예제 #1
void KeyboardShortcuts::importFile(const std::string& filename, KeySource source)
  XmlDocumentRef doc = app::open_xml(filename);
  TiXmlHandle handle(doc.get());
  TiXmlElement* xmlKey = handle.FirstChild("keyboard").ToElement();

  importFile(xmlKey, source);
예제 #2
void NewsListBox::parseFile(const std::string& filename)
  View* view = View::getView(this);

  XmlDocumentRef doc;
  try {
    doc = open_xml(filename);
  catch (...) {
    addChild(new ProblemsItem());
    if (view)

  TiXmlHandle handle(doc.get());
  TiXmlElement* itemXml = handle

  int count = 0;

  while (itemXml) {
    TiXmlElement* titleXml = itemXml->FirstChildElement("title");
    TiXmlElement* descXml = itemXml->FirstChildElement("description");
    TiXmlElement* linkXml = itemXml->FirstChildElement("link");

    std::string link = linkXml->GetText();
    std::string title = titleXml->GetText();
    std::string desc = parse_html(descXml->GetText());

    // Limit the description text to 4 lines
    std::string::size_type i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    while (true) {
      i = desc.find('\n', i);
      if (i == std::string::npos)
      if (j == 5)
        desc = desc.substr(0, i);

    addChild(new NewsItem(link, title, desc));

    itemXml = itemXml->NextSiblingElement();
    if (++count == 4)

  TiXmlElement* linkXml = handle
  if (linkXml)
    addChild(new NewsItem(linkXml->GetText(), "More...", ""));

  if (view)

  // Save as cached news
예제 #3
void AppBrushes::load(const std::string& filename)
  XmlDocumentRef doc = app::open_xml(filename);
  TiXmlHandle handle(doc.get());
  TiXmlElement* brushElem = handle

  while (brushElem) {
    // flags
    int flags = 0;
    BrushRef brush;
    app::Color fgColor;
    app::Color bgColor;
    tools::InkType inkType = tools::InkType::DEFAULT;
    int inkOpacity = 255;
    Shade shade;
    bool pixelPerfect = false;

    // Brush
    const char* type = brushElem->Attribute("type");
    const char* size = brushElem->Attribute("size");
    const char* angle = brushElem->Attribute("angle");
    if (type || size || angle) {
      if (type) flags |= int(BrushSlot::Flags::BrushType);
      if (size) flags |= int(BrushSlot::Flags::BrushSize);
      if (angle) flags |= int(BrushSlot::Flags::BrushAngle);
        new Brush(
          (size ? base::convert_to<int>(std::string(size)): 1),
          (angle ? base::convert_to<int>(std::string(angle)): 0)));

    // Brush image
    if (TiXmlElement* imageElem = brushElem->FirstChildElement("image")) {
      ImageRef image = load_xml_image(imageElem);
      if (image) {
        if (!brush)
          brush.reset(new Brush());

    // Colors
    if (TiXmlElement* fgcolorElem = brushElem->FirstChildElement("fgcolor")) {
      if (auto value = fgcolorElem->Attribute("value")) {
        fgColor = app::Color::fromString(value);
        flags |= int(BrushSlot::Flags::FgColor);

    if (TiXmlElement* bgcolorElem = brushElem->FirstChildElement("bgcolor")) {
      if (auto value = bgcolorElem->Attribute("value")) {
        bgColor = app::Color::fromString(value);
        flags |= int(BrushSlot::Flags::BgColor);

    // Ink
    if (TiXmlElement* inkTypeElem = brushElem->FirstChildElement("inktype")) {
      if (auto value = inkTypeElem->Attribute("value")) {
        inkType = app::tools::string_id_to_ink_type(value);
        flags |= int(BrushSlot::Flags::InkType);

    if (TiXmlElement* inkOpacityElem = brushElem->FirstChildElement("inkopacity")) {
      if (auto value = inkOpacityElem->Attribute("value")) {
        inkOpacity = base::convert_to<int>(std::string(value));
        flags |= int(BrushSlot::Flags::InkOpacity);

    // Shade
    if (TiXmlElement* shadeElem = brushElem->FirstChildElement("shade")) {
      if (auto value = shadeElem->Attribute("value")) {
        shade = shade_from_string(value);
        flags |= int(BrushSlot::Flags::Shade);

    // Pixel-perfect
    if (TiXmlElement* pixelPerfectElem = brushElem->FirstChildElement("pixelperfect")) {
      pixelPerfect = bool_attr_is_true(pixelPerfectElem, "value");
      flags |= int(BrushSlot::Flags::PixelPerfect);

    if (flags != 0)
      flags |= int(BrushSlot::Flags::Locked);

    BrushSlot brushSlot(BrushSlot::Flags(flags),
                        brush, fgColor, bgColor,
                        inkType, inkOpacity, shade,

    brushElem = brushElem->NextSiblingElement();
예제 #4
bool PixlyFormat::onLoad(FileOp* fop)
  try {
    // load XML metadata
    XmlDocumentRef doc = open_xml(fop->filename());
    TiXmlHandle xml(doc.get());

