예제 #1
Imath::M44d AlembicInput::transformAtTime( double time ) const
	M44d result;
	if( IXform::matches( m_data->object.getMetaData() ) )
		size_t index0, index1;
		double lerpFactor = sampleIntervalAtTime( time, index0, index1 );

		IXform iXForm( m_data->object, kWrapExisting );
		IXformSchema &iXFormSchema = iXForm.getSchema();
		if( index0 == index1 )
			XformSample sample;
			iXFormSchema.get( sample, ISampleSelector( (index_t)index0 ) );
			result = sample.getMatrix();
			XformSample sample0;
			iXFormSchema.get( sample0, ISampleSelector( (index_t)index0 ) );
			XformSample sample1;
			iXFormSchema.get( sample1, ISampleSelector( (index_t)index1 ) );
			if( sample0.getNumOps() != sample1.getNumOps() ||
				sample0.getNumOpChannels() != sample1.getNumOpChannels() 
				throw IECore::Exception( "Unable to interpolate samples of different sizes" );
			XformSample interpolatedSample;
			for( size_t opIndex = 0; opIndex < sample0.getNumOps(); opIndex++ )
				XformOp op0 = sample0.getOp( opIndex );
				XformOp op1 = sample1.getOp( opIndex );			
				XformOp interpolatedOp( op0.getType(), op0.getHint() );
				for( size_t channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < op0.getNumChannels(); channelIndex++ )
						lerp( op0.getChannelValue( channelIndex ), op1.getChannelValue( channelIndex ), lerpFactor )
				interpolatedSample.addOp( interpolatedOp );
			result = interpolatedSample.getMatrix();
	return result;
예제 #2
Imath::M44d AlembicInput::transformAtSample( size_t sampleIndex ) const
	M44d result;
	if( IXform::matches( m_data->object.getMetaData() ) )
		IXform iXForm( m_data->object, kWrapExisting );
		IXformSchema &iXFormSchema = iXForm.getSchema();
		XformSample sample;
		iXFormSchema.get( sample, ISampleSelector( (index_t)sampleIndex ) );
		return sample.getMatrix();
	return result;
void accumXform( M44d &xf, IObject obj )
    if ( ISimpleXform::matches( obj.getMetaData() ) )
        ISimpleXform x( obj, kWrapExisting );
        xf *= x.getSchema().getValue().getMatrix();
    else if ( IXform::matches( obj.getMetaData() ) )
        IXform x( obj, kWrapExisting );
        XformSample xs;
        x.getSchema().get( xs );
        xf *= xs.getMatrix();
IECore::ObjectPtr FromAlembicXFormConverter::doAlembicConversion( const Alembic::Abc::IObject &iObject, const Alembic::Abc::ISampleSelector &sampleSelector, const IECore::CompoundObject *operands ) const
	IXform iXForm( iObject, kWrapExisting );
	IXformSchema &iXFormSchema = iXForm.getSchema();
	XformSample sample;
	iXFormSchema.get( sample, sampleSelector );
	M44d m = sample.getMatrix();
	return new M44fData(
			m[0][0], m[0][1], m[0][2], m[0][3],
			m[1][0], m[1][1], m[1][2], m[1][3],
			m[2][0], m[2][1], m[2][2], m[2][3],
			m[3][0], m[3][1], m[3][2], m[3][3]
예제 #5
void accumXform( Imath::M44d &xf, IObject obj, chrono_t curTime, bool interpolate)
    if ( IXform::matches( obj.getHeader() ) )
        Imath::M44d mtx;
        IXform x( obj, kWrapExisting );
        XformSample xs;
        x.getSchema().get( xs );

        if (!x.getSchema().isConstant()) {

            TimeSamplingPtr timeSampler = x.getSchema().getTimeSampling();

            if (interpolate) {

                //std::pair<index_t, chrono_t> lSamp;// = timeSampler->getFloorIndex(curTime, x.getSchema().getNumSamples());
                Alembic::AbcCoreAbstract::index_t floorIdx, ceilIdx;

                double amt = getWeightAndIndex(curTime, timeSampler,
                                               x.getSchema().getNumSamples(), floorIdx, ceilIdx);

                if (amt != 0 && floorIdx != ceilIdx) {

                    const ISampleSelector iss_start(floorIdx);//lSamp.first);
                    Imath::M44d mtx_start = x.getSchema().getValue(iss_start).getMatrix();

                    //std::pair<index_t, chrono_t> rSamp = timeSampler->getCeilIndex(curTime, x.getSchema().getNumSamples());
                    const ISampleSelector iss_end(ceilIdx);//rSamp.first);
                    Imath::M44d mtx_end = x.getSchema().getValue(iss_end).getMatrix();

