bool UNICOREClient::sstat(std::string& status) { std::string state, faultstring; logger.msg(INFO, "Creating and sending a service status request"); PayloadSOAP req(unicore_ns); XMLNode jobref = req.NewChild("bes-factory:GetFactoryAttributesDocument"); set_bes_factory_action(req, "GetFactoryAttributesDocument"); WSAHeader(req).To(rurl.str()); // Send status request PayloadSOAP *resp = NULL; if (client) { MCC_Status status = client->process("" "BESFactoryPortType/GetFactoryAttributesDocument", &req, &resp); if (resp == NULL) { logger.msg(VERBOSE, "There was no SOAP response"); return false; } } else if (client_entry) { Message reqmsg; Message repmsg; MessageAttributes attributes_req; attributes_req.set("SOAP:ACTION", "" "bes-factory/BESFactoryPortType/" "GetFactoryAttributesDocument"); MessageAttributes attributes_rep; MessageContext context; reqmsg.Payload(&req); reqmsg.Attributes(&attributes_req); reqmsg.Context(&context); repmsg.Attributes(&attributes_rep); repmsg.Context(&context); MCC_Status status = client_entry->process(reqmsg, repmsg); if (!status) { logger.msg(ERROR, "A service status request failed"); return false; } logger.msg(INFO, "A service status request succeeded"); if (repmsg.Payload() == NULL) { logger.msg(VERBOSE, "There was no response to a service status request"); return false; } try { resp = dynamic_cast<PayloadSOAP*>(repmsg.Payload()); } catch (std::exception&) {} if (resp == NULL) { logger.msg(ERROR, "The response of a service status request was " "not a SOAP message"); delete repmsg.Payload(); return false; } } else { logger.msg(ERROR, "There is no connection chain configured"); return false; } XMLNode st; logger.msg(DEBUG, "Response:\n%s", (std::string)(*resp)); (*resp)["GetFactoryAttributesDocumentResponse"] ["FactoryResourceAttributesDocument"].New(st); st.GetDoc(state, true); delete resp; if (state == "") { logger.msg(ERROR, "The service status could not be retrieved"); return false; } else { status = state; return true; } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Arc::LogStream logcerr(std::cerr); logcerr.setFormat(Arc::ShortFormat); Arc::Logger::getRootLogger().addDestination(logcerr); Arc::Logger::getRootLogger().setThreshold(Arc::VERBOSE); if(argc < 3) usage(); std::string command(argv[1]); URL url(argv[2]); if(!url) exit(1); std::string conffile; Arc::UserConfig usercfg(conffile,initializeCredentialsType::RequireCredentials); MCCConfig cfg; usercfg.ApplyToConfig(cfg); EMIESClient ac(url,cfg,30); if(command == "sstat") { XMLNode info; if(!ac.sstat(info)) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Resource query failed"); return 1; }; std::string s; info.GetXML(s,true); std::cout<<s<<std::endl; } else if(command == "submit") { if(argc < 4) usage(); XMLNode adl; adl.ReadFromFile(argv[3]); if(!adl) usage(); std::string adls; adl.GetDoc(adls); EMIESJob job; EMIESJobState state; if(!ac.submit(adls,job,state)) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Submission failed"); return 1; }; print(job); print(state); } else if(command == "stat") { EMIESJob job; FillJob(job,argc,argv); EMIESJobState state; if(!ac.stat(job,state)) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Obtaining status failed"); return 1; }; print(job); print(state); } else if(command == "info") { EMIESJob job; FillJob(job,argc,argv); Job info; if(!,info)) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Obtaining information failed"); return 1; }; print(job); for(std::list<URL>::const_iterator s = job.stagein.begin();s!=job.stagein.end();++s) { std::cout<<"stagein: "<<s->fullstr()<<std::endl; } for(std::list<URL>::const_iterator s = job.session.begin();s!=job.session.end();++s) { std::cout<<"session: "<<s->fullstr()<<std::endl; } for(std::list<URL>::const_iterator s = job.stageout.begin();s!=job.stageout.end();++s) { std::cout<<"stageout: "<<s->fullstr()<<std::endl; } } else if(command == "clean") { EMIESJob job; FillJob(job,argc,argv); if(!ac.clean(job)) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Cleaning failed"); return 1; }; } else if(command == "notify") { EMIESJob job; FillJob(job,argc,argv); if(!ac.notify(job)) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Notify failed"); return 1; }; } else if(command == "kill") { EMIESJob job; FillJob(job,argc,argv); if(!ac.kill(job)) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Kill failed"); return 1; }; } else if(command == "list") { std::list<EMIESJob> jobs; if(!ac.list(jobs)) { logger.msg(ERROR,"List failed"); return 1; } print(jobs); } else if(command == "ivalidate") { std::map<std::string,std::string> interfaces; interfaces["org.ogf.glue.emies.activitycreation"] = ""; interfaces["org.ogf.glue.emies.activitymanagement"] = ""; interfaces["org.ogf.glue.emies.activityinfo"] = ""; interfaces["org.ogf.glue.emies.resourceinfo"] = ""; interfaces["org.ogf.glue.emies.delegation"] = ""; logger.msg(INFO,"Fetching