예제 #1
bool Executive::create(Address _sender, u256 _endowment, u256 _gasPrice, u256 _gas, bytesConstRef _init, Address _origin)
	m_isCreation = true;

	// We can allow for the reverted state (i.e. that with which m_ext is constructed) to contain the m_newAddress, since
	// we delete it explicitly if we decide we need to revert.
	m_newAddress = right160(sha3(rlpList(_sender, m_s.transactionsFrom(_sender) - 1)));
	m_gas = _gas;

	// Execute _init.
	if (!_init.empty())
		m_ext = make_shared<ExtVM>(m_s, m_envInfo, m_newAddress, _sender, _origin, _endowment, _gasPrice, bytesConstRef(), _init, sha3(_init), m_depth);

	m_s.m_cache[m_newAddress] = Account(m_s.balance(m_newAddress), Account::ContractConception);
	m_s.transferBalance(_sender, m_newAddress, _endowment);

	if (_init.empty())

	return !m_ext;