예제 #1
// `J` Job Centre - General
bool cJobManager::WorkFeedPoor(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKCENTRE;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, ACTION_WORKCENTRE, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked feeding the poor.";

	g_Building = BUILDING_CENTRE;
	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!

	bool blow = false, sex = false;
	double wages = 20, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0, feed = 0, fame = 0;

	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_PROFILE;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	double jobperformance = JP_FeedPoor(girl, false);

	//Adding cust here for use in scripts...
	sCustomer* Cust = new sCustomer;
	GetMiscCustomer(brothel, Cust);

	int dispo; // `J` merged slave/free messages and moved actual dispo change to after
	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		ss << " She must be perfect at this.\n\n";
		dispo = 12;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			ss << "Today " << girlName << " was managing the kitchen giving orders to other cooks and checking the quality of their work.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			ss << girlName << " was helping in the kitchen. Her task was to stir-fry vegetables. One word: Perfection. Food that she prepared was great!\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			ss << "Being done with the main dish earlier, " << girlName << " decided to bake cookies for desert!\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			ss << "Excellent dish! Some world class chefs should learn from " << girlName << "!\n";
			ss << girlName << " knife skill is impressive. She's cutting precisely and really fast, almost like a machine.\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		ss << " She's unbelievable at this and is always getting praised by people for her work.\n\n";
		dispo = 10;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			ss << girlName << " is in charge of the cooking for several weeks now. You could swear that the population of rodents and small animals in the area went down.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			ss << "While preparing for today's cooking, " << girlName << " noticed that one of the crucial ingredients is missing. She manage to change the menu and fully use available ingredients.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			ss << "She speedily served all in line at the food counter. All the portions handed out were equal.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			ss << "Preparing something new she mixed up the proportions from the recipe. The outcome tasted great!\n";
			ss << girlName << " was helping in the kitchen. Her task was to prepare the souse for today's meatballs. The texture and flavor was top notch.\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 145)
		ss << " She's good at this job and gets praised by people often.\n\n";
		dispo = 8;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			ss << "While cooking she used everything that was in the kitchen. Nothing was wasted.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			ss << "While cooking she accidentally sneezed into the pot. Luckily nobody saw that.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			ss << girlName << " was helping in the kitchen. Her task was to carve the meat. Smile on her face that appear while doing this, was somehow scary and disturbing.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			ss << girlName << " was doing the dishes. Most of them \"survived\" and will be used next time.\n";
			ss << "She spent her shift at the food counter without any trouble.\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 100)
		ss << " She made a few mistakes but overall she is okay at this.\n\n";
		dispo = 6;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			ss << "Her cooking isn't very good. But You probably would risk serving the prepared dish to a dog.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			ss << "Today she was assign as the cook. Not being able to focus on the task at hand, she overcooked the pasta.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			ss << "She served all in line at the food counter. Some portions were smaller than others.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			ss << girlName << " was helping in the kitchen. Her task was to make a salad. She manage to do this much.\n";
			ss << "When walking with a pile of clean dished she slipped and fall. All the plates got broken.\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 70)
		ss << " She was nervous and made a few mistakes. She isn't that good at this.\n\n";
		dispo = 4;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			ss << "Today she was assign as the cook. Meatballs that she prepared could be used as lethal projectiles.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			ss << girlName << " was doing the dishes. Let's say it would be a lot quicker to throw them all right away, then wait for her to brake so many during this simple chore.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			ss << "While cooking she burned two, brand new pots!\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			ss << girlName << " was helping in the kitchen. Her task was to dice the carrots. Surely the carrots were cut, but to called them diced would be an exaggeration.\n";
			ss << "Just wanting to serve the food fast to end her shift. She did a sloppy job at the food counter.\n";
		ss << " She was nervous and constantly making mistakes. She really isn't very good at this job.\n\n";
		dispo = 2;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			ss << "While preparing ingredients for the soup she almost cut off her hand!\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			ss << girlName << " was helping in the kitchen. Her task was to peel the potatoes. The peels were thick and had a lot of the vegetable left on them. What a waste!\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			ss << "Today she was assigned as the cook. The thing that she created hardly could be called food.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			ss << "Today she was assigned to work at the food counter. While handing out food she served different portions to people in line.\n";
			ss << "Being assigned to the food counter, she putted a sign \"self serving\" and went out.\n";

	//try and add randomness here
	if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE) < 55 && g_Dice.percent(30))//didnt put a check on this one as we could use some randomness and its an intel check... guess we can if people keep bitching
		blow = true;	ss << "An elderly fellow managed to convince " << girlName << " that he was full and didn't need anymore food but that she did. He told her his c**k gave a special treat if she would suck on it long enough. Which she did man she isn't very smart.\n\n";

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac") && g_Dice.percent(30) && g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_LIBIDO) > 75
		&& !g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Lesbian") && !g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Virgin")
		&& (!brothel->m_RestrictNormal || !brothel->m_RestrictAnal))
		sex = true;
		ss << "Her Nymphomania got the better of her today and she decided to let them eat her pussy!  After a few minutes they started f*****g her.\n";

	if (girl->m_States&(1 << STATUS_SLAVE))
		ss << "\nThe fact that she is your slave makes people think its less of a good deed on your part.";
		wages = 0;
		ss << "\nThe fact that your paying this girl to do this helps people think your a better person.";
		g_Gold.staff_wages(100);  // wages come from you

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	//enjoyed the work or not
	if (roll_a <= 5)
		ss << "\nSome of the patrons abused her during the shift."; 
		enjoy -= 1;
	else if (roll_a <= 25)
		ss << "\nShe had a pleasant time working."; 
		enjoy += 3;
		ss << "\nOtherwise, the shift passed uneventfully."; 
		enjoy += 1;

	if (sex)
		if (!brothel->m_RestrictNormal && (roll_b <= 50 || brothel->m_RestrictAnal)) //Tweak to avoid an issue when roll > 50 && anal is restricted
			girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_SEX, Day0Night1);
			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_NORMALSEX, 2);
			if (g_Girls.CheckVirginity(girl))
				g_Girls.LoseVirginity(girl);	// `J` updated for trait/status
				ss << "She is no longer a virgin.\n";
			if (!girl->calc_pregnancy(Cust, false, 1.0))
				g_MessageQue.AddToQue(girl->m_Realname + " has gotten pregnant", 0);
		else if (!brothel->m_RestrictAnal)
			girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_ANAL, Day0Night1);
			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_ANAL, 2);
		brothel->m_Happiness += 100;
		g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, -20);
		g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, ACTION_SEX, +3);
		fame += 1;
		dispo += 6;
	else if (blow)
		brothel->m_Happiness += (g_Dice % 70) + 60;
		dispo += 4;
		g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_ORALSEX, 2);
		fame += 1;
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_ORAL, Day0Night1);
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	feed += (int)(jobperformance / 10);		//  1 feed per 10 point of performance

	int cost = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < feed; i++)
		cost += g_Dice % 3 + 2; // 2-5 gold per customer
	ss << girlName << " feed " << feed << " costing you " << cost << " gold.";
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, msgtype);

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 10, libido = 1, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }
	if (girl->fame() < 10 && jobperformance >= 70)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 20 && jobperformance >= 100)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 40 && jobperformance >= 145)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 50 && jobperformance >= 185)		{ fame += 1; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_FAME, fame);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	if (g_Dice % 2)
		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);

	delete Cust;

#pragma endregion
	return false;
예제 #2
// Run the shifts
void cClinicManager::UpdateGirls(sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1)	// Start_Building_Process_B
	// `J` When modifying Jobs, search for "J-Change-Jobs"  :  found in >> cClinic.cpp
	u_int restjob = JOB_CLINICREST;
	u_int matronjob = JOB_CHAIRMAN;
	u_int firstjob = JOB_GETHEALING;
	u_int lastjob = JOB_JANITOR;
	stringstream ss;
	string summary, girlName;

	u_int sw = 0, psw = 0;

	int totalPay = 0, totalTips = 0, totalGold = 0;
	int sum = EVENT_SUMMARY;
	int numgirls = GetNumGirls(brothel->m_id);

	bool matron = false, matrondone = false;
	int numDoctors = 0, numNurses = 0;

	bool refused = false;

	m_Processing_Shift = Day0Night1;		// WD:	Set processing flag to shift type

	//  Handle the start of shift stuff for all girls.  //
	sGirl* current = brothel->m_Girls;
	while (current)
		if (current->is_dead())		// skip dead girls
			if (current->m_Next) { current = current->m_Next; continue; }
			else { current = 0; break; }
			sum = EVENT_SUMMARY; summary = ""; ss.str("");

			g_Girls.UseItems(current);				// Girl uses items she has
			g_Girls.CalculateGirlType(current);		// update the fetish traits
			g_Girls.CalculateAskPrice(current, true);	// Calculate the girls asking price

			if (g_Girls.HasTrait(current, "AIDS") &&
				(current->m_DayJob == JOB_DOCTOR || current->m_DayJob == JOB_INTERN || current->m_DayJob == JOB_NURSE
				|| current->m_NightJob == JOB_DOCTOR || current->m_NightJob == JOB_INTERN || current->m_NightJob == JOB_NURSE))
				ss << "Health laws prohibit anyone with AIDS from working in the Medical profession so " << girlName << " was sent to the waiting room.";
				current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
				sum = EVENT_WARNING;
			if (ss.str().length() > 0) current->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, sum);
			current = current->m_Next; // Next Girl


	//  Process Matron first incase she refuses to work.  //
	current = brothel->m_Girls;
	while (current && !matrondone)
		if (current->is_dead() ||
			(GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, matronjob, Day0Night1) > 0 && (current->m_DayJob != matronjob || current->m_NightJob != matronjob)) ||
			(GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, matronjob, Day0Night1) < 1 && (current->m_PrevDayJob != matronjob || current->m_PrevNightJob != matronjob)))
		{	// Sanity check! Don't process dead girls and only process those with matron jobs
			if (current->m_Next) { current = current->m_Next; continue; }
			else { current = 0; break; }
		// `J` so someone is or was a matron

		girlName = current->m_Realname;
		// if there is no matron on duty, we see who was on duty previously
		if (GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, matronjob, Day0Night1) < 1)
			// if a matron was found and she is healthy, not tired and not on maternity leave... send her back to work
			if ((current->m_PrevDayJob == matronjob || current->m_PrevNightJob == matronjob) &&
				(g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_HEALTH) >= 50 && g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_TIREDNESS) <= 50) &&
				current->m_PregCooldown < cfg.pregnancy.cool_down())
				// Matron job is more important so she will go back to work at 50% instead of regular 80% health and 20% tired
				current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = matronjob;
				current->m_PrevDayJob = current->m_PrevNightJob = 255;
				current->m_Events.AddMessage("The Chairman puts herself back to work.", IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_BACKTOWORK);
			else if (current->m_Next) { current = current->m_Next; continue; }
			else { current = 0; break; }
		// `J` Now we have a matron so lets see if she will work

		totalPay = totalTips = totalGold = 0;
		sum = EVENT_SUMMARY; summary = ""; ss.str("");

		// `J` she can refuse the first shift then decide to work the second shift 
		if (!current->m_Refused_To_Work_Day && Day0Night1 == SHIFT_NIGHT)	// but if she worked the first shift she continues the rest of the night
			matron = true;
			ss << girlName << " continued to help the other girls throughout the night.";
		else if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(current, ACTION_WORKMATRON, brothel))
			(Day0Night1 ? current->m_Refused_To_Work_Night = true : current->m_Refused_To_Work_Day = true);
			brothel->m_Fame -= g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_FAME);
			ss << girlName << " refused to work as the Chairman.";
			sum = EVENT_NOWORK;
		else	// so there is less chance of a matron refusing the entire turn
			matron = true;
			totalPay = totalTips = totalGold = 0;
			m_JobManager.JobFunc[matronjob](current, brothel, Day0Night1, summary);
			totalGold += current->m_Pay + current->m_Tips;

			// She does not get paid for the first shift and gets docked some pay from the second shift if she refused once
			if (Day0Night1 == SHIFT_NIGHT) totalGold /= 3;

			current->m_Pay += max(0, totalGold);
			current->m_Pay = current->m_Tips = 0;

			brothel->m_Fame += g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_FAME);
			/* */if (totalGold > 0)		{ ss << girlName << " earned a total of " << totalGold << " gold directly from you. She gets to keep it all."; }
			else if (totalGold == 0)	{ ss << girlName << " made no money."; }
			else if (totalGold < 0)		{ sum = EVENT_DEBUG; ss << "ERROR: She has a loss of " << totalGold << " gold\n\nPlease report this to the Pink Petal Devloment Team at http://pinkpetal.org\n" << "\nGirl Name: " << current->m_Realname << "\nJob: " << m_JobManager.JobName[(Day0Night1 ? current->m_NightJob : current->m_DayJob)] << "\nPay:     " << current->m_Pay << "\nTips:   " << current->m_Tips << "\nTotal: " << totalGold; }
		if (ss.str().length() > 0) current->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, sum);

		current = current->m_Next;	// Next Girl
		matrondone = true;			// there can be only one matron so this ends the while loop

	//  Now If there is a matron and she is not refusing to work, then she can delegate the girls in this building.  //
	current = brothel->m_Girls;
	while (current)
		sw = (Day0Night1 ? current->m_NightJob : current->m_DayJob);
		if (current->is_dead() || sw != restjob)
		{	// skip dead girls and anyone not resting
			if (current->m_Next) { current = current->m_Next; continue; }
			else { current = 0; break; }
		sum = EVENT_SUMMARY; summary = ""; ss.str("");
		girlName = current->m_Realname;

		if (current->m_PregCooldown == cfg.pregnancy.cool_down())
			ss << girlName << " is on maternity leave.";
		else if (matron && (current->health() < 80 || current->tiredness() > 20))	// if she is not healthy enough to go back to work
			ss << "The Chairman admits " << girlName << " to get ";
			/* */if (g_Girls.HasTrait(current, "Construct"))		{ ss << "repaired";				current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_GETREPAIRS; }
			else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(current, "Half-Construct"))	{ ss << "healed and repaired";	current->m_DayJob = JOB_GETHEALING;	current->m_NightJob = JOB_GETREPAIRS; }
			else/*                                             */	{ ss << "healed";				current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_GETHEALING; }
			ss << ".\n";
		else if (current->health() < 40 || current->tiredness() > 60 && g_Dice.percent(current->intelligence()))
			ss << girlName << " checks herself in to get ";
			/* */if (g_Girls.HasTrait(current, "Construct"))		{ ss << "repaired";				current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_GETREPAIRS; }
			else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(current, "Half-Construct"))	{ ss << "healed and repaired";	current->m_DayJob = JOB_GETHEALING;	current->m_NightJob = JOB_GETREPAIRS; }
			else/*                                             */	{ ss << "healed";				current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_GETHEALING; }
			ss << ".\n";
		else if (matron)	// send her back to work
			psw = (Day0Night1 ? current->m_PrevNightJob : current->m_PrevDayJob);
			bool backtowork = false;
			if (psw == JOB_DOCTOR || psw == JOB_NURSE || psw == JOB_INTERN || psw == JOB_MECHANIC)
				if (current->has_trait("AIDS"))
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = restjob;
					ss << girlName << " could not go back to work as a";
					if (psw == JOB_DOCTOR)	ss << " Doctor";
					if (psw == JOB_NURSE)	ss << " Nurse";
					if (psw == JOB_INTERN)	ss << "n Intern";
					ss << " because she has AIDS. Instead ";
				else if (psw == JOB_DOCTOR && current->is_slave())
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = restjob;
					ss << girlName << " could not go back to work as a Doctor because she is a slave. Instead ";
				else if (psw == JOB_INTERN)		// intern is a part time job
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_PrevDayJob;
					current->m_NightJob = current->m_PrevNightJob;
					backtowork = true;
				else							// the others are fulltime
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = psw;
					backtowork = true;
			else if (psw != restjob && psw >= firstjob && psw<=lastjob)
			{	// if she had a previous job that shift, put her back to work.
				if (m_JobManager.FullTimeJob(psw))
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = psw;
				else if (Day0Night1)	// checking night job
					if (current->m_DayJob == restjob && current->m_PrevDayJob != restjob && current->m_PrevDayJob != 255)
						current->m_DayJob = current->m_PrevDayJob;
					current->m_NightJob = psw;
				else					// checking day job
					current->m_DayJob = psw;
					if (current->m_NightJob == restjob && current->m_PrevNightJob != restjob && current->m_PrevNightJob != 255)
						current->m_NightJob = current->m_PrevNightJob;
				backtowork = true;
			if (backtowork)	ss << "The Chairman puts " << girlName << " back to work.\n";

			if (!backtowork && current->m_DayJob == restjob && current->m_NightJob == restjob)
			{	// if they have no job at all, assign them a job
				ss << "The Chairman assigns " << girlName << " to ";
				if (current->has_trait("AIDS"))										// anyone with AIDS
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_CUREDISEASES;		//  needs to get it treated right away
					ss << "get her AIDS treated right away.";
				else if (current->is_free() &&										// assign any free girl
					(current->intelligence() > 70 && current->medicine() > 70)		// who is well qualified
					|| (GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_DOCTOR, Day0Night1) < 1 &&			// or if there are no doctors yet
					current->intelligence() >= 50 && current->medicine() >= 50))	// asign anyone who qualifies
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_DOCTOR;			// as a Doctor
					ss << "work as a Doctor.";
				else if (GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, Day0Night1) < 1)			// make sure there is at least 1 Nurse
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_NURSE;
					ss << "work as a Nurse.";
				else if (current->has_disease())									// treat anyone with a disease
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_CUREDISEASES;
					vector<string> diseases;
					if (current->has_trait("Herpes"))		diseases.push_back("Herpes");
					if (current->has_trait("Chlamydia"))	diseases.push_back("Chlamydia");
					if (current->has_trait("Syphilis"))		diseases.push_back("Syphilis");
					if (current->has_trait("AIDS"))			diseases.push_back("AIDS");
					int numdiseases = diseases.size();
					ss << "get her " << (numdiseases > 1 ? "diseases" : diseases[0]) << " treated.";
				// then make sure there is at least 1 Janitor and 1 Mechanic
				else if (GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_MECHANIC, Day0Night1) < 1)
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_MECHANIC;
					ss << "work as a Mechanic.";
				else if (GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_JANITOR, Day0Night1) < 1)
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_JANITOR;
					ss << "work as a Janitor.";
				// then add more of each job as numbers permit
				else if (current->medicine() > 30 && GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, Day0Night1) < numgirls / 10)
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_NURSE;
					ss << "work as a Nurse.";
				else if (GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_MECHANIC, Day0Night1) < numgirls / 20)
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_MECHANIC;
					ss << "work as a Mechanic.";
				else if (GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_JANITOR, Day0Night1) < numgirls / 20)
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_JANITOR;
					ss << "work as a Janitor.";
				else	// assign anyone else to Internship
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_INTERN;
					ss << "work as an Intern.";
			current->m_PrevDayJob = current->m_PrevNightJob = 255;

		else if (current->health() < 100 || current->tiredness() > 0)	// should only do rest job in the clinic if there is no matron
			m_JobManager.JobFunc[restjob](current, brothel, Day0Night1, summary);
		else	// she is fully healthy but there is no one to send her back to work
			ss << "WARNING " << girlName << " is doing nothing!\n";
		if (ss.str().length() > 0) current->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, sum);

		current = current->m_Next;

