static void update_recent_menus() { for (int i = 0; i < menus.size(); i++) { const MMDesc *items = (const MMDesc *)menus[i]; update_recent_menu(items); } }
OutputStream::~OutputStream() { #if JUCE_DEBUG activeStreamLock.enter(); activeStreams.removeValue (this); activeStreamLock.exit(); #endif }
//============================================================================== OutputStream::OutputStream() throw() { #if JUCE_DEBUG activeStreamLock.enter(); activeStreams.add (this); activeStreamLock.exit(); #endif }
void juce_CheckForDanglingStreams() { /* It's always a bad idea to leak any object, but if you're leaking output streams, then there's a good chance that you're failing to flush a file to disk properly, which could result in corrupted data and other similar nastiness.. */ jassert (activeStreams.size() == 0); };
// Remove all unused decorations from cache void clear_plot_window_cache() { for (int i = 0; i < plot_infos.size(); i++) { PlotWindowInfo *info = (PlotWindowInfo *)plot_infos[i]; if (info->plotter == 0) { // Shell is unused -- destroy it XtDestroyWidget(info->shell); info->shell = 0; } else { // A running shell should be destroyed after invocation. // (FIXME) } } static const VoidArray empty; plot_infos = empty; }
static PlotWindowInfo *new_decoration(const string& name) { PlotWindowInfo *plot = 0; // Check whether we can reuse an existing decoration for (int i = 0; i < plot_infos.size(); i++) { PlotWindowInfo *info = (PlotWindowInfo *)plot_infos[i]; if (info->plotter == 0) { // Shell is unused - use this one plot = info; break; } } if (plot == 0) { plot = new PlotWindowInfo; // Create decoration windows Arg args[10]; Cardinal arg = 0; XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNallowShellResize, True); arg++; XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNdeleteResponse, XmDO_NOTHING); arg++; // Mark shell as `used' XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNuserData, XtPointer(True)); arg++; plot->shell = verify(XtCreateWidget("plot", topLevelShellWidgetClass, find_shell(), args, arg)); AddDeleteWindowCallback(plot->shell, CancelPlotCB, XtPointer(plot)); arg = 0; Widget main_window = XmCreateMainWindow(plot->shell, XMST("main_window"), args, arg); XtManageChild(main_window); MMcreateMenuBar(main_window, "menubar", menubar); MMaddCallbacks(file_menu, XtPointer(plot)); MMaddCallbacks(simple_edit_menu); MMaddCallbacks(view_menu, XtPointer(plot)); MMaddCallbacks(plot_menu, XtPointer(plot)); MMaddCallbacks(scale_menu, XtPointer(plot)); MMaddCallbacks(contour_menu, XtPointer(plot)); MMaddCallbacks(simple_help_menu); MMaddHelpCallback(menubar, ImmediateHelpCB); arg = 0; XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNscrollingPolicy, XmAPPLICATION_DEFINED); arg++; XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNvisualPolicy, XmVARIABLE); arg++; Widget scroll = XmCreateScrolledWindow(main_window, XMST("scroll"), args, arg); XtManageChild(scroll); // Create work window Widget work; string plot_term_type = downcase(app_data.plot_term_type); if (plot_term_type.contains("xlib", 0)) { // xlib type - create plot area to draw plot commands arg = 0; work = XmCreateDrawingArea(scroll, XMST(PLOT_AREA_NAME), args, arg); XtManageChild(work); plot->area = new PlotArea(work, make_font(app_data, FixedWidthDDDFont)); XtVaSetValues(work, XmNuserData, XtPointer(plot->area), XtPointer(0)); } else if (plot_term_type.contains("x11", 0)) { // x11 type - swallow Gnuplot window arg = 0; work = plot->swallower = XtCreateManagedWidget(SWALLOWER_NAME, swallowerWidgetClass, scroll, args, arg); } else { // Unknown terminal type post_error("Unknown plot terminal type " + quote(app_data.plot_term_type), "unknown_plot_term_type_error"); return 0; } // Create scroll bars const int slider_size = 20; arg = 0; XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL); arg++; XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNminimum, 0); arg++; XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNmaximum, 360 + slider_size); arg++; plot->hsb = XmCreateScrollBar(scroll, XMST("hsb"), args, arg); XtManageChild(plot->hsb); arg = 0; XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNorientation, XmVERTICAL); arg++; XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNminimum, 0); arg++; XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNmaximum, 180 + slider_size); arg++; plot->vsb = XmCreateScrollBar(scroll, XMST("vsb"), args, arg); XtManageChild(plot->vsb); XtAddCallback(plot->hsb, XmNvalueChangedCallback, SetViewCB, XtPointer(plot)); XtAddCallback(plot->vsb, XmNvalueChangedCallback, SetViewCB, XtPointer(plot)); #if 0 XtAddCallback(plot->hsb, XmNdragCallback, SetViewCB, XtPointer(plot)); XtAddCallback(plot->vsb, XmNdragCallback, SetViewCB, XtPointer(plot)); #endif XmScrolledWindowSetAreas(scroll, plot->hsb, plot->vsb, work); Delay::register_shell(plot->shell); InstallButtonTips(plot->shell); plot_infos += plot; } string title = DDD_NAME ": " + name; XtVaSetValues(plot->shell, XmNtitle, title.chars(), XmNiconName, title.chars(), XtPointer(0)); if (plot->swallower != 0) { XtRemoveAllCallbacks(plot->swallower, XtNwindowCreatedCallback); XtAddCallback(plot->swallower, XtNwindowCreatedCallback, SwallowCB, XtPointer(plot)); XtRemoveAllCallbacks(plot->swallower, XtNwindowGoneCallback); XtAddCallback(plot->swallower, XtNwindowGoneCallback, SwallowAgainCB, XtPointer(plot)); if (plot->swallow_timer != 0) XtRemoveTimeOut(plot->swallow_timer); plot->swallow_timer = XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(plot->swallower), app_data.plot_window_delay, SwallowTimeOutCB, XtPointer(plot)); } plot->active = false; return plot; }