예제 #1
   INT32 _sptUsrSsh::construct( const _sptArguments &arg,
                                _sptReturnVal &rval,
                                bson::BSONObj &detail)
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      string passwd ;
      string errmsg ;
      INT32 port = SPT_SSH_PORT ;

      rc = arg.getString( 0, _host ) ;
      if ( SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND == rc )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "hostname must be config" ) ;
      else if ( rc )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "hostname must be string" ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get hostname, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      rc = arg.getString( 1, _user ) ;
      if ( rc && SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND != rc )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "user must be string" ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get user, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      rc = arg.getString( 2, passwd ) ;
      if ( rc && SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND != rc )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "password must be string" ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get password, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      rc = arg.getNative( 3, (void*)&port, SPT_NATIVE_INT32 ) ;
      if ( rc && SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND != rc )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "port must be uint or int" ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get port, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      _session = SDB_OSS_NEW _sptLibssh2Session( _host.c_str(),
                                                 &port ) ;
      if ( NULL == _session )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to allocate mem." ) ;
         rc = SDB_OOM ;
         goto error ;

      rc = _session->open() ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to open ssh session:%d", rc ) ;
         _session->getLastError( errmsg ) ;
         goto error ;
      _localIP = _session->getLocalIPAddr() ;
      _peerIP = _session->getPeerIPAddr() ;

      rval.addSelfProperty("_host")->setValue( _host ) ;
      rval.addSelfProperty("_port")->setValue( port ) ;
      rval.addSelfProperty("_usrname")->setValue( _user ) ;

      return rc ;
      SAFE_OSS_DELETE( _session ) ;
      if ( detail.isEmpty() )
         if ( !errmsg.empty() )
            detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << errmsg ) ;
            detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "failed to ssh to specified host" ) ;
      goto done ;
예제 #2
   INT32 _sptUsrCmd::start( const _sptArguments & arg,
                            _sptReturnVal & rval,
                            BSONObj & detail )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      string ev ;
      ossCmdRunner runner ;
      UINT32 useShell = TRUE ;
      UINT32 usePipe  = TRUE ;

      _command.clear() ;

      rc = arg.getString( 0, _command ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "cmd must be config" ) ;
         goto error ;
      utilStrTrim( _command ) ;

      rc = arg.getString( 1, ev ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc && SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND != rc )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "environment should be a string" ) ;
         goto error ;
      else if ( SDB_OK == rc )
         _command += " " ;
         _command += ev ;

      // useShell, default : 1
      rc = arg.getNative( 2, (void*)&useShell, SPT_NATIVE_INT32 ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc && SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND != rc )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "useShell should be a number" ) ;
         goto error ;
      rc = SDB_OK ;

      // usePipe, default : 1
      rc = arg.getNative( 3, (void*)&usePipe, SPT_NATIVE_INT32 ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc && SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND != rc )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "usePipe should be a number" ) ;
         goto error ;
      rc = SDB_OK ;

      _strOut = "" ;
      _retCode = 0 ;
      rc = runner.exec( _command.c_str(), _retCode, TRUE, -1, FALSE, NULL,
                        useShell ? TRUE : FALSE, usePipe ? TRUE : FALSE ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         stringstream ss ;
         ss << "run[" << _command << "] failed" ;
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << ss.str() ) ;
         goto error ;
         OSSPID pid = runner.getPID() ;
         rval.setNativeVal( "", NumberInt, (const void*)&pid ) ;

         if ( usePipe )
            ossSleep( 100 ) ;
            if ( !ossIsProcessRunning( pid ) )
               rc = runner.read( _strOut ) ;
               if ( rc )
                  stringstream ss ;
                  ss << "read run command[" << _command << "] result failed" ;
                  detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << ss.str() ) ;
                  goto error ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
예제 #3
   INT32 _sptUsrSsh::copyFromRemote( const _sptArguments &arg,
                                     _sptReturnVal &rval,
                                     bson::BSONObj &detail )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      string remote ;
      string local ;
      INT32 mode = 0 ;
      string errMsg ;

      rc = arg.getString( 0, remote ) ;
      if ( SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND == rc )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "remote_file must be config" ) ;
      else if ( rc )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "remote_file must be string" ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get remote_file, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      rc = arg.getString( 1, local ) ;
      if ( SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND == rc )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "local_file must be config" ) ;
      else if ( rc )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "local_file must be string" ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get local_file, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      rc = arg.getNative( 2, &mode, SPT_NATIVE_INT32 ) ;
      if ( rc && SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND != rc )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "mode must be native type" ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get mode, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      if ( !_session->isOpened() )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "connection is shutdown" ) ;
         rc = SDB_NETWORK ;
         goto error ;

      rc = _session->copyFromRemote( SPT_CP_PROTOCOL_SCP,
                                     mode ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to copy file:%d", rc ) ;
         _session->getLastError( errMsg ) ;
         goto error ;
      return rc ;
      if ( !errMsg.empty() )
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << errMsg ) ;
      goto done ;
예제 #4
   INT32 _sptUsrCmd::exec( const _sptArguments &arg,
                           _sptReturnVal &rval,
                           bson::BSONObj &detail )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      string ev ;
      UINT32 timeout = 0 ;
      UINT32 useShell = TRUE ;
      ossCmdRunner runner ;

      _command.clear() ;

      rc = arg.getString( 0, _command ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "cmd must be config" ) ;
         goto error ;
      utilStrTrim( _command ) ;

      rc = arg.getString( 1, ev ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc && SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND != rc )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "environment should be a string" ) ;
         goto error ;
      else if ( SDB_OK == rc && !ev.empty() )
         _command += " " ;
         _command += ev ;

      rc = arg.getNative( 2, (void*)&timeout, SPT_NATIVE_INT32 ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc && SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND != rc )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "timeout should be a number" ) ;
         goto error ;
      rc = SDB_OK ;

      // useShell, default : 1
      rc = arg.getNative( 3, (void*)&useShell, SPT_NATIVE_INT32 ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc && SDB_OUT_OF_BOUND != rc )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << "useShell should be a number" ) ;
         goto error ;
      rc = SDB_OK ;

      _strOut = "" ;
      _retCode = 0 ;
      rc = runner.exec( _command.c_str(), _retCode, FALSE,
                        0 == timeout ? -1 : (INT64)timeout,
                        FALSE, NULL, useShell ? TRUE : FALSE ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         stringstream ss ;
         ss << "run[" << _command << "] failed" ;
         detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << ss.str() ) ;
         goto error ;
         rc = runner.read( _strOut ) ;
         if ( rc )
            stringstream ss ;
            ss << "read run command[" << _command << "] result failed" ;
            detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << ss.str() ) ;
            goto error ;
         else if ( SDB_OK != _retCode )
            detail = BSON( SPT_ERR << _strOut ) ;
            rc = _retCode ;
            goto error ;

         rval.setStringVal( "", _strOut.c_str() ) ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;