	//  JOB_DOCTOR needs to be checked before all others  //
	current = brothel->m_Girls;
	while (current)
		sw = (Day0Night1 ? current->m_NightJob : current->m_DayJob);
		if (current->is_dead() || sw != JOB_DOCTOR)
		{	// skip dead girls and anyone who is not a doctor
			if (current->m_Next) { current = current->m_Next; continue; }
			else { current = 0; break; }
		totalPay = totalTips = totalGold = 0;
		sum = EVENT_SUMMARY; summary = ""; ss.str("");
		girlName = current->m_Realname;

		if (current->has_trait("AIDS"))
			ss << girlName << " has AIDS! She has to get it treated before she can go back to work as a Doctor.";
			current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_CUREDISEASES;
		else if (current->is_slave())
			ss << "Doctors can not be slaves so " << girlName << " was demoted to Nurse.";
			current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_NURSE;
		else if (current->intelligence() < 50 || current->medicine() < 50)
			ss << girlName << " is not qualified to be a Doctor so she was sent back to being an Intern.";
			current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_NURSE;
		else if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(current, ACTION_WORKDOCTOR, brothel))
			(Day0Night1 ? current->m_Refused_To_Work_Night = true : current->m_Refused_To_Work_Day = true);
			brothel->m_Fame -= g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_FAME);
			ss << girlName << " refused to work as a Doctor so made no money.";
			sum = EVENT_NOWORK;
		if (ss.str().length() > 0) current->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, sum);

		current = current->m_Next; // Next Girl

	//  Interns and Nurses can be promoted to doctor if need be.  //
	current = brothel->m_Girls;
	while (current && matron && numDoctors < 1)
		sw = (Day0Night1 ? current->m_NightJob : current->m_DayJob);
		if (current->is_dead() || sw != JOB_INTERN || current->is_slave() || current->intelligence() < 50 || current->medicine() < 50)
		{	// skip dead girls and anyone who is not an intern and make sure they are qualified to be a doctor
			if (current->m_Next) { current = current->m_Next; continue; }
			else { current = 0; break; }
		sum = EVENT_SUMMARY; summary = ""; ss.str("");
		girlName = current->m_Realname;

		if (!g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(current, ACTION_WORKDOCTOR, brothel))
			ss << "There was no Doctor available to work so " << girlName << " was promoted to Doctor.";
			current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_DOCTOR;
		if (ss.str().length() > 0) current->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, sum);

		current = current->m_Next; // Next Girl
	current = brothel->m_Girls;
	while (current && matron && numDoctors < 1)
		sw = (Day0Night1 ? current->m_NightJob : current->m_DayJob);
		if (current->is_dead() || sw != JOB_NURSE || current->is_slave() || current->intelligence() < 50 || current->medicine() < 50)
		{	// skip dead girls and anyone who is not a nurse and make sure they are qualified to be a doctor
			if (current->m_Next) { current = current->m_Next; continue; }
			else { current = 0; break; }
		sum = EVENT_SUMMARY; summary = ""; ss.str("");
		girlName = current->m_Realname;

		if (!g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(current, ACTION_WORKDOCTOR, brothel))
			ss << "There was no Doctor available to work so " << girlName << " was promoted to Doctor.";
			current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_DOCTOR;
		if (ss.str().length() > 0) current->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, sum);

		current = current->m_Next; // Next Girl

	//  Do all the Clinic staff jobs.  //
	current = brothel->m_Girls;
	while (current)
		sw = (Day0Night1 ? current->m_NightJob : current->m_DayJob);
		if (current->is_dead() || (sw != JOB_INTERN && sw != JOB_NURSE && sw != JOB_JANITOR && sw != JOB_MECHANIC && sw != JOB_DOCTOR) ||
			// skip dead girls and anyone who is not staff
			(sw == JOB_DOCTOR && ((Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY && current->m_Refused_To_Work_Day)||(Day0Night1 == SHIFT_NIGHT && current->m_Refused_To_Work_Night))))
		{	// and skip doctors who refused to work in the first check
			if (current->m_Next) { current = current->m_Next; continue; }
			else { current = 0; break; }
		totalPay = totalTips = totalGold = 0;
		sum = EVENT_SUMMARY; summary = ""; ss.str("");
		girlName = current->m_Realname;

		if (current->m_NightJob == JOB_DOCTOR) summary = "SkipDisobey";
		// do their job
		refused = m_JobManager.JobFunc[sw](current, brothel, Day0Night1, summary);

		totalPay += current->m_Pay;
		totalTips += current->m_Tips;
		totalGold += current->m_Pay + current->m_Tips;
		g_Brothels.CalculatePay(brothel, current, sw);

		//		Summary Messages
		if (refused)
			brothel->m_Fame -= g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_FAME);
			ss << girlName << " refused to work so made no money.";
			ss << m_JobManager.GirlPaymentText(brothel, current, totalTips, totalPay, totalGold, Day0Night1);
			if (totalGold < 0) sum = EVENT_DEBUG;

			brothel->m_Fame += g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_FAME);
		if (ss.str().length() > 0) current->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, sum);

		current = current->m_Next; // Next Girl

	//  Do all the surgery jobs. Not having a doctor is in all of them.  //
	current = brothel->m_Girls;
	while (current)
		sw = (Day0Night1 ? current->m_NightJob : current->m_DayJob);
		if (current->is_dead() || (sw != JOB_GETHEALING && sw != JOB_GETREPAIRS && sw != JOB_GETABORT
			&& sw != JOB_VAGINAREJUV && sw != JOB_FACELIFT && sw != JOB_ASSJOB && sw != JOB_TUBESTIED
		{	// skip dead girls and anyone not a patient
			if (current->m_Next) { current = current->m_Next; continue; }
			else { current = 0; break; }
		summary = "";

		// do their surgery
		m_JobManager.JobFunc[sw](current, brothel, Day0Night1, summary);

		current = current->m_Next; // Next Girl

	//  Finaly do end of day stuff.  //
	current = brothel->m_Girls;
	while (current)
		if (current->is_dead())
		{	// skip dead girls
			if (current->m_Next) { current = current->m_Next; continue; }
			else { current = 0; break; }
		girlName = current->m_Realname;
		sum = EVENT_SUMMARY; summary = ""; ss.str("");

		// update for girls items that are not used up
		do_daily_items(brothel, current);					// `J` added

		// Level the girl up if nessessary
		// Natural healing, 2% health and 2% tiredness per day
		g_Girls.UpdateStat(current, STAT_HEALTH, 2, false);
		g_Girls.UpdateStat(current, STAT_TIREDNESS, -2, false);

		sw = (Day0Night1 ? current->m_NightJob : current->m_DayJob);
		if (g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_HAPPINESS) < 40)
			if (sw != matronjob && matron && brothel->m_NumGirls > 1 && g_Dice.percent(70))
				ss << "The Chairman helps cheer up " << girlName << " when she is feeling sad.\n";
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(current, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice % 10 + 5);
			else if (brothel->m_NumGirls > 10 && g_Dice.percent(50))
				ss << "Some of the other girls help cheer up " << girlName << " when she is feeling sad.\n";
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(current, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice % 8 + 3);
			else if (brothel->m_NumGirls > 1 && g_Dice.percent(max(brothel->m_NumGirls, 50)))
				ss << "One of the other girls helps cheer up " << girlName << " when she is feeling sad.\n";
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(current, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice % 6 + 2);
			else if (brothel->m_NumGirls == 1 && g_Dice.percent(70))
				ss << girlName << " plays around in the empty building until she feels better.\n";
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(current, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice % 10 + 10);
			else if (g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_HAPPINESS) < 20) // no one helps her and she is really unhappy
				ss << girlName << " is looking very depressed. You may want to do something about that before she does something drastic.\n";
				sum = EVENT_WARNING;

		// The Clinic Chairman will heal herself if she is injured or tired
		if (sw == matronjob && (current->tiredness() > 60 || current->health() < 40))
			int t = g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_TIREDNESS);
			int h = g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_HEALTH);
			if (t > 90 || h < 10)	// The matron may take herself off work if she is really bad off
				current->m_PrevDayJob = current->m_DayJob;
				current->m_PrevNightJob = current->m_NightJob;
				current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = JOB_GETHEALING;
				ss << "The Chairman admits herself to get Healing because she is just too damn sore.\n";
				g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(current, ACTION_WORKMATRON, -10);
				ss << "As Chairman, " << girlName << " has the keys to the store room.\nShe used them to 'borrow' ";
				if (t > 50 && h < 50)
					ss << "some potions";
					g_Gold.consumable_cost(20, true);
					current->health(min(current->health() + 20, 100));
					current->tiredness(max(current->tiredness() - 20, 0));
				else if (t > 50)
					ss << "a resting potion";
					g_Gold.consumable_cost(10, true);
					current->m_Stats[STAT_TIREDNESS] = max(current->m_Stats[STAT_TIREDNESS] - 20, 0);
				else if (h < 50)
					ss << "a healing potion";
					g_Gold.consumable_cost(10, true);
					current->m_Stats[STAT_HEALTH] = min(current->m_Stats[STAT_HEALTH] + 20, 100);
				ss << " for herself.\n";

		else if (current->tiredness() > 80 || current->health() < 20)
			int t = g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_TIREDNESS);
			int h = g_Girls.GetStat(current, STAT_HEALTH);

			if (current->m_WorkingDay > 0)
				ss << girlName << " is not faring well in surgery.\n";
				sum = EVENT_WARNING;
			else if (!matron)	// do no matron first as it is the easiest
				ss << "WARNING! " << girlName;
				if (t > 80 && h < 20)		ss << " is in real bad shape, she is tired and injured.\nShe should go to the Clinic.\n";
				else if (t > 80 && h < 40)	ss << " is in bad shape, she is tired and injured.\nShe should rest or she may die!\n";
				else if (t > 80)			ss << " is desparatly in need of rest.\nGive her some free time\n";
				else if (h < 20)			ss << " is badly injured.\nShe should rest or go to the Clinic.\n";
				else if (h < 40)			ss << " is hurt.\nShe should rest and recuperate.\n";
				sum = EVENT_WARNING;
			else	// do all other girls with a matron working
				if (current->m_PrevNightJob == 255 && current->m_PrevDayJob == 255) // the girl has been working
					current->m_PrevDayJob = current->m_DayJob;
					current->m_PrevNightJob = current->m_NightJob;
					current->m_DayJob = current->m_NightJob = restjob;
					ss << "The Chairman takes " << girlName << " off duty to rest due to her ";
					if (t > 80 && h < 40)	ss << "exhaustion.\n";
					else if (t > 80)		ss << "tiredness.\n";
					else if (h < 40)		ss << "low health.\n";
					else /*       */		ss << "current state.\n";
					sum = EVENT_WARNING;
				else	// the girl has already been taken off duty by the matron
					if (g_Dice.percent(70))
						ss << "The Chairman helps ";
						if (t > 80 && h < 40)
							ss << girlName << " recuperate.\n";
							g_Girls.UpdateStat(current, STAT_TIREDNESS, -(g_Dice % 4 + 2));
							g_Girls.UpdateStat(current, STAT_HEALTH, (g_Dice % 4 + 2));
						else if (t > 80)
							ss << girlName << " to relax.\n";
							g_Girls.UpdateStat(current, STAT_TIREDNESS, -(g_Dice % 5 + 5));
						else if (h < 40)
							ss << " heal " << girlName << ".\n";
							g_Girls.UpdateStat(current, STAT_HEALTH, (g_Dice % 5 + 5));

		if (ss.str().length() > 0)	current->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, sum);

		current = current->m_Next;		// Process next girl

	m_Processing_Shift = -1;	// WD: Finished Processing Shift set flag
예제 #3
// `J` Job House - General
bool cJobManager::WorkRecruiter(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	if (Day0Night1) return false;
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKRECRUIT;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked trying to recruit girls for you.\n\n";

	double wages = 100, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0, fame = 0;

	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_PROFILE;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, are you are trying to recruit for the military?

	int HateLove = g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_PCLOVE) - g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_PCHATE);
	int findchance = 0;

	/* */if (HateLove < -80)	ss << "She hates you more then anything so she doesn't try that hard.";
	else if (HateLove < -60)	ss << "She hates you.";
	else if (HateLove < -40)	ss << "She doesn't like you.";
	else if (HateLove < -20)	ss << "She finds you to be annoying.";
	else if (HateLove <   0)	ss << "She finds you to be annoying.";
	else if (HateLove <  20)	ss << "She finds you to be decent.";
	else if (HateLove <  40)	ss << "She finds you to be a good person.";
	else if (HateLove <  60)	ss << "She finds you to be a good person.";
	else if (HateLove <  80)	ss << "She has really strong feelings for you so she trys really hard for you.";
	else						ss << "She loves you more then anything so she gives it her all.";
	ss << "\n\n";

	double jobperformance = JP_Recruiter(girl, false);
	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		ss << "She must be the perfect recruiter.";
		findchance = 20;
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		ss << "She's unbelievable at this.";
		findchance = 15;
	else if (jobperformance >= 135)
		ss << "She's good at this job.";
		findchance = 12;
	else if (jobperformance >= 85)
		ss << "She made a few mistakes but overall she is okay at this.";
		findchance = 10;
	else if (jobperformance >= 65)
		ss << "She was nervous and made a few mistakes. She isn't that good at this.";
		findchance = 8;
		ss << "She was nervous and constantly making mistakes. She really isn't very good at this job.";
		findchance = 4;
	ss << "\n\n";

	// `J` add in player's disposition so if the girl has heard of you
	int dispmod = 0;
	/* */if (The_Player->disposition() >= 100)	dispmod = 3;	// "Saint"
	else if (The_Player->disposition() >= 80)	dispmod = 2;	// "Benevolent"
	else if (The_Player->disposition() >= 50)	dispmod = 1;	// "Nice"
	else if (The_Player->disposition() >= 10)	dispmod = 0;	// "Pleasant"
	else if (The_Player->disposition() >= -10)	dispmod = 0;	// "Neutral"
	else if (The_Player->disposition() >= -50)	dispmod = -1;	// "Not nice"
	else if (The_Player->disposition() >= -80)	dispmod = -2;	// "Mean"
	else /*								  */	dispmod = -3;	// "Evil"

	int findroll = (g_Dice.d100());
	if (findroll < findchance + 10)	// `J` While out recruiting she does find someone...
		int finddif = findroll - findchance;
		sGirl* newgirl = g_Girls.GetRandomGirl(false, (dispmod == -3 && g_Dice % 4 != 0));
		if (newgirl)
			bool add = false;
			ss << "She finds a girl, ";
			ss << newgirl->m_Name;
			if (findroll < findchance - 5)
			{		// `J` ... and your disposition did not come up.
				add = true;
				ss << " and convinces her that she should work for you.";
			else if (findroll < findchance + 5)	// `J` ... and your disposition did come up...
				if (findroll < findchance + dispmod)	// `J` ... and she was recruited
					add = true;
					if (dispmod > 0)
						ss << "\nYour nice reputation has helped you today as she agrees to come work for you.";
					else if (dispmod < 0)
						ss << "\nScared of what you might to do to her if you don't come work for her she agrees to taking the job.";
						ss << "\nThe fact that your neither good nor evil seems to have helped you today.  As the girl doesn't think your evil nor a \"pussy\" and comes to work for you.";
					if (dispmod == 3)
						int rollt(g_Dice % 4);
						if (rollt == 0)	newgirl->add_trait("Optimist");
					if (dispmod == -3)
						int rollt(g_Dice % 4);
						if (rollt == 0)	newgirl->add_trait("Demon");
						if (rollt == 1)	newgirl->add_trait("Fearless");
				else	// `J` ... and she was not recruited

					if (dispmod > 0)
						ss << "\nBeing so nice she is worried you will get yourself killed and someone else will take over that she won't like.  So she won't come work for you.";
					else if (dispmod < 0)
						ss << "\nShe fears you to much to come and work for you.";
						ss << "\nAs you are on the fence with your reputation she doesn't know what to think about you and won't work for you.";
			else	// `J` ... She was not recruited.
				ss << gettext(" but was unable to convince her that she should work for you.");
			if (add)
				newgirl->m_Stats[STAT_HOUSE] = 60;
				stringstream NGmsg;
				NGmsg << newgirl->m_Realname << " was recruited by " << girl->m_Realname << " to work for you.";
				newgirl->m_Events.AddMessage(NGmsg.str(), imagetype, EVENT_GANG);

				m_Dungeon->AddGirl(newgirl, DUNGEON_RECRUITED);
			ss << "But was unable to find anyone to join.";
		ss << "But was unable to find anyone to join.";

	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	//enjoyed the work or not
	if (roll_a <= 5)
		ss << "Some of the people abused her during the shift.";
		enjoy -= 1;
	else if (roll_a <= 25)
		ss << "She had a pleasant time working.";
		enjoy += 3;
		ss << "Otherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.";
		enjoy += 1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, Day0Night1);
	int roll_max = (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA) + g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE));
	roll_max /= 4;
	wages += 10 + g_Dice%roll_max;
	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 10, libido = 1, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }
	if (girl->fame() < 10 && jobperformance >= 70)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 20 && jobperformance >= 100)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 40 && jobperformance >= 145)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 50 && jobperformance >= 185)		{ fame += 1; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_FAME, fame);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	if (g_Dice % 2)	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_LESBIAN, 1);
	else			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, 1);
	if (g_Dice % 2)	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, skill);
	else			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	//gain traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Charismatic", 60, actiontype, "Dealing with people all day has made " + girl->m_Realname + " more Charismatic.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Psychic", 80, actiontype, girl->m_Realname + " has been doing this for so long it's as if she can read minds now.", Day0Night1);

	//lose traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Nervous", 20, actiontype, girl->m_Realname + " seems to finally be getting over her shyness. She's not always so Nervous anymore.", Day0Night1);

#pragma endregion
	return false;
예제 #4
// `J` Job Farm - Laborers
bool cJobManager::WorkFarmer(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKFARM;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked tending crops on the farm.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!

	double wages = 20, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_FARM;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	double jobperformance = (int)JP_Farmer(girl, false);
	double foodproduced = jobperformance;
	int alchemyproduced = 0;
	int goodsproduced = 0;

	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		ss << "Her basket practically fills itself as she walks down the rows of crops.";
		foodproduced *= 5; roll_a += 10; roll_b += 25;
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		ss << "Her hands moved like lightning as she picked only the best crops.";
		foodproduced *= 4; roll_a += 5; roll_b += 18;
	else if (jobperformance >= 145)
		ss << "She knows exactly when the crops are ready to be picked and how to best collect them.";
		foodproduced *= 3; roll_a += 2; roll_b += 10;
	else if (jobperformance >= 100)
		ss << "She can pick the crops fairly well without too many culls.";
		foodproduced *= 2;
	else if (jobperformance >= 70)
		ss << "She isn't very good at knowing which plants are ripe and which should have been left a little longer.";
		roll_a -= 2; roll_b -= 5;
		ss << "She seems to take more of the unuseable parts of the plants than she takes the edible parts.";
		wages -= 10; foodproduced *= 0.8; roll_a -= 5; roll_b -= 10;
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	int tired = (300 - (int)jobperformance);	// this gets divided in roll_a by (8, 10 or 12) so it will end up around 0-40 tired
	if (roll_a <= 10)
		tired /= 8;
		enjoy -= g_Dice % 3;
		if (roll_b < 20)	// injury
			girl->health(-(1 + g_Dice % 5));
			foodproduced *= 0.8;
			if (g_Dice.percent(girl->magic() / 2))
				girl->mana(-10 - (g_Dice % 10));
				ss << "While trying to use magic to do her work for her, the magic rebounded on her";
			else ss << "She cut herself while working";
			if (girl->health() <= 0)
				ss << " killing her.";
				g_MessageQue.AddToQue(girlName + " was killed in an accident at the Farm.", COLOR_RED);
				return false;	// not refusing, she is dead
			else ss << ".";
		else	// unhappy
			foodproduced *= 0.9;
			ss << "She did not like working in the fields today.";
			girl->happiness(-(g_Dice % 11));
	else if (roll_a >= 90)
		tired /= 12;
		foodproduced *= 1.1;
		enjoy += g_Dice % 3;
		/* */if (roll_b < 50)	ss << "She kept a steady pace by humming a pleasant tune.";
		else /*            */	ss << "She had a great time working today.";
		tired /= 10;
		enjoy += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "The shift passed uneventfully.";
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Create Items				//

	if (g_Dice.percent((girl->farming() + girl->magic()) / 10) && g_Dice.percent(jobperformance / 10))
		string itemname = ""; int itemnumber = 1;
		/* */if (roll_c > 30)	{ itemname = "Nut of Knowledge";		itemnumber = (roll_c > 90 ? g_Dice % 3 + 2 : 1); }
		else if (roll_c > 10)	{ itemname = "Mango of Knowledge";		itemnumber = (roll_c > 28 ? 2 : 1); }
		else/*            */	{ itemname = "Watermelon of Knowledge"; itemnumber = (roll_c == 9 ? 2 : 1); }

		sInventoryItem* item = g_InvManager.GetItem(itemname);
		if (item)
			for (int i = 0; i < itemnumber; i++) g_Brothels.AddItemToInventory(item);
			ss << "While picking crops, " << girlName << " sensed a magical aura and found ";
			if (itemnumber == 1) ss << "a"; else ss << itemnumber;
			ss << " " << itemname << ".\n";
			foodproduced -= itemnumber;
	if (g_Dice.percent(girl->herbalism() / 2) && g_Dice.percent(jobperformance / 10))
		alchemyproduced = 1 + g_Dice % (girl->herbalism() / 10);
		ss << "While sorting the day's haul, " << girlName << " came across ";
		if (alchemyproduced == 1) ss << "a specimen";
		else ss << alchemyproduced << " specimens";
		ss << " that would work well in potions.\n";
		foodproduced -= alchemyproduced;
	if (g_Dice.percent(girl->crafting() / 2) && g_Dice.percent(jobperformance / 10))
		goodsproduced = 1 + g_Dice % (girl->crafting() / 10);
		ss << girlName << " created ";
		if (goodsproduced == 1) ss << "a little toy";
		else ss << goodsproduced << " little toys";
		ss << " from the unuseable parts of her crops.\n";
	if (foodproduced <= 0) foodproduced = 0;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

