예제 #1
void CIMUXSens_MT4::initialize()
	m_state = ssInitializing;

		// Try to open a specified device, or scan the bus?
		XsPortInfoArray portInfoArray;

		if (m_portname.empty())
			if (m_verbose) cout << "[CIMUXSens_MT4] Scanning for USB devices...\n";

			if (portInfoArray.empty())
				THROW_EXCEPTION("CIMUXSens_MT4: No 'portname' was specified and no XSens device was found after scanning the system!")

			if (m_verbose) cout << "[CIMUXSens_MT4] Found " <<  portInfoArray.size() <<" devices. Opening the first one.\n";
			XsPortInfo portInfo(m_portname, XsBaud::numericToRate(m_port_bauds));
			if (m_verbose) cout << "[CIMUXSens_MT4] Using user-supplied portname '"<<m_portname<<"' at "<<m_port_bauds<<" baudrate.\n";

		// Use the first detected device
		XsPortInfo mtPort = portInfoArray.at(0);

		// Open the port with the detected device
		cout << "[CIMUXSens_MT4] Opening port " << mtPort.portName().toStdString() << std::endl;

		if (!my_xsens_device.openPort(mtPort))
			throw std::runtime_error("Could not open port. Aborting.");

		// Put the device in configuration mode
		if (m_verbose) cout << "[CIMUXSens_MT4] Putting device into configuration mode...\n";
		if (!my_xsens_device.gotoConfig()) // Put the device into configuration mode before configuring the device
			throw std::runtime_error("Could not put device into configuration mode. Aborting.");

		// Request the device Id to check the device type

		my_xsens_devid = mtPort.deviceId();

		// Check if we have an MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device
		if (!mtPort.deviceId().isMtix() && !mtPort.deviceId().isMtMk4())
			throw std::runtime_error("No MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device found. Aborting.");
		cout << "[CIMUXSens_MT4] Found a device with id: " << mtPort.deviceId().toString().toStdString() << " @ port: " << mtPort.portName().toStdString() << ", baudrate: " << mtPort.baudrate() << std::endl;

		// Print information about detected MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device
		if (m_verbose) cout << "[CIMUXSens_MT4] Device: " << my_xsens_device.getProductCode().toStdString() << " opened." << std::endl;

		// Configure the device. Note the differences between MTix and MTmk4
		if (m_verbose) cout << "[CIMUXSens_MT4] Configuring the device..." << std::endl;
		if (mtPort.deviceId().isMtix())
			XsOutputMode outputMode = XOM_Orientation; // output orientation data
			XsOutputSettings outputSettings = XOS_OrientationMode_Euler | XOS_Timestamp_PacketCounter | XOS_CalibratedMode_All; // XOS_OrientationMode_Quaternion; // output orientation data as quaternion

			// set the device configuration
			if (!my_xsens_device.setDeviceMode(outputMode, outputSettings))
				throw std::runtime_error("Could not configure MT device. Aborting.");
		else if (mtPort.deviceId().isMtMk4())
			XsOutputConfigurationArray configArray;
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_SampleTime64,m_sampleFreq) );
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_SampleTimeFine,m_sampleFreq) );
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_SampleTimeCoarse,m_sampleFreq) );
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_Quaternion,m_sampleFreq) );
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_Temperature,m_sampleFreq) );
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_Acceleration,m_sampleFreq) );
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_RateOfTurn,m_sampleFreq) );
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_MagneticField,m_sampleFreq) );
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_VelocityXYZ,m_sampleFreq) );

			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_StatusByte, m_sampleFreq) );
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_LatLon, m_sampleFreq) );
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_UtcTime, m_sampleFreq) );
			configArray.push_back( XsOutputConfiguration(XDI_AltitudeEllipsoid, m_sampleFreq) );

			if (!my_xsens_device.setOutputConfiguration(configArray))
				throw std::runtime_error("Could not configure MTmk4 device. Aborting.");
			throw std::runtime_error("Unknown device while configuring. Aborting.");

		// Put the device in measurement mode
		if (m_verbose) cout << "[CIMUXSens_MT4] Putting device into measurement mode..." << std::endl;
		if (!my_xsens_device.gotoMeasurement())
			throw std::runtime_error("Could not put device into measurement mode. Aborting.");

		m_state = ssWorking;

예제 #2
// Main
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int desiredUpdateRate = 75;	// Use 75 Hz update rate for MTWs
	int desiredRadioChannel = 19;	// Use radio channel 19 for wireless master.

