void WaypointManager::Load() { Cleanup(); uint32 total_paths = 0; uint32 total_nodes = 0; uint32 total_behaviors = 0; QueryResult *result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT id, COUNT(point) FROM creature_movement GROUP BY id"); if(result) { total_paths = result->GetRowCount(); barGoLink bar( total_paths ); do { Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 id = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 count = fields[1].GetUInt32(); m_pathMap[id].resize(count); total_nodes += count; bar.step(); } while( result->NextRow() ); delete result; } result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT position_x, position_y, position_z, orientation, model1, model2, waittime, emote, spell, textid1, textid2, textid3, textid4, textid5, id, point FROM creature_movement"); if(result) { barGoLink bar( result->GetRowCount() ); do { Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 point = fields[15].GetUInt32(); uint32 id = fields[14].GetUInt32(); WaypointPath &path = m_pathMap[id]; // the cleanup queries make sure the following is true assert(point >= 1 && point <= path.size()); WaypointNode &node = path[point-1]; node.x = fields[0].GetFloat(); node.y = fields[1].GetFloat(); node.z = fields[2].GetFloat(); node.orientation = fields[3].GetFloat(); node.delay = fields[6].GetUInt16(); // prevent using invalid coordinates if(!MaNGOS::IsValidMapCoord(node.x, node.y, node.z, node.orientation)) { QueryResult *result1 = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, map FROM creature WHERE guid = '%u'", id); if(result1) sLog.outErrorDb("ERROR: Creature (guidlow %d, entry %d) have invalid coordinates in his waypoint %d (X: %f, Y: %f).", id, result1->Fetch()[0].GetUInt32(), point, node.x, node.y); else sLog.outErrorDb("ERROR: Waypoint path %d, have invalid coordinates in his waypoint %d (X: %f, Y: %f).", id, point, node.x, node.y); MaNGOS::NormalizeMapCoord(node.x); MaNGOS::NormalizeMapCoord(node.y); if(result1) { node.z = MapManager::Instance ().GetBaseMap(result1->Fetch()[1].GetUInt32())->GetHeight(node.x, node.y, node.z); delete result1; } WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE creature_movement SET position_x = '%f', position_y = '%f', position_z = '%f' WHERE id = '%u' AND point = '%u'", node.x, node.y, node.z, id, point); } WaypointBehavior be; be.model1 = fields[4].GetUInt32(); be.model2 = fields[5].GetUInt32(); be.emote = fields[7].GetUInt32(); be.spell = fields[8].GetUInt32(); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_WAYPOINT_TEXT; ++i) { be.textid[i] = fields[9+i].GetUInt32(); if(be.textid[i]) { if (be.textid[i] < MIN_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID || be.textid[i] >= MAX_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID) { sLog.outErrorDb( "Table `db_script_string` not have string id %u", be.textid[i]); continue; } } } // save memory by not storing empty behaviors if(!be.isEmpty()) { node.behavior = new WaypointBehavior(be); ++total_behaviors; } else node.behavior = NULL; bar.step(); } while( result->NextRow() ); delete result; } sLog.outString( ">> Loaded %u paths, %u nodes and %u behaviors", total_paths, total_nodes, total_behaviors); }
void WaypointManager::Load() { Cleanup(); uint32 total_paths = 0; uint32 total_nodes = 0; uint32 total_behaviors = 0; std::set<uint32> movementScriptSet; for (ScriptMapMap::const_iterator itr = sCreatureMovementScripts.second.begin(); itr != sCreatureMovementScripts.second.end(); ++itr) movementScriptSet.insert(itr->first); // creature_movement QueryResult* result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT id, COUNT(point) FROM creature_movement GROUP BY id"); if (!result) { BarGoLink bar(1); bar.step(); sLog.outString(); sLog.outString(">> Loaded 0 paths. DB table `creature_movement` is empty."); } else { total_paths = (uint32)result->GetRowCount(); BarGoLink bar(total_paths); do { bar.step(); Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 id = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 count = fields[1].GetUInt32(); m_pathMap[id].resize(count); total_nodes += count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog.outString(); sLog.outString(">> Paths loaded"); delete result; // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT id, point, position_x, position_y, position_z, waittime, script_id," // 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 "textid1, textid2, textid3, textid4, textid5, emote, spell, orientation, model1, model2 FROM creature_movement"); BarGoLink barRow((int)result->GetRowCount()); // error