	// slave girls not being paid for a job that normally you would pay directly for do less work
	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()))
		foodproduced *= 0.9;
		wages = 0;
		wages += foodproduced / 100; // `J` Pay her based on how much she brought in

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	if (foodproduced > 0)
		ss << "\n" << girlName << " brought in " << (int)foodproduced << " units of food.";
	if (alchemyproduced > 0)	g_Brothels.add_to_alchemy((int)alchemyproduced);
	if (goodsproduced > 0)		g_Brothels.add_to_goods((int)goodsproduced);

	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Base Improvement and trait modifiers
	int xp = 5, libido = 1, skill = 3;
	/* */if (girl->has_trait("Quick Learner"))	{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (girl->has_trait("Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	/* */if (girl->has_trait("Nymphomaniac"))	{ libido += 2; }
	// EXP and Libido
	int I_xp = (g_Dice % xp) + 1;							g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, I_xp);
	int I_libido = (g_Dice % libido) + 1;					g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, I_libido);
	if (tired > 0) girl->tiredness(tired);

	// primary improvement (+2 for single or +1 for multiple)
	int I_farming = (g_Dice % skill) + 2;					g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_FARMING, I_farming);
	// secondary improvement (-1 for one then -2 for others)
	int I_strength = max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 1);			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH, I_strength);
	int I_constitution = max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2);		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONSTITUTION, I_constitution);
	int I_intelligence = max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2);		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, I_intelligence);

	// Update Enjoyment
	if (jobperformance < 50) enjoy -= 1; if (jobperformance < 0) enjoy -= 1;	// if she doesn't do well at the job, she enjoys it less
	if (jobperformance > 200) enjoy *= 2;		// if she is really good at the job, her enjoyment (positive or negative) is doubled
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);

	// Gain Traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Tough", 50, actiontype, "Working in the heat of the sun has made " + girlName + " rather Tough.", Day0Night1);

	if (cfg.debug.log_show_numbers())
		ss << "\n\nNumbers:"
			<< "\n Job Performance = " << (int)jobperformance
			<< "\n Wages = " << (int)wages
			<< "\n Tips = " << (int)tips
			<< "\n Xp = " << I_xp
			<< "\n Libido = " << I_libido
			<< "\n Farming = " << I_farming
			<< "\n Strength = " << I_strength
			<< "\n Constitution = " << I_constitution
			<< "\n Intelligence = " << I_intelligence
			<< "\n Tiredness = " << tired
			<< "\n Enjoy " << girl->enjoy_jobs[actiontype] << " = " << enjoy

	// Push out the turn report
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, msgtype);

#pragma endregion
	return false;
예제 #5
// `J` Job Movie Studio - Actress
bool cJobManager::WorkFilmBeast(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKMOVIE;
	// No film crew.. then go home	// `J` this will be taken care of in building flow, leaving it in for now
	if (g_Studios.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_CAMERAMAGE, SHIFT_NIGHT) == 0 || g_Studios.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_CRYSTALPURIFIER, SHIFT_NIGHT) == 0)
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage("There was no crew to film the scene, so she took the day off", IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return false;
	cConfig cfg;
	stringstream ss;
	string girlName = girl->m_Realname;
	int wages = 50;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int jobperformance = 0;

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for actress (yet)

	ss << girlName << " worked as an actress filming scenes with beasts.\n\n";

	int roll = g_Dice.d100();
	if (roll <= 10 && g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, ACTION_WORKMOVIE, brothel))
		ss << "She refused to f**k any beasts on film today.\n";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	else if (roll <= 10) { enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She didn't enjoy letting the creature f**k her.\n\n"; }
	else if (roll >= 90) { enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She loved the feel of the creature on top of her.\n\n"; }
	else /*            */{ enjoy += g_Dice % 2;		ss << "She didn't do much else today.\n\n"; }
	jobperformance = enjoy * 2;

	if (g_Girls.CheckVirginity(girl))
		g_Girls.LoseVirginity(girl);	// `J` updated for trait/status
		jobperformance += 50;
		ss << "She is no longer a virgin.\n";

	// remaining modifiers are in the AddScene function --PP
	int finalqual = g_Studios.AddScene(girl, SKILL_BEASTIALITY, jobperformance);
	ss << "Her scene is valued at: " << finalqual << " gold.\n";

	// mod: added check for number of beasts owned; otherwise, fake beasts could somehow inseminate the girl
	if (g_Brothels.GetNumBeasts() > 0)
		if (!girl->calc_insemination(g_Brothels.GetPlayer(), false, 1.0))
			g_MessageQue.AddToQue(girl->m_Realname + " has gotten inseminated", 0);

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_BEAST, Day0Night1);

	// work out the pay between the house and the girl
	if (girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket())
		wages = 0;	// You own her so you don't have to pay her.
		wages += finalqual * 2;
	girl->m_Pay = wages;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 10, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_PERFORMANCE, g_Dice%skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_BEASTIALITY, g_Dice%skill + 1);

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, ACTION_SEX, enjoy);
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, ACTION_WORKMOVIE, enjoy);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Fake O****m Expert", 50, ACTION_SEX, "She has become quite the faker.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "P**n Star", 80, ACTION_WORKMOVIE, "She has performed in enough sex scenes that she has become a well known P**n Star.", Day0Night1);

	return false;
bool cJobManager::WorkArenaJousting(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_COMBAT;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked as a jouster in the arena.\n";

	int roll = g_Dice.d100();
	int wages = 50, tips = 0, work = 0;
	//string girls = GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_JOUSTING, Day0Night1)
	//int winner = > JP_ArenaJousting;

	//ss << girls << " competed today.";

	/*Jousting plans
	General plan is to at some point make it to where u have a jousting tourment ever week.  More girls the better
	have them place and 1st place thru 3rd get the most money.  How they place would be based off job performance.
	If they have the same lvl of jobperformance then have a random roll to see who wins.  More girls in it mean more
	people show up to watch it and would mean more money.  Not sure how to do this yet but its more or less the basic

	double jobperformance = JP_ArenaJousting(girl, false);

	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		ss << " She must be perfect at this.\n\n";
		wages += 155;
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		ss << " She's unbelievable at this and is always getting praised by people for her work.\n\n";
		wages += 95;
	else if (jobperformance >= 145)
		ss << " She's good at this job and gets praised by the customers often.\n\n";
		wages += 55;
	else if (jobperformance >= 100)
		ss << " She made a few mistakes but overall she is okay at this.\n\n";
		wages += 15;
	else if (jobperformance >= 70)
		ss << " She was nervous and made a few mistakes. She isn't that good at this.\n\n";
		wages -= 5;
		ss << " She was nervous and constantly making mistakes. She really isn't very good at this job.\n\n";
		wages -= 15;

	//enjoyed the work or not
	if (roll <= 5)
		ss << "\nSome of the patrons abused her during the shift.";
		work -= 1;
	else if (roll <= 25)
		ss << "\nShe had a pleasant time working.";
		work += 3;
		ss << "\nOtherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.";
		work += 1;

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, work);
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_COMBAT, Day0Night1);
	int roll_max = (girl->fame() + girl->charisma());
	roll_max /= 4;
	wages += 10 + g_Dice%roll_max;
	girl->m_Tips = max(0, tips);
	girl->m_Pay = max(0, wages);

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 15, libido = 1, skill = 3;

	if (girl->has_trait( "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (girl->has_trait( "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (girl->has_trait( "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);


	g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Nervous", 30, actiontype, girlName + " has went into battle so many times she is no longer nervous.", Day0Night1 != 0);

	return false;
// `J` Job Clinic - Surgery
bool cJobManager::WorkBreastReduction(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	// if she was not in surgery last turn, reset working days to 0 before proceding
	if (girl->m_YesterDayJob != JOB_BREASTREDUCTION) { girl->m_WorkingDay = girl->m_PrevWorkingDay = 0; }
	girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_BREASTREDUCTION;	// it is a full time job

	if (girl->has_trait( "Flat Chest"))
		ss << " already has a Flat Chest so she was sent to the waiting room.";
		if (Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY)	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		girl->m_PrevDayJob = girl->m_PrevNightJob = girl->m_YesterDayJob = girl->m_YesterNightJob = girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		girl->m_WorkingDay = girl->m_PrevWorkingDay = 0;
		return false;	// not refusing
	bool hasDoctor = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_DOCTOR, Day0Night1) > 0;
	int numnurse = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, Day0Night1);
	if (!hasDoctor)
		ss << " does nothing. You don't have any Doctors working. (require 1) ";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		return false;	// not refusing
	ss << " is in the Clinic to get her breasts reduced.\n\n";

	int msgtype = Day0Night1;
	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for patient

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Count the Days				//

	if (Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY)	// the Doctor works on her durring the day
	else	// and if there are nurses on duty, they take care of her at night
		girl->m_WorkingDay = girl->m_PrevWorkingDay = 0;
		ss << "The surgery is a success.\n";
		msgtype = EVENT_GOODNEWS;

		ss << g_Girls.AdjustTraitGroupBreastSize(girl, -1, false) << "\n\n";

		if (numnurse > 2)
			ss << "The Nurses kept her healthy and happy during her recovery.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, g_Dice.bell(0, 20));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_SPIRIT, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, g_Dice.bell(0, 20));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, g_Dice.bell(0, 2));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, g_Dice.bell(0, 2));
		else if (numnurse > 0)
			ss << "The Nurse" << (numnurse > 1 ? "s" : "") << " helped her during her recovery.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice.bell(0, 5));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_SPIRIT, g_Dice.bell(0, 5));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, g_Dice % 2);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, g_Dice % 2);
			ss << "She is sad and has lost some health during the operation.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, g_Dice.bell(-20, 2));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice.bell(-10, 1));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_SPIRIT, g_Dice.bell(-5, 1));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, g_Dice.bell(-20, 3));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, g_Dice.bell(-1, 1));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, g_Dice.bell(-1, 1));

		if (girl->has_trait( "Flat Chest"))
			ss << girlName << "'s breasts are as small as they can get so she was sent to the waiting room.";
			girl->m_PrevDayJob = girl->m_PrevNightJob = girl->m_YesterDayJob = girl->m_YesterNightJob = girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, msgtype);

	// Improve girl
	int libido = 1;
	if (girl->has_trait( "Lesbian"))		libido += numnurse;
	if (girl->has_trait( "M*******t"))	libido += 1;
	if (girl->has_trait( "Nymphomaniac"))	libido += 2;
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);
	if (g_Dice % 10 == 0)
		g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, 1);	// `J` she watched what the doctors and nurses were doing

#pragma endregion
	return false;
예제 #8
// `J` Job Brothel - General
bool cJobManager::WorkTorturer(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKTORTURER;
	if (Day0Night1) return false;		// Do this only once a day
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))
		ss << " refused to torture anyone.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " is assigned to torture people in the dungeon.";

	g_Girls.EquipCombat(girl);	// ready armor and weapons!

	// Complications
#if 0
	if (g_Dice.percent(10))
		g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, -3);
		ss << girlName << gettext(" hurt herself while torturing someone.");
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(message, IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);
		g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, +3);
		ss << girlName << gettext(" enjoyed her job working in the dungeon.");
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(message, IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);
	//SIN: bit more variety for the above
	int roll(g_Dice % 5);
	bool forFree = false;
	if (g_Dice.percent(10))
		g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, -3);
		if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Sadistic") || g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Merciless") || g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_MORALITY) < 30)
			ss << girlName << gettext(" hurt herself while torturing someone.\n");
			switch (roll)
			case 0:		ss << girlName << gettext(" felt bad torturing people as she could easily see herself in the victim.\n"); break;
			case 1:		ss << girlName << gettext(" doesn't like this as she feels it is wrong to torture people.\n"); break;
			case 2:		ss << girlName << gettext(" feels like a bitch after one of her torture victims wept the entire time and kept begging her to stop.\n"); break;
			case 3:		ss << girlName << gettext(" feels awful after accidentally whipping someone in an excruciating place.\n"); break;
			case 4:		ss << girlName << gettext(" didn't enjoy this as she felt sorry for the victim.\n"); break;
			default:	ss << girlName << gettext(" didn't enjoy this for some illogical reason. [error]\n"); break; //shouldn't happen
			//And a little randomness
			if (g_Dice.percent(40))
				roll = g_Dice % 3;
				switch (roll)
				case 0:
					ss << gettext("She hates you for making her do this today.\n");
					g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_PCLOVE, -(g_Dice % 2));
					g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_PCHATE, g_Dice % 2);
				case 1:
					ss << girlName << gettext(" is terrified that you treat people like this.\n");
					g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_PCFEAR, g_Dice % 6);
					g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_OBEDIENCE, g_Dice % 2);
				case 2:
					ss << gettext("She learned a bit about medicine while trying to stop the pain.\n");
					g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, g_Dice % 10);
					ss << girlName << gettext(" did something completely unexpected. [error]");
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);
		g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, +3);
		switch (roll)
		case 0:		ss << girlName << gettext(" enjoyed her job working in the dungeon.\n"); break;
		case 1:		ss << girlName << gettext(" is turned on by the power of torturing people.\n"); break;
		case 2:		ss << girlName << gettext(" enjoyed trying out different torture devices and watching the effects on the victim.\n"); break;
		case 3:		ss << girlName << gettext(" spent her time in the dungeon whipping her victim in time to music to make amusing sound effects.\n"); break;
		case 4:		ss << girlName << gettext(" uses the victim's cries and screams to to figure out the 'best' areas to torture.\n"); break;
		default:	ss << girlName << gettext(" enjoyed this for some illogical reason. [error]\n"); break;

		//And a little randomness
		if ((g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_MORALITY) < 20 || g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Sadistic")) && g_Dice.percent(20))
			ss << girlName << gettext(" loved this so much she wouldn't accept any money, as long as you promise she can do it again soon.\n");
			g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, +3);
			forFree = true;
		if (g_Dice.percent(20))
			roll = g_Dice % 4;
			switch (roll)
			case 0:
				ss << girlName << gettext(" put so much energy into this it seems to have improved her fitness.\n");
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONSTITUTION, g_Dice % 3);
			case 1:
				ss << girlName << gettext(" went way too far, creating a hell of a mess. Still it looks like she had fun - she hasn't stopped smiling.\n");
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice % 5);
				g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, +1);
				brothel->m_Filthiness += 15;
			case 2:
				ss << girlName << gettext(" over-exerted herself.");
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, -(g_Dice % 5));
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS, g_Dice % 5);
			case 3:
				ss << girlName << gettext(" appreciates that you entrust her with this kind of work.");
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_PCLOVE, g_Dice % 2);
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_PCHATE, -(g_Dice % 2));
				ss << girlName << gettext(" did something completely unexpected. [error]");
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

	// Improve girl
	int xp = 15, libido = 5, skill = 1;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	if (!forFree)
		girl->m_Pay += 65;
		g_Gold.staff_wages(65);  // wages come from you

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MORALITY, -2);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_BDSM, skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	// WD: Update flag

	// Check for new traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Sadistic", 30, actiontype, girl->m_Realname + gettext(" has come to enjoy her job so much that she has become rather Sadistic."), Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Merciless", 50, actiontype, girl->m_Realname + gettext(" extensive experience with torture has made her absolutely Merciless."), Day0Night1);

	return false;
예제 #9
// `J` Job Farm - Producers
bool cJobManager::WorkBrewer(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKCOOKING;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked as a brewer on the farm.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!

	double wages = 20, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_COOK;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	double jobperformance = JP_Brewer(girl, false);
	double drinksproduced = jobperformance;

	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		ss << " She must be the perfect at this.";
		wages += 155;
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		ss << " She's unbelievable at this.";
		wages += 95;
	else if (jobperformance >= 145)
		ss << " She's good at this job.";
		wages += 55;
	else if (jobperformance >= 100)
		ss << " She made a few mistakes but overall she is okay at this.";
		wages += 15;
	else if (jobperformance >= 70)
		ss << " She was nervous and made a few mistakes. She isn't that good at this.";
		wages -= 5;
		ss << " She was nervous and constantly making mistakes. She really isn't very good at this job.";
		wages -= 15;
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	if (wages < 0) wages = 0;
#if 1
	//enjoyed the work or not
	if (roll_a <= 5)
		ss << "\nSome of the patrons abused her during the shift.";
		enjoy -= 1;
	else if (roll_a <= 25)
		ss << "\nShe had a pleasant time working.";
		enjoy += 3;
		ss << "\nOtherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.";
		enjoy += 1;
	if (roll_a <= 10)
		enjoyC -= g_Dice % 3; enjoyF -= g_Dice % 3;
		CleanAmt = int(CleanAmt * 0.8);
		/* */if (roll_b < 30)	ss << "She spilled a bucket of something unpleasant all over herself.";
		else if (roll_b < 60)	ss << "She stepped in something unpleasant.";
		else /*            */	ss << "She did not like working on the farm today.";
	else if (roll_a >= 90)
		enjoyC += g_Dice % 3; enjoyF += g_Dice % 3;
		CleanAmt = int(CleanAmt * 1.1);
		/* */if (roll_b < 50)	ss << "She cleaned the building while humming a pleasant tune.";
		else /*            */	ss << "She had a great time working today.";
		enjoyC += g_Dice % 2; enjoyF += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "The shift passed uneventfully.";
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Create Items				//

	// `J` Farm Bookmark - adding in items that can be created in the farm
	string itemmade = "";
	string itemtext = "";
	int numbermade = 0;
	sInventoryItem* item = NULL;

	if (g_Dice.percent(min(90.0, jobperformance / 2)))
		int chooseitem = g_Dice % (girl->magic() < 80 ? 80 : 100);	// limit some of the more magical items

		/* */if (chooseitem < 25) { itemmade = "Alcohol";					numbermade = (g_Dice % 5) + 2;	itemtext = " bottles of Alcohol "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 50) { itemmade = "Alcohol ";					numbermade = (g_Dice % 5) + 2;	itemtext = " bottles of Alcohol "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 55) { itemmade = "RigJuice";					numbermade = (g_Dice % 5) + 2;	itemtext = " bottles of RigJuice "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 60) { itemmade = "Radicola";					numbermade = (g_Dice % 5) + 2;	itemtext = " bottles of Radicola "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 65) { itemmade = "Black Cat Beer";			numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Black Cat Beer "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 70) { itemmade = "Crossgate Egg Nog";			numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Crossgate Egg Nog "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 75) { itemmade = "Nightmare Fuel";			numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Nightmare Fuel "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 80) { itemmade = "Nightmare Fuel X";			numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Nightmare Fuel "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 83) { itemmade = "Nightmare Fuel XY";			numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Nightmare Fuel "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 84) { itemmade = "Nightmare Fuel XYZ";		numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Nightmare Fuel "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 85) { itemmade = "Bimbo Liqueur";				numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Bimbo Liqueur "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 86) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Ch)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 87) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (De)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 88) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (FF)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 89) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Fg)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 90) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Fl)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 91) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (IW)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 92) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (MF)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 93) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Mk)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 94) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Ml)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 95) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Op)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 96) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Ps)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 97) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Rt)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 98) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (St)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 99) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (To)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else /*                */ { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Tw)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }

		item = g_InvManager.GetItem(itemmade);

	if (item)
		msgtype = EVENT_GOODNEWS;
		ss << "\n\n" << girlName << " made ";
		if (numbermade == 1) ss << "one ";
		else ss << numbermade << " ";
		ss << itemmade << " for you.";
		for (int i = 0; i < numbermade; i++)

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, msgtype);

	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 5, libido = 1, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, (g_Dice % xp) + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	// primary (+2 for single or +1 for multiple)
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_BREWING, (g_Dice % skill) + 2);
	// secondary (-1 for one then -2 for others)
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_HERBALISM, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 1));
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2));
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_COOKING, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2));

#pragma endregion
	return false;
예제 #10
// `J` Job Brothel - Sleazy Bar
bool cJobManager::WorkSleazyBarmaid(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKCLUB;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked as a bartender in the strip club.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!

