int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The XYZ points for the bubble chart
    double dataX0[] = {170, 300, 1000, 1700};
    double dataY0[] = {16, 69, 16, 75};
    double dataZ0[] = {52, 105, 88, 140};

    double dataX1[] = {500, 1000, 1300};
    double dataY1[] = {40, 58, 85};
    double dataZ1[] = {140, 202, 84};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 540 x 480 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(540, 480);

    // Set the plotarea at (70, 65) and of size 400 x 350 pixels. Turn on both
    // horizontal and vertical grid lines with light grey color (0xc0c0c0)
    c->setPlotArea(70, 65, 400, 350, -1, -1, Chart::Transparent, 0xc0c0c0, -1);

    // Add a legend box at (70, 30) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 12
    // pts Times Bold Italic font. Set the background and border color to
    // Transparent.
    c->addLegend(70, 30, false, "timesbi.ttf", 12)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent)

    // Add a title to the chart using 18 pts Times Bold Itatic font.
    c->addTitle("Product Comparison Chart", "timesbi.ttf", 18);

    // Add titles to the axes using 12 pts Arial Bold Italic font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Capacity (tons)", "arialbi.ttf", 12);
    c->xAxis()->setTitle("Range (miles)", "arialbi.ttf", 12);

    // Set the axes line width to 3 pixels

    // Add (dataX0, dataY0) as a scatter layer with red (ff3333) glass spheres, where
    // the sphere size is modulated by dataZ0. This creates a bubble effect.
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX0, sizeof(dataX0)/sizeof(dataX0[0])),
        DoubleArray(dataY0, sizeof(dataY0)/sizeof(dataY0[0])), "Technology AAA",
        Chart::GlassSphereShape, 15, 0xff3333)->setSymbolScale(DoubleArray(dataZ0,

    // Add (dataX1, dataY1) as a scatter layer with blue (0000ff) glass spheres,
    // where the sphere size is modulated by dataZ1. This creates a bubble effect.
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX1, sizeof(dataX1)/sizeof(dataX1[0])),
        DoubleArray(dataY1, sizeof(dataY1)/sizeof(dataY1[0])), "Technology BBB",
        Chart::GlassSphereShape, 15, 0x0000ff)->setSymbolScale(DoubleArray(dataZ1,

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the area chart
    double data0[] = {42, 49, 33, 38, 51, 46, 29, 41, 44, 57, 59, 52, 37, 34, 51, 56, 56, 60, 70,
        76, 63, 67, 75, 64, 51};
    double data1[] = {50, 45, 47, 34, 42, 49, 63, 62, 73, 59, 56, 50, 64, 60, 67, 67, 58, 59, 73,
        77, 84, 82, 80, 84, 89};
    double data2[] = {61, 79, 85, 66, 53, 39, 24, 21, 37, 56, 37, 22, 21, 33, 13, 17, 4, 23, 16, 25,
        9, 10, 5, 7, 16};
    const char *labels[] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12",
        "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 500 x 300 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(500, 300);

    // Set the plotarea at (90, 30) and of size 300 x 240 pixels.
    c->setPlotArea(90, 30, 300, 240);

    // Add a legend box at (405, 100)
    c->addLegend(405, 100);

    // Add a title to the chart
    c->addTitle("Daily System Load");

    // Add a title to the y axis. Draw the title upright (font angle = 0)
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Database\nQueries\n(per sec)")->setFontAngle(0);

    // Set the labels on the x axis.
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, (int)(sizeof(labels) / sizeof(labels[0]))));

    // Display 1 out of 2 labels on the x-axis. Show minor ticks for remaining labels.
    c->xAxis()->setLabelStep(2, 1);

    // Add an area layer
    AreaLayer *layer = c->addAreaLayer();

    // Draw the area layer in 3D

    // Add the three data sets to the area layer
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, (int)(sizeof(data0) / sizeof(data0[0]))), -1, "Server # 1")
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, (int)(sizeof(data1) / sizeof(data1[0]))), -1, "Server # 2")
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, (int)(sizeof(data2) / sizeof(data2[0]))), -1, "Server # 3")

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #3
// Draw the chart and display it in the given viewer
void TrackAxis::drawChart(QChartViewer *viewer)
    // Data for the chart as 2 random data series
    RanSeries r(127);
    DoubleArray data0 = r.getSeries(180, 10, -1.5, 1.5);
    DoubleArray data1 = r.getSeries(180, 150, -15, 15);
    DoubleArray timeStamps = r.getDateSeries(180, Chart::chartTime(2011, 1, 1), 86400);

    // Create a XYChart object of size 670 x 400 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(670, 400);

    // Add a title to the chart using 18 pts Times New Roman Bold Italic font
    c->addTitle("Plasma Stabilizer Energy Usage", "timesbi.ttf", 18);

    // Set the plotarea at (50, 55) with width 100 pixels less than chart width, and height 90 pixels
    // less than chart height. Use a vertical gradient from light blue (f0f6ff) to sky blue (a0c0ff)
    // as background. Set border to transparent and grid lines to white (ffffff).
    c->setPlotArea(50, 55, c->getWidth() - 100, c->getHeight() - 90, c->linearGradientColor(0, 55, 0,
        c->getHeight() - 35, 0xf0f6ff, 0xa0c0ff), -1, Chart::Transparent, 0xffffff, 0xffffff);

    // Add a legend box at (50, 25) using horizontal layout. Use 10pts Arial Bold as font. Set the
    // background and border color to Transparent.
    c->addLegend(50, 25, false, "arialbd.ttf", 10)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent);

    // Set axis label style to 8pts Arial Bold
    c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 8);
    c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 8);
    c->yAxis2()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 8);

    // Set the axis stem to transparent

    // Configure x-axis label format
    c->xAxis()->setMultiFormat(Chart::StartOfYearFilter(), "{value|mm/yyyy} ",
        Chart::StartOfMonthFilter(), "{value|mm}");

    // Add axis title using 10pts Arial Bold Italic font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Power Usage (Watt)", "arialbi.ttf", 10);
    c->yAxis2()->setTitle("Effective Load (kg)", "arialbi.ttf", 10);

    // Add a line layer to the chart using a line width of 2 pixels.
    LineLayer *layer = c->addLineLayer();

    // Add 2 data series to the line layer
    layer->addDataSet(data0, 0xcc0000, "Power Usage");
    layer->addDataSet(data1, 0x008800, "Effective Load")->setUseYAxis2();

    // Set the chart image to the QChartViewer
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the line chart
    double data0[] = {60.2, 51.7, 81.3, 48.6, 56.2, 68.9, 52.8};
    double data1[] = {30.0, 32.7, 33.9, 29.5, 32.2, 28.4, 29.8};
    const char *labels[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 300 x 180 pixels, with a pale yellow (0xffffc0) background, a
    // black border, and 1 pixel 3D border effect.
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(300, 180, 0xffffc0, 0x000000, 1);

    // Set the plotarea at (45, 35) and of size 240 x 120 pixels, with white background. Turn on
    // both horizontal and vertical grid lines with light grey color (0xc0c0c0)
    c->setPlotArea(45, 35, 240, 120, 0xffffff, -1, -1, 0xc0c0c0, -1);

    // Add a legend box at (45, 12) (top of the chart) using horizontal layout and 8pt Arial font
    // Set the background and border color to Transparent.
    c->addLegend(45, 12, false, "", 8)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent);

    // Add a title to the chart using 9pt Arial Bold/white font. Use a 1 x 2 bitmap pattern as the
    // background.
    int pattern1[] = {0x004000, 0x008000};
    c->addTitle("Server Load (Jun 01 - Jun 07)", "arialbd.ttf", 9, 0xffffff)->setBackground(
        c->patternColor(IntArray(pattern1, (int)(sizeof(pattern1) / sizeof(pattern1[0]))), 2));

    // Set the y axis label format to nn%

    // Set the labels on the x axis
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, (int)(sizeof(labels) / sizeof(labels[0]))));

    // Add a line layer to the chart
    LineLayer *layer = c->addLineLayer();

    // Add the first line. Plot the points with a 7 pixel square symbol
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, (int)(sizeof(data0) / sizeof(data0[0]))), 0xcf4040, "Peak"
        )->setDataSymbol(Chart::SquareSymbol, 7);

    // Add the second line. Plot the points with a 9 pixel dismond symbol
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, (int)(sizeof(data1) / sizeof(data1[0]))), 0x40cf40,
        "Average")->setDataSymbol(Chart::DiamondSymbol, 9);

    // Enable data label on the data points. Set the label format to nn%.

