::endl; Domain domain = image.domain(); GradientColorMap<long> gradient( thresholdMin, thresholdMax); gradient.addColor(Color::Blue); gradient.addColor(Color::Green); gradient.addColor(Color::Yellow); gradient.addColor(Color::Red); for(Domain::ConstIterator it = domain.begin(), itend=domain.end(); it!=itend; ++it){ unsigned char val= image( (*it) ); Color c= gradient(val); if(val<=thresholdMax && val >=thresholdMin){ viewer << CustomColors3D(Color((float)(, (float)(,(float)(, transp), Color((float)(, (float)(,(float)(, transp)); viewer << *it; } } viewer << Viewer3D::updateDisplay; return application.exec(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer");; typedef ImageSelector < Z3i::Domain, unsigned char>::Type Image3D; typedef ImageSelector < Z2i::Domain, unsigned char>::Type Image2D; typedef DGtal::ConstImageAdapter<Image3D, Image2D::Domain, DGtal::Projector< Z3i::Space>, Image3D::Value, DGtal::DefaultFunctor > SliceImageAdapter; typedef DGtal::ConstImageAdapter<Image3D, Z2i::Domain, DGtal::Point2DEmbedderIn3D<DGtal::Z3i::Domain>, Image3D::Value, DGtal::DefaultFunctor > ImageAdapterExtractor; DGtal::Projector<DGtal::Z2i::Space> invFunctor(2); // Importing a 3D image std::string filename = examplesPath + "samples/lobster.vol"; Image3D image = VolReader<Image3D>::importVol( filename ); DGtal::Z2i::Domain domain(invFunctor(image.domain().lowerBound()), invFunctor(image.domain().upperBound())); DGtal::DefaultFunctor idV; trace.beginBlock ( "Example extract2DImagesFrom3D" ); // Extracting 2D slices ... and visualisation on 3DViewer unsigned int pos=0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<30; i+=5){ DGtal::Projector<DGtal::Z3i::Space> aSliceFunctor(i); aSliceFunctor.initAddOneDim(2); SliceImageAdapter sliceImageZ(image, domain, aSliceFunctor, idV); viewer << sliceImageZ; viewer << DGtal::UpdateImagePosition<Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>(pos, Viewer3D<>::zDirection, i*20, i*20, i*20 ); pos++; } // Visu extraction from points const int IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH = 40; DGtal::Z3i::Point ptCenter(155, 155, 20); DGtal::Z2i::Domain domainImage2D (DGtal::Z2i::Point(0,0), DGtal::Z2i::Point(IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH, IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH)); DGtal::Point2DEmbedderIn3D<DGtal::Z3i::Domain > embedder(image.domain(), ptCenter, DGtal::Z3i::RealPoint(1,-1,1), IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH); ImageAdapterExtractor extractedImage(image, domainImage2D, embedder, idV); viewer << extractedImage; viewer << DGtal::UpdateImage3DEmbedding<Z3i::Space, Z3i::KSpace>(pos, embedder(Z2i::Point(0,0)), embedder(Z2i::Point(IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH,0)), embedder(domainImage2D.upperBound()), embedder(Z2i::RealPoint(0, IMAGE_PATCH_WIDTH))); viewer << DGtal::Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; application.exec(); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { // parse command line ---------------------------------------------- po::options_description general_opt("Allowed options are: "); general_opt.add_options() ("help,h", "display this message") ("input,i", po::value<std::vector<string> >()->multitoken(), "off files (.off), or OFS file (.ofs) " ) ("scaleX,x", po::value<float>()->default_value(1.0), "set the scale value in the X direction (default 1.0)" ) ("scaleY,y", po::value<float>()->default_value(1.0), "set the scale value in the Y direction (default 