	int HateLove = 0;
	HateLove = g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_PCLOVE) - g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_PCHATE);
	double wages = 15, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0, fame = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_ECCHI;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	double jobperformance = JP_SleazyBarmaid(girl, false);

	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		ss << " She must be the perfect bar tender customers go on and on about her and always come to see her when she works.\n\n";
		wages += 155;
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		ss << " She's unbelievable at this and is always getting praised by the customers for her work.\n\n";
		wages += 95;
	else if (jobperformance >= 145)
		ss << " She's good at this job and gets praised by the customers often.\n\n";
		wages += 55;
	else if (jobperformance >= 100)
		ss << " She made a few mistakes but overall she is okay at this.\n\n";
		wages += 15;
	else if (jobperformance >= 70)
		ss << " She was nervous and made a few mistakes. She isn't that good at this.\n\n";
		wages -= 5;
		ss << " She was nervous and constantly making mistakes. She really isn't very good at this job.\n\n";
		wages -= 15;

	//base tips, aprox 10-20% of base wages
	tips += (((10 + jobperformance / 22) * wages) / 100);
	//try and add randomness here
	if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY) > 85 && g_Dice.percent(20))
		ss << "Stunned by her beauty a customer left her a great tip.\n\n"; tips += 25;

	if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY) > 99 && g_Dice.percent(5))
		ss << girlName << " looked absolutely stunning during her shift and was unable to hide it. Instead of her ass or t**s, the patrons couldn't glue their eyes off her face, and spent a lot more than usual on tipping her.\n"; tips += 50;

	if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA) > 85 && g_Dice.percent(20))
		ss << girlName << " surprised a couple of gentlemen discussing some complicated issue by her insightful comments when she was taking her order. They decided her words were worth a heavy tip.\n"; tips += 35;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Clumsy") && g_Dice.percent(15))
		ss << "Her clumsy nature caused her to spill a drink on a customer resulting in them storming off without paying.\n"; wages -= 15;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Pessimist") && g_Dice.percent(5))
		if (jobperformance < 125)
			ss << "Her pessimistic mood depressed the customers making them tip less.\n"; tips -= 10;
			ss << girlName << " was in a poor mood so the patrons gave her a bigger tip to try and cheer her up.\n"; tips += 10;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Optimist") && g_Dice.percent(5))
		if (jobperformance < 125)
			ss << girlName << " was in a cheerful mood but the patrons thought she needed to work more on her services.\n"; tips -= 10;
			ss << "Her optimistic mood made patrons cheer up increasing the amount they tip.\n"; tips += 10;
	// `J` slightly higher percent compared to regular barmaid, I would think sleazy barmaid's uniform is more revealing
	if ((g_Dice.percent(5) && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Busty Boobs")) ||
		(g_Dice.percent(10) && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Big Boobs")) ||
		(g_Dice.percent(15) && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Giant Juggs")) ||
		(g_Dice.percent(20) && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Massive Melons")) ||
		(g_Dice.percent(25) && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Abnormally Large Boobs")) ||
		(g_Dice.percent(30) && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Titanic T**s")))
		if (jobperformance < 150)
			ss << "A patron was staring obviously at her large breasts. But she had no idea how to take advantage of it.\n";
			ss << "A patron was staring obviously at her large breasts. So she over charged them for drinks while they drooled not paying any mind to the price.\n"; wages += 15;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Meek") && g_Dice.percent(5) && jobperformance < 125)
		ss << girlName << " spilled a drink all over a man's lap. He told her she had to lick it up and forced her to clean him up which she Meekly accepted and went about licking his c**k clean.\n";
		imagetype = IMGTYPE_ORAL;
		enjoy -= 3;

	if (g_Dice.percent(5)) //may get moved to waitress
		ss << "A drunken patron decide to grab " << girlName << "'s boob. ";
		if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Meek"))
			ss << "She was shocked and didn't react. The man molested her for a few minutes!\n";
		else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Tough"))
			ss << "She knocked him out! You could swear that she knocked a couple of his teeth out too!\n";
		else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Your Daughter"))
			ss << "She screamed do you know who my dad is? He will have your head for this!\n";
		else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Your Wife"))
			ss << "She screamed do you know who my husband is? He will have your head for this!\n";
		else if (HateLove >= 80) //loves you
			ss << "She screamed do you know who my love is? He will have your head for this!\n";
			ss << "She screamed and shook his hand off.\n";

	if ((g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac") || g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Succubus")) && g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_LIBIDO) > 80 && g_Dice.percent(20) && !g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Virgin") && !g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Lesbian"))
		if (roll_b <= 50)
			ss << girlName << " dragged one of the less sober clients outside into a back alley and ordered him to f**k her senseless against a wall. After the deed, the poor fellow passed out and " << girlName << " returned to her job as if nothing happened.\n";
			ss << girlName << " spotted a relatively good-looking guy walking into the bathroom alone. She followed him inside, and as he tried to exit the bathroom stall, he got pushed back in by her. " << girlName << " didn't waste any time and in a matter of seconds was vigorously f*****g the client. After the deed, the client made sure " << girlName << " had a pretty hefty wad of money stuck behind her skirt.\n"; tips += 50;
		imagetype = IMGTYPE_SEX;
		g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, -20);
		g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_NORMALSEX, 1);
		sCustomer* Cust = new sCustomer; g_Customers.GetCustomer(Cust, brothel); Cust->m_Amount = 1;
		if (!girl->calc_pregnancy(Cust, false, 1.0))
			g_MessageQue.AddToQue(girl->m_Realname + " has gotten pregnant.", 0);
		delete Cust;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	//enjoyed the work or not
	if (roll_a <= 5)
		ss << "\nSome of the patrons abused her during the shift.";
		enjoy -= 1;
	else if (roll_a <= 25)
		ss << "\nShe had a pleasant time working.";
		enjoy += 3;
		ss << "\nOtherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.";
		enjoy += 1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, Day0Night1);

	int roll_max = (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY) + g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA));
	roll_max /= 4;
	wages += 10 + g_Dice%roll_max;
	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 15, libido = 1, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }
	if (!g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Straight"))	{ libido += min(3, g_Brothels.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_BARSTRIPPER, false)); }
	if (girl->fame() < 10 && jobperformance >= 70)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 20 && jobperformance >= 100)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 40 && jobperformance >= 145)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 60 && jobperformance >= 185)		{ fame += 1; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_FAME, fame);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_PERFORMANCE, g_Dice%skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, g_Dice%skill + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Charismatic", 60, actiontype, "Dealing with customers at the bar and talking with them about their problems has made " + girlName + " more Charismatic.", Day0Night1);
	if (jobperformance < 100 && roll_a <= 2) { g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Assassin", 10, actiontype, girlName + "'s lack of skill at mixing drinks has been killing people left and right making her into quite the Assassin.", Day0Night1); }
	if (g_Dice.percent(25) && g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_DIGNITY) < 0 && (imagetype == IMGTYPE_SEX || imagetype == IMGTYPE_ORAL))
		g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "S**t", 80, ACTION_SEX, girlName + " has turned into quite a s**t.", Day0Night1);

	g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Nervous", 20, actiontype, girlName + " seems to finally be getting over her shyness. She's not always so Nervous anymore.", Day0Night1);

#pragma endregion
	return false;
예제 #11
// `J` Job Brothel - Brothel
bool cJobManager::WorkPeepShow(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKSTRIP;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " let the customers watch her get naked.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!

	int wages = g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_ASKPRICE) + g_Dice % 50;
	int tips = max((g_Dice % 50) - 10, 0);
	double mod = 0.0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_STRIP, enjoyment = 0;
	u_int sextype = SKILL_STRIP;
	int roll = g_Dice.d100();

	double jobperformance = JP_PeepShow(girl, false);

	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		mod = 3.0;				ss << "She must be the perfect teaser she never goes to fast but never to slow, she knows just when to do things. The customers can't get enough of her.\n\n";
		/* */if (roll <= 20) { ss << "Knowing every trick in the book and not hesitating to use them, she makes a lot of money today.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 40) { ss << "She is just a gold mine.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 60) { ss << "She certainly knows how to sell the show. After hours of teasing she finally gets naked.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 80) { ss << girlName << " was requested by name by a single customer. He paid double of her daily earnings for the privilege of getting an exclusive performance.\n"; }
		else /*           */ { ss << girlName << " is performing today. Like always the cleaning crew have a lot of work after her shows.\n"; }
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		mod = 2.0;				ss << "She is unbelievable at this and is always finding new ways of pleaseing the customers.\n\n";
		/* */if (roll <= 20) { ss << "She is really good at this, knowing how to tease customers into staying and paying for hours.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 40) { ss << girlName << " swinging her boobs and ass in a very sexual way. As a result causing heavy breathing from the booths.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 60) { ss << "Her body movement is flawless and very sensual, earning a nice sum today.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 80) { ss << girlName << " gave a very good performance, making her clients very satisfied with the time they spent here.\n"; }
		else /*           */ { ss << girlName << " was requested by name by a group of customers. She gave them a special performance for a really high price.\n"; }
	else if (jobperformance >= 145)
		mod = 1.5;				ss << "She's good at this job and knows a few tricks to drive the customers wild.\n\n";
		/* */if (roll <= 20) { ss << "She has a good body and sense of rhythm, but she strips too fast, so she make less money from today performance.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 40) { ss << "She makes the mistake of getting naked too fast, ending the show prematurely.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 60) { ss << "She certainly has the skills for this job, but with more work she will get even better.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 80) { ss << girlName << " comes on stage with some 'toys' that she uses to prolong her performance.\n"; }
		else /*           */ { ss << "Having confidence in her skills, " << girlName << " gives a very good performance.\n"; }
	else if (jobperformance >= 100)
		mod = 1.0;				ss << "She made a few mistakes but overall she is okay at this.\n\n";
		/* */if (roll <= 20) { ss << girlName << " can strip and people come here to see her do that but there is nothing extraordinary in her performance.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 40) { ss << "Pretty boring show, But at least she gets naked all the way thru.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 60) { ss << "Having stage fright, her movement seems mechanical, leaving paying customers unsatisfied.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 80) { ss << "Not too confident in herself, " << girlName << "'s tense performance rubs off on the customers.\n"; }
		else /*           */ { ss << "She did good today. With improving her skills, " << girlName << " could become one of the best.\n"; }
	else if (jobperformance >= 70)
		mod = 0.9;				ss << "She was nervous and made a few mistakes. She isn't that good at this.\n\n";
		/* */if (roll <= 20) { ss << "When it was time for " << girlName << " to take off her panties, she collapsed on the floor covering her breasts and crying.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 40) { ss << "Not being able to unbuckle her fancy bra, she struggled for minutes. Some of the customers left demanding their money back.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 60) { ss << "She gets naked but in a boring and not exciting way.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 80) { ss << "Trying a more advanced pose, she hurts herself, falling painfully on the floor.\n"; }
		else /*           */ { ss << girlName << " definitely tries to give a good performance, but having only good will isn't enough.\n"; }
		mod = 0.8;				ss << "She was nervous and constantly making mistakes. She really isn't very good at this job.\n\n";
		/* */if (roll <= 20) { ss << "She is awful at this job. Her stage movement and striptease are lifeless.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 40) { ss << "Her stripping ability could be compared to getting undressed before a shower.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 60) { ss << "Her show was so bad, that you could swear you heard snoring from one booth.\n"; }
		else if (roll <= 80) { ss << "When trying to take off her t-shirt, " << girlName << "'s head got stuck for minutes.\n"; }
		else /*           */ { ss << "Trying to give her best, " << girlName << " gave a poor performance.\n"; }

	//try and add randomness here
	if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_LIBIDO) > 80)
		if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Lesbian") && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))
			ss << "\nShe was horney and she loves sex so she brought in another girl and had sex with her while the customers watched.";
			sextype = SKILL_LESBIAN;
			/* `J` g_Girls.GirlFucks handles skill gain from sex
			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_LESBIAN, 1);
		else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Bisexual") && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))
			if (roll <= 50)
				ss << "\nShe was horney and she loves sex so she brought in another girl and had sex with her while the customers watched.";
				sextype = SKILL_LESBIAN;
				/* `J` g_Girls.GirlFucks handles skill gain from sex
				g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_LESBIAN, 1);
				ss << "\nShe was horney and she loves sex so she brought in one of the customers and had sex with him while the others watched.";
				sextype = SKILL_NORMALSEX;
		else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Straight") && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))
			ss << "\nShe was horney and she loves sex so she brought in one of the customers and had sex with him while the others watched.";
			sextype = SKILL_NORMALSEX;
			ss << "\nShe was horney and ended up masturbating for the customers, making them very happy.";
			imagetype = IMGTYPE_MAST;
	else if (g_Dice.percent(5))  //glory hole event
		ss << "A man manged to cut a hole out from his booth and made himself a glory hole, " << girlName
			<< " saw his c**k sticking out and ";
			if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Meek") || g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Shy"))
				enjoyment -= 5;
				ss << "meekly ran away from it.\n";
			else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Lesbian"))
				enjoyment -= 2;
				g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, -10);
				ss << "she doesn't understand the appeal of them, which turned her off.\n";
			else if (!brothel->m_RestrictNormal && !g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Virgin") &&
				g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac") && g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_LIBIDO) >= 80) //sex
				sextype = SKILL_NORMALSEX;
				ss << "decided she needed to use it for her own entertainment.\n";
			else if (!brothel->m_RestrictOral &&
				g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac") && g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_LIBIDO) >= 60) //oral
				sextype = SKILL_ORALSEX;
				ss << "decided she needed to taste it.\n";
			else if (!brothel->m_RestrictFoot &&
				g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac") && g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_LIBIDO) >= 40) //foot
				sextype = SKILL_FOOTJOB;
				imagetype = IMGTYPE_FOOT;
				ss << "decided she would give him a foot job for being so brave.\n";
			else if (!brothel->m_RestrictHand)	//hand job
				sextype = SKILL_HANDJOB;
				ss << "decided she would give him a hand job for being so brave.\n";
				ss << "pointed and laughed.\n";

			/* `J` suggest adding bad stuff,
			else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Merciless") && g_Girls.HasItem(girl, "Dagger") != -1 && g_Dice.percent(10))
			imagetype = IMGTYPE_COMBAT;
			ss << "decided she would teach this guy a lesson and cut his dick off.\n";
			* This would probably require some other stuff and would deffinatly reduce her pay.
			* It may even get the girl arrested if the players suspicion were too high

	// `J` calculate base pay and tips with mod before special pay and tips are added
	tips = max(0, int(tips * mod));
	wages = max(0, int(wages * mod));

	if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY) > 85 && g_Dice.percent(20))
		ss << "Stunned by her beauty, a customer left her a great tip.\n\n";
		tips += g_Dice % 50 + 10;

	if (sextype != SKILL_STRIP)
		// `J` get the customer and configure them to what is already known about them
		sCustomer cust;
		GetMiscCustomer(brothel, cust);
		cust.m_Amount = 1;										// always only 1
		cust.m_SexPref = sextype;								// they don't get a say in this
		if (sextype == SKILL_LESBIAN) cust.m_IsWoman = true;	// make sure it is a lesbian

		string message = ss.str();
		g_Girls.GirlFucks(girl, Day0Night1, &cust, false, message, sextype);
		ss.str(""); ss << message;
		brothel->m_Happiness += cust.m_Stats[STAT_HAPPINESS];

		/* `J` g_Girls.GirlFucks handles libido and customer happiness
		cust.m_Stats[STAT_HAPPINESS] = max(100, cust.m_Stats[STAT_HAPPINESS] + 50);
		g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, -20);

		int sexwages = min(g_Dice % (cust.m_Money / 4) + g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_ASKPRICE), int(cust.m_Money));
		cust.m_Money -= sexwages;
		int sextips = max(0, int(g_Dice%cust.m_Money - (cust.m_Money / 2)));
		cust.m_Money -= sextips;
		wages += sexwages;
		tips += sextips;

		ss << "The customer she had sex with gave her " << sexwages << " gold for her services";
		if (sextips > 0) ss << " and slipped her another " << sextips << " under the table.\n\n";
		else ss << ".\n\n";

		if (imagetype == IMGTYPE_STRIP)
			/* */if (sextype == SKILL_ANAL)			imagetype = IMGTYPE_ANAL;
			else if (sextype == SKILL_BDSM)			imagetype = IMGTYPE_BDSM;
			else if (sextype == SKILL_NORMALSEX)	imagetype = IMGTYPE_SEX;
			else if (sextype == SKILL_BEASTIALITY)	imagetype = IMGTYPE_BEAST;
			else if (sextype == SKILL_GROUP)		imagetype = IMGTYPE_GROUP;
			else if (sextype == SKILL_LESBIAN)		imagetype = IMGTYPE_LESBIAN;
			else if (sextype == SKILL_ORALSEX)		imagetype = IMGTYPE_ORAL;
			else if (sextype == SKILL_TITTYSEX)		imagetype = IMGTYPE_TITTY;
			else if (sextype == SKILL_HANDJOB)		imagetype = IMGTYPE_HAND;
			else if (sextype == SKILL_FOOTJOB)		imagetype = IMGTYPE_FOOT;

	//enjoyed the work or not
	/* */if (roll <= 5)		{ enjoyment -= 1; ss << "\nSome of the patrons abused her during the shift."; }
	else if (roll <= 25)	{ enjoyment += 3; ss << "\nShe had a pleasant time working."; }
	else /*           */	{ enjoyment += 1; ss << "\nOtherwise, the shift passed uneventfully."; }
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, ACTION_WORKSTRIP, enjoyment);

	// work out the pay between the house and the girl
	girl->m_Tips = tips;
	girl->m_Pay = wages;
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, Day0Night1);

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 15, libido = 1, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_FAME, 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_STRIP, g_Dice%skill + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_PERFORMANCE, g_Dice%skill + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Nervous", 30, ACTION_WORKSTRIP, girlName + " has had so many people see her naked she is no longer nervous about anything.", Day0Night1);

	return false;
예제 #12
// `J` Job Movie Studio - Actress
bool cJobManager::WorkFilmBondage(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKMOVIE;
	// No film crew.. then go home	// `J` this will be taken care of in building flow, leaving it in for now
	if (g_Studios.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_CAMERAMAGE, SHIFT_NIGHT) == 0 || g_Studios.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_CRYSTALPURIFIER, SHIFT_NIGHT) == 0)
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage("There was no crew to film the scene, so she took the day off", IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return false;
	stringstream ss;
	string girlName = girl->m_Realname;
	int wages = 50;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int jobperformance = 0;

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for actress (yet)

	ss << girlName << " worked as an actress filming BDSM scenes.\n\n";

	int roll = g_Dice.d100();
	if (roll <= 10 && g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, ACTION_WORKMOVIE, brothel))
		ss << "She refused to get beaten on film today.\n";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	else if (roll <= 10) { enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She did not enjoy getting tied up and hurt today.\n\n"; }
	else if (roll >= 90) { enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She had a great time getting spanked and whipped.\n\n"; }
	else /*            */{ enjoy += g_Dice % 2;		ss << "She had just another day in the dungeon.\n\n"; }
	jobperformance = enjoy * 2;

	if (g_Girls.CheckVirginity(girl))
		g_Girls.LoseVirginity(girl);	// `J` updated for trait/status
		jobperformance += 50;
		ss << "She is no longer a virgin.\n";
	sCustomer* Cust = new sCustomer; g_Customers.GetCustomer(Cust, brothel); Cust->m_Amount = 1;
	if (Cust->m_IsWoman)	// FemDom
		jobperformance += 20;
		/* */if (girl->has_trait("Lesbian"))	jobperformance += 20;
		else if (girl->has_trait("Straight"))	jobperformance -= 20;
		if (!girl->calc_pregnancy(Cust, false, 0.75))
			g_MessageQue.AddToQue(girl->m_Realname + " has gotten pregnant", 0);
		/* */if (girl->has_trait("Lesbian"))	jobperformance -= 10;
		else if (girl->has_trait("Straight"))	jobperformance += 10;

	// remaining modifiers are in the AddScene function --PP
	int finalqual = g_Studios.AddScene(girl, SKILL_BDSM, jobperformance);
	ss << "Her scene is valued at: " << finalqual << " gold.\n";

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_BDSM, Day0Night1);

	// work out the pay between the house and the girl
	if (girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket())
		wages = 0;	// You own her so you don't have to pay her.
		wages += finalqual * 2;
	girl->m_Pay = wages;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 10, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_PERFORMANCE, g_Dice%skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_BDSM, g_Dice%skill + 1);

