예제 #1
// ****************************************************************************
//  Method: RenderTranslucent
//  Purpose: Renders translucent geometry within a VisWindow.
//           Expects that opaque geometry has already been rendered.  In the
//           IceT case, our work is a lot simpler because we don't need to
//           read the image back from the framebuffer (we'll read it back from
//           IceT later anyway).
//  Programmer: Tom Fogal
//  Creation:   August 4, 2008
//  Modifications:
// ****************************************************************************
IceTNetworkManager::RenderTranslucent(int windowID, const avtImage_p& input)
    VisWindow *viswin = viswinMap.find(windowID)->second.viswin;
    CallProgressCallback("IceTNetworkManager", "Transparent rendering", 0, 1);
        StackTimer second_pass("Second-pass screen capture for SR");

        // We have to disable any gradient background before
        // rendering, as those will overwrite the first pass
        AnnotationAttributes::BackgroundMode bm = viswin->GetBackgroundMode();

            true,   // Z buffer
            false,  // opaque geometry
            true,   // translucent geometry
            input   // image to composite with

        // Restore the background mode for next time
    CallProgressCallback("IceTNetworkManager", "Transparent rendering", 1, 1);

    // In this implementation, the user should never use the return value --
    // read it back from IceT instead!
    return NULL;
예제 #2
// ****************************************************************************
//  Method: RenderGeometry
//  Purpose: Renders the geometry for a scene; this is always the opaque
//           objects, and may or may not include translucent objects (depending
//           on the current multipass rendering settings).
//           We override this method because we can avoid a readback in the
//           one-pass case (we'll read it back from IceT later anyway).
//  Programmer: Tom Fogal
//  Creation:   July 26, 2008
//  Modifications:
//    Tom Fogal, Mon Jul 28 14:57:01 EDT 2008
//    Need to return NULL in the single-pass case!
// ****************************************************************************
    VisWindow *viswin = viswinMap.find(this->r_mgmt.windowID)->second.viswin;
        return NetworkManager::RenderGeometry();
    CallProgressCallback("IceTNetworkManager", "Render geometry", 0, 1);
        viswin->ScreenRender(this->r_mgmt.viewportedMode, true);
    CallProgressCallback("IceTNetworkManager", "Render geometry", 0, 1);
    return NULL;