                    Imath::V3d s_l,s_r,h_l,h_r,t_l,t_r;
                    Imath::Quatd quat_l,quat_r;

                    DecomposeXForm(mtx_start, s_l, h_l, quat_l, t_l);
                    DecomposeXForm(mtx_end, s_r, h_r, quat_r, t_r);

                    if ((quat_l ^ quat_r) < 0)
                        quat_r = -quat_r;

                    mtx =  RecomposeXForm(Imath::lerp(s_l, s_r, amt),
                                          Imath::lerp(h_l, h_r, amt),
                                          Imath::slerp(quat_l, quat_r, amt),
                                          Imath::lerp(t_l, t_r, amt));


                else {
                    const ISampleSelector iss(curTime);
                    xs = x.getSchema().getValue(iss);
                    mtx = xs.getMatrix();


            else { // no interpolation, get nearest sample
                const ISampleSelector iss(curTime);
                xs = x.getSchema().getValue(iss);
                mtx = xs.getMatrix();

        else {
            mtx = xs.getMatrix();
        xf *= mtx;
void xformIn()
    IArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::ReadArchive(), "Xform1.abc" );

    Abc::M44d identity;
    XformSample xs;

    IXform a( IObject( archive, kTop ), "a" );
    std::cout << "'a' num samples: " << a.getSchema().getNumSamples() << std::endl;

    TESTING_ASSERT( a.getSchema().getNumOps() == 1 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a.getSchema().getInheritsXforms() );
    for ( index_t i = 0; i < 20; ++i )
        XformSample xs;
        a.getSchema().get( xs, Abc::ISampleSelector( i ) );
        TESTING_ASSERT( xs.getNumOps() == 1 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( xs[0].isTranslateOp() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( xs[0].isYAnimated() == true );
        TESTING_ASSERT( xs[0].isXAnimated() == false );
        TESTING_ASSERT( xs[0].isZAnimated() == false );

        TESTING_ASSERT( xs.getTranslation() == V3d( 12.0, i+42.0, 20.0 ) );
        TESTING_ASSERT( xs.getMatrix() ==
                        Abc::M44d().setTranslation( V3d(12.0, i+42.0, 20.0)) );

    IXform b( a, "b" );
    b.getSchema().get( xs );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b.getSchema().getTimeSampling()->getTimeSamplingType().isUniform() );
    // the schema is not static, because set() was called 20 times on it.
    TESTING_ASSERT( !b.getSchema().isConstant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b.getSchema().getNumSamples() == 20 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( xs.getNumOps() == 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b.getSchema().getNumOps() == 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( xs.getMatrix() == identity );
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        AbcA::index_t j = i;
        TESTING_ASSERT( b.getSchema().getInheritsXforms( ISampleSelector( j ) )
                        == (i&1) );

    IXform c( b, "c" );
    xs = c.getSchema().getValue();
    TESTING_ASSERT( xs.getNumOps() == 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( c.getSchema().getNumOps() == 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( xs.getMatrix() == identity );
    TESTING_ASSERT( c.getSchema().getInheritsXforms() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( c.getSchema().isConstantIdentity() );

    IXform d( c, "d" );
    xs = d.getSchema().getValue();
    TESTING_ASSERT( xs.getNumOps() == 1 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( d.getSchema().getNumOps() == 1 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( xs[0].isScaleOp() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! ( xs[0].isXAnimated() || xs[0].isYAnimated()
                        || xs[0].isZAnimated() ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( xs.getScale().equalWithAbsError( V3d( 3.0, 6.0, 9.0 ),
                                                     VAL_EPSILON ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( xs.getMatrix() ==
                    Abc::M44d().setScale( V3d(3.0, 6.0, 9.0)) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( d.getSchema().getInheritsXforms() );

    IXform e( d, "e" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( e.getSchema().isConstantIdentity() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( e.getSchema().isConstant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( e.getSchema().getNumOps() == 3 );

    IXform f( e, "f" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( f.getSchema().isConstant() ); // is constant
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! f.getSchema().isConstantIdentity() ); // not identity

    IXform g( f, "g" );
    Abc::M44d gmatrix;
    XformSample gsamp = g.getSchema().getValue();
    TESTING_ASSERT( gsamp.getNumOps() == 20 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( gsamp.getNumOpChannels() == 20 * 16 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g.getSchema().getNumSamples() == 1 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g.getSchema().isConstant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !g.getSchema().isConstantIdentity() );
    for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < 20 ; ++i )
        TESTING_ASSERT( gsamp[i].getChannelValue( 1 ) == (double)i );

    std::cout << "Tested all xforms in first test!" << std::endl;