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, ACTION_SEX, enjoy);
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, ACTION_WORKMOVIE, enjoy);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Fake O****m Expert", 50, ACTION_SEX, "She has become quite the faker.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "M*******t", 65, ACTION_SEX, girlName + " has turned into a M*******t from filming so many BDSM scenes.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "S**t", 80, ACTION_SEX, girlName + " has turned into quite a s**t.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "P**n Star", 80, ACTION_WORKMOVIE, "She has performed in enough sex scenes that she has become a well known P**n Star.", Day0Night1);

	delete Cust;
	return false;
예제 #13
// `J` Job Arena - Fighting
bool cJobManager::WorkFightBeast(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
    int actiontype = ACTION_COMBAT;
    stringstream ss;
    string girlName = girl->m_Realname;
    ss << girlName;

    if (g_Brothels.GetNumBeasts() < 1)
        ss << " had no beasts to fight.";
        girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);
        return false;	// not refusing
    int roll = g_Dice.d100();
    if (roll <= 10 && g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))
        ss << " refused to fight beasts today.\n";
        girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
        return true;

    g_Girls.EquipCombat(girl);	// ready armor and weapons!
    Uint8 fight_outcome = 0;
    int wages = 175, enjoy = 0;
    double jobperformance = JP_FightBeast(girl, false);

    if (roll <= 15)
        ss << " didn't like fighting beasts today.";
        enjoy -= 3;
    else if (roll >= 90)
        ss << " loved fighting beasts today.";
        enjoy += 3;
        ss << " had a pleasant time fighting beasts today.";
        enjoy += 1;
    ss << "\n\n";

    // TODO need better dialog

    sGirl* tempgirl = g_Girls.CreateRandomGirl(18, false, false, false, true, false);
    if (tempgirl)		// `J` reworked incase there are no Non-Human Random Girls
        fight_outcome = g_Girls.girl_fights_girl(girl, tempgirl);
        g_LogFile.write("Error: You have no Non-Human Random Girls for your girls to fight\n");
        g_LogFile.write("Error: You need a Non-Human Random Girl to allow WorkFightBeast randomness");
        fight_outcome = 7;
    if (fight_outcome == 7)
        ss << "The beasts were not cooperating and refused to fight.\n\n";
        ss << "(Error: You need a Non-Human Random Girl to allow WorkFightBeast randomness)";
        girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);
    else if (fight_outcome == 1)	// she won
        ss << "She had fun fighting beasts today.";
        enjoy += 3;
        girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_COMBAT, Day0Night1);
        int roll_max = girl->fame() + girl->charisma();
        roll_max /= 4;
        wages += 10 + g_Dice%roll_max;
        girl->m_Pay = wages;
        g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_FAME, 2);
    else  // she lost or it was a draw
        ss << "She was unable to win the fight.";
        enjoy -= 1;
        //Crazy i feel there needs be more of a bad outcome for losses added this... Maybe could use some more
        if (m_JobManager.is_sex_type_allowed(SKILL_BEASTIALITY, brothel) && !g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Virgin"))
            ss << " So as punishment you allow the beast to have its way with her.";
            enjoy -= 1;
            g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, -50);
            g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_BEASTIALITY, 2);
            girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_BEAST, Day0Night1);
            if (!girl->calc_insemination(The_Player, false, 1.0))
                g_MessageQue.AddToQue(girl->m_Realname + " has gotten inseminated", 0);
            ss << " So you send your men in to cage the beast before it can harm her.";
            girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_COMBAT, Day0Night1);
            g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_FAME, -1);

    int kills = g_Dice % 6 - 4;		 		// `J` how many beasts she kills 0-2
    if (g_Brothels.GetNumBeasts() < kills)	// or however many there are
        kills = g_Brothels.GetNumBeasts();
    if (kills < 0) kills = 0;				// can't gain any

    if (girl->is_pregnant())
        if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH) >= 60)
            ss << "\n\nAll that fighting proved to be quite exhausting for a pregnant girl, even for one as strong as " << girlName << " .\n";
            ss << "\n\nAll that fighting proved to be quite exhausting for a pregnant girl like " << girlName << " .\n";
        g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS, 10 - g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH) / 20 );

    // Cleanup
    if (tempgirl) delete tempgirl;
    tempgirl = 0;

    if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()))
        wages = 0;

    int earned = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < jobperformance; i++)
        earned += g_Dice % 10 + 5; // 5-15 gold per customer  This may need tweaked to get it where it should be for the pay
    ss << girlName << " drew in " << jobperformance << " people to watch her and you earned " << earned << " from it.";
    girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

    g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);
    // Improve girl
    int fightxp = (fight_outcome == 1 ? 3 : 1);
    int xp = 3 * fightxp, libido = 2, skill = 1;

    if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{
        skill += 1;
        xp += 3;
    else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{
        skill -= 1;
        xp -= 3;
    if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{
        libido += 2;

    g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
    g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_COMBAT, g_Dice%fightxp + skill);
    g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MAGIC, g_Dice%fightxp + skill);
    g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_AGILITY, g_Dice%fightxp + skill);
    g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONSTITUTION, g_Dice%fightxp + skill);
    g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);
    g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_BEASTIALITY, g_Dice%fightxp * 2 + skill);

    g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Tough", 20, actiontype, "She has become pretty Tough from all of the fights she's been in.", Day0Night1);
    g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Aggressive", 60, actiontype, "She is getting rather Aggressive from her enjoyment of combat.", Day0Night1);
    g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Fleet of Foot", 30, actiontype, "She is getting rather fast from all the fighting.", Day0Night1);
    if (g_Dice.percent(25) && g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH) >= 60 && g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_COMBAT) > g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_MAGIC))
        g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Strong", 60, ACTION_COMBAT, girlName + " has become pretty Strong from all of the fights she's been in.", Day0Night1);

    //lose traits
    g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Fragile", 75, actiontype, girl->m_Realname + " has had to heal from so many injuries you can't say she is fragile anymore.", Day0Night1);

    return false;
// `J` Job Brothel - Hall
bool cJobManager::WorkHallEntertainer(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKHALL;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))
		//SIN - More informative mssg to show *what* she refuses
		//ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		ss << " refused to entertain patrons in the gambling hall " << (Day0Night1 ? "tonight." : "today.");
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked as an entertainer in the gambling hall.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!

	sGirl* dealeronduty = g_Brothels.GetRandomGirlOnJob(0, JOB_DEALER, Day0Night1);
	string dealername = (dealeronduty ? "Dealer " + dealeronduty->m_Realname + "" : "the Dealer");

	int wages = 25, tips = 0;
	int work = 0, fame = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_BUNNY;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	double jobperformance = JP_HallEntertainer(girl, false);

	//SIN: A little pre-randomness
	if (g_Dice.percent(50))
		if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS) > 75)
			ss << "She was very tired, negatively affecting her performance.\n";
			jobperformance -= 10;
		else if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS) > 90)
			ss << "Her cheeriness improved her performance.\n";
			jobperformance += 5;
		if (g_Dice.percent(10))
			if (g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_STRIP) > 60)
				ss << "A born stripper, " << girlName << " wears her clothes just short of showing flesh, just the way the customers like it.\n";
				jobperformance += 15;
			if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_PCHATE) > g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_PCFEAR))
				ss << " " << girlName << " opened with some rather rude jokes about you. While this annoys you a little, ";
				if (girl->has_trait( "Your Daughter"))
					ss << "she is your daughter, and ";
				ss << "it seems to get the audience on her side.\n";
				jobperformance += 15;

	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		ss << " She must be the perfect entertainer customers go on and on about her and always come to see her when she works.\n\n";
		wages += 155;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Aggressive"))
				ss << "The heat of her passion and strength of her fierce nature make " << girlName << "'s songs absolutely riveting to listen to.\n";
				ss << "Every one of " << girlName << "'s jokes elicits a wave of laughter from the crowd of patrons, many of whom have no interest in gambling.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Elegant"))
				ss << girlName << "'s very appearance in the door of the gambling hall leads to applause and the sudden appearance of a clear way to the stage steps.\n";
				ss << "Her voice is that of an angel, and her humor is as sharp and cutting as a blade.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			ss << "Each shift, " << girlName << " ends her show by blowing a kiss to her fans, producing waves of applause and cheers.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Charming") || girl->has_trait( "Charismatic"))
				ss << "There is no way to resist the raw charisma " << girlName << " practically exudes, drawing everybody around her towards her stage.\n";
				ss << "She could probably excel in any club or entertainment center - fortunately, " << girlName << "'s in yours, drawing customers.\n";
			if (girl->has_trait( "Your Daughter"))
				ss << "You feel inexpressibly proud that " << girlName << ", your daughter, is such a skilled entertainer.\n";
				ss << girlName << " is downright ideal for this job.  Her presentation and material are flawless\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		ss << " She's unbelievable at this and is always getting praised by the customers for her work.\n\n";
		wages += 95;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Your Daughter"))
				ss << girlName << " isn't perfect, but she's your own flesh and blood, which is more then close enough.\n";
				ss << girlName << " begun to acquire her own following - a small crowd of people came in just to listen to her and buy drinks.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Aggressive"))
				ss << "The savagery of " << girlName << "'s temper has honed her wit to a razor's edge, letting her jab away at the audience and still rake in the tips.\n";
			else if (girl->has_trait( "Elegant"))
				ss << "She cooly paces the edge of the stage as she sings, each step deliberate and perfectly poised, as if " << girlName << " was some noble pacing her seat of power.\n";
				ss << "Her jokes are almost always funny as " << girlName << "'s repertoire develops and expands.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			ss << girlName << "'s arrival on the stage at the beginning of her shift is greeted by scattered applause by the last few gamblers from the previous shift, and the new clients.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			ss << girlName << "'s soothing voice seems to glide over the noise and bustling of the gamblers and dealers.\n";
			if (girl->has_trait( "Charming") || girl->has_trait( "Charismatic"))
				ss << "While her technical skills could use improvement, " << girlName << "'s delivery is beyond reproach.\n";
				ss << " Each shift the tips " << girlName << " collects seem to grow in size!\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 145)
		ss << " She's good at this job and gets praised by the customers often.\n\n";
		wages += 55;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			ss << girlName << " managed to provide amusement for anybody who happened to listen to her.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Aggressive"))
				ss << "Her jokes are a bit more violent then they perhaps should be, but the clients seem to like " << girlName << ".\n";
			else if (girl->has_trait( "Elegant"))
				ss << "The elegance " << girlName << " brings to all things enhances her already pleasant singing.\n";
				ss << "Most of the jokes " << girlName << " told were amusing.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Charming") || girl->has_trait( "Charismatic"))
				ss << "While " << girlName << "'s repertoire of jokes and other amusements could stand expansion, she's got the presentation down pat.\n";
				ss << "Her singing was pleasing, if bland.  Her voice was nice, if slightly untrained.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Your Daughter"))
				ss << "Though you'll never admit it, you're happy that " << girlName << " has carved out a niche that doesn't involve renting her c**t to public servants.\n";
				ss << girlName << " earned a decent tip today for her sincere, if not always effective, attempts to entertain the clients.\n";
			ss << "A couple of gamblers parted with some of their hard-earned winnings after swearing that her singing had brought them luck.\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 100)
		ss << " She made a few mistakes but overall she is okay at this.\n\n";
		wages += 15;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			ss << girlName << " managed to elicit a few chuckles, and got a few tips.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Charming") || girl->has_trait( "Charismatic"))
				ss << "The tips she received were far more than " << girlName << "'s skills had any reason to bring in.\n";
				ss << "While she won't win any contests, " << girlName << " isn't a terrible singer.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Aggressive"))
				ss << "While " << girlName << "'s jokes tend to fall flat, nobody seems to have the bravery to tell her that.\n";
				ss << girlName << " monologued the guests for an hour or so.  While nobody seemed particularly interested, nobody looked pissed either.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Elegant"))
				ss << "Her air of sophistication lets " << girlName << " get away with telling boring jokes.\n";
				ss << "While most of the jokes " << girlName << " tells are old and worn out, a few were rather amusing.\n";
			if (girl->has_trait( "Your Daughter"))
				ss << girlName << " isn't impressive in any way, but she is your daughter, so you dutifully clap as she descends from the stage.\n";
				ss << "The slow song " << girlName << " sang at the end of shift really had her full emotion and heart.  A pity that she felt so bored and tired.\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 70)
		ss << " She was nervous and made a few mistakes. She isn't that good at this.\n\n";
		wages -= 5;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			ss << "While her jokes aren't actually driving anyone off, nobody seems to find " << girlName << " entertaining either.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Charming") || girl->has_trait( "Charismatic"))
				ss << "Even though her jokes were stale and boring, the audience couldn't seem to make themselves let " << girlName << " down, and laughed regardless.\n";
				ss << "Her singing is barely acceptable, but fortunately the bustling of the gambling hall drowns " << girlName << " out for the most part.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Aggressive"))
				ss << girlName << " cursed the audience roundly for their dislike of her music.\n";
				ss << girlName << " tells bland jokes and sings forgettable songs.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Your Daughter"))
				ss << "You wonder if your daughter, child of your loins, might do better on her back then on the stage.\n";
				ss << girlName << " doesn't appear to be enjoying herself, an emotion she has in common with the clientele.\n";
			ss << "For all the reaction she's getting, you could probably replace " << girlName << " with a simple mannequin.\n";
		ss << " She was nervous and constantly making mistakes. She really isn't very good at this job.\n\n";
		wages -= 15;
		if (roll_b <= 20)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Clumsy"))
				ss << girlName << " trips and falls flat on her face when climbing up the stage stairs.  The crowd cheers loudly.\n";
			else if (girl->has_trait( "Big Boobs") || girl->has_trait( "Abnormally Large Boobs"))
				ss << "You have a feeling if she wasn't so well endowed no one would show up for her show.\n";
				ss << "You stuck your head into the hall halfway through shift, and swore off the gin for the third time this week after hearing " << girlName << "'s horrible singing.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 40)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Fearless"))
				ss << "Despite the crowd's displeasure, " << girlName << " keeps herself cool and collected, apparently unaffected by their ire.\n";
				ss << "She managed to aggravate several customers with her poor taste in jokes.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 60)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Your Daughter"))
				ss << "As " << girlName << " butchers another song, you feel bitterly ashamed by your relationship to your worthless child.\n";
				ss << girlName << "'s as funny as a peasant uprising and about as appreciated by her audience.\n";
		else if (roll_b <= 80)
			if (girl->has_trait( "Aggressive"))
				ss << "When the crowd booed her, " << girlName << " responded by throwing a shoe at one of the loudest and most insulting members.\n";
				ss << "Her audience seems paralyzed, as if they couldn't believe that a human body could produce those sounds, much less call them \"singing\".\n";
			if (girl->has_trait( "Charming") || girl->has_trait( "Charismatic"))
				ss << "The poor quality of her routine was offset by her natural charisma.\n";
				ss << "For some reason, " << girlName << " attempted a dramatic monologue and feigned suicide on stage.  Needless to say, she didn't receive any tips.\n";

	//base tips, aprox 5-30% of base wages
	tips += (int)(((5 + jobperformance / 8) * wages) / 100);

	//try and add randomness here
	if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY) > 85 && g_Dice.percent(20))
		ss << "Stunned by her beauty a customer left her a great tip.\n\n";
		tips += 25;

	if (girl->has_trait( "Clumsy") && g_Dice.percent(15))
		ss << "Her clumsy nature caused her to spill a drink on a customer resulting in them storming off without paying.\n";
		wages -= 15;

	if (girl->has_trait( "Pessimist") && g_Dice.percent(5))
		if (jobperformance < 125)
			ss << "Her pessimistic mood depressed the customers making them tip less.\n";
			tips -= 10;
			ss << girlName << " was in a poor mood so the patrons gave her a bigger tip to try and cheer her up.\n";
			tips += 10;

	if (girl->has_trait( "Optimist") && g_Dice.percent(5))
		if (jobperformance < 125)
			ss << girlName << " was in a cheerful mood but the patrons thought she needed to work more on her services.\n";
			tips -= 10;
			ss << " Her optimistic mood made patrons cheer up increasing the amount they tip.\n";
			tips += 10;

	if (g_Dice.percent(5) && (girl->has_trait( "Charming") || girl->has_trait( "Charismatic")))
		if (jobperformance < 125)
			ss << "Despite her poor performance, people still applaud loudly for her.\n";
			tips -= 10;
			ss << "People love to see her perform, and " << girlName << " collects a massive tip!.\n";
			tips += 100;

	if (g_Dice.percent(5) && (girl->has_trait( "Princess") || girl->has_trait( "Queen")))
		if (jobperformance < 125)
			ss << "Her royal bitchiness combined with the poor entertainment pisses the audience off.\n";
			tips -= 15;
			ss << girlName << " owns the stage, imperious eyes flashing out across the audience.  Tips are very good tonight.\n";
			tips += 25;

	if (g_Brothels.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_DEALER, false) >= 1 && g_Dice.percent(25))
		if (jobperformance < 125)
			ss << girlName << " tried to distract the patrons but due to her lack of skills she distracted " << dealername << " causing you to lose some money.\n";
			wages -= 10;
			ss << girlName << " was able to perfectly distract some patrons while the " << dealername << " cheated to make some more money.\n";
			wages += 25;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	//enjoyed the work or not
	if (roll_a <= 5)
		ss << "\nSeveral patrons heckled her and made her shift generally unpleasant.";
		work -= 1;
	else if (roll_a <= 25)
		ss << "\nShe had a great time working.";
		work += 3;
		ss << "\nOtherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.";
		work += 1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, work);
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, msgtype);

	wages += (g_Dice % ((int)(((g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY) + g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA)) / 2)*0.5f))) + 10;
	// Money
	girl->m_Tips = max(0, tips);
	girl->m_Pay = max(0, wages);

	// Improve girl
	int xp = 10, libido = 1, skill = 2;

	if (girl->has_trait( "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (girl->has_trait( "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (girl->has_trait( "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }
	if (girl->fame() < 10 && jobperformance >= 70)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 30 && jobperformance >= 100)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 50 && jobperformance >= 145)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 70 && jobperformance >= 185)		{ fame += 1; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_FAME, fame);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONFIDENCE, g_Dice%skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_PERFORMANCE, g_Dice%skill + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

#pragma endregion
	return false;
예제 #15
void cRivalManager::Update(int& NumPlayerBussiness)
	cRival* curr = m_Rivals;
	cConfig cfg;

	if (g_Year >= 1209 && g_Month > 3) m_PlayerSafe = false;

	while (curr)
		// check if rival is killed
		if (curr->m_Gold <= 0 && curr->m_NumBrothels <= 0 && curr->m_NumGangs <= 0 &&
			curr->m_NumGirls <= 0 && curr->m_NumGamblingHalls <= 0 && curr->m_NumBars <= 0 &&
			curr->m_NumInventory <= 0)
			cRival* tmp = curr->m_Next;
			curr = tmp;

		int income = 0; int upkeep = 0; int profit = 0;
		int totalincome = 0; int totalupkeep = 0;
		int startinggold = curr->m_Gold;

		// `J` added - rival power
		// `J` reworked to reduce the rival's power
		curr->m_Power = 
			max(0, curr->m_NumBrothels * 5) +
			max(0, curr->m_NumGamblingHalls * 2) +
			max(0, curr->m_NumBars * 1);
		// check if a rival is in danger
		if (curr->m_Gold <= 0 || curr->m_NumBrothels <= 0 || curr->m_NumGirls <= 0 || curr->m_NumGamblingHalls <= 0 || curr->m_NumBars <= 0)
			// The AI is in danger so will stop extra spending
			curr->m_BribeRate = 0;
			curr->m_Influence = 0;

			// first try to sell any items
			if (curr->m_NumInventory > 0)
				for (int i = 0; i < MAXNUM_RIVAL_INVENTORY && curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep < 1000; i++)
					sInventoryItem* temp = curr->m_Inventory[i];
					if (temp)
						income += (temp->m_Cost / 2);
						RemoveRivalInvByNumber(curr, i);

			// try to buy at least one of each to make up for losses
			if (curr->m_NumBrothels <= 0 && curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep - 20000 >= 0)
				upkeep -= 20000;
			if (curr->m_NumGirls <= 0 && curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep - 550 >= 0)
				upkeep -= 550;
			if (curr->m_NumGamblingHalls <= 0 && curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep - 10000 >= 0)
				upkeep -= 10000;
			if (curr->m_NumBars <= 0 && curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep - 2500 >= 0)
				upkeep -= 2500;
			// buy more girls if there is enough money left (save at least 1000 in reserve)
			if (curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep >= 1550 && (curr->m_NumGirls < 5 || curr->m_NumGirls < curr->m_NumBrothels * 20))
				int i = 0;
				while (curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep >= 1550 && i < (g_Dice % 5) + 1)	// buy up to 5 girls if they can afford it.
					upkeep -= 550;