	WirelessMasterCallback wirelessMasterCallback; // Callback for wireless master
	std::vector<MtwCallback*> mtwCallbacks; // Callbacks for mtw devices

	std::cout << "Verifying serial key..." << std::endl;
	if (!setSerialKey()) {
		std::cout << "Invalid serial key." << std::endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	std::cout << "Constructing XsControl..." << std::endl;
	XsControl* control = XsControl::construct();
	if (control == 0) {
		std::cout << "Failed to construct XsControl instance." << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Scanning ports..." << std::endl;
		XsPortInfoArray detectedDevices = XsScanner::scanPorts();

		std::cout << "Finding wireless master..." << std::endl;
		XsPortInfoArray::const_iterator wirelessMasterPort = detectedDevices.begin();
		while (wirelessMasterPort != detectedDevices.end() && !wirelessMasterPort->deviceId().isWirelessMaster()) {
		if (wirelessMasterPort == detectedDevices.end()) {
			throw std::runtime_error("No wireless masters found");
		std::cout << "Wireless master found @ " << *wirelessMasterPort << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Opening port..." << std::endl;
		if (!control->openPort(wirelessMasterPort->portName().toStdString(), wirelessMasterPort->baudrate())) {
			std::ostringstream error;
			error << "Failed to open port " << *wirelessMasterPort;
			throw std::runtime_error(error.str());

		std::cout << "Getting XsDevice instance for wireless master..." << std::endl;
		XsDevicePtr wirelessMasterDevice = control->device(wirelessMasterPort->deviceId());
		if (wirelessMasterDevice == 0) {
			std::ostringstream error;
			error << "Failed to construct XsDevice instance: " << *wirelessMasterPort;
			throw std::runtime_error(error.str());

		std::cout << "XsDevice instance created @ " << *wirelessMasterDevice << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Setting config mode..." << std::endl;
		if (!wirelessMasterDevice->gotoConfig()) {
			std::ostringstream error;
			error << "Failed to goto config mode: " << *wirelessMasterDevice;
			throw std::runtime_error(error.str());

		std::cout << "Attaching callback handler..." << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Setting update rate to " << desiredUpdateRate << " Hz..." << std::endl;
		if (!wirelessMasterDevice->setUpdateRate(desiredUpdateRate)) {
			std::ostringstream error;
			error << "Failed to set update rate: " << *wirelessMasterDevice;
			throw std::runtime_error(error.str());

		std::cout << "Setting radio channel to " << desiredRadioChannel << " and enabling radio..." << std::endl;
		if (!wirelessMasterDevice->enableRadio(desiredRadioChannel)) {
			std::ostringstream error;
			error << "Failed to set radio channel: " << *wirelessMasterDevice;
			throw std::runtime_error(error.str());

		std::cout << "Waiting for MTW to wirelessly connect...\n" << std::endl;

		bool waitForConnections = true;
		size_t connectedMTWCount = wirelessMasterCallback.getWirelessMTWs().size();
		do {

			while (true) {
				size_t nextCount = wirelessMasterCallback.getWirelessMTWs().size();
				if (nextCount != connectedMTWCount) {
					std::cout << "Number of connected MTWs: " << nextCount << ". Press 'Y' to start measurement." << std::endl;
					connectedMTWCount = nextCount;
				else {
			if (_kbhit()) {
				waitForConnections = (toupper((char)_getch()) != 'Y');
		while (waitForConnections);

		std::cout << "Starting measurement..." << std::endl;
		if (!wirelessMasterDevice->gotoMeasurement()) {
			std::ostringstream error;
			error << "Failed to goto measurement mode: " << *wirelessMasterDevice;
			throw std::runtime_error(error.str());