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #5
파일: overlapbar.cpp 프로젝트: vopl/sp
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the bar chart
    double data0[] = {100, 125, 156, 147, 87, 124, 178, 109, 140, 106, 192, 122};
    double data1[] = {122, 156, 179, 211, 198, 177, 160, 220, 190, 188, 220, 270};
    double data2[] = {167, 190, 213, 267, 250, 320, 212, 199, 245, 267, 240, 310};
    const char *labels[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
        "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 580 x 280 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(580, 280);

    // Add a title to the chart using 14 pts Arial Bold Italic font
    c->addTitle("Product Revenue For Last 3 Years", "arialbi.ttf", 14);

    // Set the plot area at (50, 50) and of size 500 x 200. Use two alternative
    // background colors (f8f8f8 and ffffff)
    c->setPlotArea(50, 50, 500, 200, 0xf8f8f8, 0xffffff);

    // Add a legend box at (50, 25) using horizontal layout. Use 8pts Arial as font,
    // with transparent background.
    c->addLegend(50, 25, false, "arial.ttf", 8)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent);

    // Set the x axis labels
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, sizeof(labels)/sizeof(labels[0])));

    // Draw the ticks between label positions (instead of at label positions)

    // Add a multi-bar layer with 3 data sets
    BarLayer *layer = c->addBarLayer(Chart::Side);
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, sizeof(data0)/sizeof(data0[0])), 0xff8080,
        "Year 2003");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, sizeof(data1)/sizeof(data1[0])), 0x80ff80,
        "Year 2004");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, sizeof(data2)/sizeof(data2[0])), 0x8080ff,
        "Year 2005");

    // Set 50% overlap between bars

    // Add a title to the y-axis
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Revenue (USD in millions)");

    // output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #6
파일: multibar.cpp 프로젝트: vopl/sp
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the bar chart
    double data0[] = {100, 125, 245, 147, 67};
    double data1[] = {85, 156, 179, 211, 123};
    double data2[] = {97, 87, 56, 267, 157};
    const char *labels[] = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 400 x 240 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(400, 240);

    // Add a title to the chart using 10 pt Arial font
    c->addTitle("         Average Weekday Network Load", "", 10);

    // Set the plot area at (50, 25) and of size 320 x 180. Use two alternative
    // background colors (0xffffc0 and 0xffffe0)
    c->setPlotArea(50, 25, 320, 180, 0xffffc0, 0xffffe0);

    // Add a legend box at (55, 18) using horizontal layout. Use 8 pt Arial font,
    // with transparent background
    c->addLegend(55, 18, false, "", 8)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent);

    // Add a title to the y-axis
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Throughput (MBytes Per Hour)");

    // Reserve 20 pixels at the top of the y-axis for the legend box

    // Set the x axis labels
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, sizeof(labels)/sizeof(labels[0])));

    // Add a multi-bar layer with 3 data sets and 3 pixels 3D depth
    BarLayer *layer = c->addBarLayer(Chart::Side, 3);
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, sizeof(data0)/sizeof(data0[0])), 0xff8080,
        "Server #1");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, sizeof(data1)/sizeof(data1[0])), 0x80ff80,
        "Server #2");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, sizeof(data2)/sizeof(data2[0])), 0x8080ff,
        "Server #3");

    // output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The x and y coordinates of the grid
    double dataX[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
    double dataY[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

    // Use random numbers for the z values on the XY grid
    RanSeries *r = new RanSeries(999);
    DoubleArray dataZ = r->get2DSeries((int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(dataX[0])), (int)(sizeof(dataY)
         / sizeof(dataY[0])), -0.9, 1.15);

    // Create a XYChart object of size 640 x 460 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(640, 460);

    // Set the plotarea at (30, 25) and of size 400 x 400 pixels. Use semi-transparent grey
    // (0xdd000000) horizontal and vertical grid lines
    c->setPlotArea(50, 25, 400, 400, -1, -1, Chart::Transparent, 0xdd000000, -1);

    // Set the x and y axis stems to transparent and the label font to 12pt Arial
    c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 12);
    c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 12);

    // Set the x-axis and y-axis scale
    c->xAxis()->setLinearScale(0, 10, 1);
    c->yAxis()->setLinearScale(0, 10, 1);

    // Add a contour layer using the given data
    ContourLayer *layer = c->addContourLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(dataX[0
        ]))), DoubleArray(dataY, (int)(sizeof(dataY) / sizeof(dataY[0]))), dataZ);

    // Move the grid lines in front of the contour layer

    // Define the color scale
    double colorScale[] = {-0.8, 0x0066ff, -0.5, 0x66ccff, -0.3, 0x66ffff, 0, 0x88ff88, 0.4,
        0x00ff00, 0.7, 0xffff00, 0.9, 0xff6600, 1.0, 0xcc0000, 1.1};
    // Apply the color scale, and specify the underflow and overflow colors for regions exceeding
    // the color scale
    layer->colorAxis()->setColorScale(DoubleArray(colorScale, (int)(sizeof(colorScale) / sizeof(
        colorScale[0]))), 0x0000cc, 0x000000);

    // Instead of displaying the color axis, we use a legend box to display the colors. This is
    // useful for colors that are unevenly spaced on the color axis.

    // Add a legend box at (460, 25) with vertical layout, with 12pt Arial font, transparent
    // background and border, icon size of 15 x 15 pixels, and line spacing of 8 pixels.
    LegendBox *b = c->addLegend(460, 25, true, "arial.ttf", 12);
    b->setBackground(Chart::Transparent, Chart::Transparent);
    b->setKeySize(15, 15);
    b->setKeySpacing(0, 8);

    // Add the legend box entries
    b->addKey("> 1.1 (Critical)", 0x000000);
    b->addKey("1.0 to 1.1 (Alert)", 0xcc0000);
    b->addKey("0.9 to 1.0", 0xff6600);
    b->addKey("0.7 to 0.9", 0xffff00);
    b->addKey("0.4 to 0.7", 0x00ff00);
    b->addKey("0.0 to 0.4", 0x88ff88);
    b->addKey("-0.3 to 0.0", 0x66ffff);
    b->addKey("-0.5 to -0.3", 0x66ccff);
    b->addKey("-0.8 to -0.5", 0x0066ff);
    b->addKey("< -0.8", 0x0000cc);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete r;
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the bar chart
    double data0[] = {100, 115, 165, 107, 67};
    double data1[] = {85, 106, 129, 161, 123};
    double data2[] = {67, 87, 86, 167, 157};

    // The labels for the bar chart
    const char *labels[] = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 600 x 360 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(600, 360);

    // Set the plotarea at (70, 20) and of size 400 x 300 pixels, with transparent background and
    // border and light grey (0xcccccc) horizontal grid lines
    c->setPlotArea(70, 20, 400, 300, Chart::Transparent, -1, Chart::Transparent, 0xcccccc);

    // Add a legend box at (480, 20) using vertical layout and 12pt Arial font. Set background and
    // border to transparent and key icon border to the same as the fill color.
    LegendBox *b = c->addLegend(480, 20, true, "arial.ttf", 12);
    b->setBackground(Chart::Transparent, Chart::Transparent);

    // Set the x and y axis stems to transparent and the label font to 12pt Arial
    c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 12);
    c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 12);

    // Add a stacked bar layer
    BarLayer *layer = c->addBarLayer(Chart::Stack);

    // Add the three data sets to the bar layer
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, (int)(sizeof(data0) / sizeof(data0[0]))), 0xaaccee,
        "Server # 1");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, (int)(sizeof(data1) / sizeof(data1[0]))), 0xbbdd88,
        "Server # 2");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, (int)(sizeof(data2) / sizeof(data2[0]))), 0xeeaa66,
        "Server # 3");

    // Set the bar border to transparent

    // Enable labelling for the entire bar and use 12pt Arial font
    layer->setAggregateLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 12);

    // Enable labelling for the bar segments and use 12pt Arial font with center alignment
    layer->setDataLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 10)->setAlignment(Chart::Center);

    // For a vertical stacked bar with positive data, the first data set is at the bottom. For the
    // legend box, by default, the first entry at the top. We can reverse the legend order to make
    // the legend box consistent with the stacked bar.

