예제 #1
void instance::write(execution_unit* ctx, buffer_type& buf,
                     header& hdr, payload_writer* pw) {
  try {
    if (pw) {
      auto pos = buf.size();
      // write payload first (skip first 72 bytes and write header later)
      char placeholder[basp::header_size];
      buf.insert(buf.end(), std::begin(placeholder), std::end(placeholder));
      binary_serializer bs{ctx, buf};
      auto plen = buf.size() - pos - basp::header_size;
      CAF_ASSERT(plen <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
      hdr.payload_len = static_cast<uint32_t>(plen);
      stream_serializer<charbuf> out{ctx, buf.data() + pos, basp::header_size};
      out << hdr;
    } else {
      binary_serializer bs{ctx, buf};
      bs << hdr;
  catch (std::exception& e) {
예제 #2
	static http::request_data assemble(http::request_data const& data, buffer_type& header)
		namespace spirit = boost::spirit;

		char const sp[] = " ";
		char const ver[] = "HTTP/";
		char const crlf[] = "\r\n";
		//! собираем start-line
		header.insert(header.end(), data.method.begin(), data.method.end());
		header.insert(header.end(), sp, sp + sizeof(sp) - 1);
		header.insert(header.end(), data.uri.begin(), data.uri.end());
		header.insert(header.end(), sp, sp + sizeof(sp) - 1);
		header.insert(header.end(), ver, ver + sizeof(ver) - 1);
		header.insert(header.end(), data.ver.begin(), data.ver.end());
		header.insert(header.end(), crlf, crlf + sizeof(crlf) - 1);
		//! собираем message-header в плоский буфер
		detail::assemble(data.hdrs, header);
		//! разбираем сформированнй буфер и создаем структуру пакета
		http::request_data req_data;
		http::request req(&req_data);
		char const* begin = &header[0];
		char const* end = &header[0] + header.size();
		spirit::parse_info<> info = spirit::parse(begin, end, req);
		return req_data;
예제 #3
void instance::write(buffer_type& buf,
                     message_type operation,
                     uint32_t* payload_len,
                     uint64_t operation_data,
                     const node_id& source_node,
                     const node_id& dest_node,
                     actor_id source_actor,
                     actor_id dest_actor,
                     payload_writer* pw) {
  if (! pw) {
    binary_serializer bs{std::back_inserter(buf), &get_namespace()};
  } else {
    // reserve space in the buffer to write the payload later on
    auto wr_pos = static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(buf.size());
    char placeholder[basp::header_size];
    buf.insert(buf.end(), std::begin(placeholder), std::end(placeholder));
    auto pl_pos = buf.size();
    { // lifetime scope of first serializer (write payload)
      binary_serializer bs1{std::back_inserter(buf), &get_namespace()};
    // write broker message to the reserved space
    binary_serializer bs2{buf.begin() + wr_pos, &get_namespace()};
    auto plen = static_cast<uint32_t>(buf.size() - pl_pos);
    if (payload_len)
      *payload_len = plen;