		std::cout << "Getting XsDevice instances for all MTWs..." << std::endl;
		XsDeviceIdArray allDeviceIds = control->deviceIds();
		XsDeviceIdArray mtwDeviceIds;
		for (XsDeviceIdArray::const_iterator i = allDeviceIds.begin(); i != allDeviceIds.end(); ++i) {
			if (i->isMtw()) {
		XsDevicePtrArray mtwDevices;
		for (XsDeviceIdArray::const_iterator i = mtwDeviceIds.begin(); i != mtwDeviceIds.end(); ++i) {
			XsDevicePtr mtwDevice = control->device(*i);
			if (mtwDevice != 0) {
			else {
				throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create an MTW XsDevice instance");

		std::cout << "Attaching callback handlers to MTWs..." << std::endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)mtwDevices.size(); ++i) {
			mtwCallbacks[i] = new MtwCallback(i, mtwDevices[i]);

		std::cout << "\nMain loop. Press any key to quit\n" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Waiting for data available..." << std::endl;

		std::vector<XsEuler> eulerData(mtwCallbacks.size()); // Room to store euler data for each mtw
		unsigned int printCounter = 0;
		while (!_kbhit()) {

			bool newDataAvailable = false;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < mtwCallbacks.size(); ++i) {
				if (mtwCallbacks[i]->dataAvailable()) {
					newDataAvailable = true;
					XsDataPacket const * packet = mtwCallbacks[i]->getOldestPacket();
					eulerData[i] = packet->orientationEuler();

			if (newDataAvailable) {
				// Don't print too often for performance. Console output is very slow.
				if (printCounter % 25 == 0) {
					for (size_t i = 0; i < mtwCallbacks.size(); ++i) {
						std::cout << "[" << i << "]: ID: " << mtwCallbacks[i]->device().deviceId().toString().toStdString()
								  << ", Roll: " << std::setw(7) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << eulerData[i].m_roll
								  << ", Pitch: " << std::setw(7) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << eulerData[i].m_pitch
								  << ", Yaw: " <<  std::setw(7) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << eulerData[i].m_yaw
								  << "\n";


		std::cout << "Setting config mode..." << std::endl;
		if (!wirelessMasterDevice->gotoConfig()) {
			std::ostringstream error;
			error << "Failed to goto config mode: " << *wirelessMasterDevice;
			throw std::runtime_error(error.str());

		std::cout << "Disabling radio... " << std::endl;
		if (!wirelessMasterDevice->disableRadio()) {
			std::ostringstream error;
			error << "Failed to disable radio: " << *wirelessMasterDevice;
			throw std::runtime_error(error.str());
	catch (std::exception const & ex) {
		std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "****ABORT****" << std::endl;
	catch (...)
		std::cout << "An unknown fatal error has occured. Aborting." << std::endl;
		std::cout << "****ABORT****" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Closing XsControl..." << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Deleting mtw callbacks..." << std::endl;
	for (std::vector<MtwCallback*>::iterator i = mtwCallbacks.begin(); i != mtwCallbacks.end(); ++i) {
		delete (*i);

	std::cout << "Successful exit." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Press [ENTER] to continue." << std::endl; std::cin.get();
	return 0;
예제 #3
파일: Aris_IMU.cpp 프로젝트: chaixun/Aris
		void IMU::Initiate()
			XsPortInfoArray portInfoArray;

			if (!portInfoArray.size())
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: failed to find IMU sensor");
				XsPortInfo portInfo(pDevice->port, XsBaud::numericToRate(pDevice->baudRate));
			pDevice->mtPort = portInfoArray.at(0);
			// Open the port with the detected device
			if (!pDevice->openPort(pDevice->mtPort))
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: could not open port.");

