예제 #1
파일: grfmt_tiff.cpp 프로젝트: Skolo/opencv
void  TiffEncoder::writeTag( WLByteStream& strm, TiffTag tag,
                             TiffFieldType fieldType,
                             int count, int value )
    strm.putWord( tag );
    strm.putWord( fieldType );
    strm.putDWord( count );
    strm.putDWord( value );
예제 #2
파일: grfmt_tiff.cpp 프로젝트: Skolo/opencv
bool  TiffEncoder::write( const Mat& img, const vector<int>& /*params*/)
    int channels = img.channels();
    int width = img.cols, height = img.rows;
    int depth = img.depth();

    if (depth != CV_8U && depth != CV_16U)
        return false;

    int bytesPerChannel = depth == CV_8U ? 1 : 2;
    int fileStep = width * channels * bytesPerChannel;

    WLByteStream strm;

    if( m_buf )
        if( !strm.open(*m_buf) )
            return false;
#ifdef HAVE_TIFF
      return writeLibTiff(img, params);
      if( !strm.open(m_filename) )
          return false;

    int rowsPerStrip = (1 << 13)/fileStep;

    if( rowsPerStrip < 1 )
        rowsPerStrip = 1;

    if( rowsPerStrip > height )
        rowsPerStrip = height;

    int i, stripCount = (height + rowsPerStrip - 1) / rowsPerStrip;

    if( m_buf )
        m_buf->reserve( alignSize(stripCount*8 + fileStep*height + 256, 256) );

/*#if defined _DEBUG || !defined WIN32
    int uncompressedRowSize = rowsPerStrip * fileStep;
    int directoryOffset = 0;

    AutoBuffer<int> stripOffsets(stripCount);
    AutoBuffer<short> stripCounts(stripCount);
    AutoBuffer<uchar> _buffer(fileStep+32);
    uchar* buffer = _buffer;
    int  stripOffsetsOffset = 0;
    int  stripCountsOffset = 0;
    int  bitsPerSample = 8 * bytesPerChannel;
    int  y = 0;

    strm.putBytes( fmtSignTiffII, 4 );
    strm.putDWord( directoryOffset );

    // write an image data first (the most reasonable way
    // for compressed images)
    for( i = 0; i < stripCount; i++ )
        int limit = y + rowsPerStrip;

        if( limit > height )
            limit = height;

        stripOffsets[i] = strm.getPos();

        for( ; y < limit; y++ )
            if( channels == 3 )
                if (depth == CV_8U)
                    icvCvt_BGR2RGB_8u_C3R( img.data + img.step*y, 0, buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1) );
                    icvCvt_BGR2RGB_16u_C3R( (const ushort*)(img.data + img.step*y), 0, (ushort*)buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1) );
              if( channels == 4 )
                if (depth == CV_8U)
                    icvCvt_BGRA2RGBA_8u_C4R( img.data + img.step*y, 0, buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1) );
                    icvCvt_BGRA2RGBA_16u_C4R( (const ushort*)(img.data + img.step*y), 0, (ushort*)buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1) );

            strm.putBytes( channels > 1 ? buffer : img.data + img.step*y, fileStep );

        stripCounts[i] = (short)(strm.getPos() - stripOffsets[i]);
        /*assert( stripCounts[i] == uncompressedRowSize ||
                stripCounts[i] < uncompressedRowSize &&
                i == stripCount - 1);*/

    if( stripCount > 2 )
        stripOffsetsOffset = strm.getPos();
        for( i = 0; i < stripCount; i++ )
            strm.putDWord( stripOffsets[i] );

        stripCountsOffset = strm.getPos();
        for( i = 0; i < stripCount; i++ )
            strm.putWord( stripCounts[i] );
    else if(stripCount == 2)
        stripOffsetsOffset = strm.getPos();
        for (i = 0; i < stripCount; i++)
            strm.putDWord (stripOffsets [i]);
        stripCountsOffset = stripCounts [0] + (stripCounts [1] << 16);
        stripOffsetsOffset = stripOffsets[0];
        stripCountsOffset = stripCounts[0];

    if( channels > 1 )
        int bitsPerSamplePos = strm.getPos();
        if( channels == 4 )
        bitsPerSample = bitsPerSamplePos;

    directoryOffset = strm.getPos();