    // Set the labels on the x axis.
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, (int)(sizeof(labels) / sizeof(labels[0]))));

    // For the automatic y-axis labels, set the minimum spacing to 40 pixels.

    // Add a title to the y axis using dark grey (0x555555) 14pt Arial Bold font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Y-Axis Title Placeholder", "arialbd.ttf", 14, 0x555555);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the chart
    double data[] = {800, 600, 1000, 1400};
    double widths[] = {250, 500, 960, 460};
    const char *labels[] = {"Wind", "Hydro", "Coal", "Natural Gas"};

    // The colors to use
    int colors[] = {0x00aa00, 0x66aaee, 0xee6622, 0xffbb00};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 500 x 350 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(500, 350);

    // Add a title to the chart using 15 pts Arial Italic font
    c->addTitle("Energy Generation Breakdown", "ariali.ttf", 15);

    // Set the plotarea at (60, 60) and of (chart_width - 90) x (chart_height - 100)
    // in size. Use a vertical gradient color from light blue (f9f9ff) to sky blue
    // (aaccff) as background. Set grid lines to white (ffffff).
    int plotAreaBgColor = c->linearGradientColor(0, 60, 0, c->getHeight() - 40,
        0xaaccff, 0xf9fcff);
    c->setPlotArea(60, 60, c->getWidth() - 90, c->getHeight() - 100, plotAreaBgColor,
        -1, -1, 0xffffff);

    // Add a legend box at (50, 30) using horizontal layout and transparent
    // background.
    c->addLegend(55, 30, false)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent);

    // Add titles to x/y axes with 10 points Arial Bold font
    c->xAxis()->setTitle("Mega Watts", "arialbd.ttf", 10);
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Cost per MWh (dollars)", "arialbd.ttf", 10);

    // Set the x axis rounding to false, so that the x-axis will fit the data exactly
    c->xAxis()->setRounding(false, false);

    // In ChartDirector, there is no bar layer that can have variable bar widths, but
    // you may create a bar using an area layer. (A bar can be considered as the area
    // under a rectangular outline.) So by using a loop to create one bar per area
    // layer, we can achieve a variable width bar chart.

    // starting position of current bar
    double currentX = 0;

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]); ++i) {
        // ending position of current bar
        double nextX = currentX + widths[i];

        // outline of the bar
        double dataX[] = {currentX, currentX, nextX, nextX};
        double dataY[] = {0, data[i], data[i], 0};

        // create the area layer to fill the bar
        AreaLayer *layer = c->addAreaLayer(DoubleArray(dataY,
            sizeof(dataY)/sizeof(dataY[0])), colors[i], labels[i]);
        layer->setXData(DoubleArray(dataX, sizeof(dataX)/sizeof(dataX[0])));

        // the ending position becomes the starting position of the next bar
        currentX = nextX;

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The XYZ points for the bubble chart
    double dataX0[] = {150, 300, 1000, 1700};
    double dataY0[] = {12, 60, 25, 65};
    double dataZ0[] = {20, 50, 50, 85};

    double dataX1[] = {500, 1000, 1300};
    double dataY1[] = {35, 50, 75};
    double dataZ1[] = {30, 55, 95};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 450 x 420 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(450, 420);

    // Set the plotarea at (55, 65) and of size 350 x 300 pixels, with a light grey
    // border (0xc0c0c0). Turn on both horizontal and vertical grid lines with light
    // grey color (0xc0c0c0)
    c->setPlotArea(55, 65, 350, 300, -1, -1, 0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0, -1);

    // Add a legend box at (50, 30) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 12
    // pts Times Bold Italic font. Set the background and border color to
    // Transparent.
    c->addLegend(50, 30, false, "timesbi.ttf", 12)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent)

    // Add a title to the chart using 18 pts Times Bold Itatic font.
    c->addTitle("Product Comparison Chart", "timesbi.ttf", 18);

    // Add a title to the y axis using 12 pts Arial Bold Italic font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Capacity (tons)", "arialbi.ttf", 12);

    // Add a title to the x axis using 12 pts Arial Bold Italic font
    c->xAxis()->setTitle("Range (miles)", "arialbi.ttf", 12);

    // Set the axes line width to 3 pixels

    // Add (dataX0, dataY0) as a scatter layer with semi-transparent red (0x80ff3333)
    // circle symbols, where the circle size is modulated by dataZ0. This creates a
    // bubble effect.
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX0, sizeof(dataX0)/sizeof(dataX0[0])),
                       DoubleArray(dataY0, sizeof(dataY0)/sizeof(dataY0[0])), "Technology AAA",
                       Chart::CircleSymbol, 9, 0x80ff3333, 0x80ff3333)->setSymbolScale(DoubleArray(
                                   dataZ0, sizeof(dataZ0)/sizeof(dataZ0[0])));

    // Add (dataX1, dataY1) as a scatter layer with semi-transparent green
    // (0x803333ff) circle symbols, where the circle size is modulated by dataZ1.
    // This creates a bubble effect.
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX1, sizeof(dataX1)/sizeof(dataX1[0])),
                       DoubleArray(dataY1, sizeof(dataY1)/sizeof(dataY1[0])), "Technology BBB",
                       Chart::CircleSymbol, 9, 0x803333ff, 0x803333ff)->setSymbolScale(DoubleArray(
                                   dataZ1, sizeof(dataZ1)/sizeof(dataZ1[0])));

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #11
파일: multisymbolline.cpp 프로젝트: vopl/sp
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // In this example, the data points are unevenly spaced on the x-axis
    double dataY[] = {4.7, 4.7, 6.6, 2.2, 4.7, 4.0, 4.0, 5.1, 4.5, 4.5, 6.8, 4.5, 4,
        2.1, 3, 2.5, 2.5, 3.1};
    double dataX[] = {chartTime(1999, 7, 1), chartTime(2000, 1, 1), chartTime(2000,
        2, 1), chartTime(2000, 4, 1), chartTime(2000, 5, 8), chartTime(2000, 7, 5),
        chartTime(2001, 3, 5), chartTime(2001, 4, 7), chartTime(2001, 5, 9),
        chartTime(2002, 2, 4), chartTime(2002, 4, 4), chartTime(2002, 5, 8),
        chartTime(2002, 7, 7), chartTime(2002, 8, 30), chartTime(2003, 1, 2),
        chartTime(2003, 2, 16), chartTime(2003, 11, 6), chartTime(2004, 1, 4)};

    // Data points are assigned different symbols based on point type
    double pointType[] = {0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 600 x 300 pixels, with a light purple (ffccff)
    // background, black border, 1 pixel 3D border effect and rounded corners.
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(600, 300, 0xffccff, 0x000000, 1);

    // Set the plotarea at (55, 58) and of size 520 x 195 pixels, with white (ffffff)
    // background. Set horizontal and vertical grid lines to grey (cccccc).
    c->setPlotArea(55, 58, 520, 195, 0xffffff, -1, -1, 0xcccccc, 0xcccccc);

    // Add a legend box at (55, 30) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 10
    // pts Arial Bold Italic font. Set the background and border color to
    // Transparent.
    c->addLegend(55, 30, false, "arialbi.ttf", 10)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent)

    // Add a title box to the chart using 15 pts Times Bold Italic font. The text is
    // white (ffffff) on a purple (400040) background, with soft lighting effect from
    // the right side.
    c->addTitle("Multi-Symbol Line Chart Demo", "timesbi.ttf", 15, 0xffffff
        )->setBackground(0x400040, -1, Chart::softLighting(Chart::Right));

    // Set the y axis label format to display a percentage sign

    // Set axis titles to use 9pt Arial Bold Italic font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Axis Title Placeholder", "arialbi.ttf", 9);
    c->xAxis()->setTitle("Axis Title Placeholder", "arialbi.ttf", 9);

    // Set axis labels to use Arial Bold font

    // We add the different data symbols using scatter layers. The scatter layers are
    // added before the line layer to make sure the data symbols stay on top of the
    // line layer.

