예제 #1
void gpworld_state::draw_pixel(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap,const rectangle &cliprect,int x,int y,int color,int flip)
	if (flip)
		x = bitmap.width() - x - 1;
		y = bitmap.height() - y - 1;

	if (cliprect.contains(x, y))
		bitmap.pix32(y, x) = m_palette->pen(color);
예제 #2
파일: gpworld.c 프로젝트: coinhelper/jsmess
INLINE void draw_pixel(running_machine &machine, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap,const rectangle &cliprect,int x,int y,int color,int flip)
	if (flip)
		x = bitmap.width() - x - 1;
		y = bitmap.height() - y - 1;

	if (cliprect.contains(x, y))
		bitmap.pix32(y, x) = machine.pens[color];
예제 #3
static inline void K053936GP_copyroz32clip( running_machine &machine,
		bitmap_rgb32 &dst_bitmap, bitmap_ind16 &src_bitmap,
		const rectangle &dst_cliprect, const rectangle &src_cliprect,
		UINT32 _startx,UINT32 _starty,int _incxx,int _incxy,int _incyx,int _incyy,
		int tilebpp, int blend, int alpha, int clip, int pixeldouble_output, palette_device *palette )
	static const int colormask[8]={1,3,7,0xf,0x1f,0x3f,0x7f,0xff};
	int cy, cx;
	int ecx;
	int src_pitch, incxy, incxx;
	int src_minx, src_maxx, src_miny, src_maxy, cmask;
	UINT16 *src_base;
	size_t src_size;

	const pen_t *pal_base;
	int dst_ptr;
	int dst_size;
	int dst_base2;

	int tx, dst_pitch;
	UINT32 *dst_base;
	int starty, incyy, startx, incyx, ty, sx, sy;

	incxy = _incxy; incxx = _incxx; incyy = _incyy; incyx = _incyx;
	starty = _starty; startx = _startx;

	if (clip) // set source clip range to some extreme values when disabled
		src_minx = src_cliprect.min_x;
		src_maxx = src_cliprect.max_x;
		src_miny = src_cliprect.min_y;
		src_maxy = src_cliprect.max_y;
	// this simply isn't safe to do!
	else { src_minx = src_miny = -0x10000; src_maxx = src_maxy = 0x10000; }

	// set target clip range
	sx = dst_cliprect.min_x;
	tx = dst_cliprect.max_x - sx + 1;
	sy = dst_cliprect.min_y;
	ty = dst_cliprect.max_y - sy + 1;

	startx += sx * incxx + sy * incyx;
	starty += sx * incxy + sy * incyy;

	// adjust entry points and other loop constants
	dst_pitch = dst_bitmap.rowpixels();
	dst_base = &dst_bitmap.pix32(0);
	dst_base2 = sy * dst_pitch + sx + tx;
	ecx = tx = -tx;

	tilebpp = (tilebpp-1) & 7;
	pal_base = palette->pens();
	cmask = colormask[tilebpp];

	src_pitch = src_bitmap.rowpixels();
	src_base = &src_bitmap.pix16(0);
	src_size = src_bitmap.width() * src_bitmap.height();
	dst_size = dst_bitmap.width() * dst_bitmap.height();
	dst_ptr = 0;//dst_base;
	cy = starty;
	cx = startx;

	if (blend > 0)
		dst_ptr += dst_pitch;      // draw blended
		starty += incyy;
		startx += incyx;

		do {
			do {
				int srcx = (cx >> 16) & 0x1fff;
				int srcy = (cy >> 16) & 0x1fff;
				int pixel;
				UINT32 offs;
				offs = srcy * src_pitch + srcx;

				cx += incxx;
				cy += incxy;

				if (offs>=src_size)

				if (srcx < src_minx || srcx > src_maxx || srcy < src_miny || srcy > src_maxy)

				pixel = src_base[offs];
				if (!(pixel & cmask))

				if ((dst_ptr+ecx+dst_base2)<dst_size) dst_base[dst_ptr+ecx+dst_base2] = alpha_blend_r32(pal_base[pixel], dst_base[dst_ptr+ecx+dst_base2], alpha);

				if (pixeldouble_output)
					if ((dst_ptr+ecx+dst_base2)<dst_size) dst_base[dst_ptr+ecx+dst_base2] = alpha_blend_r32(pal_base[pixel], dst_base[dst_ptr+ecx+dst_base2], alpha);
			while (++ecx < 0);

			ecx = tx;
			dst_ptr += dst_pitch;
			cy = starty; starty += incyy;
			cx = startx; startx += incyx;
		} while (--ty);
예제 #4
파일: tecmo16.c 프로젝트: antervud/MAMEHub
/* mix & blend the paletted 16-bit tile and sprite bitmaps into an RGB 32-bit bitmap */
static void blendbitmaps(running_machine &machine,
		bitmap_rgb32 &dest,bitmap_ind16 &src1,bitmap_ind16 &src2,bitmap_ind16 &src3,
		int sx,int sy,const rectangle &clip)
	int ox;
	int oy;
	int ex;
	int ey;

	/* check bounds */
	ox = sx;
	oy = sy;

	ex = sx + src1.width() - 1;
	if (sx < 0) sx = 0;
	if (sx < clip.min_x) sx = clip.min_x;
	if (ex >= dest.width()) ex = dest.width() - 1;
	if (ex > clip.max_x) ex = clip.max_x;
	if (sx > ex) return;

	ey = sy + src1.height() - 1;
	if (sy < 0) sy = 0;
	if (sy < clip.min_y) sy = clip.min_y;
	if (ey >= dest.height()) ey = dest.height() - 1;
	if (ey > clip.max_y) ey = clip.max_y;
	if (sy > ey) return;

		const pen_t *paldata = machine.pens;
		UINT32 *end;

		UINT16 *sd1 = &src1.pix16(0);
		UINT16 *sd2 = &src2.pix16(0);
		UINT16 *sd3 = &src3.pix16(0);

		int sw = ex-sx+1;                                                       /* source width  */
		int sh = ey-sy+1;                                                       /* source height */
		int sm = src1.rowpixels();                                              /* source modulo */

		UINT32 *dd = &dest.pix32(sy, sx);                               /* dest data     */
		int dm = dest.rowpixels();                                              /* dest modulo   */

		sd1 += (sx-ox);
		sd1 += sm * (sy-oy);
		sd2 += (sx-ox);
		sd2 += sm * (sy-oy);
		sd3 += (sx-ox);
		sd3 += sm * (sy-oy);

		sm -= sw;
		dm -= sw;

		while (sh)
#define BLENDPIXEL(x)   if (sd3[x]) {                                                       \
							if (sd2[x]) {                                                   \
								dd[x] = paldata[sd2[x] | 0x0400] + paldata[sd3[x]];         \
							} else {                                                        \
								dd[x] = paldata[sd1[x] | 0x0400] + paldata[sd3[x]];         \
							}                                                               \
						} else {                                                            \
							if (sd2[x]) {                                                   \
								if (sd2[x] & 0x0800) {                                      \
									dd[x] = paldata[sd1[x] | 0x0400] + paldata[sd2[x]];     \
								} else {                                                    \
									dd[x] = paldata[sd2[x]];                                \
								}                                                           \
							} else {                                                        \
								dd[x] = paldata[sd1[x]];                                    \
							}                                                               \

			end = dd + sw;
			while (dd <= end - 8)
				dd += 8;
				sd1 += 8;
				sd2 += 8;
				sd3 += 8;
			while (dd < end)
			dd += dm;
			sd1 += sm;
			sd2 += sm;
			sd3 += sm;