after load, we check if creature guid corresponding to the path id has proper MovementType std::set<uint32> creatureNoMoveType; do { barRow.step(); Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 id = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 point = fields[1].GetUInt32(); const CreatureData* cData = sObjectMgr.GetCreatureData(id); if (!cData) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid %u, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping.", id); continue; } if (cData->movementType != WAYPOINT_MOTION_TYPE) creatureNoMoveType.insert(id); WaypointPath& path = m_pathMap[id]; // the cleanup queries make sure the following is true MANGOS_ASSERT(point >= 1 && point <= path.size()); WaypointNode& node = path[point-1]; node.x = fields[2].GetFloat(); node.y = fields[3].GetFloat(); node.z = fields[4].GetFloat(); node.orientation = fields[14].GetFloat(); node.delay = fields[5].GetUInt32(); node.script_id = fields[6].GetUInt32(); // prevent using invalid coordinates if (!MaNGOS::IsValidMapCoord(node.x, node.y, node.z, node.orientation)) { QueryResult* result1 = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, map FROM creature WHERE guid = '%u'", id); if (result1) sLog.outErrorDb("Creature (guidlow %d, entry %d) have invalid coordinates in his waypoint %d (X: %f, Y: %f).", id, result1->Fetch()[0].GetUInt32(), point, node.x, node.y); else sLog.outErrorDb("Waypoint path %d, have invalid coordinates in his waypoint %d (X: %f, Y: %f).", id, point, node.x, node.y); MaNGOS::NormalizeMapCoord(node.x); MaNGOS::NormalizeMapCoord(node.y); if (result1) { node.z = sTerrainMgr.LoadTerrain(result1->Fetch()[1].GetUInt32())->GetHeightStatic(node.x, node.y, node.z); delete result1; } WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE creature_movement SET position_x = '%f', position_y = '%f', position_z = '%f' WHERE id = '%u' AND point = '%u'", node.x, node.y, node.z, id, point); } if (node.script_id) { if (sCreatureMovementScripts.second.find(node.script_id) == sCreatureMovementScripts.second.end()) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table creature_movement for id %u, point %u have script_id %u that does not exist in `dbscripts_on_creature_movement`, ignoring", id, point, node.script_id); continue; } movementScriptSet.erase(node.script_id); } // WaypointBehavior can be dropped in time. Script_id added may 2010 and can handle all the below behavior. WaypointBehavior be; be.model1 = fields[15].GetUInt32(); be.model2 = fields[16].GetUInt32(); be.emote = fields[12].GetUInt32(); be.spell = fields[13].GetUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WAYPOINT_TEXT; ++i) { be.textid[i] = fields[7 + i].GetInt32(); if (be.textid[i]) { if (be.textid[i] < MIN_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID || be.textid[i] >= MAX_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table `creature_movement` Id %u, point %u has textid%u has value %d out of range. Must be in %u-%u", id, point, i + 1, be.textid[i], MIN_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID, MAX_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID - 1); be.textid[i] = 0; } } } if (be.spell && ! sSpellStore.LookupEntry(be.spell)) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table creature_movement references unknown spellid %u. Skipping id %u with point %u.", be.spell, id, point); be.spell = 0; } if (be.emote) { if (!sEmotesStore.LookupEntry(be.emote)) sLog.outErrorDb("Waypoint path %u (Point %u) are using emote %u, but emote does not exist.", id, point, be.emote); } // save memory by not storing empty behaviors if (!be.isEmpty()) { node.behavior = new WaypointBehavior(be); ++total_behaviors; } else node.behavior = NULL; } while (result->NextRow()); if (!creatureNoMoveType.empty()) { for (std::set<uint32>::const_iterator itr = creatureNoMoveType.begin(); itr != creatureNoMoveType.end(); ++itr) { const CreatureData* cData = sObjectMgr.GetCreatureData(*itr); const CreatureInfo* cInfo = ObjectMgr::GetCreatureTemplate(cData->id); sLog.outErrorDb("Table creature_movement has waypoint for creature guid %u (entry %u), but MovementType is not WAYPOINT_MOTION_TYPE(2). Creature will not use this path.", *itr, cData->id); if (cInfo->MovementType == WAYPOINT_MOTION_TYPE) sLog.outErrorDb(" creature_template for this entry has MovementType WAYPOINT_MOTION_TYPE(2), did you intend to use creature_movement_template ?"); } } sLog.outString(); sLog.outString(">> Waypoints and behaviors loaded"); sLog.outString(); sLog.outString(">>> Loaded %u paths, %u nodes and %u