    // We select the points with pointType = 0 (the non-selected points will be set
    // to NoValue), and use yellow (ffff00) 15 pixels high 5 pointed star shape
    // symbols for the points. (This example uses both x and y coordinates. For
    // charts that have no x explicitly coordinates, use an empty array as dataX.)
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, sizeof(dataX)/sizeof(dataX[0])), ArrayMath(
        DoubleArray(dataY, sizeof(dataY)/sizeof(dataY[0]))).selectEQZ(DoubleArray(
        pointType, sizeof(pointType)/sizeof(pointType[0])), Chart::NoValue),
        "Point Type 0", Chart::StarShape(5), 15, 0xffff00);

    // Similar to above, we select the points with pointType - 1 = 0 and use green
    // (ff00) 13 pixels high six-sided polygon as symbols.
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, sizeof(dataX)/sizeof(dataX[0])), ArrayMath(
        DoubleArray(dataY, sizeof(dataY)/sizeof(dataY[0]))).selectEQZ(ArrayMath(
        DoubleArray(pointType, sizeof(pointType)/sizeof(pointType[0]))).sub(1),
        Chart::NoValue), "Point Type 1", Chart::PolygonShape(6), 13, 0x00ff00);

    // Similar to above, we select the points with pointType - 2 = 0 and use red
    // (ff0000) 13 pixels high X shape as symbols.
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, sizeof(dataX)/sizeof(dataX[0])), ArrayMath(
        DoubleArray(dataY, sizeof(dataY)/sizeof(dataY[0]))).selectEQZ(ArrayMath(
        DoubleArray(pointType, sizeof(pointType)/sizeof(pointType[0]))).sub(2),
        Chart::NoValue), "Point Type 2", Chart::Cross2Shape(), 13, 0xff0000);

    // Finally, add a blue (0000ff) line layer with line width of 2 pixels
    LineLayer *layer = c->addLineLayer(DoubleArray(dataY,
        sizeof(dataY)/sizeof(dataY[0])), 0x0000ff);
    layer->setXData(DoubleArray(dataX, sizeof(dataX)/sizeof(dataX[0])));

    // output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the bar chart
    double data0[] = {100, 125, 245, 147, 67};
    double data1[] = {85, 156, 179, 211, 123};
    double data2[] = {97, 87, 56, 267, 157};
    const char *labels[] = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 540 x 375 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(540, 375);

    // Add a title to the chart using 18pt Times Bold Italic font
    c->addTitle("Average Weekly Network Load", "timesbi.ttf", 18);

    // Set the plotarea at (50, 55) and of 440 x 280 pixels in size. Use a vertical gradient color
    // from light red (ffdddd) to dark red (880000) as background. Set border and grid lines to
    // white (ffffff).
    c->setPlotArea(50, 55, 440, 280, c->linearGradientColor(0, 55, 0, 335, 0xffdddd, 0x880000), -1,
        0xffffff, 0xffffff);

    // Add a legend box at (50, 25) using horizontal layout. Use 10pt Arial Bold as font, with
    // transparent background.
    c->addLegend(50, 25, false, "arialbd.ttf", 10)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent);

    // Set the x axis labels
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, (int)(sizeof(labels) / sizeof(labels[0]))));

    // Draw the ticks between label positions (instead of at label positions)

    // Set axis label style to 8pt Arial Bold
    c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 8);
    c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 8);

    // Set axis line width to 2 pixels

    // Add axis title
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Throughput (MBytes Per Hour)");

    // Add a multi-bar layer with 3 data sets and 4 pixels 3D depth
    BarLayer *layer = c->addBarLayer(Chart::Side, 4);
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, (int)(sizeof(data0) / sizeof(data0[0]))), 0xffff00,
        "Server #1");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, (int)(sizeof(data1) / sizeof(data1[0]))), 0x00ff00,
        "Server #2");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, (int)(sizeof(data2) / sizeof(data2[0]))), 0x9999ff,
        "Server #3");

    // Set bar border to transparent. Use soft lighting effect with light direction from top.
    layer->setBorderColor(Chart::Transparent, Chart::softLighting(Chart::Top));

    // Configure the bars within a group to touch each others (no gap)
    layer->setBarGap(0.2, Chart::TouchBar);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #13
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the chart
    double data0[] = {100, 125, 245, 147, 67};
    double data1[] = {85, 156, 179, 211, 123};
    double data2[] = {97, 87, 56, 267, 157};
    const char *labels[] = {"Mon Jun 4", "Tue Jun 5", "Wed Jun 6", "Thu Jun 7", "Fri Jun 8"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 540 x 350 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(540, 350);

    // Set the plot area to start at (120, 40) and of size 280 x 240 pixels
    c->setPlotArea(120, 40, 280, 240);

    // Add a title to the chart using 20pt Times Bold Italic (timesbi.ttf) font and using a deep
    // blue color (0x000080)
    c->addTitle("Weekly Server Load", "timesbi.ttf", 20, 0x000080);

    // Add a legend box at (420, 100) (right of plot area) using 12pt Times Bold font. Sets the
    // background of the legend box to light grey 0xd0d0d0 with a 1 pixel 3D border.
    c->addLegend(420, 100, true, "timesbd.ttf", 12)->setBackground(0xd0d0d0, 0xd0d0d0, 1);

    // Add a title to the y-axis using 12pt Arial Bold/deep blue (0x000080) font. Set the background
    // to yellow (0xffff00) with a 2 pixel 3D border.
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Throughput (per hour)", "arialbd.ttf", 12, 0x000080)->setBackground(
        0xffff00, 0xffff00, 2);

    // Use 10pt Arial Bold/orange (0xcc6600) font for the y axis labels
    c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 10, 0xcc6600);

    // Set the axis label format to "nnn MBytes"
    c->yAxis()->setLabelFormat("{value} MBytes");

    // Use 10pt Arial Bold/green (0x008000) font for the x axis labels. Set the label angle to 45
    // degrees.
    c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 10, 0x008000)->setFontAngle(45);

    // Set the labels on the x axis.
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, (int)(sizeof(labels) / sizeof(labels[0]))));

    // Add a 3D stack bar layer with a 3D depth of 5 pixels
    BarLayer *layer = c->addBarLayer(Chart::Stack, 5);

    // Use Arial Italic as the default data label font in the bars

    // Use 10pt Times Bold Italic (timesbi.ttf) as the aggregate label font. Set the background to
    // flesh (0xffcc66) color with a 1 pixel 3D border.
    layer->setAggregateLabelStyle("timesbi.ttf", 10)->setBackground(0xffcc66, Chart::Transparent, 1)

    // Add the first data set to the stacked bar layer
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, (int)(sizeof(data0) / sizeof(data0[0]))), -1, "Server #1");

    // Add the second data set to the stacked bar layer
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, (int)(sizeof(data1) / sizeof(data1[0]))), -1, "Server #2");

    // Add the third data set to the stacked bar layer, and set its data label font to Arial Bold
    // Italic.
    TextBox *textbox = layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, (int)(sizeof(data2) / sizeof(data2[0]))
        ), -1, "Server #3")->setDataLabelStyle("arialbi.ttf");

    // Set the data label font color for the third data set to yellow (0xffff00)

    // Set the data label background color to the same color as the bar segment, with a 1 pixel 3D
    // border.
    textbox->setBackground(Chart::SameAsMainColor, Chart::Transparent, 1);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the chart
    double data[] = {30, 28, 40, 55, 75, 68, 54, 60, 50, 62, 75, 65, 75, 89, 60, 55,
        53, 35, 50, 66, 56, 48, 52, 65, 62};

    // The labels for the chart
    const char *labels[] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
        "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23",

    // Create a XYChart object of size 500 x 300 pixels, with a pale yellow
    // (0xffffc0) background, a black border, and 1 pixel 3D border effect
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(500, 300, 0xffffc0, 0x000000, 1);

    // Set the plotarea at (55, 50) and of size 420 x 205 pixels, with white
    // background. Turn on both horizontal and vertical grid lines with light grey
    // color (0xc0c0c0)
    c->setPlotArea(55, 50, 420, 205, 0xffffff)->setGridColor(0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0);

    // Add a legend box at (55, 25) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 8
    // pts Arial font. Set the background and border color to Transparent.
    LegendBox *legendBox = c->addLegend(55, 25, false, "", 8);

    // Add keys to the legend box to explain the color zones
    legendBox->addKey("Normal Zone", 0x8033ff33);
    legendBox->addKey("Alert Zone", 0x80ff3333);

    // Add a title box to the chart using 13 pts Arial Bold Italic font. The title is
    // in CDML and includes embedded images for highlight. The text is white
    // (0xffffff) on a black background, with a 1 pixel 3D border.
        "<*block,valign=absmiddle*><*img=star.png*><*img=star.png*> Y Zone Color "
        "Demo <*img=star.png*><*img=star.png*><*/*>", "arialbi.ttf", 13, 0xffffff
        )->setBackground(0x000000, -1, 1);

    // Add a title to the y axis
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Energy Concentration (KJ per liter)");

    // Set the labels on the x axis.
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, sizeof(labels)/sizeof(labels[0])));

    // Display 1 out of 3 labels on the x-axis.