		// process money
		totalincome += income; totalupkeep += upkeep; curr->m_Gold += income; curr->m_Gold += upkeep; profit = totalincome + totalupkeep; 
		income = upkeep = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < curr->m_NumGirls; i++)	// from girls
			// If a rival has more girls than their brothels can handle, the rest work on the streets
			double rapechance = (i > curr->m_NumBrothels * 20 ? cfg.prostitution.rape_brothel() : cfg.prostitution.rape_streets());
			int Customers = g_Dice % 6;				// 0-5 cust per girl
			for (int i = 0; i < Customers;i++)
				if (g_Dice.percent(rapechance))
					upkeep -= 50;					// pay off the girl and the officials after killing the rapist
					income += g_Dice % 38 + 2;		// 2-40 gold per cust
		// from halls
		for (int i = 0; i < curr->m_NumGamblingHalls; i++)
			int Customers = ((g_Dice%curr->m_NumGirls) + curr->m_NumGirls / 5);
			if (g_Dice.percent(5))
				upkeep -= ((g_Dice % 101) + 200);			// Big Winner
				Customers += g_Dice % 10;					// attracts more customers
			if (g_Dice.percent(5))
				income += ((g_Dice % 601) + 400);			// Big Loser
				Customers -= g_Dice % (Customers / 5);		// scares off some customers
			// they will kick a customer out if they win too much so they can win up to 100 but only lose 50
			for (int j = 0; j < Customers; j++)
				int winloss = (g_Dice % 151 - 50);
				if (winloss > 0) income += winloss;
				else /*       */ upkeep += winloss;
		// from bars
		for (int i = 0; i < curr->m_NumBars; i++)
			int Customers = ((g_Dice%curr->m_NumGirls) + curr->m_NumGirls/5);
			if (g_Dice.percent(5))
				upkeep -= ((g_Dice % 250) + 1);				// bar fight - cost to repair
				Customers -= g_Dice % (Customers / 5);		// scare off some customers
			if (g_Dice.percent(5))
				income += ((g_Dice % 250) + 1);				// Big Spender
				Customers += g_Dice % 5;					// attracts more customers
			for (int j = 0; j < Customers; j++)
				income += (g_Dice % 9) + 1;				// customers spend 1-10 per visit

		// from businesses
		if (curr->m_BusinessesExtort > 0) income += (curr->m_BusinessesExtort * INCOME_BUSINESS);

		// Calc their upkeep
		upkeep -= curr->m_BribeRate;
		upkeep -= curr->m_NumGirls * 5;
		upkeep -= curr->m_NumBars * 20;
		upkeep -= curr->m_NumGamblingHalls * 80;
		upkeep -= (curr->m_NumBars)*((g_Dice % 50) + 30);	// upkeep for buying barrels of booze
		upkeep -= (curr->m_NumGangs * 90);

		float taxRate = 0.06f;	// normal tax rate is 6%
		if (curr->m_Influence > 0)	// can you influence it lower
			int lowerBy = curr->m_Influence / 20;
			float amount = (float)(lowerBy / 100);
			taxRate -= amount;
			if (taxRate <= 0.01f) taxRate = 0.01f;
		if (income > 0)
			int tmp = income - (g_Dice % (int)(income*0.25f));	// launder up to 25% of gold
			int tax = (int)(tmp*taxRate);
			upkeep -= tax;

		// process money
		totalincome += income; totalupkeep += upkeep; curr->m_Gold += income; curr->m_Gold += upkeep; profit = totalincome + totalupkeep; 
		income = upkeep = 0;

		// Work out gang missions
		int cGangs = curr->m_NumGangs;
		for (int i = 0; i < cGangs; i++)
			sGang* cG1 = g_Gangs.GetTempGang(curr->m_Power);	// create a random gang for this rival
			int missionid = -1;
			int tries = 0;
			while (missionid == -1 && tries < 10)	// choose a mission
				switch (g_Dice % 9)	// `J` zzzzzz - need to add checks into this
				case 0:
					missionid = MISS_EXTORTION;		// gain territory
				case 1:
					missionid = MISS_PETYTHEFT;		// small money but safer
				case 2:
					missionid = MISS_GRANDTHEFT;	// large money but difficult
				case 3:
					missionid = MISS_SABOTAGE;		// attack rivals
				case 4:
					break;	// not ready
					missionid = MISS_CAPTUREGIRL;	// take girls from rivals
				case 5:
					missionid = MISS_KIDNAPP;		// get new girls
				case 6:
					missionid = MISS_CATACOMBS;		// random but dangerous
					missionid = MISS_GUARDING;		// don't do anything but guard

			switch (missionid)
			case MISS_EXTORTION:		// gain territory
				int numB = GetNumBusinesses() + NumPlayerBussiness;
				if (numB < TOWN_NUMBUSINESSES)	// if there are uncontrolled businesses
					int n = g_Dice % 5 - 2;
					if (n > 0)					// try to take some
						if (numB + n > TOWN_NUMBUSINESSES)
							n = TOWN_NUMBUSINESSES - numB;

						curr->m_BusinessesExtort += n;
						income += n * 20;
				else			// if there are no uncontrolled businesses
					stringstream ss;
					int who = (g_Dice % (m_NumRivals + 1));				// who to attack
					if (who == m_NumRivals)								// try to attack you
						if (!player_safe() && NumPlayerBussiness > 0)	// but only if you are a valid target
							sGang* miss1 = g_Gangs.GetGangOnMission(MISS_GUARDING);
							if (miss1)									// if you have a gang guarding
								ss << gettext("Your guards encounter ") << curr->m_Name << gettext(" going after some of your territory.");

								sGang* rGang = g_Gangs.GetTempGang(curr->m_Power);
								if (g_Gangs.GangBrawl(miss1, rGang))	// if you win
									if (rGang->m_Num == 0) curr->m_NumGangs--;
									ss << gettext("\nBut you maintain control of the territory.");
									miss1->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_GANG);
								else									// if you lose
									if (miss1->m_Num == 0) g_Gangs.RemoveGang(miss1);
									ss << gettext("\nYou lose the territory.");
									g_MessageQue.AddToQue(ss.str(), COLOR_RED);
								delete rGang; rGang = 0;	// cleanup
							else										// if you do not have a gang guarding
								ss << gettext("Your rival ") << curr->m_Name << gettext(" has taken one of the undefended territories you control.");
								g_MessageQue.AddToQue(ss.str(), COLOR_RED);
					else	// attack another rival
						ss << gettext("The ") << curr->m_Name << gettext(" attacked the territories of ");
						cRival* rival = GetRival(who);
						if (rival != curr && rival->m_BusinessesExtort > 0)
							ss << rival->m_Name;
							if (rival->m_NumGangs > 0)
								sGang* rG1 = g_Gangs.GetTempGang(rival->m_Power);
								if (g_Gangs.GangBrawl(cG1, rG1, true))
									ss << gettext(" and won.");
									ss << gettext(" and lost.");
								delete rG1; rG1 = 0;	// cleanup
								ss << " and took an unguarded territory.";
							g_MessageQue.AddToQue(ss.str(), COLOR_BLUE);
			case MISS_PETYTHEFT:		// small money but safer
				if (g_Dice.percent(70))
					income += g_Dice % 400 + 1;
				else if (g_Dice.percent(10))	// they may lose the gang
			case MISS_GRANDTHEFT:		// large money but difficult
				if (g_Dice.percent(30))
					income += (g_Dice % 20 + 1) * 100;
				else if (g_Dice.percent(30))	// they may lose the gang
			case MISS_SABOTAGE:			// attack rivals
				if (g_Dice.percent(min(90, cG1->intelligence())))	// chance they find a target
					stringstream ss;
					int who = (g_Dice % (m_NumRivals + 1));
					if (who == m_NumRivals && !player_safe())	// if it is you and you are a valid target
						int num = 0;
						bool damage = false;
						sGang* miss1 = g_Gangs.GetGangOnMission(MISS_GUARDING);
						if (miss1)
							ss << gettext("Your rival the ") << curr->m_Name << gettext(" attack your assets.");

							if (!g_Gangs.GangBrawl(miss1, cG1))
								if (miss1->m_Num == 0) g_Gangs.RemoveGang(miss1);
								ss << gettext("\nYour men are defeated.");
								int num = (g_Dice % 2) + 1;
								damage = true;
								if (cG1->m_Num == 0) curr->m_NumGangs--;
								ss << gettext(" But they fail.");
								miss1->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_GANG);
							ss << gettext("You have no guards so your rival ") << curr->m_Name << gettext(" attacks.");
							if (NumPlayerBussiness > 0 || g_Gold.ival() > 0)
								num = (g_Dice % 3) + 1;
								damage = true;
						if (damage)
							if (NumPlayerBussiness > 0)
								ss << "\nThey destroy ";
								NumPlayerBussiness -= num;
								if (NumPlayerBussiness < 0)
									ss << "all";
									NumPlayerBussiness = 0;
								else if (num == 1)	ss << "one";
								else if (num == 2)	ss << "two";
								else /*         */	ss << num;
								ss << " of your territories.";
							else ss << ".";

							ss << rivals_plunder_pc_gold(curr);
							g_MessageQue.AddToQue(ss.str(), COLOR_RED);
						ss << gettext("The ") << curr->m_Name << gettext(" launched an assault on ");
						cRival* rival = GetRival(who);
						if (rival && rival != curr)
							int num = 0;
							ss << rival->m_Name;
							if (rival->m_NumGangs > 0)
								sGang* rG1 = g_Gangs.GetTempGang(rival->m_Power);
								if (g_Gangs.GangBrawl(cG1, rG1, true))
									ss << gettext(" and won.");
									num = (g_Dice % 2) + 1;
									ss << gettext(" and lost.");
								delete rG1; rG1 = 0;	// cleanup
								num = (g_Dice % 4) + 1;	// can do more damage if not fighting another gang
							if (num > 0)
								if (rival->m_BusinessesExtort > 0)
									rival->m_BusinessesExtort -= num;
									if (rival->m_BusinessesExtort < 0)
										rival->m_BusinessesExtort = 0;
								if (rival->m_Gold > 0)
									long gold = (g_Dice % 2000) + 45;	// get a random ammount
									if ((rival->m_Gold - gold) > 0)		// and if they have more than that
										rival->m_Gold -= gold;			// take it
									else								// but if not
										gold = rival->m_Gold;			// take all they have
										rival->m_Gold = 0;
									income += gold;
								int buildinghit = g_Dice.d100() - num;
								if (rival->m_NumBrothels > 0 && buildinghit < 10 + (rival->m_NumBrothels * 2))
								{		// 10% base + 2% per brothel
									ss << "\nThey destroyed one of their Brothels.";
								else if (rival->m_NumGamblingHalls > 0 && buildinghit < 30 + (rival->m_NumGamblingHalls * 2))
								{		// 20% base + 2% per hall
									ss << "\nThey destroyed one of their Gambling Halls.";
								else if (rival->m_NumBars > 0 && buildinghit < 60 + (rival->m_NumBars * 2))
								{		// 60% base + 2% per bar
									ss << "\nThey destroyed one of their Bars.";
							g_MessageQue.AddToQue(ss.str(), 0);
			case MISS_CAPTUREGIRL:		// take girls from rivals

			case MISS_KIDNAPP:			// get new girls
				if (g_Dice.percent(cG1->intelligence()))			// chance to find a girl
					bool addgirl = false;
					sGirl* girl = g_Girls.GetRandomGirl();
					g_Girls.SetStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, 100);		// make sure she is at full health
					if (girl)
						if (g_Dice.percent(cG1->m_Stats[STAT_CHARISMA]))	// convince her
							addgirl = true;
						else if (g_Brothels.FightsBack(girl))				// try to kidnap her
							if (!g_Gangs.GirlVsEnemyGang(girl, cG1)) addgirl = true;
							else if (cG1->m_Num <= 0) curr->m_NumGangs--;
						else { addgirl = true; }							// she goes willingly
					if (addgirl) curr->m_NumGirls++;
			case MISS_CATACOMBS:		// random but dangerous
				int num = cG1->m_Num;
				for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
					if (!g_Dice.percent(cG1->combat())) cG1->m_Num--;
				if (cG1->m_Num > 0)
					// determine loot
					int gold = cG1->m_Num;
					gold += g_Dice % (cG1->m_Num * 100);
					income += gold;

					int items = 0;
					while (g_Dice.percent(60) && items <= (cG1->m_Num / 3) && curr->m_NumInventory < MAXNUM_RIVAL_INVENTORY)
						bool quit = false; bool add = false;
						sInventoryItem* temp;
						do { temp = g_InvManager.GetRandomItem(); 
						} while (!temp || temp->m_Rarity < RARITYSHOP25 || temp->m_Rarity > RARITYCATACOMB01);

						switch (temp->m_Rarity)
						case RARITYSHOP25:								add = true;		break;
						case RARITYSHOP05:		if (g_Dice.percent(25))	add = true;		break;
						case RARITYCATACOMB15:	if (g_Dice.percent(15))	add = true;		break;
						case RARITYCATACOMB05:	if (g_Dice.percent(5))	add = true;		break;
						case RARITYCATACOMB01:	if (g_Dice.percent(1))	add = true;		break;
							// adding these cases to shut the compiler up
						if (add)
							AddRivalInv(curr, temp);

					int girls = 0;
					while (g_Dice.percent(40) && girls <= 4)	// up to 4 girls
			default:	break;			// No mission
			}	// end mission switch
			delete cG1; cG1 = 0;	// cleanup
		}	// end Gang Missions

		// process money
		totalincome += income; totalupkeep += upkeep; curr->m_Gold += income; curr->m_Gold += upkeep; profit = totalincome + totalupkeep; 
		income = upkeep = 0;

		bool danger = false;
		bool sellfail = false;
		// if they are loosing money and they will be bankrupt in 2 turns or less
		if (profit <= 0 && curr->m_Gold - (profit * 2) < 0)		// sell off some stuff
			danger = true;						// this will make sure AI doesn't replace them this turn
			while (curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep - (profit * 2) < 0 && !sellfail)
				// first try to sell any items
				if (curr->m_NumInventory > 0)
					for (int i = 0; i < MAXNUM_RIVAL_INVENTORY && curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep - (profit * 2) < 0; i++)
						sInventoryItem* temp = curr->m_Inventory[i];
						if (temp)
							income += (temp->m_Cost / 2);
							RemoveRivalInvByNumber(curr, i);

				// sell extra stuff - hall or bar
				if (curr->m_NumGamblingHalls > curr->m_NumBrothels)
					income += 5000;
				else if (curr->m_NumBars > curr->m_NumBrothels)
					income += 1250;
				// if they have an empty brothel, sell it
				else if (curr->m_NumBrothels > 1 && (curr->m_NumBrothels - 1) * 20 > curr->m_NumGirls + 1)
					income += 10000;
				// sell extra girls
				else if (curr->m_NumGirls > curr->m_NumBrothels * 20)
					income += g_Dice % 401 + 300;	// variable price 300-700
				// sell a hall or bar keeping at least 1 of each
				else if (curr->m_NumGamblingHalls > 1 && curr->m_NumBars <= curr->m_NumGamblingHalls)
					income += 5000;
				else if (curr->m_NumBars > 1)
					income += 1250;
				// Finally - sell a girl
				else if (curr->m_NumGirls > 1)
					income += g_Dice % 401 + 300;	// variable price 300-700
					sellfail = true;	// could not sell anything so break out of the while loop

		// process money
		totalincome += income; totalupkeep += upkeep; curr->m_Gold += income; curr->m_Gold += upkeep; profit = totalincome + totalupkeep; 
		income = upkeep = 0;

		if (!danger)
			// use or sell items
			if (curr->m_NumInventory > 0)
				for (int i = 0; i < MAXNUM_RIVAL_INVENTORY; i++)
					sInventoryItem* temp = curr->m_Inventory[i];
					if (temp && g_Dice.percent(50))
						if (g_Dice.percent(50)) income += (temp->m_Cost / 2);
						RemoveRivalInvByNumber(curr, i);

			// buy a new brothel if they have enough money
			if (curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep - 20000 > 0 && curr->m_NumGirls + 2 >= curr->m_NumBrothels * 20 && curr->m_NumBrothels < 6)
				upkeep -= 20000;
			// buy new girls
			int girlsavailable = (g_Dice % 6) + 1;
			while (curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep - 550 >= 0 && girlsavailable > 0 && curr->m_NumGirls < curr->m_NumBrothels * 20)
				upkeep -= 550;
			// hire gangs
			int gangsavailable = (max(0, (g_Dice % 5) - 2));
			while (curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep - 90 >= 0 && gangsavailable > 0 && curr->m_NumGangs < 8)
				upkeep -= 90;
			// buy a gambling hall 
			if (g_Dice.percent(30) && curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep - 10000 >= 0 && curr->m_NumGamblingHalls < curr->m_NumBrothels)
				upkeep -= 10000;
			// buy a new bar
			if (g_Dice.percent(60) && curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep - 2500 >= 0 && curr->m_NumBars < curr->m_NumBrothels)
				upkeep -= 2500;

			// buy items
			int rper[7] = { 90, 70, 50, 30, 10, 5, 1 };
			int i = 0;
			while (i < 6)
				sInventoryItem* item = g_InvManager.GetRandomItem();
				if (item && item->m_Rarity <= RARITYCATACOMB01 && g_Dice.percent(rper[item->m_Rarity])
					&& curr->m_Gold + income + upkeep > item->m_Cost)
					if (g_Dice.percent(50))
						AddRivalInv(curr, item);	// buy 50%, use 50%
					upkeep -= item->m_Cost;


		// process money
		totalincome += income; totalupkeep += upkeep; curr->m_Gold += income; curr->m_Gold += upkeep; profit = totalincome + totalupkeep; 
		income = upkeep = 0;

		// adjust their bribe rate		
		if (profit > 1000)		curr->m_BribeRate += (long)(50);	// if doing well financially then increase 
		else if (profit < 0)	curr->m_BribeRate -= (long)(50);	// if loosing money decrease
		if (curr->m_BribeRate < 0) curr->m_BribeRate = 0;			// check 0
		g_Brothels.UpdateBribeInfluence();							// update influence

		// `J` bookmark - rival money at the end of their turn
		if (cfg.debug.log_debug())
		g_LogFile.os() << "Processing Rival: " << curr->m_Name
			<< " | Starting Gold: " << startinggold
			<< " | Income: " << totalincome
			<< " | Upkeep: " << totalupkeep
			<< " | Profit: " << totalincome + totalupkeep
			<< " | Ending Gold: " << curr->m_Gold <<"\n";

		curr = curr->m_Next;
예제 #16
// `J` Job Clinic - Staff - Learning_Job
bool cJobManager::WorkIntern(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKTRAINING;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname;
	if (girl->has_trait( "AIDS"))
		ss << "Health laws prohibit anyone with AIDS from working in the Medical profession so " << girlName << " was sent to the waiting room.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		girl->m_PrevDayJob = girl->m_PrevNightJob = girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		return false;
	if (girl->m_Skills[SKILL_MEDICINE] + girl->m_Stats[STAT_INTELLIGENCE] + girl->m_Stats[STAT_CHARISMA] >= 300)
		ss << "There is nothing more she can learn here so she is promoted to ";
		if (girl->is_slave())	{ ss << "Nurse.";	girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_NURSE; }
		else /*            */	{ ss << "Doctor.";	girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_DOCTOR; }
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_GOODNEWS);
		return false;	// not refusing
	ss << girlName;
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " trains in the Medical field.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away

	int enjoy = 0;												//
	int wages = 0;												//
	int tips = 0;												//
	int train = 0;												// main skill trained
	int tmed = girl->m_Skills[SKILL_MEDICINE];					// Starting level - train = 1
	int tint = girl->m_Stats[STAT_INTELLIGENCE];				// Starting level - train = 2
	int tcha = girl->m_Stats[STAT_CHARISMA];					// Starting level - train = 3
	bool gaintrait = false;										// posibility of gaining a trait
	bool promote = false;										// posibility of getting promoted to Doctor or Nurse
	int skill = 0;												// gian for main skill trained
	int dirtyloss = brothel->m_Filthiness / 100;				// training time wasted with bad equipment
	int sgMed = 0, sgInt = 0, sgCha = 0;						// gains per skill
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100();									// roll for main skill gain
	int roll_b = g_Dice.d100();									// roll for main skill trained
	int roll_c = g_Dice.d100();									// roll for enjoyment