behaviors", total_paths, total_nodes, total_behaviors); delete result; } // creature_movement_template result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT entry, COUNT(point) FROM creature_movement_template GROUP BY entry"); if (!result) { BarGoLink bar(1); bar.step(); sLog.outString(); sLog.outString(">> Loaded 0 path templates. DB table `creature_movement_template` is empty."); } else { total_nodes = 0; total_behaviors = 0; total_paths = (uint32)result->GetRowCount(); BarGoLink barRow(total_paths); do { barRow.step(); Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 entry = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 count = fields[1].GetUInt32(); m_pathTemplateMap[entry].resize(count); total_nodes += count; } while (result->NextRow()); delete result; sLog.outString(); sLog.outString(">> Path templates loaded"); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT entry, point, position_x, position_y, position_z, waittime, script_id," // 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 "textid1, textid2, textid3, textid4, textid5, emote, spell, orientation, model1, model2 FROM creature_movement_template"); BarGoLink bar(result->GetRowCount()); do { bar.step(); Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 entry = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 point = fields[1].GetUInt32(); const CreatureInfo* cInfo = ObjectMgr::GetCreatureTemplate(entry); if (!cInfo) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table creature_movement_template references unknown creature template %u. Skipping.", entry); continue; } WaypointPath& path = m_pathTemplateMap[entry]; // the cleanup queries make sure the following is true MANGOS_ASSERT(point >= 1 && point <= path.size()); WaypointNode& node = path[point-1]; node.x = fields[2].GetFloat(); node.y = fields[3].GetFloat(); node.z = fields[4].GetFloat(); node.orientation = fields[14].GetFloat(); node.delay = fields[5].GetUInt32(); node.script_id = fields[6].GetUInt32(); // prevent using invalid coordinates if (!MaNGOS::IsValidMapCoord(node.x, node.y, node.z, node.orientation)) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table creature_movement_template for entry %u (point %u) are using invalid coordinates position_x: %f, position_y: %f)", entry, point, node.x, node.y); MaNGOS::NormalizeMapCoord(node.x); MaNGOS::NormalizeMapCoord(node.y); sLog.outErrorDb("Table creature_movement_template for entry %u (point %u) are auto corrected to normalized position_x=%f, position_y=%f", entry, point, node.x, node.y); WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE creature_movement_template SET position_x = '%f', position_y = '%f' WHERE entry = %u AND point = %u", node.x, node.y, entry, point); } if (node.script_id) { if (sCreatureMovementScripts.second.find(node.script_id) == sCreatureMovementScripts.second.end()) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table creature_movement_template for entry %u, point %u have script_id %u that does not exist in `dbscripts_on_creature_movement`, ignoring", entry, point, node.script_id); continue; } movementScriptSet.erase(node.script_id); } WaypointBehavior be; be.model1 = fields[15].GetUInt32(); be.model2 = fields[16].GetUInt32(); be.emote = fields[12].GetUInt32(); be.spell = fields[13].GetUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WAYPOINT_TEXT; ++i) { be.textid[i] = fields[7+i].GetUInt32(); if (be.textid[i]) { if (be.textid[i] < MIN_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID || be.textid[i] >= MAX_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table `creature_movement_template` Entry %u, point %u has textid%u has value %d out of range. Must be in %u-%u", entry, point, i + 1, be.textid[i], MIN_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID, MAX_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID - 1); be.textid[i] = 0; } } } if (be.spell && ! sSpellStore.LookupEntry(be.spell)) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table creature_movement_template references unknown spellid %u. Skipping id %u with point %u.", be.spell, entry, point); be.spell = 0; } if (be.emote) { if (!sEmotesStore.LookupEntry(be.emote)) sLog.outErrorDb("Waypoint template path %u (point %u) are using emote %u, but emote does not exist.", entry, point, be.emote); } // save memory by not storing empty behaviors if (!be.isEmpty()) { node.behavior = new WaypointBehavior(be); ++total_behaviors; } else node.behavior = NULL; } while (result->NextRow()); delete result; sLog.outString(); sLog.outString(">> Waypoint templates loaded"); sLog.outString(); sLog.outString(">>> Loaded %u path templates with %u nodes and %u behaviors", total_paths, total_nodes, total_behaviors); } if (!movementScriptSet.empty()) { for (std::set<uint32>::const_iterator itr = movementScriptSet.begin(); itr != movementScriptSet.end(); ++itr) sLog.outErrorDb("Table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` contain unused script, id %u.", *itr); } }