    // Add a title to the x axis using CDML
        "<*block,valign=absmiddle*><*img=clock.png*>  Elapsed Time (hour)<*/*>");

    // Set the axes width to 2 pixels

    // Add an area layer to the chart. The area is using a y zone color, where the
    // color is semi-transparent green below 60, and semi-transparent red above 60.
    c->addAreaLayer(DoubleArray(data, sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0])), c->yZoneColor(
        60, 0x8033ff33, 0x80ff3333));

    // Add a custom CDML text at the bottom right of the plot area as the logo
    c->addText(475, 255,
        "<*block,valign=absmiddle*><*img=small_molecule.png*> <*block*>"

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char buffer[256];

    // The XY data of the first data series
    double dataX[] = {50, 55, 37, 24, 42, 49, 63, 72, 83, 59};
    double dataY[] = {3.6, 2.8, 2.5, 2.3, 3.8, 3.0, 3.8, 5.0, 6.0, 3.3};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 450 x 420 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(450, 420);

    // Set the plotarea at (55, 65) and of size 350 x 300 pixels, with white
    // background and a light grey border (0xc0c0c0). Turn on both horizontal and
    // vertical grid lines with light grey color (0xc0c0c0)
    c->setPlotArea(55, 65, 350, 300, 0xffffff, -1, 0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0, -1);

    // Add a title to the chart using 18 point Times Bold Itatic font.
    c->addTitle("Server Performance", "timesbi.ttf", 18);

    // Add titles to the axes using 12 pts Arial Bold Italic font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Response Time (sec)", "arialbi.ttf", 12);
    c->xAxis()->setTitle("Server Load (TPS)", "arialbi.ttf", 12);

    // Set the axes line width to 3 pixels

    // Add a scatter layer using (dataX, dataY)
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, sizeof(dataX)/sizeof(dataX[0])),
        DoubleArray(dataY, sizeof(dataY)/sizeof(dataY[0])), "", Chart::DiamondSymbol,
        11, 0x008000);

    // Add a trend line layer for (dataX, dataY)
    TrendLayer *trendLayer = c->addTrendLayer(DoubleArray(dataX,
        sizeof(dataX)/sizeof(dataX[0])), DoubleArray(dataY,
        sizeof(dataY)/sizeof(dataY[0])), 0x008000);

    // Set the line width to 3 pixels

    // Add a 95% confidence band for the line
    trendLayer->addConfidenceBand(0.95, 0x806666ff);

    // Add a 95% confidence band (prediction band) for the points
    trendLayer->addPredictionBand(0.95, 0x8066ff66);

    // Add a legend box at (50, 30) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 10
    // pts Arial Bold Italic font. Set the background and border color to
    // Transparent.
    LegendBox *legendBox = c->addLegend(50, 30, false, "arialbi.ttf", 10);

    // Add entries to the legend box
    legendBox->addKey("95% Line Confidence", 0x806666ff);
    legendBox->addKey("95% Point Confidence", 0x8066ff66);

    // Display the trend line parameters as a text table formatted using CDML
        "<*block*>Slope\nIntercept\nCorrelation\nStd Error<*/*>   <*block*>%.4f "
        "sec/tps\n%.4f sec\n%.4f\n%.4f sec<*/*>", trendLayer->getSlope(),
        trendLayer->getIntercept(), trendLayer->getCorrelation(),
    TextBox *textbox = c->addText(56, 65, buffer, "arialbd.ttf", 8);

    // Set the background of the text box to light grey, with a black border, and 1
    // pixel 3D border
    textbox->setBackground(0xc0c0c0, 0, 1);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #16
파일: layergantt.cpp 프로젝트: vopl/sp
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // the names of the tasks
    const char *labels[] = {"Market Research", "Define Specifications",
        "Overall Archiecture", "Project Planning", "Detail Design",
        "Software Development", "Test Plan", "Testing and QA", "User Documentation"};

    // the planned start dates and end dates for the tasks
    double startDate[] = {chartTime(2004, 8, 16), chartTime(2004, 8, 30), chartTime(
        2004, 9, 13), chartTime(2004, 9, 20), chartTime(2004, 9, 27), chartTime(2004,
        10, 4), chartTime(2004, 10, 25), chartTime(2004, 11, 1), chartTime(2004, 11,
    double endDate[] = {chartTime(2004, 8, 30), chartTime(2004, 9, 13), chartTime(
        2004, 9, 27), chartTime(2004, 10, 4), chartTime(2004, 10, 11), chartTime(
        2004, 11, 8), chartTime(2004, 11, 8), chartTime(2004, 11, 22), chartTime(
        2004, 11, 22)};

    // the actual start dates and end dates for the tasks up to now
    double actualStartDate[] = {chartTime(2004, 8, 16), chartTime(2004, 8, 27),
        chartTime(2004, 9, 9), chartTime(2004, 9, 18), chartTime(2004, 9, 22)};
    double actualEndDate[] = {chartTime(2004, 8, 27), chartTime(2004, 9, 9),
        chartTime(2004, 9, 27), chartTime(2004, 10, 2), chartTime(2004, 10, 8)};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 620 x 280 pixels. Set background color to
    // light green (ccffcc) with 1 pixel 3D border effect.
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(620, 280, 0xccffcc, 0x000000, 1);

    // Add a title to the chart using 15 points Times Bold Itatic font, with white
    // (ffffff) text on a dark green (0x6000) background
    c->addTitle("Mutli-Layer Gantt Chart Demo", "timesbi.ttf", 15, 0xffffff

    // Set the plotarea at (140, 55) and of size 460 x 200 pixels. Use alternative
    // white/grey background. Enable both horizontal and vertical grids by setting
    // their colors to grey (c0c0c0). Set vertical major grid (represents month
    // boundaries) 2 pixels in width
    c->setPlotArea(140, 55, 460, 200, 0xffffff, 0xeeeeee, Chart::LineColor, 0xc0c0c0,
        0xc0c0c0)->setGridWidth(2, 1, 1, 1);

    // swap the x and y axes to create a horziontal box-whisker chart

    // Set the y-axis scale to be date scale from Aug 16, 2004 to Nov 22, 2004, with
    // ticks every 7 days (1 week)
    c->yAxis()->setDateScale(chartTime(2004, 8, 16), chartTime(2004, 11, 22), 86400 *

    // Add a red (ff0000) dash line to represent the current day
    c->yAxis()->addMark(chartTime(2004, 10, 8), c->dashLineColor(0xff0000,

    // Set multi-style axis label formatting. Month labels are in Arial Bold font in
    // "mmm d" format. Weekly labels just show the day of month and use minor tick
    // (by using '-' as first character of format string).
        "<*font=arialbd.ttf*>{value|mmm d}", Chart::StartOfDayFilter(), "-{value|d}")

    // Set the y-axis to shown on the top (right + swapXY = top)

    // Set the labels on the x axis
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, sizeof(labels)/sizeof(labels[0])));

    // Reverse the x-axis scale so that it points downwards.

