void WIDGET_HOTKEY_LIST::ResetItem( wxTreeListItem aItem )
    WIDGET_HOTKEY_CLIENT_DATA* hkdata = GetHKClientData( aItem );
    EDA_HOTKEY* hk = &hkdata->GetHotkey();

    for( size_t sec_index = 0; sec_index < m_sections.size(); ++sec_index )
        wxString& section_tag = *( m_sections[sec_index].m_section->m_SectionTag );

        if( section_tag != hkdata->GetSectionTag() )

        HOTKEY_LIST& each_list = m_hotkeys[sec_index];
        HOTKEY_LIST::iterator hk_it;

        for( hk_it = each_list.begin(); hk_it != each_list.end(); ++hk_it )
            if( hk_it->m_Idcommand == hk->m_Idcommand )
                hk->m_KeyCode = hk_it->m_KeyCode;

bool WIDGET_HOTKEY_LIST::CheckKeyConflicts( long aKey, const wxString& aSectionTag,
        EDA_HOTKEY** aConfKey, EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG** aConfSect )
    EDA_HOTKEY* conflicting_key = NULL;
    struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* conflicting_section = NULL;

    for( wxTreeListItem item = GetFirstItem(); item.IsOk(); item = GetNextItem( item ) )
        WIDGET_HOTKEY_CLIENT_DATA* hkdata = GetHKClientData( item );

        if( !hkdata )

        EDA_HOTKEY& hk = hkdata->GetHotkey();
        wxString tag = hkdata->GetSectionTag();

        if( aSectionTag != g_CommonSectionTag
            && tag != g_CommonSectionTag
            && tag != aSectionTag )
            // This key and its conflict candidate are in orthogonal sections, so skip.

        if( aKey == hk.m_KeyCode )
            conflicting_key = &hk;

            // Find the section
            HOTKEY_SECTIONS::iterator it;

            for( it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it )
                if( *it->m_section->m_SectionTag == tag )
                    conflicting_section = it->m_section;

    // Write the outparams
    if( aConfKey )
        *aConfKey = conflicting_key;

    if( aConfSect )
        *aConfSect = conflicting_section;

    return conflicting_key == NULL;
void WIDGET_HOTKEY_LIST::EditItem( wxTreeListItem aItem )
    WIDGET_HOTKEY_CLIENT_DATA* hkdata = GetHKClientData( aItem );

    if( !hkdata )
        // Activated item was not a hotkey row

    wxString    name = GetItemText( aItem, 0 );
    wxString    current_key = GetItemText( aItem, 1 );

    wxKeyEvent key_event = HK_PROMPT_DIALOG::PromptForKey( GetParent(), name, current_key );
    long key = MapKeypressToKeycode( key_event );

    if( hkdata && key )
        // See if this key code is handled in hotkeys names list
        bool exists;
        KeyNameFromKeyCode( key, &exists );

        if( exists && hkdata->GetHotkey().m_KeyCode != key )
            wxString tag = hkdata->GetSectionTag();
            bool canUpdate = ResolveKeyConflicts( key, tag );

            if( canUpdate )
                hkdata->GetHotkey().m_KeyCode = key;


        // Trigger a resize in case column widths have changed
        wxSizeEvent dummy_evt;
        OnSize( dummy_evt );