	/* */if (roll_a <= 5)	skill = 7;
	else if (roll_a <= 15)	skill = 6;
	else if (roll_a <= 30)	skill = 5;
	else if (roll_a <= 60)	skill = 4;
	else /*             */	skill = 3;
	/* */if (girl->has_trait( "Quick Learner"))	{ skill += 1; }
	else if (girl->has_trait( "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; }
	skill -= dirtyloss;
	ss << "The Clinic is ";
	if (dirtyloss <= 0) ss << "clean and tidy";
	if (dirtyloss == 1) ss << "dirty and the equipment has not been put back in its place";
	if (dirtyloss == 2) ss << "messy. The equipment is damaged and strewn about the building";
	if (dirtyloss == 3) ss << "filthy and some of the equipment is broken";
	if (dirtyloss >= 4) ss << "in complete disarray and the equipment barely usable";
	ss << ".\n\n";
	if (skill < 1) skill = 1;	// always at least 1

	do{		// `J` New method of selecting what job to do
		/* */if (roll_b < 40  && tmed < 100)	train = 1;	// medicine
		else if (roll_b < 70  && tint < 100)	train = 2;	// intelligence
		else if (roll_b < 100 && tcha < 100)	train = 3;	// charisma
		roll_b -= 10;
	} while (train == 0 && roll_b > 0);
	if (train == 0 || g_Dice.percent(5)) gaintrait = true;
	if (train == 0 && girl->medicine() > 70 && girl->intelligence() > 70)	promote = true;

	if (train == 1) { sgMed = skill; ss << "She learns how to work with medicine better.\n"; }	else sgMed = g_Dice % 3;
	if (train == 2) { sgInt = skill; ss << "She got smarter today.\n"; }						else sgInt = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 3) { sgCha = skill; ss << "She got more charismatic today.\n"; }				else sgCha = g_Dice % 2;

	if (sgMed + sgInt + sgCha > 0)
		ss << "She managed to gain:\n";
		if (sgMed > 0) { ss << sgMed << " Medicine.\n";		g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, sgMed); }
		if (sgInt > 0) { ss << sgInt << " Intelligence.\n";	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, sgInt); }
		if (sgCha > 0) { ss << sgCha << " Charisma.\n";		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, sgCha); }

	int trycount = 10;
	while (gaintrait && trycount > 0)	// `J` Try to add a trait
		switch (g_Dice % 10)
		case 0:
			if (girl->has_trait( "Nervous"))
				g_Girls.RemoveTrait(girl, "Nervous");
				ss << "She seems to be getting over her Nervousness with her training.";
				gaintrait = false;
		case 1:
			if (girl->has_trait( "Meek"))
				g_Girls.RemoveTrait(girl, "Meek");
				ss << "She seems to be getting over her Meakness with her training.";
				gaintrait = false;
		case 2:
			if (girl->has_trait( "Dependant"))
				g_Girls.RemoveTrait(girl, "Dependant");
				ss << "She seems to be getting over her Dependancy with her training.";
				gaintrait = false;
		case 3:
			if (!girl->has_trait( "Charismatic"))
				g_Girls.AddTrait(girl, "Charismatic");
				ss << "Dealing with patients and talking with them about their problems has made " << girlName << " more Charismatic.";
				gaintrait = false;
		case 4:
		case 5:

		case 6:


		default:	break;	// no trait gained

	//enjoyed the work or not
	/* */if (roll_c <= 10)	{ enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "Some of the patrons abused her during the shift."; }
	else if (roll_c >= 90)	{ enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She had a pleasant time working."; }
	else /*             */	{ enjoy += g_Dice % 2;		ss << "Otherwise, the shift passed uneventfully."; }
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket())) { wages = 0; }
	else { wages = 25 + (skill * 5); } // `J` Pay her more if she learns more
	girl->m_Tips = max(0, tips);
	girl->m_Pay = max(0, wages);

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 5 + skill, libido = int(1 + skill / 2);

	if (girl->has_trait( "Quick Learner"))		{ xp += 2; }
	else if (girl->has_trait( "Slow Learner"))	{ xp -= 2; }
	if (girl->has_trait( "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, (g_Dice % xp) + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	if (girl->m_Skills[SKILL_MEDICINE] + girl->m_Stats[STAT_INTELLIGENCE] + girl->m_Stats[STAT_CHARISMA] >= 300) promote = true;
	if (promote)
		ss << girlName << " has completed her Internship and has been promoted to ";
		if (girl->is_slave())	{ ss << "Nurse.";	girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_NURSE; }
		else /*            */	{ ss << "Doctor.";	girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_DOCTOR; }
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_GOODNEWS);

	return false;
예제 #17
// `J` Job Brothel - General
bool cJobManager::WorkSecurity(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKSECURITY;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))
		ss << " refused to work security in your brothel " << (Day0Night1 ? "tonight." : "today.");
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked Security in the brothel.\n\n";

	int enjoy = 0;
	int wages = 0;
	int tips = 0;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_COMBAT;

	g_Girls.EquipCombat(girl);	// ready armor and weapons!

	sGirl* stripperonduty = g_Brothels.GetRandomGirlOnJob(brothel->m_id, JOB_BARSTRIPPER, Day0Night1);
	string strippername = (stripperonduty ? "Stripper " + stripperonduty->m_Realname + "" : "the Stripper");

	sGirl* whoreonduty = g_Brothels.GetRandomGirlOnJob(brothel->m_id, JOB_WHOREBROTHEL, Day0Night1);
	string whorename = (whoreonduty ? "W***e " + whoreonduty->m_Realname + "" : "the W***e");

	double SecLev = JP_Security(girl, false);

	// Complications
	if (roll_a <= 25)
        case 2: //'Mute' Unrulely Customers rape her
            ss<< "She tried to Fight off some unruly patrons, but they turned on her and raped her.";
            int custCount=g_Dice%4+1;
		case 3:
			enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;
			double secLvlMod = SecLev / 10.0;
			ss << "She stumbled across some patrons trying to rape a female customer.\n";
			int combatMod = (girl->combat() + girl->magic() + girl->agility()) / 3;
			if (g_Dice.percent(combatMod))
				ss << "She succeeded in saving the girl from being raped."; //'Mute" TODO add posiblity of adding female customers to dungeon
				SecLev += secLvlMod;
				SecLev -= secLvlMod;
				int rapers = g_Dice % 4 + 1;
				ss << "She failed in saving her. They where both raped by " << rapers << " men.\n";
				customer_rape(girl, rapers);
            enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;
            SecLev -= SecLev / 10;
            ss << "She had to deal with some very unruly patrons that gave her a hard time.";

	else if (roll_a >= 75)
		enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		SecLev += SecLev / 10;
		ss << "She successfully handled unruly patrons.";
		enjoy += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "She had an uneventful day watching over the brothel.";
	ss << "\n\n";

	if (girl->libido() >= 70 && g_Dice.percent(20))
		int choice = g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "Her libido caused her to get distracted while watching ";
		/*might could do more with this FIXME CRAZY*/
		if (girl->has_trait( "Lesbian"))	choice = 0;
		if (girl->has_trait( "Straight"))	choice = 1;
		switch (choice)
		case 0:
			ss << (stripperonduty ? strippername : "one of the strippers") << " dance.\n";
		case 1:
			ss << (whoreonduty ? whorename : "one of the w****s") << " with a client.\n";
		SecLev -= 20;
		ss << "\n\n";


	if ((girl->libido() > 50 && g_Dice.percent(girl->libido() / 5)) || (girl->has_trait( "Nymphomaniac") && g_Dice.percent(20)))
		ss <<"\nGave some bonus service to the well behaved patrons, ";
		int l = 0;
		switch (g_Dice % 4)		// `J` just roll for the 4 sex options and flash only if sex is restricted
		case 1:	if (!brothel->m_RestrictOral)	{ l = 10;	imagetype = IMGTYPE_ORAL;	ss << "She sucked them off";	break; }
		case 2:	if (!brothel->m_RestrictTitty)	{ l = 7;	imagetype = IMGTYPE_TITTY;	ss << "She used her t**s to get them off";	break; }
		case 3:	if (!brothel->m_RestrictHand)	{ l = 6;	imagetype = IMGTYPE_HAND;	ss << "She jerked them off";	break; }
		case 4:	if (!brothel->m_RestrictFoot)	{ l = 4;	imagetype = IMGTYPE_FOOT;	ss << "She used her feet to get them off";	break; }
		default:/*                         */	{ l = 2;	imagetype = IMGTYPE_STRIP;	ss << "She flashed them";	break; }
		ss << ".\n\n";
		g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, -l, true);

	if (SecLev < 10) SecLev = 10;
	brothel->m_SecurityLevel += int(SecLev);

	ss << "\nPatrolling the building, " << girlName << " increased the security level by " << int(SecLev) << ".";
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, Day0Night1);

	// Improve girl
	int xp = 15, libido = 1, skill = 2;

	/* */if (girl->has_trait( "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 5; }
	else if (girl->has_trait( "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 5; }
	/* */if (girl->has_trait( "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	wages += 70;
	girl->m_Tips = max(0, tips);
	girl->m_Pay = max(0, wages);

	//g_Gold.staff_wages(70);  // wages come from
	// 'Mute' Updated
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);

	// Copy-pasta from WorkExploreCatacombs
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Tough", 15, actiontype, "She has become pretty Tough from all of the fights she's been in.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Adventurer", 45, actiontype, "She has been in enough tough spots to consider herself Adventurer.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Aggressive", 60, actiontype, "She is getting rather Aggressive from her enjoyment of combat.", Day0Night1);
	return false;
// `J` Job Movie Studio - Crew - Matron_Job - Full_Time_Job
bool cJobManager::WorkFilmDirector(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKMATRON;
	// DisobeyCheck is done in the building flow.
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname;
	g_Studios.m_DirectorName = girl->m_Realname;

	ss << girlName << " worked as a film director.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for studio crew

	int wages = 50;
	int tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int numgirls = brothel->m_NumGirls;

	int roll = g_Dice.d100();
	if (roll <= 10)
		enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		ss << "She did not like working in the studio today.\n\n";
	else if (roll >= 90)
		enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		ss << "She had a great time working today.\n\n";
		enjoy += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "Otherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.\n\n";
	double jobperformance = JP_FilmDirector(girl, false);
	jobperformance += enjoy * 2;

	/* */if (jobperformance > 0)	ss << "She helped improve the scene " << (int)jobperformance << "% with her Directing skills. \n";
	else if (jobperformance < 0)	ss << "She did a bad job today, she reduced the scene quality " << (int)jobperformance << "% with her poor performance. \n";
	else /*                   */	ss << "She did not really help the scene quality.\n";

	wages += int(float(100.0 + (((girl->get_skill(SKILL_SERVICE) + girl->get_stat(STAT_CHARISMA) + girl->get_stat(STAT_INTELLIGENCE) + girl->get_stat(STAT_CONFIDENCE) + girl->get_skill(SKILL_MEDICINE) + 50) / 50)*numgirls) * cfg.out_fact.matron_wages()));
	girl->m_Tips = max(0, tips);
	girl->m_Pay = max(0, wages);
	g_Studios.m_DirectorQuality += (int)jobperformance;
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, SHIFT_NIGHT);

	// Improve girl
	int xp = numgirls / 10, libido = 1, skill = 3, fame = (int)(jobperformance / 50);

	if (girl->has_trait( "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 5; }
	else if (girl->has_trait( "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 5; }
	if (girl->has_trait( "Nymphomaniac"))			libido += 2;
	if (girl->has_trait( "Lesbian"))				libido += numgirls / 20;

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, g_Dice%xp + 5);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_FAME, g_Dice%fame);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, g_Dice%skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, g_Dice%skill + 2);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, g_Dice%libido);

	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Charismatic", 30, actiontype, "She has worked as a matron long enough that she has learned to be more Charismatic.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Psychic", 90, actiontype, "She has learned to handle the girls so well that you'd almost think she was Psychic.", Day0Night1);

	return false;
예제 #19
// `J` Job Clinic - Surgery
bool cJobManager::WorkRepairShop(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_GENERAL;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for patients

	if (!g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Construct") && !g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Half-Construct"))
		ss << girlName << " has no artificial parts so she was sent to the Healing center.";
		if (Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY) girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS)	girl->m_DayJob = JOB_GETHEALING;
		if (girl->m_NightJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS)	girl->m_NightJob = JOB_GETHEALING;
		return false;	// not refusing

	int nummecs = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_MECHANIC, Day0Night1);
	int numnurse = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, Day0Night1);

	// `J` base recovery copied freetime recovery
	int health = 10 + (girl->constitution() / 10);
	int tiredness = 10 + g_Dice % 21;	// build up as positive then apply as negative
	int happy = 10 + g_Dice % 11;
	int mana = 5 + (girl->magic() / 5);
	int libido = (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac") ? 15 : 5);

	if (nummecs + numnurse < 1)
		ss << "You don't have any Mechanics or Nurses on duty so " << girlName << " just rests in a hospital bed.";
		ss << girlName << " does nothing while ";
	if (nummecs > 0)
		ss << "the Mechanic" << (nummecs > 1 ? "s" : "");
		if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Half-Construct") && girl->m_DayJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS && girl->m_NightJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS)
		{	// if fixed by Mechanic for both shifts.
			health += 20;	// Total 40 healing per day, heals less because Mechanic does not fix living tissue.
			health += 30;
	if (nummecs > 0 && numnurse > 0) { ss << " and"; }
	if (numnurse > 0)
		ss << " the Nurse" << (numnurse > 1 ? "s" : "");
		health += 10;
		tiredness += 10;
		happy += 10;
		mana += (girl->magic() / 5);
	if (nummecs + numnurse >= 4 && g_Dice.percent(50))	// lots of people making sure she is in good working order
		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONSTITUTION, 1);
	ss << (((nummecs > 1 && numnurse < 1) || numnurse > 1) ? " take" : " takes") << " care of her.";

	// Improve girl
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Lesbian"))		libido += numnurse;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "M*******t"))	libido += 1;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))	libido += 2;

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, health, false);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS, -tiredness, false);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, happy);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, mana);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);
	if (g_Dice % 10 == 0) g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, 1);	// `J` she watched what the doctors and nurses were doing

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, 1);   // Just because!

	// send her to the waiting room when she is healthy
	if (girl->health() > 90 && girl->tiredness() < 10)
		if (nummecs + numnurse < 1)	ss << "\n\nShe wanders out of the Clinic when she is feeling better.";
		else						ss << "\n\nShe has been released from the Clinic.";
		if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_GETHEALING)	girl->m_DayJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		if (girl->m_NightJob == JOB_GETHEALING)	girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS)	girl->m_DayJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		if (girl->m_NightJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS)	girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

	return false;
예제 #20
// `J` Job Farm - Staff - job_is_cleaning
bool cJobManager::WorkFarmHand(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKFARM; int actiontype2 = ACTION_WORKCLEANING;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (roll_a <= 50 && (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel) || g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype2, brothel)))
		ss << " refused to work on the farm.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked cleaning and repairing the farm.\n\n";


	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away

	double CleanAmt = ((g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE) / 10) + 5) * 10;
	CleanAmt += JP_FarmHand(girl, false);

	int enjoyC = 0, enjoyF = 0;
	double wages = 0, tips = 0;
	bool playtime = false;

	if (roll_a <= 10)
		enjoyC -= g_Dice % 3; enjoyF -= g_Dice % 3;
		CleanAmt = CleanAmt * 0.8;
		/* */if (roll_b < 30)	ss << "She spilled a bucket of something unpleasant all over herself.";
		else if (roll_b < 60)	ss << "She stepped in something unpleasant.";
		else /*            */	ss << "She did not like working on the farm today.";
	else if (roll_a >= 90)
		enjoyC += g_Dice % 3; enjoyF += g_Dice % 3;
		CleanAmt = CleanAmt * 1.1;
		/* */if (roll_b < 50)	ss << "She cleaned the building while humming a pleasant tune.";
		else /*            */	ss << "She had a great time working today.";
		enjoyC += g_Dice % 2; enjoyF += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "The shift passed uneventfully.";
	ss << "\n\n";

	// slave girls not being paid for a job that normally you would pay directly for do less work
	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()))
		CleanAmt = CleanAmt * 0.9;
		wages = 0;
		wages = int(CleanAmt); // `J` Pay her based on how much she cleaned

	// `J` if she can clean more than is needed, she has a little free time after her shift
	if (brothel->m_Filthiness < CleanAmt / 2) playtime = true;
	ss << "\n\nCleanliness rating improved by " << int(CleanAmt);
	if (playtime)	// `J` needs more variation
		ss << "\n\n" << girlName << " finished her cleaning early so she ";
		if (Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY && roll_c % 3 == 1)	// 33% chance she will watch the sunset when working day shift
			ss << "sat beneath an oak tree and watched the sunset.";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS, -((g_Dice % 5) + 2));
		else if (roll_c < 25)
			ss << "played with the baby animals a bit.";
			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_ANIMALHANDLING, (g_Dice % 2) + 1);
		else if (roll_c < 50)
			ss << "played in the dirt a bit.";
			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_FARMING, (g_Dice % 2));
			ss << "sat in a rocking chair on the farm house front porch whittling.";
			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_CRAFTING, (g_Dice % 3));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS, -(g_Dice % 3));
		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, (g_Dice % 4) + 2);

#if 0

	// `J` Farm Bookmark - adding in items that can be created in the farm


	// do all the output
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_MAID, Day0Night1);
	brothel->m_Filthiness -= int(CleanAmt);

	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Improve girl
	int xp = 5, libido = 1, skill = 3;

	if (enjoyC + enjoyF > 2)							{ xp += 1; skill += 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, (g_Dice % xp) + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	// primary (+2 for single or +1 for multiple)
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, (g_Dice % skill));
	// secondary (-1 for one then -2 for others)
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_CRAFTING, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 1));
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_FARMING, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2));
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2));

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoyF);
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype2, enjoyC);
	// Gain Traits
	if (g_Dice.percent(girl->service()))
		g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Maid", 90, actiontype2, girlName + " has cleaned enough that she could work professionally as a Maid anywhere.", Day0Night1);
	// Lose Traits
	if (g_Dice.percent(girl->service()))
		g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Clumsy", 30, actiontype2, "It took her spilling hundreds of buckets, and just as many reprimands, but " + girl->m_Realname + " has finally stopped being so Clumsy.", Day0Night1);

	return false;
예제 #21
// `J` Job Farm - Staff - Learning_Job
bool cJobManager::WorkFarmResearch(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKTRAINING;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked as a reseacher on the farm.";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away
	double wages = 20, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_PROFILE;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	int train = 0;												// main skill trained
	int tanm = girl->m_Skills[SKILL_ANIMALHANDLING];			// Starting level - train = 1
	int tfar = girl->m_Skills[SKILL_FARMING];					// Starting level - train = 2
	int tmag = girl->m_Skills[SKILL_MAGIC];						// Starting level - train = 3
	int ther = girl->m_Skills[SKILL_HERBALISM];					// Starting level - train = 4
	int tint = girl->m_Stats[STAT_INTELLIGENCE];				// Starting level - train = 5
	bool gaintrait = false;										// posibility of gaining a trait
	int skill = 0;												// gian for main skill trained
	int dirtyloss = brothel->m_Filthiness / 100;				// training time wasted with bad equipment
	int sgAnm = 0, sgFar = 0, sgMag = 0, sgHer = 0, sgInt = 0;	// gains per skill

