예제 #1
// PaintAll()
// Paint this panes surface, then paint any children.
// Note: the function ::Paint(), is overloaded by any class derived from Pane.
// Added: pass the clip rect round, as with the others, pass by copy, as this can then be modified
// and passed to child panes.
void Pane::PaintAll(	Surface * psurface )
	// Clipping test - TBD: reinstate.
/*	if( ( rectClip.XMax() <= rectClip.XMin() ) ||
		( rectClip.YMax() <= rectClip.YMin() ) ||
		( rectClip.XMax() < 0 ) ||
		( rectClip.YMax() < 0 ) )

    if( !m_bHidden )
		Paint( psurface );

        for(Pane* ppane = m_pchild; ppane != NULL; ppane = ppane->m_pnext) 
            WinRect rectClipOld = psurface->GetClipRect();
            psurface->SetClipRect(WinRect(WinPoint(0, 0), ppane->GetSize()));

 			D3DVIEWPORT9 newViewport, oldViewport;
			CD3DDevice9::Get()->GetViewport( &oldViewport );
			WinRect surfClip = psurface->GetClipRect();
			WinPoint surfOffset = psurface->GetOffset();

			newViewport.X = surfClip.XMin() + surfOffset.X();
			newViewport.Y = surfClip.YMin() + surfOffset.Y();
			newViewport.Width = surfClip.XMax() - surfClip.XMin();
			newViewport.Height = surfClip.YMax() - surfClip.YMin();
			newViewport.MinZ = oldViewport.MinZ;
			newViewport.MaxZ = oldViewport.MaxZ;

			newViewport.X = (int) newViewport.X < 0 ? 0 : newViewport.X;
			newViewport.Y = (int) newViewport.Y < 0 ? 0 : newViewport.Y;
			newViewport.Width = (int) newViewport.Width < 0 ? 0 : newViewport.Width;
			newViewport.Height = (int) newViewport.Height < 0 ? 0 : newViewport.Height;

			if( ( newViewport.Width > 0 ) &&
				( newViewport.Height > 0 ) )
				CD3DDevice9::Get()->SetViewport( &newViewport );			
				ppane->PaintAll( psurface );


			if( ( newViewport.Width > 0 ) &&
				( newViewport.Height > 0 ) )
				CD3DDevice9::Get()->SetViewport( &oldViewport );
        m_bNeedPaint = false;
        m_bPaintAll  = false;
예제 #2
 void DrawItem(Surface* pSurface, const WinRect& rect, bool fSelected, int iFirstSlot)
     IEngineFont* pfont = m_pchatInfo->IsFromLeader() ? TrekResources::SmallBoldFont() : TrekResources::SmallFont();
     WinPoint pt(rect.Min() + WinPoint(3,3));
     for (
         int i = iFirstSlot; 
         i < m_vMsgLines.GetCount() && pt.Y() < rect.YMax(); 
     ) {
         pSurface->DrawString(pfont, m_pchatInfo->GetColor(), pt, m_vMsgLines[i]);
         pt += WinPoint(0, m_ptLineSize.Y());