    // write header
    strm.putWord( 9 );

    /* warning: specification 5.0 of Tiff want to have tags in
       ascending order. This is a non-fatal error, but this cause
       warning with some tools. So, keep this in ascending order */

    writeTag( strm, TIFF_TAG_WIDTH, TIFF_TYPE_LONG, 1, width );
    writeTag( strm, TIFF_TAG_HEIGHT, TIFF_TYPE_LONG, 1, height );
    writeTag( strm, TIFF_TAG_BITS_PER_SAMPLE,
              TIFF_TYPE_SHORT, channels, bitsPerSample );
    writeTag( strm, TIFF_TAG_PHOTOMETRIC, TIFF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, channels > 1 ? 2 : 1 );

              stripCount, stripOffsetsOffset );

    writeTag( strm, TIFF_TAG_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL, TIFF_TYPE_SHORT, 1, channels );
    writeTag( strm, TIFF_TAG_ROWS_PER_STRIP, TIFF_TYPE_LONG, 1, rowsPerStrip );

    writeTag( strm, TIFF_TAG_STRIP_COUNTS,
              stripCount > 1 ? TIFF_TYPE_SHORT : TIFF_TYPE_LONG,
              stripCount, stripCountsOffset );


    if( m_buf )
        (*m_buf)[4] = (uchar)directoryOffset;
        (*m_buf)[5] = (uchar)(directoryOffset >> 8);
        (*m_buf)[6] = (uchar)(directoryOffset >> 16);
        (*m_buf)[7] = (uchar)(directoryOffset >> 24);
예제 #3
파일: grfmt_pxm.cpp 프로젝트: 4auka/opencv
bool  PxMEncoder::write( const Mat& img, const std::vector<int>& params )
    bool isBinary = true;

    int  width = img.cols, height = img.rows;
    int  _channels = img.channels(), depth = (int)img.elemSize1()*8;
    int  channels = _channels > 1 ? 3 : 1;
    int  fileStep = width*(int)img.elemSize();
    int  x, y;

    for( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i += 2 )
        if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_PXM_BINARY )
            isBinary = params[i+1] != 0;

    WLByteStream strm;

    if( m_buf )
        if( !strm.open(*m_buf) )
            return false;
        int t = CV_MAKETYPE(img.depth(), channels);
        m_buf->reserve( alignSize(256 + (isBinary ? fileStep*height :
            ((t == CV_8UC1 ? 4 : t == CV_8UC3 ? 4*3+2 :
            t == CV_16UC1 ? 6 : 6*3+2)*width+1)*height), 256));
    else if( !strm.open(m_filename) )
        return false;

    int  lineLength;
    int  bufferSize = 128; // buffer that should fit a header

    if( isBinary )
        lineLength = width * (int)img.elemSize();
        lineLength = (6 * channels + (channels > 1 ? 2 : 0)) * width + 32;

    if( bufferSize < lineLength )
        bufferSize = lineLength;

    AutoBuffer<char> _buffer(bufferSize);
    char* buffer = _buffer;

    // write header;
    sprintf( buffer, "P%c\n%d %d\n%d\n",
             '2' + (channels > 1 ? 1 : 0) + (isBinary ? 3 : 0),
             width, height, (1 << depth) - 1 );

    strm.putBytes( buffer, (int)strlen(buffer) );

    for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
        uchar* data = img.data + img.step*y;
        if( isBinary )
            if( _channels == 3 )
                if( depth == 8 )
                    icvCvt_BGR2RGB_8u_C3R( (uchar*)data, 0,
                        (uchar*)buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1) );
                    icvCvt_BGR2RGB_16u_C3R( (ushort*)data, 0,
                        (ushort*)buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1) );