    TiXmlElement* xmlAnim = check(xml.FirstChild("PixlyAnimation").ToElement());
    double version = check_number<double>(xmlAnim->Attribute("version"));
    if (version < 1.5) {
      throw Exception("version 1.5 or above required");

    TiXmlElement* xmlInfo = check(xmlAnim->FirstChild("Info"))->ToElement();

    int layerCount  = check_number<int>(xmlInfo->Attribute("layerCount"));
    int frameWidth  = check_number<int>(xmlInfo->Attribute("frameWidth"));
    int frameHeight = check_number<int>(xmlInfo->Attribute("frameHeight"));

    UniquePtr<Sprite> sprite(new Sprite(IMAGE_RGB, frameWidth, frameHeight, 0));

    TiXmlElement* xmlFrames = check(xmlAnim->FirstChild("Frames"))->ToElement();
    int imageCount = check_number<int>(xmlFrames->Attribute("length"));

    if (layerCount <= 0 || imageCount <= 0) {
      throw Exception("No cels found");

    int frameCount = imageCount / layerCount;

    for (int i=0; i<layerCount; i++) {
      sprite->folder()->addLayer(new LayerImage(sprite));

    // load image sheet
    Document* sheet_doc = load_document(nullptr, base::replace_extension(fop->filename(),"png").c_str());

    if (sheet_doc == NULL) {
      throw Exception("Pixly loader requires a valid PNG file");

    Image* sheet = sheet_doc->sprite()->layer(0)->cel(0)->image();

    if (sheet->pixelFormat() != IMAGE_RGB) {
      throw Exception("Pixly loader requires a RGBA PNG");

    int sheetWidth = sheet->width();
    int sheetHeight = sheet->height();

    // slice cels from sheet
    std::vector<int> visible(layerCount, 0);

    TiXmlElement* xmlFrame = check(xmlFrames->FirstChild("Frame"))->ToElement();
    while (xmlFrame) {
      TiXmlElement* xmlRegion = check(xmlFrame->FirstChild("Region"))->ToElement();
      TiXmlElement* xmlIndex = check(xmlFrame->FirstChild("Index"))->ToElement();

      int index = check_number<int>(xmlIndex->Attribute("linear"));
      frame_t frame(index / layerCount);
      LayerIndex layer_index(index % layerCount);
      Layer *layer = sprite->indexToLayer(layer_index);

      const char * duration = xmlFrame->Attribute("duration");
      if (duration) {
        sprite->setFrameDuration(frame, base::convert_to<int>(std::string(duration)));

      visible[(int)layer_index] += (int)(std::string(check(xmlFrame->Attribute("visible"),"false")) == "true");

      int x0 = check_number<int>(xmlRegion->Attribute("x"));
      int y0_up = check_number<int>(xmlRegion->Attribute("y")); // inverted

      if (y0_up < 0 || y0_up + frameHeight > sheetHeight || x0 < 0 || x0 + frameWidth > sheetWidth) {
        throw Exception("looking for cels outside the bounds of the PNG");

      // read cel images
      ImageRef image(Image::create(IMAGE_RGB, frameWidth, frameHeight));

      for (int y = 0; y < frameHeight; y++) {
        // RGB_ALPHA
        int y0_down = sheetHeight-1 - y0_up - (frameHeight-1) + y;
        uint32_t* src_begin = (uint32_t*)sheet->getPixelAddress(x0           , y0_down);
        uint32_t* src_end   = (uint32_t*)sheet->getPixelAddress(x0+frameWidth, y0_down);
        uint32_t* dst_begin = (uint32_t*)image->getPixelAddress(0, y);

        std::copy(src_begin, src_end, dst_begin);

      // make cel trimmed or empty
      gfx::Rect bounds;
      if (algorithm::shrink_bounds(image.get(), bounds, image->maskColor())) {
        ImageRef trim_image(crop_image(image.get(),
                                  bounds.x, bounds.y,
                                  bounds.w, bounds.h,

        Cel* cel = NULL;
        if ((int)frame > 0) {
          // link identical neighbors
          Cel *prev_cel = static_cast<LayerImage*>(layer)->cel(frame-1);
          if (prev_cel && prev_cel->x() == bounds.x && prev_cel->y() == bounds.y) {
            Image *prev_image = prev_cel->image();
            if (prev_image && doc::count_diff_between_images(prev_image, trim_image.get()) == 0) {
              cel = Cel::createLink(prev_cel);
            } // count_diff_between_images
          } // prev_cel
        } // frame > 0

        if (cel == NULL) {
          cel = new Cel(frame, trim_image);
          cel->setPosition(bounds.x, bounds.y);



      xmlFrame = xmlFrame->NextSiblingElement();
      fop->setProgress(0.5 + 0.5 * ((float)(index+1) / (float)imageCount));

    for (int i=0; i<layerCount; i++) {
      LayerIndex layer_index(i);
      Layer *layer = sprite->indexToLayer(layer_index);
      layer->setVisible(visible[i] > frameCount/2);

  catch(Exception &e) {
    fop->setError((std::string("Pixly file format: ")+std::string(e.what())+"\n").c_str());
    return false;

  return true;