예제 #1
void AlliancesWindow::Update()
    // Build a list of all teams;

    LList<Team *> teams;
    for( int i = 0; i < g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size(); ++i )
        Team *team = g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams[i];
        teams.PutData( team );

    // Now put the other teams in, in alliance order

    int currentIndex = 0;

    while( teams.Size() > 0 )
        Team *baseTeam = teams[0];
        m_teamOrder[currentIndex] = baseTeam->m_teamId;

        for( int i = 0; i < teams.Size(); ++i )
            Team *possibleAlly = teams[i];
            if( possibleAlly->m_allianceId == baseTeam->m_allianceId )
                m_teamOrder[currentIndex] = possibleAlly->m_teamId;

    // Are there any votes we can see?
    for( int i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMS; ++i )
        m_votes[i] = -1;

    currentIndex = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < g_app->GetWorld()->m_votingSystem.m_votes.Size(); ++i )
        if( g_app->GetWorld()->m_votingSystem.m_votes.ValidIndex(i) )
            Vote *vote = g_app->GetWorld()->m_votingSystem.m_votes[i];
            if( vote->m_result == Vote::VoteUnknown &&
                vote->CanSeeVote( g_app->GetWorld()->m_myTeamId ) )
                m_votes[currentIndex] = i;

    // Make sure we are the right size
    m_h = 120 + g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size() * 42;
    m_h += currentIndex * 45;    

    if( currentIndex > 0 ) m_h += 10;
    m_h = max(m_h, 300 );

    GetButton("Close")->m_y = m_h - 25;