            // swap endianness if necessary
            if( depth == 16 && !isBigEndian() )
                if( _channels == 1 )
                    memcpy( buffer, data, fileStep );
                for( x = 0; x < width*channels*2; x += 2 )
                    uchar v = buffer[x];
                    buffer[x] = buffer[x + 1];
                    buffer[x + 1] = v;
            strm.putBytes( (channels > 1 || depth > 8) ? buffer : (char*)data, fileStep );
            char* ptr = buffer;

            if( channels > 1 )
                if( depth == 8 )
                    for( x = 0; x < width*channels; x += channels )
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 4d", data[x + 2] );
                        ptr += 4;
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 4d", data[x + 1] );
                        ptr += 4;
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 4d", data[x] );
                        ptr += 4;
                        *ptr++ = ' ';
                        *ptr++ = ' ';
                    for( x = 0; x < width*channels; x += channels )
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 6d", ((ushort *)data)[x + 2] );
                        ptr += 6;
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 6d", ((ushort *)data)[x + 1] );
                        ptr += 6;
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 6d", ((ushort *)data)[x] );
                        ptr += 6;
                        *ptr++ = ' ';
                        *ptr++ = ' ';
                if( depth == 8 )
                    for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 4d", data[x] );
                        ptr += 4;
                    for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 6d", ((ushort *)data)[x] );
                        ptr += 6;

            *ptr++ = '\n';

            strm.putBytes( buffer, (int)(ptr - buffer) );

    return true;
예제 #4
bool PAMEncoder::write( const Mat& img, const std::vector<int>& params )

    WLByteStream strm;

    int width = img.cols, height = img.rows;
    int stride = width*(int)img.elemSize();
    const uchar* data = img.ptr();
    const struct pam_format *fmt = NULL;
    int x, y, tmp, bufsize = 256;

    /* parse save file type */
    for( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i += 2 )
        if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_PAM_TUPLETYPE ) {
            if ( params[i+1] > CV_IMWRITE_PAM_FORMAT_NULL &&
                 params[i+1] < (int) PAM_FORMATS_NO)
                fmt = &formats[params[i+1]];

    if( m_buf )
        if( !strm.open(*m_buf) )
            return false;
        m_buf->reserve( alignSize(256 + stride*height, 256));
    else if( !strm.open(m_filename) )
        return false;

    tmp = width * (int)img.elemSize();

    if (bufsize < tmp)
        bufsize = tmp;

    AutoBuffer<char> _buffer(bufsize);
    char* buffer = _buffer.data();

    /* write header */
    tmp = 0;
    tmp += sprintf( buffer, "P7\n");
    tmp += sprintf( buffer + tmp, "WIDTH %d\n", width);
    tmp += sprintf( buffer + tmp, "HEIGHT %d\n", height);
    tmp += sprintf( buffer + tmp, "DEPTH %d\n", img.channels());
    tmp += sprintf( buffer + tmp, "MAXVAL %d\n", (1 << img.elemSize1()*8) - 1);
    if (fmt)
        tmp += sprintf( buffer + tmp, "TUPLTYPE %s\n", fmt->name );
    sprintf( buffer + tmp, "ENDHDR\n" );

    strm.putBytes( buffer, (int)strlen(buffer) );
    /* write data */
    if (img.depth() == CV_8U)
        strm.putBytes( data, stride*height );
    else if (img.depth() == CV_16U) {
        /* fix endianness */
        if (!isBigEndian()) {
            for( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) {
                memcpy( buffer, img.ptr(y), stride );
                for( x = 0; x < stride; x += 2 )
                    uchar v = buffer[x];
                    buffer[x] = buffer[x + 1];
                    buffer[x + 1] = v;
                strm.putBytes( buffer, stride );
        } else
            strm.putBytes( data, stride*height );
    } else
        CV_Error(Error::StsInternal, "");

    return true;