1.0)" ) ("scaleZ,z", po:: value<float>()->default_value(1.0), "set the scale value in the Z direction (default 1.0)") ("minLineWidth,w", po:: value<float>()->default_value(1.5), "set the min line width of the mesh faces (default 1.5)") ("customColorMesh",po::value<std::vector<unsigned int> >()->multitoken(), "set the R, G, B, A components of the colors of the mesh faces and eventually the color R, G, B, A of the mesh edge lines (set by default to black). " ) ("customColorSDP",po::value<std::vector<unsigned int> >()->multitoken(), "set the R, G, B, A components of the colors of the sdp view" ) ("displayVectorField,f",po::value<std::string>(), "display a vector field from a simple sdp file (two points per line)" ) ("vectorFieldIndex",po::value<std::vector<unsigned int> >()->multitoken(), "specify special indices for the two point coordinates (instead usinf the default indices: 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)" ) ("customLineColor",po::value<std::vector<unsigned int> >()->multitoken(), "set the R, G, B components of the colors of the lines displayed from the --displayVectorField option (red by default). " ) ("displaySDP,s", po::value<std::string>(), "Add the display of a set of discrete points as ball of radius 0.5.") ("SDPradius", po::value<double>()->default_value(0.5), "change the ball radius to display a set of discrete points (used with displaySDP option)") ("invertNormal,n", "threshold min to define binary shape" ) ("drawVertex,v", "draw the vertex of the mesh" ); bool parseOK=true; po::variables_map vm; try { po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, general_opt), vm); } catch(const std::exception& ex) { parseOK=false;<< "Error checking program options: "<< ex.what()<< endl; } po::notify(vm); if( !parseOK || vm.count("help")||argc<=1) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [input]\n" << "Display OFF mesh file by using QGLviewer" << general_opt << "\n"; return 0; } if(! vm.count("input")) { trace.error() << " The file name was defined" << endl; return 0; } std::vector<std::string> inputFilenameVect = vm["input"].as<std::vector<std::string > >(); float sx = vm["scaleX"].as<float>(); float sy = vm["scaleY"].as<float>(); float sz = vm["scaleZ"].as<float>(); unsigned int meshColorR = 240; unsigned int meshColorG = 240; unsigned int meshColorB = 240; unsigned int meshColorA = 255; unsigned int meshColorRLine = 0; unsigned int meshColorGLine = 0; unsigned int meshColorBLine = 0; unsigned int meshColorALine = 255; unsigned int sdpColorR = 240; unsigned int sdpColorG = 240; unsigned int sdpColorB = 240; unsigned int sdpColorA = 255; bool displayVectorField = vm.count("displayVectorField"); std::vector<unsigned int> vectFieldIndices = {0,1,2,3,4,5}; if (displayVectorField) { if(vm.count("vectorFieldIndex")) { vectFieldIndices = vm["vectorFieldIndex"].as<std::vector<unsigned int> >(); if (vectFieldIndices.size() != 6) { trace.warning() << "you should specify indices for each of the 6 fields of the two coordinates." << std::endl; vectFieldIndices = {0,1,2,3,4,5}; } } } float lineWidth = vm["minLineWidth"].as<float>(); DGtal::Color vFieldLineColor = DGtal::Color::Red; if(vm.count("customLineColor")) { std::vector<unsigned int > vectCol = vm["customLineColor"].as<std::vector<unsigned int> >(); if(vectCol.size()!=3 ) { trace.error() << "colors specification should contain R,G,B values (using default red)."<< std::endl; } vFieldLineColor.setRGBi(vectCol[0], vectCol[1], vectCol[2], 255); } if(vm.count("customColorMesh")) { std::vector<unsigned int > vectCol = vm["customColorMesh"].as<std::vector<unsigned int> >(); if(vectCol.size()!