예제 #1
static void
AbiMathView_removeFromMenus ()
	// First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
	XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp();

	// remove the edit method
	EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer() ;
	EV_EditMethod * pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "AbiMathView_FileInsert" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;
	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "AbiMathView_LatexInsert" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;

	// now remove crap from the menus
	XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();

	pFact->removeMenuItem("Main",NULL, endEquationID);

예제 #2
static void AbiMathView_addToMenus()
    // First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
    XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp();
    // Translated Strings
    const XAP_StringSet * pSS = pApp->getStringSet();
    AbiMathView_MenuLabelEquation= pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_INSERT_EQUATION);
    AbiMathView_MenuTooltipEquation = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_TOOLTIP_INSERT_EQUATION);
    AbiMathView_MenuLabelFileInsert = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_INSERT_EQUATION_FILE);
    AbiMathView_MenuTooltipFileInsert = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_TOOLTIP_INSERT_EQUATION_FILE);
    AbiMathView_MenuLabelLatexInsert = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_INSERT_EQUATION_LATEX);
    AbiMathView_MenuTooltipLatexInsert = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_TOOLTIP_INSERT_EQUATION_LATEX);
    // Create an EditMethod that will link our method's name with
    // it's callback function.  This is used to link the name to 
    // the callback.
    EV_EditMethod *myEditMethodFile = new EV_EditMethod(
        "AbiMathView_FileInsert",  // name of callback function
        AbiMathView_FileInsert,    // callback function itself.
        0,                      // no additional data required.
        ""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything

    EV_EditMethod *myEditMethodLatex = new EV_EditMethod(
        "AbiMathView_LatexInsert",  // name of callback function
        AbiMathView_LatexInsert,    // callback function itself.
        0,                      // no additional data required.
        ""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything
    // Now we need to get the EditMethod container for the application.
    // This holds a series of Edit Methods and links names to callbacks.
    EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer();
    // We have to add our EditMethod to the application's EditMethodList
    // so that the application will know what callback to call when a call
    // to "AbiMathView_FileInsert" is received.

    // Now we need to grab an ActionSet.  This is going to be used later
    // on in our for loop.  Take a look near the bottom.
    EV_Menu_ActionSet* pActionSet = pApp->getMenuActionSet();

    XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();

// Put it after Insert Picture in the Main menu

    newEquationID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,AP_MENU_ID_INSERT_GRAPHIC,EV_MLF_BeginSubMenu);
   UT_DEBUGMSG(("newEquationID %d \n",newEquationID));

    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL,newEquationID,AbiMathView_MenuLabelEquation, AbiMathView_MenuTooltipEquation);

    // Create the Action that will be called.
    EV_Menu_Action* myEquationAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	newEquationID,          // id that the layout said we could use
	1,                      // yes, we have a sub menu.
	0,                      // no, we don't raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	NULL,                   //  no callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for

    // Now what we need to do is add this particular action to the ActionSet
    // of the application.  This forms the link between our new ID that we 
    // got for this particular frame with the EditMethod that knows how to 
    // call our callback function.  


    FromFileID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,newEquationID,EV_MLF_Normal);
    UT_DEBUGMSG(("FromFile ID %d \n",FromFileID));

    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL,FromFileID,AbiMathView_MenuLabelFileInsert, AbiMathView_MenuTooltipFileInsert);

    // Create the Action that will be called.
    EV_Menu_Action* myFileAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	FromFileID,                     // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	1,                      // yes, we raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	"AbiMathView_FileInsert",  // name of callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for

    // Now what we need to do is add this particular action to the ActionSet
    // of the application.  This forms the link between our new ID that we 
    // got for this particular frame with the EditMethod that knows how to 
    // call our callback function.  


   FromLatexID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,FromFileID,EV_MLF_Normal);
   UT_DEBUGMSG(("Latex ID %d \n",FromLatexID));
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL,FromLatexID,AbiMathView_MenuLabelLatexInsert, AbiMathView_MenuTooltipLatexInsert);

    // Create the Action that will be called.
    EV_Menu_Action* myLatexAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	FromLatexID,                     // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	1,                      // yes, we raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	"AbiMathView_LatexInsert",  // name of callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for


   endEquationID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,AbiMathView_MenuLabelLatexInsert,EV_MLF_EndSubMenu);
   UT_DEBUGMSG(("End Equation ID %d \n",endEquationID));

 // Create the Action that will be called.
    EV_Menu_Action* myEndEquationAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	endEquationID,          // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	0,                      // no, we raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	NULL,                   // name of callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for
