apstring::apstring(const apstring & str)
//description:   copy constructor
//postcondition: copy of str has been constructed
    myLength = str.length();
    myCapacity = myLength + 1;
    myCstring = new char[myCapacity];
예제 #2
//Purpose:         Send command to Khepera and return response.
//Preconditions:   Commands are in the form of a capital letter,
//                 followed by any parameters needed, ending with
//                 a carriage return and line feed.
//Postconditions:  Responses are in the form of a lowercase letter
//                 corresponding to the capital letter command, then
//                 any data it needs to transmit and a carriage return.
apstring Serial::Talk(apstring send, int size)
  if (VERBOSE)
    cout << "Serial::Entering Serial Talk" << endl;

  apstring receive = "";
  char cSend[send.length()+1];
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<send.length(); i++)
    cSend[i] = send[i];

  cSend[i] = '\0';
cout << "El Comando enviado al puerto es "<< cSend << endl;

  int tries = 0;

  do {
    //if write succeeds, read response
    if (write(SERIAL_ID,cSend,send.length()) == send.length())
	  receive = Readline(size);
	  if (VERBOSE){
cout << "Serial::receive="<< receive << endl;
	    cout << "Serial::Talk done" << endl;

	  return receive;
    tries ++;
  } while (tries < DEFAULT_RETRY);

  //if reach this point, talk failed

  if (VERBOSE)
    cout << "Serial::Talk Timeout" << endl;

  return receive;
}//end Talk(apstring)
예제 #3
//Purpose:         Open connection to Khepera on port passed
//                 as a parameter e.g., "ttya".
//Preconditions:   Port name is defined
//Postconditions:  Connection open to given port. Returns true if successful,
//                 false otherwise.
bool Serial::Open(apstring portname)
  if (VERBOSE)
    cout << "Serial::Entering Serial Open" << endl;

  int i;
  char buffer[64];
  //if (VERBOSE)
	//cout << "Serial::buffer=";
  // convert apstring to a c string
  for (i=0; i<portname.length(); i++){
    //if (VERBOSE)
	//cout << portname[i];
    buffer[i] = portname[i];
  buffer[i] = '\0';

  SERIAL_ID = open(buffer,O_RDWR|O_EXCL);
  //cerr << "Serial ID: " << SERIAL_ID << endl;
  if (SERIAL_ID == -1)
      if (VERBOSE)
	cout << "Serial::Serial Port Failed to Open --> Serial ID" << endl;
      return false;
  if (!Configure())
    return false;

  if (!Drain())
    return false;
  if (Talk("G,0,0\n") == "")
      if (VERBOSE)
	cout << "Serial::Serial Port Failed to Open --> unable to talk" << endl;
      return false;

  if (VERBOSE)
    cout << "Serial::Serial Port Opened" << endl;

  return true;
}//end Open(apstring)