    // Set the horizontal ticks and grid lines to be between the bars

    // Use blue (0000aa) as the color for the planned schedule
    int plannedColor = 0x0000aa;

    // Use a red hash pattern as the color for the actual dates. The pattern is
    // created as a 4 x 4 bitmap defined in memory as an array of colors.
    int pattern1[] = {0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xff0000, 0xffffff, 0xffffff,
        0xff0000, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xff0000, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xff0000,
        0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xffffff};
    int actualColor = c->patternColor(IntArray(pattern1,
        sizeof(pattern1)/sizeof(pattern1[0])), 4);

    // Add a box whisker layer to represent the actual dates. We add the actual dates
    // layer first, so it will be the top layer.
    BoxWhiskerLayer *actualLayer = c->addBoxLayer(DoubleArray(actualStartDate,
        sizeof(actualStartDate)/sizeof(actualStartDate[0])), DoubleArray(
        actualEndDate, sizeof(actualEndDate)/sizeof(actualEndDate[0])), actualColor,

    // Set the bar height to 8 pixels so they will not block the bottom bar

    // Add a box-whisker layer to represent the planned schedule date
    c->addBoxLayer(DoubleArray(startDate, sizeof(startDate)/sizeof(startDate[0])),
        DoubleArray(endDate, sizeof(endDate)/sizeof(endDate[0])), plannedColor,

    // Add a legend box on the top right corner (595, 60) of the plot area with 8 pt
    // Arial Bold font. Use a semi-transparent grey (80808080) background.
    LegendBox *b = c->addLegend(595, 60, false, "arialbd.ttf", 8);
    b->setBackground(0x80808080, -1, 2);

    // output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #17
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // In this example, the data points are unevenly spaced on the x-axis
    double dataY[] = {4.7, 4.7, 6.6, 2.2, 4.7, 4.0, 4.0, 5.1, 4.5, 4.5, 6.8, 4.5, 4, 2.1, 3, 2.5,
        2.5, 3.1};
    double dataX[] = {Chart::chartTime(1999, 7, 1), Chart::chartTime(2000, 1, 1), Chart::chartTime(
        2000, 2, 1), Chart::chartTime(2000, 4, 1), Chart::chartTime(2000, 5, 8), Chart::chartTime(
        2000, 7, 5), Chart::chartTime(2001, 3, 5), Chart::chartTime(2001, 4, 7), Chart::chartTime(
        2001, 5, 9), Chart::chartTime(2002, 2, 4), Chart::chartTime(2002, 4, 4), Chart::chartTime(
        2002, 5, 8), Chart::chartTime(2002, 7, 7), Chart::chartTime(2002, 8, 30), Chart::chartTime(
        2003, 1, 2), Chart::chartTime(2003, 2, 16), Chart::chartTime(2003, 11, 6), Chart::chartTime(
        2004, 1, 4)};

    // Data points are assigned different symbols based on point type
    double pointType[] = {0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 480 x 320 pixels. Use a vertical gradient color from pale
    // blue (e8f0f8) to sky blue (aaccff) spanning half the chart height as background. Set border
    // to blue (88aaee). Use rounded corners. Enable soft drop shadow.
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(480, 320);
    c->setBackground(c->linearGradientColor(0, 0, 0, c->getHeight() / 2, 0xe8f0f8, 0xaaccff),

    // Add a title to the chart using 15 points Arial Italic font. Set top/bottom margins to 12
    // pixels.
    TextBox *title = c->addTitle("Multi-Symbol Line Chart Demo", "ariali.ttf", 15);
    title->setMargin(0, 0, 12, 12);

    // Tentatively set the plotarea to 50 pixels from the left edge to allow for the y-axis, and to
    // just under the title. Set the width to 65 pixels less than the chart width, and the height to
    // reserve 90 pixels at the bottom for the x-axis and the legend box. Use pale blue (e8f0f8)
    // background, transparent border, and grey (888888) dotted horizontal and vertical grid lines.
    c->setPlotArea(50, title->getHeight(), c->getWidth() - 65, c->getHeight() - title->getHeight() -
        90, 0xe8f0f8, -1, Chart::Transparent, c->dashLineColor(0x888888, Chart::DotLine), -1);

    // Add a legend box where the bottom-center is anchored to the 12 pixels above the bottom-center
    // of the chart. Use horizontal layout and 8 points Arial font.
    LegendBox *legendBox = c->addLegend(c->getWidth() / 2, c->getHeight() - 12, false,
        "arialbd.ttf", 8);

    // Set the legend box background and border to pale blue (e8f0f8) and bluish grey (445566)
    legendBox->setBackground(0xe8f0f8, 0x445566);

    // Use rounded corners of 5 pixel radius for the legend box

    // Set the y axis label format to display a percentage sign

    // Set y-axis title to use 10 points Arial Bold Italic font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Axis Title Placeholder", "arialbi.ttf", 10);

    // Set axis labels to use Arial Bold font

    // We add the different data symbols using scatter layers. The scatter layers are added before
    // the line layer to make sure the data symbols stay on top of the line layer.

    // We select the points with pointType = 0 (the non-selected points will be set to NoValue), and
    // use yellow (ffff00) 15 pixels high 5 pointed star shape symbols for the points. (This example
    // uses both x and y coordinates. For charts that have no x explicitly coordinates, use an empty
    // array as dataX.)
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(dataX[0]))), ArrayMath(
        DoubleArray(dataY, (int)(sizeof(dataY) / sizeof(dataY[0])))).selectEQZ(DoubleArray(
        pointType, (int)(sizeof(pointType) / sizeof(pointType[0]))), Chart::NoValue),
        "Point Type 0", Chart::StarShape(5), 15, 0xffff00);

    // Similar to above, we select the points with pointType - 1 = 0 and use green (ff00) 13 pixels
    // high six-sided polygon as symbols.
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(dataX[0]))), ArrayMath(
        DoubleArray(dataY, (int)(sizeof(dataY) / sizeof(dataY[0])))).selectEQZ(ArrayMath(
        DoubleArray(pointType, (int)(sizeof(pointType) / sizeof(pointType[0])))).sub(1),
        Chart::NoValue), "Point Type 1", Chart::PolygonShape(6), 13, 0x00ff00);

    // Similar to above, we select the points with pointType - 2 = 0 and use red (ff0000) 13 pixels
    // high X shape as symbols.
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(dataX[0]))), ArrayMath(
        DoubleArray(dataY, (int)(sizeof(dataY) / sizeof(dataY[0])))).selectEQZ(ArrayMath(
        DoubleArray(pointType, (int)(sizeof(pointType) / sizeof(pointType[0])))).sub(2),
        Chart::NoValue), "Point Type 2", Chart::Cross2Shape(), 13, 0xff0000);

    // Finally, add a blue (0000ff) line layer with line width of 2 pixels
    LineLayer *layer = c->addLineLayer(DoubleArray(dataY, (int)(sizeof(dataY) / sizeof(dataY[0]))),
    layer->setXData(DoubleArray(dataX, (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(dataX[0]))));

    // Adjust the plot area size, such that the bounding box (inclusive of axes) is 10 pixels from
    // the left edge, just below the title, 25 pixels from the right edge, and 8 pixels above the
    // legend box.
    c->packPlotArea(10, title->getHeight(), c->getWidth() - 25, c->layoutLegend()->getTopY() - 8);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the area chart
    double data0[] = {42, 49, 33, 38, 51, 46, 29, 41, 44, 57, 59, 52, 37, 34, 51, 56,
        56, 60, 70, 76, 63, 67, 75, 64, 51};
    double data1[] = {50, 55, 47, 34, 42, 49, 63, 62, 73, 59, 56, 50, 64, 60, 67, 67,
        58, 59, 73, 77, 84, 82, 80, 84, 98};
    double data2[] = {87, 89, 85, 66, 53, 39, 24, 21, 37, 56, 37, 23, 21, 33, 13, 17,
        14, 23, 16, 25, 29, 30, 45, 47, 46};