void WaypointManager::Load() { Cleanup(); uint32 total_paths = 0; uint32 total_nodes = 0; uint32 total_behaviors = 0; QueryResult *result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT id, COUNT(point) FROM creature_movement GROUP BY id"); if(!result) { barGoLink bar(1); bar.step(); sLog.outString(); sLog.outString( ">> Loaded 0 paths. DB table `creature_movement` is empty." ); return; } else { total_paths = result->GetRowCount(); barGoLink bar( total_paths ); do { bar.step(); Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 id = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 count = fields[1].GetUInt32(); m_pathMap[id].resize(count); total_nodes += count; } while( result->NextRow() ); delete result; sLog.outString(); sLog.outString( ">> Paths loaded" ); } // 0 1 2 3 4 5 result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT position_x, position_y, position_z, orientation, model1, model2," // 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 "waittime, emote, spell, textid1, textid2, textid3, textid4, textid5, id, point FROM creature_movement"); barGoLink bar( result->GetRowCount() ); do { bar.step(); Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 point = fields[15].GetUInt32(); uint32 id = fields[14].GetUInt32(); if (!sObjectMgr.GetCreatureData(id)) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table creature_movement references unknown creature %u. Deleted.", id); WorldDatabase.PExecute("DELETE FROM creature_movement where id=%u",id); continue; } WaypointPath &path = m_pathMap[id]; // the cleanup queries make sure the following is true ASSERT(point >= 1 && point <= path.size()); WaypointNode &node = path[point-1]; node.x = fields[0].GetFloat(); node.y = fields[1].GetFloat(); node.z = fields[2].GetFloat(); node.orientation = fields[3].GetFloat(); node.delay = fields[6].GetUInt32(); // prevent using invalid coordinates if(!MaNGOS::IsValidMapCoord(node.x, node.y, node.z, node.orientation)) { QueryResult *result1 = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, map FROM creature WHERE guid = '%u'", id); if(result1) sLog.outErrorDb("Creature (guidlow %d, entry %d) have invalid coordinates in his waypoint %d (X: %f, Y: %f).", id, result1->Fetch()[0].GetUInt32(), point, node.x, node.y); else sLog.outErrorDb("Waypoint path %d, have invalid coordinates in his waypoint %d (X: %f, Y: %f).", id, point, node.x, node.y); MaNGOS::NormalizeMapCoord(node.x); MaNGOS::NormalizeMapCoord(node.y); if(result1) { node.z = MapManager::Instance ().CreateBaseMap(result1->Fetch()[1].GetUInt32())->GetHeight(node.x, node.y, node.z); delete result1; } WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE creature_movement SET position_x = '%f', position_y = '%f', position_z = '%f' WHERE id = '%u' AND point = '%u'", node.x, node.y, node.z, id, point); } WaypointBehavior be; be.model1 = fields[4].GetUInt32(); be.model2 = fields[5].GetUInt32(); be.emote = fields[7].GetUInt32(); be.spell = fields[8].GetUInt32(); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_WAYPOINT_TEXT; ++i) { be.textid[i] = fields[9+i].GetUInt32(); if(be.textid[i]) { if (be.textid[i] < MIN_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID || be.textid[i] >= MAX_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID) { sLog.outErrorDb( "Table `db_script_string` not have string id %u", be.textid[i]); continue; } } } if (be.spell && ! sSpellStore.LookupEntry(be.spell)) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table creature_movement references unknown spellid %u. Skipping id %u with point %u.", be.spell, id, point); be.spell = 0; } if (be.emote) { if (!sEmotesStore.LookupEntry(be.emote)) sLog.outErrorDb("Waypoint path %u (Point %u) are using emote %u, but emote does not exist.",id, point, be.emote); } // save memory by not storing empty behaviors if(!be.isEmpty()) { node.behavior = new WaypointBehavior(be); ++total_behaviors; } else node.behavior = NULL; } while( result->NextRow() ); delete result; sLog.outString(); sLog.outString( ">> Waypoints and behaviors loaded" ); sLog.outString(); sLog.outString( ">>> Loaded %u paths, %u nodes and %u behaviors", total_paths, total_nodes, total_behaviors); }