bool ProofUtil::ShrinkProof(bitset_t& proof, const StoneBoard& board, 
                            HexColor loser, const ICEngine& ice)
    StoneBoard brd(board.Width(), board.Height());
    PatternState pastate(brd);
    Groups groups;

    // Give loser all cells outside proof
    bitset_t cells_outside_proof = (~proof & brd.Const().GetCells());
    brd.AddColor(loser, cells_outside_proof);

    // Give winner only his stones inside proof; 
    HexColor winner = !loser;
    brd.AddColor(winner, board.GetPlayed(winner) & proof);
    GroupBuilder::Build(brd, groups);

    // Compute fillin and remove captured cells from the proof
    InferiorCells inf;
    ice.ComputeFillin(loser, groups, pastate, inf, 

    bitset_t filled = inf.Dead() | inf.Captured(loser);
    bitset_t shrunk_proof = proof - filled;
    bool shrunkTheProof = shrunk_proof.count() < proof.count();
    proof = shrunk_proof;
    return shrunkTheProof;
HexPoint BenzenePlayer::CheckEndgame(HexBoard& brd, HexColor color, 
                                     bitset_t& consider, double& score)
    if (EndgameUtil::IsDeterminedState(brd, color, score)) 
        return EndgameUtil::PlayDeterminedState(brd, color);
        consider = EndgameUtil::MovesToConsider(brd, color);

    score = 0;
    if (consider.count() == 1 && !m_search_singleton) 
        HexPoint move = static_cast<HexPoint>
        LogInfo() << "Mustplay is singleton!\n";
        return move;
    return INVALID_POINT;
/** Does a 1-ply search.

    For each move in the consider set, if the move is a win, returns
    true and the move. If the move is a loss, prune it out of the
    consider set if there are non-losing moves in the consider set.
    If all moves are losing, perform no pruning, search will resist.

    Returns true if there is a win, false otherwise. 

    @todo Is it true that MoHex will resist in the strongest way
bool MoHexPlayer::PerformPreSearch(HexBoard& brd, HexColor color, 
                                   bitset_t& consider, double maxTime, 
                                   PointSequence& winningSequence)
    bitset_t losing;
    HexColor other = !color;
    PointSequence seq;
    bool foundWin = false;

    SgTimer elapsed;
    Resistance resist;
    std::vector<HexPoint> moves;
    SortConsiderSet(consider, resist, moves);
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < moves.size() && !foundWin; ++i) 
        if (elapsed.GetTime() > maxTime)
            LogInfo() << "PreSearch: max time reached "
                      << '(' << i << '/' << moves.size() << ").\n";
        brd.PlayMove(color, moves[i]);
        if (EndgameUtil::IsLostGame(brd, other)) // Check for winning move
            winningSequence = seq;
            foundWin = true;
        else if (EndgameUtil::IsWonGame(brd, other))

    // Abort if we found a one-move win
    if (foundWin)
        return true;

    // Backing up cannot cause this to happen, right? 
    BenzeneAssert(!EndgameUtil::IsDeterminedState(brd, color));

    // Use the backed-up ice info to shrink the moves to consider
    if (m_backup_ice_info) 
        bitset_t new_consider 
            = EndgameUtil::MovesToConsider(brd, color) & consider;

        if (new_consider.count() < consider.count()) 
            consider = new_consider;       
            LogFine() << "$$$$$$ new moves to consider $$$$$$" 
                      << brd.Write(consider) << '\n';

    // Subtract any losing moves from the set we consider, unless all of them
    // are losing (in which case UCT search will find which one resists the
    // loss well).
    if (losing.any()) 
	if (BitsetUtil::IsSubsetOf(consider, losing)) 
	    LogInfo() << "************************************\n"
                      << " All UCT root children are losing!!\n"
                      << "************************************\n";
            LogFine() << "Removed losing moves: " << brd.Write(losing) << '\n';
	    consider = consider - losing;

    LogInfo() << "Moves to consider:\n" << brd.Write(consider) << '\n';
    return false;
inline std::size_t Group::Size() const
    /** @todo Cache group size for speed? */
    return m_members.count();