    // The timestamps on the x-axis
    double labels[] = {chartTime(1996, 1, 1), chartTime(1996, 4, 1), chartTime(1996,
        7, 1), chartTime(1996, 10, 1), chartTime(1997, 1, 1), chartTime(1997, 4, 1),
        chartTime(1997, 7, 1), chartTime(1997, 10, 1), chartTime(1998, 1, 1),
        chartTime(1998, 4, 1), chartTime(1998, 7, 1), chartTime(1998, 10, 1),
        chartTime(1999, 1, 1), chartTime(1999, 4, 1), chartTime(1999, 7, 1),
        chartTime(1999, 10, 1), chartTime(2000, 1, 1), chartTime(2000, 4, 1),
        chartTime(2000, 7, 1), chartTime(2000, 10, 1), chartTime(2001, 1, 1),
        chartTime(2001, 4, 1), chartTime(2001, 7, 1), chartTime(2001, 10, 1),
        chartTime(2002, 1, 1)};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 500 x 280 pixels, using 0xffffcc as background
    // color, with a black border, and 1 pixel 3D border effect
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(500, 280, 0xffffcc, 0, 1);

    // Set the plotarea at (50, 45) and of size 320 x 200 pixels with white
    // background. Enable horizontal and vertical grid lines using the grey
    // (0xc0c0c0) color.
    c->setPlotArea(50, 45, 320, 200, 0xffffff)->setGridColor(0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0);

    // Add a legend box at (370, 45) using vertical layout and 8 points Arial Bold
    // font.
    LegendBox *legendBox = c->addLegend(370, 45, true, "arialbd.ttf", 8);

    // Set the legend box background and border to transparent
    legendBox->setBackground(Chart::Transparent, Chart::Transparent);

    // Set the legend box icon size to 16 x 32 pixels to match with custom icon size
    legendBox->setKeySize(16, 32);

    // Add a title to the chart using 14 points Times Bold Itatic font and white font
    // color, and 0x804020 as the background color
    c->addTitle("Quarterly Product Sales", "timesbi.ttf", 14, 0xffffff

    // Set the labels on the x axis.
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(DoubleArray(labels, sizeof(labels)/sizeof(labels[0])));

    // Set multi-style axis label formatting. Start of year labels are displayed as
    // yyyy. For other labels, just show minor tick.
    c->xAxis()->setMultiFormat(Chart::StartOfYearFilter(), "{value|yyyy}",
        Chart::AllPassFilter(), "-");

    // Add a percentage area layer to the chart
    AreaLayer *layer = c->addAreaLayer(Chart::Percentage);

    // Add the three data sets to the area layer, using icons images with labels as
    // data set names
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, sizeof(data0)/sizeof(data0[0])), 0x40ddaa77,
        "<*block,valign=absmiddle*><*img=service.png*> Service<*/*>");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, sizeof(data1)/sizeof(data1[0])), 0x40aadd77,
        "<*block,valign=absmiddle*><*img=software.png*> Software<*/*>");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, sizeof(data2)/sizeof(data2[0])), 0x40aa77dd,
        "<*block,valign=absmiddle*><*img=computer.png*> Hardware<*/*>");

    // For a vertical stacked chart with positive data only, the last data set is
    // always on top. However, in a vertical legend box, the last data set is at the
    // bottom. This can be reversed by using the setLegend method.

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #19
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The XY data of the first data series
    double dataX0[] = {10, 35, 17, 4, 22, 29, 45, 52, 63, 39};
    double dataY0[] = {2.0, 3.2, 2.7, 1.2, 2.8, 2.9, 3.1, 3.0, 2.3, 3.3};

    // The XY data of the second data series
    double dataX1[] = {30, 35, 17, 4, 22, 59, 43, 52, 63, 39};
    double dataY1[] = {1.0, 1.3, 0.7, 0.6, 0.8, 3.0, 1.8, 2.3, 3.4, 1.5};

    // The XY data of the third data series
    double dataX2[] = {28, 35, 15, 10, 22, 60, 46, 64, 39};
    double dataY2[] = {2.0, 2.2, 1.2, 0.4, 1.8, 2.7, 2.4, 2.8, 2.4};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 540 x 480 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(540, 480);

    // Set the plotarea at (70, 65) and of size 400 x 350 pixels, with white background and a light
    // grey border (0xc0c0c0). Turn on both horizontal and vertical grid lines with light grey color
    // (0xc0c0c0)
    c->setPlotArea(70, 65, 400, 350, 0xffffff, -1, 0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0, -1);

    // Add a legend box with the top center point anchored at (270, 30). Use horizontal layout. Use
    // 10pt Arial Bold Italic font. Set the background and border color to Transparent.
    LegendBox *legendBox = c->addLegend(270, 30, false, "arialbi.ttf", 10);
    legendBox->setBackground(Chart::Transparent, Chart::Transparent);

    // Add a title to the chart using 18 point Times Bold Itatic font.
    c->addTitle("Parametric Curve Fitting", "timesbi.ttf", 18);

    // Add titles to the axes using 12pt Arial Bold Italic font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Axis Title Placeholder", "arialbi.ttf", 12);
    c->xAxis()->setTitle("Axis Title Placeholder", "arialbi.ttf", 12);

    // Set the axes line width to 3 pixels

    // Add a scatter layer using (dataX0, dataY0)
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX0, (int)(sizeof(dataX0) / sizeof(dataX0[0]))), DoubleArray(
        dataY0, (int)(sizeof(dataY0) / sizeof(dataY0[0]))), "Polynomial", Chart::GlassSphere2Shape,
        11, 0xff0000);

    // Add a degree 2 polynomial trend line layer for (dataX0, dataY0)
    TrendLayer *trend0 = c->addTrendLayer(DoubleArray(dataX0, (int)(sizeof(dataX0) / sizeof(dataX0[0
        ]))), DoubleArray(dataY0, (int)(sizeof(dataY0) / sizeof(dataY0[0]))), 0xff0000);

    // Add a scatter layer for (dataX1, dataY1)
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX1, (int)(sizeof(dataX1) / sizeof(dataX1[0]))), DoubleArray(
        dataY1, (int)(sizeof(dataY1) / sizeof(dataY1[0]))), "Exponential", Chart::GlassSphere2Shape,
        11, 0x00aa00);

    // Add an exponential trend line layer for (dataX1, dataY1)
    TrendLayer *trend1 = c->addTrendLayer(DoubleArray(dataX1, (int)(sizeof(dataX1) / sizeof(dataX1[0
        ]))), DoubleArray(dataY1, (int)(sizeof(dataY1) / sizeof(dataY1[0]))), 0x00aa00);

    // Add a scatter layer using (dataX2, dataY2)
    c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX2, (int)(sizeof(dataX2) / sizeof(dataX2[0]))), DoubleArray(
        dataY2, (int)(sizeof(dataY2) / sizeof(dataY2[0]))), "Logarithmic", Chart::GlassSphere2Shape,
        11, 0x0000ff);

    // Add a logarithmic trend line layer for (dataX2, dataY2)
    TrendLayer *trend2 = c->addTrendLayer(DoubleArray(dataX2, (int)(sizeof(dataX2) / sizeof(dataX2[0
        ]))), DoubleArray(dataY2, (int)(sizeof(dataY2) / sizeof(dataY2[0]))), 0x0000ff);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
예제 #20
// Draw the chart and display it in the given viewer
void ZoomScrollTrack2::drawChart(QChartViewer *viewer)
    // Get the start date and end date that are visible on the chart.
    double viewPortStartDate = viewer->getValueAtViewPort("x", viewer->getViewPortLeft());
    double viewPortEndDate = viewer->getValueAtViewPort("x", viewer->getViewPortLeft() +

    // Get the array indexes that corresponds to the visible start and end dates
    int startIndex = (int)floor(Chart::bSearch(m_timeStamps, viewPortStartDate));
    int endIndex = (int)ceil(Chart::bSearch(m_timeStamps, viewPortEndDate));
    int noOfPoints = endIndex - startIndex + 1;

    // Extract the part of the data array that are visible.
    DoubleArray viewPortTimeStamps = DoubleArray( + startIndex, noOfPoints);
    DoubleArray viewPortDataSeriesA = DoubleArray( + startIndex, noOfPoints);
    DoubleArray viewPortDataSeriesB = DoubleArray( + startIndex, noOfPoints);
    DoubleArray viewPortDataSeriesC = DoubleArray( + startIndex, noOfPoints);

    // At this stage, we have extracted the visible data. We can use those data to plot the chart.

    // Configure overall chart appearance.

