int create_test_file(){ Test t; Xml xml; int i, j; String str; t.start("create test file"); Xml::remove("/home/xml_test.xml"); if( xml.init("/home/xml_test.xml", Xml::WRITEONLY) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed to create test file"); perror("failed to open"); return -1; } t.passed(); t.start("write data"); if( xml.write_start_tag("xml") < 0 ){ t.failed("failed xml start"); return -1; } t.update(); for(i=0; i < 10; i++){ if( xml.write_start_tag("data") < 0 ){ t.failed("failed data start"); return -1; } t.update(); for(j=0; j < 10; j++){ str.clear(); str.setformat(String::DECIMAL, 8); str << i*10 + j; if( xml.write_element("array", str.c_str()) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed array"); return -1; } t.update(); } if( xml.write_end_tag("data") < 0 ){ t.failed("failed data end"); return -1; } t.update(); } if( xml.write_end_tag("xml") < 0 ){ t.failed("failed xml end"); return -1; } t.update(); t.passed(); t.start("xml close"); if( xml.close() < 0 ){ t.failed("failed"); return -1; } t.passed(); return 0; }
int value_test(){ Xml xml; Test t; String str; String key; String cmp; int i,j; cmp.setformat(String::DECIMAL, 8); str.setformat(String::DECIMAL, 8); t.start("open (readonly)"); if( xml.init("/home/xml_test.xml", Xml::READONLY) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed"); return -1; } t.passed(); t.start("empty value"); if( xml.value(str, "") == 0 ){ t.failed("should have failed"); return -1; } t.passed(); t.start("value"); for(i=0; i < 10; i++){ for(j=0; j < 10; j++){ key.clear(); key << "[" << i << "].array[" << j << "]"; if( xml.value(str, key) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed to find desc"); printf("didn't find %s\n", key.c_str()); return -1; } t.update(); cmp.clear(); cmp << (i*10+j); if( str != cmp ){ t.failed("compare failed"); printf("%s != %s\n", str.c_str(), cmp.c_str()); return -1; } } } t.passed(); t.start("find value"); if( xml.find("xml") < 0 ){ t.failed("failed xml"); return -1; } for(i=0; i < 10; i++){ for(j=0; j < 10; j++){ key.clear(); key << "data[" << i << "].array[" << j << "]"; if( xml.value(str, key) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed to find desc"); printf("didn't find %s\n", key.c_str()); return -1; } t.update(); cmp.setformat(String::DECIMAL, 8); cmp.clear(); cmp << (i*10+j); if( str != cmp ){ t.failed("compare failed"); return -1; } } } t.passed(); t.start("find value array"); for(i=0; i < 10; i++){ key.clear(); key << "[" << i << "]"; if( xml.find(key) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed xml"); return -1; } for(j=0; j < 10; j++){ key.clear(); key << "array[" << j << "]"; if( xml.value(str, key) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed to find desc"); printf("didn't find %s\n", key.c_str()); return -1; } t.update(); cmp.clear(); cmp << (i*10+j); if( str != cmp ){ t.failed("compare failed"); return -1; } } } t.passed(); t.start("close readonly"); if( xml.close() < 0 ){ t.failed("failed"); return -1; } t.passed(); t.start("open readwrite"); if( xml.init("/home/xml_test.xml", Xml::READWRITE) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed"); return -1; } t.passed(); t.start("set value"); for(i=0; i < 10; i++){ key.clear(); key << "[" << i << "]"; if( xml.find(key) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed xml"); return -1; } for(j=0; j < 10; j++){ key.clear(); key << "array[" << j << "]"; str.clear(); str << (99-(i*10+j)); if( xml.setvalue(str, key) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed to setvalue()"); return -1; } t.update(); } } t.passed(); t.start("close (readwrite)"); if( xml.close() < 0 ){ t.failed("failed"); return -1; } t.passed(); t.start("open (readonly)"); if( xml.init("/home/xml_test.xml", Xml::READONLY) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed"); return -1; } t.passed(); t.start("find value array"); for(i=0; i < 10; i++){ key.clear(); key << "[" << i << "]"; if( xml.find(key) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed xml"); return -1; } for(j=0; j < 10; j++){ key.clear(); key << "array[" << j << "]"; if( xml.value(str, key) < 0 ){ t.failed("failed to find desc"); printf("didn't find %s\n", key.c_str()); return -1; } t.update(); cmp.clear(); cmp << (99 - (i*10+j)); if( str != cmp ){ t.failed("compare failed"); printf("%s != %s\n", str.c_str(), cmp.c_str()); return -1; } } } t.passed(); t.start("close readonly"); if( xml.close() < 0 ){ t.failed("failed"); return -1; } t.passed(); return 0; }