			// Put the device in configuration mode
			if (!pDevice->gotoConfig()) // Put the device into configuration mode before configuring the device
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: could not put device into configuration mode");
			// Request the device Id to check the device type
			// Check if we have an MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device
			if (!pDevice->mtPort.deviceId().isMtMk4())
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: No MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device found.");
			// Check device type
			if (pDevice->mtPort.deviceId().isMtMk4())
				XsOutputConfiguration config0(XDI_Quaternion, pDevice->sampleRate);
				XsOutputConfiguration config1(XDI_DeltaQ, pDevice->sampleRate);
				XsOutputConfiguration config2(XDI_DeltaV, pDevice->sampleRate);
				XsOutputConfiguration config3(XDI_Acceleration, pDevice->sampleRate);

				XsOutputConfigurationArray configArray;
				if (!pDevice->setOutputConfiguration(configArray))
					throw std::runtime_error("IMU: Could not configure MTmk4 pDevice-> Aborting.");
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: Unknown device while configuring. Aborting.");
			// Put the device in measurement mode
			if (!pDevice->gotoMeasurement())
				throw std::runtime_error("IMU: Could not put device into measurement mode. Aborting.");
예제 #4
void ofxXsens::connect()
    try {
        // Scan for connected devices
        ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "Scanning for devices...";
        XsPortInfoArray portInfoArray = XsScanner::scanPorts();

        // Find an MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device
        mtPort = portInfoArray.begin();
        while (mtPort != portInfoArray.end() && !mtPort->deviceId().isMtix() && !mtPort->deviceId().isMtMk4()) {++mtPort;}
        if (mtPort == portInfoArray.end())
            throw std::runtime_error("No MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device found. Aborting.");
        ofLogNotice("ofXsens") << "Found a device with id: " << mtPort->deviceId().toString().toStdString() << " @ port: " << mtPort->portName().toStdString() << ", baudrate: " << mtPort->baudrate();

        // Open the port with the detected device
        ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "Opening port..." << std::endl;
        if (!control->openPort(mtPort->portName().toStdString(), mtPort->baudrate()))
            throw std::runtime_error("Could not open port. Aborting.");
			// Get the device object
			XsDevice* device = control->device(mtPort->deviceId());
			assert(device != 0);

			// Print information about detected MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device
			ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "Device: " << device->productCode().toStdString() << " opened." << std::endl;

			//Attach callback handler to device

			// Put the device in configuration mode
			ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "Putting device into configuration mode..." << std::endl;
			if (!device->gotoConfig()) // Put the device into configuration mode before configuring the device
				throw std::runtime_error("Could not put device into configuration mode. Aborting.");

			// Configure the device. Note the differences between MTix and MTmk4
			ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "Configuring the device..." << std::endl;
			if (device->deviceId().isMtix())
				ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "isMtix..." << std::endl;
				XsOutputMode outputMode = XOM_Orientation; // output orientation data
				XsOutputSettings outputSettings = XOS_OrientationMode_Quaternion; // output orientation data as quaternion
				XsDeviceMode deviceMode(100); // make a device mode with update rate: 100 Hz

				// set the device configuration
				if (!device->setDeviceMode(deviceMode))
					throw std::runtime_error("Could not configure MTmki device. Aborting.");
				bSensorConnected = true;
			else if (device->deviceId().isMtMk4())
				ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "isMtMk4..." << std::endl;
				XsOutputConfiguration quat(XDI_Quaternion, 0);
				//XsOutputConfiguration gpssol(XDI_GpsSol, 0);
				XsOutputConfiguration latlong(XDI_LatLon, 0);
				XsOutputConfigurationArray configArray;
				if (!device->setOutputConfiguration(configArray))

					throw std::runtime_error("Could not configure MTmk4 device. Aborting.");
				bSensorConnected = true;
				throw std::runtime_error("Unknown device while configuring. Aborting.");

			// Put the device in measurement mode
			std::cout << "Putting device into measurement mode..." << std::endl;
			if (!device->gotoMeasurement())
				throw std::runtime_error("Could not put device into measurement mode. Aborting.");
		catch (std::runtime_error const & error)
			std::cout << error.what() << std::endl;
		catch (...)
			ofLogError("ofxXsens") << "An unknown fatal error has occured. Aborting." << std::endl;
    catch (runtime_error const & error)
        ofLogError("ofxXsens") << error.what();
    catch (...)
        ofLogError("ofxXsens") << "An unknown fatal error has occured.";