=4 && vectCol.size()!=8 ) { trace.error() << "colors specification should contain R,G,B and Alpha values"<< std::endl; } meshColorR = vectCol[0]; meshColorG = vectCol[1]; meshColorB = vectCol[2]; meshColorA = vectCol[3]; if(vectCol.size() == 8) { meshColorRLine = vectCol[4]; meshColorGLine = vectCol[5]; meshColorBLine = vectCol[6]; meshColorALine = vectCol[7]; } } if(vm.count("customColorSDP")) { std::vector<unsigned int > vectCol = vm["customColorSDP"].as<std::vector<unsigned int> >(); if(vectCol.size()!=4) { trace.error() << "colors specification should contain R,G,B and Alpha values"<< std::endl; } sdpColorR = vectCol[0]; sdpColorG = vectCol[1]; sdpColorB = vectCol[2]; sdpColorA = vectCol[3]; } QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer3D<> viewer; std::stringstream title; title << "Simple Mesh Viewer: " << inputFilenameVect[0]; viewer.setWindowTitle(title.str().c_str());; viewer.myGLLineMinWidth = lineWidth; viewer.setGLScale(sx, sy, sz); bool invertNormal= vm.count("invertNormal"); double ballRadius = vm["SDPradius"].as<double>(); << "Importing mesh... "; std::vector<Mesh<DGtal::Z3i::RealPoint> > vectMesh; for(unsigned int i = 0; i< inputFilenameVect.size(); i++) { Mesh<DGtal::Z3i::RealPoint> aMesh(!vm.count("customColorMesh")); aMesh << inputFilenameVect[i]; vectMesh.push_back(aMesh); } bool import = vectMesh.size()==inputFilenameVect.size(); if(!import) { << "File import failed. " << std::endl; return 0; } << "[done]. "<< std::endl; if(vm.count("displaySDP")) { std::string filenameSDP = vm["displaySDP"].as<std::string>(); vector<Z3i::RealPoint> vectPoints; vectPoints = PointListReader<Z3i::RealPoint>::getPointsFromFile(filenameSDP); viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(sdpColorR, sdpColorG, sdpColorB, sdpColorA), Color(sdpColorR, sdpColorG, sdpColorB, sdpColorA)); for(unsigned int i=0; i< vectPoints.size(); i++) { viewer.addBall(, ballRadius); } } if(invertNormal) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<vectMesh.size(); i++) { vectMesh[i].invertVertexFaceOrder(); } } viewer << CustomColors3D(Color(meshColorRLine, meshColorGLine, meshColorBLine, meshColorALine), Color(meshColorR, meshColorG, meshColorB, meshColorA)); for(unsigned int i=0; i<vectMesh.size(); i++) { viewer << vectMesh[i]; } if(vm.count("drawVertex")) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<vectMesh.size(); i++) { for( Mesh<DGtal::Z3i::RealPoint>::VertexStorage::const_iterator it = vectMesh[i].vertexBegin(); it!=vectMesh[i].vertexEnd(); ++it) { DGtal::Z3i::Point pt; pt[0]=(*it)[0]; pt[1]=(*it)[1]; pt[2]=(*it)[2]; viewer << pt; } } } if (displayVectorField) { std::vector<unsigned int > vectFieldIndices1 = {vectFieldIndices[0],vectFieldIndices[1], vectFieldIndices[2]}; std::vector<unsigned int > vectFieldIndices2 = {vectFieldIndices[3],vectFieldIndices[4], vectFieldIndices[5]}; std::vector<DGtal::Z3i::RealPoint> vectPt1 = PointListReader<DGtal::Z3i::RealPoint>::getPointsFromFile(vm["displayVectorField"].as<std::string>(), vectFieldIndices1); std::vector<DGtal::Z3i::RealPoint> vectPt2 = PointListReader<DGtal::Z3i::RealPoint>::getPointsFromFile(vm["displayVectorField"].as<std::string>(), vectFieldIndices2); viewer.createNewLineList(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vectPt1.size(); i++) { viewer.setLineColor(vFieldLineColor); viewer.addLine(vectPt1[i], vectPt2[i]); } } viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay; return application.exec(); }