    // Create an XYChart object of size 650 x 350 pixels, with a white (ffffff) background and grey
    // (aaaaaa) border
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(650, 350, 0xffffff, 0xaaaaaa);

    // Set the plotarea at (55, 55) with width 90 pixels less than chart width, and height 90 pixels
    // less than chart height. Use a vertical gradient from light blue (f0f6ff) to sky blue (a0c0ff)
    // as background. Set border to transparent and grid lines to white (ffffff).
    c->setPlotArea(55, 55, c->getWidth() - 90, c->getHeight() - 90, c->linearGradientColor(0, 55, 0,
        c->getHeight() - 35, 0xf0f6ff, 0xa0c0ff), -1, Chart::Transparent, 0xffffff, 0xffffff);

    // As the data can lie outside the plotarea in a zoomed chart, we need enable clipping.

    // Add a title to the chart using 18 pts Times New Roman Bold Italic font
    c->addTitle("   Zooming and Scrolling with Track Line (2)", "timesbi.ttf", 18);

    // Add a legend box at (55, 30) using horizontal layout. Use 8pts Arial Bold as font. Set the
    // background and border color to Transparent and use line style legend key.
    LegendBox *b = c->addLegend(55, 30, false, "arialbd.ttf", 8);

    // Set the axis stem to transparent

    // Add axis title using 10pts Arial Bold Italic font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Ionic Temperature (C)", "arialbi.ttf", 10);

    // Add data to chart

    // In this example, we represent the data by lines. You may modify the code below to use other
    // representations (areas, scatter plot, etc).

    // Add a line layer for the lines, using a line width of 2 pixels
    LineLayer *layer = c->addLineLayer();

    // In this demo, we do not have too many data points. In real code, the chart may contain a lot
    // of data points when fully zoomed out - much more than the number of horizontal pixels in this
    // plot area. So it is a good idea to use fast line mode.

    // Now we add the 3 data series to a line layer, using the color red (ff0000), green
    // (00cc00) and blue (0000ff)
    layer->addDataSet(viewPortDataSeriesA, 0xff3333, "Alpha");
    layer->addDataSet(viewPortDataSeriesB, 0x008800, "Beta");
    layer->addDataSet(viewPortDataSeriesC, 0x3333CC, "Gamma");

    // Configure axis scale and labelling

    // Set the x-axis as a date/time axis with the scale according to the view port x range.
    viewer->syncDateAxisWithViewPort("x", c->xAxis());

    // In this demo, the time range can be from a few years to a few days. We demonstrate how to set
    // up different date/time format based on the time range.

    // If all ticks are yearly aligned, then we use "yyyy" as the label format.
    c->xAxis()->setFormatCondition("align", 360 * 86400);

    // If all ticks are monthly aligned, then we use "mmm yyyy" in bold font as the first
    // label of a year, and "mmm" for other labels.
    c->xAxis()->setFormatCondition("align", 30 * 86400);
    c->xAxis()->setMultiFormat(Chart::StartOfYearFilter(), "<*font=bold*>{value|mmm yyyy}",
        Chart::AllPassFilter(), "{value|mmm}");

    // If all ticks are daily algined, then we use "mmm dd<*br*>yyyy" in bold font as the
    // first label of a year, and "mmm dd" in bold font as the first label of a month, and
    // "dd" for other labels.
    c->xAxis()->setFormatCondition("align", 86400);
        "<*block,halign=left*><*font=bold*>{value|mmm dd<*br*>yyyy}",
        Chart::StartOfMonthFilter(), "<*font=bold*>{value|mmm dd}");
    c->xAxis()->setMultiFormat(Chart::AllPassFilter(), "{value|dd}");

    // For all other cases (sub-daily ticks), use "hh:nn<*br*>mmm dd" for the first label of
    // a day, and "hh:nn" for other labels.
        "<*font=bold*>{value|hh:nn<*br*>mmm dd}", Chart::AllPassFilter(), "{value|hh:nn}");

    // Output the chart

    // We need to update the track line too. If the mouse is moving on the chart (eg. if 
    // the user drags the mouse on the chart to scroll it), the track line will be updated
    // in the MouseMovePlotArea event. Otherwise, we need to update the track line here.
	if ((!viewer->isInMouseMoveEvent()) && viewer->isMouseOnPlotArea())
        trackLineLabel(c, viewer->getPlotAreaMouseX());

    delete viewer->getChart();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the chart
    double data0[] = {42, 49, Chart::NoValue, 38, 64, 56, 29, 41, 44, 57};
    double data1[] = {65, 75, 47, 34, 42, 49, 73, Chart::NoValue, 90, 69, 66, 78};
    double data2[] = {Chart::NoValue, Chart::NoValue, 25, 28, 38, 20, 22,
        Chart::NoValue, 25, 33, 30, 24};
    const char *labels[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
        "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 600 x 360 pixels. Set background color to
    // brushed silver, with a 2 pixel 3D border. Use rounded corners.
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(600, 360, Chart::brushedSilverColor(),
        Chart::Transparent, 2);

    // Add a title using 18 pts Times New Roman Bold Italic font. #Set top/bottom
    // margins to 6 pixels.
    TextBox *title = c->addTitle("Product Line Global Revenue", "timesbi.ttf", 18);
    title->setMargin(0, 0, 6, 6);

    // Add a separator line just under the title
    c->addLine(10, title->getHeight(), c->getWidth() - 11, title->getHeight(),

    // Add a legend box where the top-center is anchored to the horizontal center of
    // the chart, just under the title. Use horizontal layout and 10 points Arial
    // Bold font, and transparent background and border.
    LegendBox *legendBox = c->addLegend(c->getWidth() / 2, title->getHeight(), false,
        "arialbd.ttf", 10);
    legendBox->setBackground(Chart::Transparent, Chart::Transparent);

    // Tentatively set the plotarea at (70, 75) and of 460 x 240 pixels in size. Use
    // transparent border and black (000000) grid lines
    c->setPlotArea(70, 75, 460, 240, -1, -1, Chart::Transparent, 0x000000, -1);

    // Set the x axis labels
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, sizeof(labels)/sizeof(labels[0])));

    // Show the same scale on the left and right y-axes

    // Set y-axis tick density to 30 pixels. ChartDirector auto-scaling will use this
    // as the guideline when putting ticks on the y-axis.

    // Set all axes to transparent

    // Set the x-axis margins to 15 pixels, so that the horizontal grid lines can
    // extend beyond the leftmost and rightmost vertical grid lines
    c->xAxis()->setMargin(15, 15);

    // Set axis label style to 8pts Arial Bold
    c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 8);
    c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 8);
    c->yAxis2()->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 8);

    // Add axis title using 10pts Arial Bold Italic font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Revenue in USD millions", "arialbi.ttf", 10);
    c->yAxis2()->setTitle("Revenue in USD millions", "arialbi.ttf", 10);

    // Add the first line. The missing data will be represented as gaps in the line
    // (the default behaviour)
    LineLayer *layer0 = c->addLineLayer();
    layer0->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, sizeof(data0)/sizeof(data0[0])), 0xff0000,
        "Quantum Computer")->setDataSymbol(Chart::GlassSphere2Shape, 11);

    // Add the second line. The missing data will be represented by using dash lines
    // to bridge the gap
    LineLayer *layer1 = c->addLineLayer();
    layer1->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, sizeof(data1)/sizeof(data1[0])), 0x00ff00,
        "Atom Synthesizer")->setDataSymbol(Chart::GlassSphere2Shape, 11);

    // Add the third line. The missing data will be ignored - just join the gap with
    // the original line style.
    LineLayer *layer2 = c->addLineLayer();
    layer2->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, sizeof(data2)/sizeof(data2[0])), 0xff6600,
        "Proton Cannon")->setDataSymbol(Chart::GlassSphere2Shape, 11);

    // layout the legend so we can get the height of the legend box

    // Adjust the plot area size, such that the bounding box (inclusive of axes) is
    // 15 pixels from the left edge, just under the legend box, 16 pixels from the
    // right edge, and 25 pixels from the bottom edge.
    c->packPlotArea(15, legendBox->getTopY() + legendBox->getHeight(), c->getWidth()
         - 16, c->getHeight() - 25);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;