resource description from %s",url.str()); XMLNode info; if(!ac.sstat(info,false)) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Failed to obtain resource description: %s",ac.failure()); return 1; }; int n = 0; int cnum1 = 0; for(;;++n) { XMLNode node = info.Child(n); if(!node) break; if(node.Namespace() != GLUE2_NAMESPACE) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Resource description contains unexpected element: %s:%s",node.Namespace(),node.Name()); return 1; }; if((node.Name() != "ComputingService") && (node.Name() != "Service")) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Resource description contains unexpected element: %s:%s",node.Namespace(),node.Name()); return 1; }; std::string errstr; std::string glue2_schema = ArcLocation::GetDataDir()+G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S+"schema"+G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S+"GLUE2.xsd"; if(!node.Validate(glue2_schema,errstr)) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Resource description validation according to GLUE2 schema failed: "); for(std::string::size_type p = 0;;) { if(p >= errstr.length()) break; std::string::size_type e = errstr.find('\n',p); if(e == std::string::npos) e = errstr.length(); logger.msg(ERROR,"%s", errstr.substr(p,e-p)); p = e + 1; }; return 1; }; if(node.Name() == "ComputingService") { ++cnum1; XMLNode endpoint = node["ComputingEndpoint"]; for(;(bool)endpoint;++endpoint) { XMLNode name = endpoint["InterfaceName"]; for(;(bool)name;++name) { std::string iname = (std::string)name; if((bool)endpoint["URL"]) { if(interfaces.find(iname) != interfaces.end()) interfaces[iname] = (std::string)endpoint["URL"]; }; }; }; }; }; if(n == 0) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Resource description is empty"); return 1; }; int inum = 0; for(std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator i = interfaces.begin(); i != interfaces.end(); ++i) { if(!i->second.empty()) { logger.msg(INFO,"Resource description provides URL for interface %s: %s",i->first,i->second); ++inum; }; }; if(inum == 0) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Resource description provides no URLs for interfaces"); return 1; }; logger.msg(INFO,"Resource description validation passed"); int depth = 1; logger.msg(INFO,"Requesting ComputingService elements of resource description at %s",url.str()); XMLNodeContainer items; bool query_passed = false; bool all_elements = false; if(!query_passed) { logger.msg(INFO,"Performing /Services/ComputingService query"); if(!ac.squery("/Services/ComputingService",items,false)) { logger.msg(INFO,"Failed to obtain resource description: %s",ac.failure()); } else if(items.Size() <= 0) { logger.msg(INFO,"Query returned no elements."); } else { query_passed = true; }; }; if(!query_passed) { logger.msg(INFO,"Performing /ComputingService query"); if(!ac.squery("/ComputingService",items,false)) { logger.msg(INFO,"Failed to obtain resource description: %s",ac.failure()); } else if(items.Size() <= 0) { logger.msg(INFO,"Query returned no elements."); } else { query_passed = true; }; }; if(!query_passed) { all_elements = true; logger.msg(INFO,"Performing /* query"); if(!ac.squery("/*",items,false)) { logger.msg(INFO,"Failed to obtain resource description: %s",ac.failure()); } else if(items.Size() <= 0) { logger.msg(INFO,"Query returned no elements."); } else { query_passed = true; }; }; if(!query_passed) { logger.msg(ERROR,"All queries failed"); return 1; }; // In current implementation we can have different response // 1. ComputingService elements inside every Item element (ARC) // 2. Content of ComputingService elements inside every Item element (UNICORE) // 3. All elements inside every Item element // 4. Content of all elements inside every Item element int cnum2 = 0; for(int n = 0; n < items.Size(); ++n) { if((items[n].Size() > 0) && (items[n]["ComputingService"])) { // Case 1 and 3. for(int nn = 0; nn < items[n].Size(); ++nn) { if((all_elements) && (items[n].Name() != "ComputingService")) continue; // case 3 if(!CheckComputingService(items[n].Child(nn))) return 1; ++cnum2; }; } else { // Assuming 2 and 4. Because 4 can't be reliably recognised // just assume it never happens. XMLNode result; NS ns("glue2arc",GLUE2_NAMESPACE); items[n].New(result); result.Namespaces(ns,true,0); result.Name(result.NamespacePrefix(GLUE2_NAMESPACE)+":ComputingService"); if(!CheckComputingService(result)) return 1; ++cnum2; }; }; if(cnum1 != cnum2) { logger.msg(ERROR,"Number of ComputingService elements obtained from full document and XPath qury do not match: %d != %d",cnum1,cnum2); return 1; }; logger.msg(INFO,"Resource description query validation passed"); } else { logger.msg(ERROR,"Unsupported command: %s",command); return 1; } return 0; }