예제 #1
void map_punctured<libbase::vector, dbl>::dotransform(const array1vd_t& pin,
      array1vd_t& pout) const
   assertalways(pin.size() == pattern.size());
   assertalways(pin(0).size() == Base::q);
   // final matrix size depends on the number of set positions
   libbase::allocate(pout, This::output_block_size(), Base::q);
   // puncture the likelihood tables
   for (int i = 0, ii = 0; i < pin.size(); i++)
      if (pattern(i))
         pout(ii++) = pin(i);
template <class GF_q, class real> void sum_prod_alg_abstract<GF_q, real>::compute_probs(
      array1vd_t& ro)
   //ensure the output vector has the right length

   //initialise some helper variables
   int num_of_elements = GF_q::elements();
   real a_n = real(0.0);
   int size_of_M_n = 0;
   int pos_m;
   for (int loop_n = 0; loop_n < this->length_n; loop_n++)
      ro(loop_n) = this->received_probs(loop_n);
      size_of_M_n = this->M_n(loop_n).size();
      for (int loop_e = 0; loop_e < num_of_elements; loop_e++)
         for (int loop_m = 0; loop_m < size_of_M_n; loop_m++)
            pos_m = this->M_n(loop_n)(loop_m) - 1;//we count from 0
            ro(loop_n)(loop_e) *= this->marginal_probs(pos_m, loop_n).r_mxn(
         //Use appropriate clipping method
      //Note the following step is not strictly necessary apart from making the result
      //look neater - however it only adds a small overhead

      //normalise the result so that q_n_0+q_n_1=1
      a_n = ro(loop_n).sum();
      ro(loop_n) /= a_n;
예제 #3
void sum_prod_alg_trad<GF_q, real>::spa_init(const array1vd_t& recvd_probs)

   //initialise the marginal prob values
   int num_of_elements = GF_q::elements();
   real tmp_prob = real(0.0);
   real alpha = real(0.0);

   //ensure we don't have zero probabilities
   //and normalise the probs at the same time

   for (int loop_n = 0; loop_n < this->length_n; loop_n++)
      alpha = real(0.0);
      for (int loop_e = 0; loop_e < num_of_elements; loop_e++)
         tmp_prob = recvd_probs(loop_n)(loop_e);
         //Clipping HACK
         this->received_probs(loop_n)(loop_e) = tmp_prob;
         alpha += tmp_prob;
      this->received_probs(loop_n) /= alpha;

   //this uses the description of the algorithm as given by
   //MacKay in Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms(2003)
   //on page 560 - chapter 47.3

   //some helper variables
   int pos = 0;
   int non_zeros = 0;

   //simply set q_mxn(0)=P_n(0)=P(x_n=0) and q_mxn(1)=P_n(1)=P(x_n=1)
   for (int loop_m = 0; loop_m < this->dim_m; loop_m++)
      non_zeros = this->N_m(loop_m).size();
      for (int loop_n = 0; loop_n < non_zeros; loop_n++)
         pos = this->N_m(loop_m)(loop_n) - 1;//we count from zero;
         this->marginal_probs(loop_m, pos).q_mxn = this->received_probs(pos);
         this->marginal_probs(loop_m, pos).r_mxn.init(num_of_elements);
         this->marginal_probs(loop_m, pos).r_mxn = 0.0;

#if DEBUG>=2
   libbase::trace << " Memory Usage:\n ";
   libbase::trace << this->marginal_probs.size()
   * sizeof(sum_prod_alg_abstract<GF_q,real>::marginals) / double(1 << 20)
   << " MB" << std::endl;

   libbase::trace << std::endl << "The marginal matrix is given by:" << std::endl;

예제 #4
void map_dividing<libbase::vector, dbl, dbl2>::doinverse(const array1vd_t& pin,
      array1vd_t& pout) const
   // Confirm input sequence to be of the correct length
   assertalways(pin.size() == This::output_block_size());
   // Create converter object and perform necessary transform
   libbase::symbol_converter<dbl,dbl2> converter(Base::M, Base::q);
   converter.aggregate_probabilities(pin, pout);
예제 #5
void map_punctured<libbase::vector, dbl>::doinverse(const array1vd_t& pin,
      array1vd_t& pout) const
   assertalways(pin.size() == This::output_block_size());
   assertalways(pin(0).size() == Base::M);
   // final matrix size depends on the number of set positions
   libbase::allocate(pout, pattern.size(), Base::M);
   // invert the puncturing
   for (int i = 0, ii = 0; i < pattern.size(); i++)
      if (pattern(i))
         pout(i) = pin(ii++);
         pout(i) = dbl(1.0 / Base::M);
template <class GF_q, class real> void sum_prod_alg_abstract<GF_q, real>::spa_iteration(
      array1vd_t& ro)
   //carry out the horizontal step
   //this uses the description of the algorithm as given by
   //MacKay in Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms(2003)
   //on page 560 - chapter 47.3

   // r_mxn(0)=\sum_{x_n'|n'\in N(m)\n'} ( P(z_m=0|x_n=0) * \prod_{n'\in N(m)\n}q_mxn(x_{n') )
   // Essentially, what we are doing is the following:
   // Assume x_n=0
   // we need to sum over all possibilities that such that the parity check is satisfied, ie =0
   // if the parity check is satisfied the conditional probability is 1 and 0 otherwise
   // so we are simply adding up the products for which the parity check is satisfied.

   //the number of symbols in N_m, eg the number of variables that participate in check m
   int size_N_m;

   //loop over all check nodes - the horizontal step
   for (int loop_m = 0; loop_m < this->dim_m; loop_m++)
      // get the bits that participate in this check
      size_N_m = this->N_m(loop_m).size();
      for (int loop_n = 0; loop_n < size_N_m; loop_n++)
         //this will compute the relevant r_nms fixing the x_n given by loop_n
         this->compute_r_mn(loop_m, loop_n, this->N_m(loop_m));

#if DEBUG>=2
   << std::endl << "After the horizontal step, the marginal matrix at col x is given by:" << std::endl;
   this->print_marginal_probs(3, libbase::trace);

   //this array holds the checks that use symbol n
   array1i_t M_n;
   //the number of checks in that array
   int size_M_n;

   //loop over all the bit nodes - the vertical step

   for (int loop_n = 0; loop_n < this->length_n; loop_n++)
      M_n = this->M_n(loop_n);
      size_M_n = M_n.size().length();
      for (int loop_m = 0; loop_m < size_M_n; loop_m++)
         this->compute_q_mn(loop_m, loop_n, M_n);
#if DEBUG>=2

   << "After the vertical step, the marginal matrix at col x is given by:" << std::endl;
   this->print_marginal_probs(3, libbase::trace);

   //compute the new probabilities for all symbols given the information in this iteration.
   //This will be used in a tentative decoding to see whether we have found a codeword

#if DEBUG>=3
   << "The newly computed normalised probabilities are given by:" << std::endl;
   ro.serialize(libbase::trace, ' ');