	/* */if (roll_a <= 5)	skill = 7;
	else if (roll_a <= 15)	skill = 6;
	else if (roll_a <= 30)	skill = 5;
	else if (roll_a <= 60)	skill = 4;
	else /*             */	skill = 3;
	/* */if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))	{ skill += 1; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; }
	skill -= dirtyloss;
	ss << "The Farm Lab is ";
	if (dirtyloss <= 0) ss << "clean and tidy";
	if (dirtyloss == 1) ss << "dirty and the equipment has not been put back in its place";
	if (dirtyloss == 2) ss << "messy. The equipment is damaged and strewn about the building";
	if (dirtyloss == 3) ss << "filthy and some of the equipment is broken";
	if (dirtyloss >= 4) ss << "in complete disarray and the equipment barely usable";
	ss << ".\n\n";
	if (skill < 1) skill = 1;	// always at least 1 

	do{		// `J` New method of selecting what job to do
		/* */if (roll_b < 20  && tanm < 100)	train = 1;	// animalhandling
		else if (roll_b < 40  && tfar < 100)	train = 2;	// farming
		else if (roll_b < 60  && tmag < 100)	train = 3;	// magic
		else if (roll_b < 80  && ther < 100)	train = 4;	// herbalism
		else if (roll_b < 100 && tint < 100)	train = 5;	// intelligence
		roll_b -= 10;
	} while (train == 0 && roll_b > 0);
	if (train == 0 || g_Dice.percent(5)) gaintrait = true;

	if (train == 1) { sgAnm = skill; ss << "She researches animals.\n"; }				else sgAnm = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 2) { sgFar = skill; ss << "She researches farming techniques.\n"; }	else sgFar = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 3) { sgMag = skill; ss << "She researches magical techniques.\n"; }	else sgMag = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 4) { sgHer = skill; ss << "She researches plants and their uses.\n"; }	else sgHer = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 5) { sgInt = skill; ss << "She researches general topics.\n"; }		else sgInt = g_Dice % 2;

	if (sgAnm + sgFar + sgMag + sgHer + sgInt > 0)
		ss << "She managed to gain:\n";
		if (sgAnm > 0) { ss << sgAnm << " Animal Handling\n";	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_ANIMALHANDLING, sgAnm); }
		if (sgFar > 0) { ss << sgFar << " Farming\n";			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_FARMING, sgFar); }
		if (sgMag > 0) { ss << sgMag << " Magic\n";				g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MAGIC, sgMag); }
		if (sgHer > 0) { ss << sgHer << " Herbalism\n";			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_HERBALISM, sgHer); }
		if (sgInt > 0) { ss << sgInt << " Intelligence\n";		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, sgInt); }
	int trycount = skill;
	while (gaintrait && trycount > 0)	// `J` Try to add a trait 
		switch (g_Dice % 10)
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:
			if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Dependant"))
				g_Girls.RemoveTrait(girl, "Dependant");
				ss << "She seems to be getting over her Dependancy with her training.";
				gaintrait = false;
		case 3:
		case 4:
		case 5:

		case 6:


		default:	break;	// no trait gained
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	//enjoyed the work or not
	/* */if (roll_c <= 10)	{ enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She did not enjoy her time training."; }
	else if (roll_c >= 90)	{ enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She had a pleasant time training."; }
	else /*             */	{ enjoy += g_Dice % 2;		ss << "Otherwise, the shift passed uneventfully."; }
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Create Items				//

	// `J` Farm Bookmark - adding in items that can be created in the farm
	if (girl->intelligence() + girl->crafting() > 100 && g_Dice.percent(girl->intelligence() + girl->crafting() / 10))	// 10-20%
		sInventoryItem* item = NULL;
		string itemname = "";
		int tries = skill;
		while (itemname == "" && tries > 0)
			switch (g_Dice % 20)
				/*	For each item available, the girl making it must have:
				*	If an item gives less than 40 skill points, the girl must have 40 more than the amount given in that skill
				*	If it gives more than 40 points, there will need to be some magic included.
				*	If there are multiple skills, add 40 to each bonus and if skills (a+b+c) > bonus total
				*	Stats will need more variation in how high they are needed because it is less knowledge than conditioning
				*	Most traits will require some magic
				*	There also should be a g_Dice.percent() with the main Skills averaged and divided by 10
				*		If there are 3 skills, then g_Dice.percent((a+b+c)/30)
			case 0:
				if (girl->farming() > 50 && girl->animalhandling() > 50
					&& g_Dice.percent(girl->farming() + girl->animalhandling() / 20))
					itemname = "Farmer's Guide";		// +10 Farming, +10 AnimalHandling
			case 1:
				if (girl->constitution() > 60 && g_Dice.percent(girl->constitution() / 10))
					itemname = "Manual of Health";		// (+15 Beast/Group, +10 Cons/Str, +5 BDSM/Comb)
			case 2:
				if (girl->magic() > 60 && g_Dice.percent(girl->magic() / 10))
					itemname = "Manual of Magic";		// +20 magic
			case 3:
				if (girl->magic() > 80 && g_Dice.percent(girl->magic() / 10))
					itemname = "Codex of the Arcane";	// +40 magic
			case 4:
				if (girl->lesbian() > 40 && g_Dice.percent(girl->lesbian() / 10))
					itemname = "Manual of Two Roses";	// +20 Lesbian
			case 5:
				if (girl->lesbian() > 80 && g_Dice.percent(girl->lesbian() / 10))
					itemname = "Codex of Sappho";		// +40 Lesbian
			case 6:
				if (girl->bdsm() > 60 && g_Dice.percent(girl->bdsm() / 10))
					itemname = "Manual of Bondage";		// (+20 BDSM, +5 Cons)
			case 7:
				if (girl->combat() > 60 && g_Dice.percent(girl->combat() / 10))
					itemname = "Manual of Arms";		// (+20 Com)
			case 8:
				if (girl->performance() + girl->strip() > 100 && g_Dice.percent((girl->performance() + girl->strip()) / 20))
					itemname = "Manual of the Dancer";	// (+15 Serv/Strip/Perf, +5 Norm/Agi)
			case 9:
				if (girl->normalsex() + girl->oralsex() + girl->anal() > 150 && g_Dice.percent((girl->normalsex() + girl->oralsex() + girl->anal()) / 30))
					itemname = "Manual of Sex";			// (+15 Norm, +10 Oral, +5 Anal)
			case 10:
				if (girl->magic() < 80 && girl->mana() < 20) break;
				int manacost = 60;
				/* */if (girl->has_trait("Sterile"))		manacost = 80;
				else if (girl->has_trait("Fertile"))		manacost = 40;
				else if (girl->has_trait("Broodmother"))	manacost = 20;
				if (girl->mana() >= manacost && g_Dice.percent(girl->magic() - manacost))
					itemname = "Fertility Tome";				// (-Sterile, +Fertile, +50 Normal Sex, +100 Libido)
			case 11:
				// Noble, Princess and Queen needs 40, everyone else needs 60 to make this
				if (girl->has_trait("Noble") || girl->has_trait("Princess") || girl->has_trait("Queen"))
					if (girl->refinement() < 40 || girl->service() < 40 || girl->intelligence() < 40)		break;
				else if (girl->refinement() < 60 && girl->service() < 60 && girl->intelligence() < 60)		break;
				// she can make it, now does she?
				if (g_Dice.percent((girl->refinement() + girl->service() + girl->intelligence()) / 30))
					itemname = "Codex of the Courtesan";		// (+20 Serv/Strip/Refin, +10 Mor/Dig/Cha/Int/Lib/Conf/Oral)
			case 12:
				int manacost = 70;
				// Dominatrix, M*******t and Sadistic needs 50, everyone else needs 70 to make this
				if (girl->has_trait("Dominatrix") || girl->has_trait("M*******t") || girl->has_trait("Sadistic"))
					if (girl->bdsm() < 50 || girl->magic() < 50 || girl->mana() < 50)		break;
					manacost = 50;
				else if (girl->bdsm() < 70 && girl->magic() < 70 && girl->mana() < 70)		break;
				// she can make it, now does she?
				if (g_Dice.percent((girl->bdsm() + girl->magic()) / 20))
					itemname = "Codex of Submission";		// (+30 Obed, -30 Spi/Dig, +20 BDSM, +10 Anal/Group/Oral/Hand/Foot)
			case 13:
				if (girl->combat() > 80 && g_Dice.percent(girl->combat() / 10))
					itemname = "Codex of Mars";			// (+40 Com, Adds Brawler)
			case 14:
				if (girl->normalsex() + girl->oralsex() + girl->anal() > 170 && g_Dice.percent((girl->normalsex() + girl->oralsex() + girl->anal()) / 30))
					itemname = "Codex of Eros";			// (+30 Norm, +10 Anal/Oral)
			case 15:
				if (girl->medicine() + girl->intelligence() > 110 && g_Dice.percent((girl->medicine() + girl->intelligence()) / 20))
					itemname = "Codex of Asclepius";	// (+20 Med, +10 Int)
			case 16:

			case 17:

			case 18:


		item = g_InvManager.GetItem(itemname);
		if (item)
			ss << girlName << " managed to create a " << itemname << " by compiling her notes together.\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket())) { wages = 0; }
	else { wages = 25 + (skill * 5); } // `J` Pay her more if she learns more

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 5 + skill, libido = int(1 + skill / 2);

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ xp += 2; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ xp -= 2; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, (g_Dice % xp) + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

#pragma endregion
	return false;
예제 #22
// `J` Job House - General - job_is_cleaning
bool cJobManager::WorkCleanHouse(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKCLEANING;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100();
	if (roll_a <= 50 && g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))
		ss << " refused to clean your house.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked cleaning your house.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away

	double CleanAmt = JP_CleanHouse(girl, false);
	int enjoy = 0;
	int wages = 0;
	int tips = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_MAID;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;
	bool playtime = false;

	if (roll_a <= 10)
		enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		CleanAmt *= 0.8;
		if (roll_b < 50)	ss << "She spilled a bucket of something unpleasant all over herself.";
		else				ss << "She did not like cleaning your house today.";
	else if (roll_a >= 90)
		enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		CleanAmt *= 1.1;
		if (roll_b < 50)	ss << "She cleaned the building while humming a pleasant tune.";
		else				ss << "She had a great time working today.";
		enjoy += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "The shift passed uneventfully.";
	ss << "\n\n";

	// slave girls not being paid for a job that normally you would pay directly for do less work
	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()))
		CleanAmt *= 0.9;
		wages = 0;
		wages = min(30, int(30 + (CleanAmt / 10))); // `J` Pay her based on how much she cleaned

	// `J` if she can clean more than is needed, she has a little free time after her shift
	if (brothel->m_Filthiness < CleanAmt / 2) playtime = true;
	ss << "\n\nCleanliness rating improved by " << (int)CleanAmt;
	if (playtime)	// `J` needs more variation
		ss << "\n\n" << girlName << " finished her cleaning early so she just sat around the house.";
		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS, -((g_Dice % 5) + 2));
		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, (g_Dice % 5) + 2);

	// do all the output
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_MAID, Day0Night1);
	brothel->m_Filthiness -= (int)CleanAmt;
	// Money
	girl->m_Tips = max(0, tips);
	girl->m_Pay = max(0, wages);

	// Improve girl
	int xp = 5, libido = 1, skill = 3;
	if (enjoy > 1)										{ xp += 1; skill += 1; }
	if (girl->has_trait( "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (girl->has_trait( "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (girl->has_trait( "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, (g_Dice % xp) + 2);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, (g_Dice % skill) + 2);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONSTITUTION, (g_Dice % skill));
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);
	// Gain Traits
	if (g_Dice.percent(girl->service()))
		g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Maid", 70, actiontype, girlName + " has cleaned enough that she could work professionally as a Maid anywhere.", Day0Night1);
	// Lose Traits
	if (g_Dice.percent(girl->service()))
		g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Clumsy", 30, actiontype, "It took her spilling hundreds of buckets, and just as many reprimands, but " + girl->m_Realname + " has finally stopped being so Clumsy.", Day0Night1);

	return false;
// `J` Job Arena - Fighting
bool cJobManager::WorkFightArenaGirls(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_COMBAT;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " was assigned to fight other girls in the arena.\n\n";

	int wages = 0, fight_outcome = 0, enjoyment = 0, fame = 0, imagetype = IMGTYPE_COMBAT;

	double jobperformance = JP_FightArenaGirls(girl, false);

	g_Girls.EquipCombat(girl);		// ready armor and weapons!

	sGirl* tempgirl = g_Girls.CreateRandomGirl(18, false, false, false, false, false, true);
	if (tempgirl) fight_outcome = g_Girls.girl_fights_girl(girl, tempgirl);
	else fight_outcome = 7;			// `J` reworked incase there are no Non-Human Random Girls
	if (fight_outcome == 7)
		g_LogFile.write("Error: You have no Arena Girls for your girls to fight\n");
		g_LogFile.write("Error: You need an Arena Girl to allow WorkFightArenaGirls randomness");
		ss << "There were no Arena Girls for her to fight.\n\n(Error: You need an Arena Girl to allow WorkFightArenaGirls randomness)";
		imagetype = IMGTYPE_PROFILE;
	else if (fight_outcome == 1)	// she won
		enjoyment = g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		fame = g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		sGirl* ugirl = 0;
		if (g_Dice.percent(10))		// chance of getting unique girl
			ugirl = g_Girls.GetRandomGirl(false, false, true);
		if (ugirl)
			stringstream msg;	// goes to the girl and the g_MessageQue
			stringstream Umsg;	// goes to the new girl
			stringstream Tmsg;	// temp msg
			ugirl->m_Stats[STAT_HEALTH] = g_Dice % 50 + 1;
			ugirl->m_Stats[STAT_HAPPINESS] = g_Dice % 80 + 1;
			ugirl->m_Stats[STAT_TIREDNESS] = g_Dice % 50 + 50;
			ugirl->m_States |= (1 << STATUS_ARENA);
			msg << girlName << " won her fight against " << ugirl->m_Realname << ".\n\n";
			Umsg << ugirl->m_Realname << " lost her fight against your girl " << girlName << ".\n\n";
			Tmsg << ugirl->m_Realname;
			if (g_Dice.percent(50))
				ugirl->m_States |= (1 << STATUS_SLAVE);
				Tmsg << "'s owner could not afford to pay you your winnings so he gave her to you instead.\n\n";
				Tmsg << " put up a good fight so you let her live as long as she came work for you.\n\n";
				wages = 100 + g_Dice % (girl->fame() + girl->charisma());
			msg << Tmsg.str();
			Umsg << Tmsg.str();
			ss << msg.str();
			g_MessageQue.AddToQue(msg.str(), 0);
			ugirl->m_Events.AddMessage(Umsg.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_DUNGEON);

			g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->AddGirl(ugirl, DUNGEON_NEWARENA);
			ss << girlName << " won her fight.";
			wages = 100 + g_Dice % (girl->fame() + girl->charisma());
	else if (fight_outcome == 2) // she lost
		enjoyment = -(g_Dice % 3 + 1);
		fame = -(g_Dice % 3 + 1);
		ss << "She lost the fight.";
		int cost = 150;
		ss << " You had to pay " << cost << " gold cause your girl lost.";
		/*that should work but now need to make if you lose the girl if you dont have the gold zzzzz FIXME*/
	else if (fight_outcome == 0)  // it was a draw
		enjoyment = g_Dice % 3 - 2;
		fame = g_Dice % 3 - 2;
		ss << "The fight ended in a draw.";

	if (girl->is_pregnant())
		if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH) >= 60)
			ss << "\n\nAll that fighting proved to be quite exhausting for a pregnant girl, even for one as strong as " << girlName << " .\n";
			ss << "\n\nAll that fighting proved to be quite exhausting for a pregnant girl like " << girlName << " .\n";
		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS, 10 - g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH) / 20 );

	if (tempgirl) delete tempgirl; tempgirl = 0;	// Cleanup

	// Improve girl
	int fightxp = (fight_outcome == 1) ? 3 : 1;
	int xp = 5 * fightxp, libido = 5, skill = 1;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 5; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()))
		wages = 0;

	girl->m_Pay = wages;
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_FAME, fame);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_COMBAT, g_Dice%fightxp + skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MAGIC, g_Dice%fightxp + skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_AGILITY, g_Dice%fightxp + skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONSTITUTION, g_Dice%fightxp + skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoyment);

	/* `J` this will be a place holder until a better payment system gets done
	int earned = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < jobperformance; i++)
		earned += g_Dice % 10 + 5; // 5-15 gold per customer  This may need tweaked to get it where it should be for the pay
	ss << girlName << " drew in " << jobperformance << " people to watch her and you earned " << earned << " from it.";
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

	//gain traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Tough", 65, actiontype, "She has become pretty Tough from all of the fights she's been in.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Fleet of Foot", 55, actiontype, "She is getting rather fast from all the fighting.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Aggressive", 70, actiontype, "She is getting rather Aggressive from her enjoyment of combat.", Day0Night1);
	if (g_Dice.percent(25) && g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH) >= 65 && g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_COMBAT) > g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_MAGIC))
		g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Strong", 60, ACTION_COMBAT, girlName + " has become pretty Strong from all of the fights she's been in.", Day0Night1);
	if (g_Dice.percent(25) && g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_COMBAT) >= 60 && g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_COMBAT) > g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_MAGIC))
		g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Brawler", 60, ACTION_COMBAT, girlName + " has become pretty good at fighting.", Day0Night1);
	//lose traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Fragile", 35, actiontype, girlName + " has had to heal from so many injuries you can't say she is fragile anymore.", Day0Night1);
	return false;
예제 #24
// `J` Job Movie Studio - Crew - job_is_cleaning
bool cJobManager::WorkFilmStagehand(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKMOVIE;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;

	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (roll_a <= 50 && (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, ACTION_WORKMOVIE, brothel) || g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, ACTION_WORKCLEANING, brothel)))
		ss << " refused to work as a stagehand today.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked as a stagehand.\n\n";

	cConfig cfg;
	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for studio crew

	int wages = 50;
	int enjoyc = 0, enjoym = 0;
	bool filming = true;
	bool playtime = false;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_PROFILE;

	// `J` - jobperformance and CleanAmt need to be worked out specially for this job.
	int jobperformance = 0;
	int CleanAmt = ((g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE) / 10) + 5) * 5;

	if (g_Studios.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_CAMERAMAGE, SHIFT_NIGHT) == 0 ||
		g_Studios.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_CRYSTALPURIFIER, SHIFT_NIGHT) == 0 ||
		g_Studios.Num_Actress(0) < 1)
		ss << "There were no scenes being filmed, so she just cleaned the set.\n\n";
		filming = false;
		CleanAmt *= 2;
		imagetype = IMGTYPE_MAID;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Director"))					{ CleanAmt -= 10;	jobperformance += 15; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Actress"))					{ CleanAmt += 0;	jobperformance += 10; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "P**n Star"))				{ CleanAmt += 0;	jobperformance += 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Flight"))					{ CleanAmt += 20;	jobperformance += 10; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Maid"))						{ CleanAmt += 20;	jobperformance += 2; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Powerful Magic"))			{ CleanAmt += 10;	jobperformance += 10; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Strong Magic"))				{ CleanAmt += 5;	jobperformance += 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Handyman"))					{ CleanAmt += 5;	jobperformance += 10; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Waitress"))					{ CleanAmt += 5;	jobperformance += 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Agile"))					{ CleanAmt += 5;	jobperformance += 10; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Fleet of Foot"))			{ CleanAmt += 2;	jobperformance += 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Strong"))					{ CleanAmt += 5;	jobperformance += 10; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Assassin"))					{ CleanAmt += 1;	jobperformance += 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Psychic"))					{ CleanAmt += 2;	jobperformance += 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Manly"))					{ CleanAmt += 1;	jobperformance += 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Tomboy"))					{ CleanAmt += 2;	jobperformance += 2; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Optimist"))					{ CleanAmt += 1;	jobperformance += 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Sharp-Eyed"))				{ CleanAmt += 1;	jobperformance += 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Giant"))					{ CleanAmt += 2;	jobperformance += 2; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Prehensile Tail"))			{ CleanAmt += 3;	jobperformance += 3; }

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Blind"))					{ CleanAmt -= 20;	jobperformance -= 20; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Queen"))					{ CleanAmt -= 20;	jobperformance -= 10; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Princess"))					{ CleanAmt -= 10;	jobperformance -= 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Mind F****d"))				{ CleanAmt -= 10;	jobperformance -= 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Bimbo"))					{ CleanAmt -= 5;	jobperformance -= 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Retarded"))					{ CleanAmt -= 5;	jobperformance -= 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Smoker"))					{ CleanAmt -= 1;	jobperformance -= 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Clumsy"))					{ CleanAmt -= 5;	jobperformance -= 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Delicate"))					{ CleanAmt -= 1;	jobperformance -= 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Elegant"))					{ CleanAmt -= 5;	jobperformance -= 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Malformed"))				{ CleanAmt -= 1;	jobperformance -= 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Massive Melons"))			{ CleanAmt -= 1;	jobperformance -= 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Abnormally Large Boobs"))	{ CleanAmt -= 3;	jobperformance -= 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Titanic T**s"))				{ CleanAmt -= 5;	jobperformance -= 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Broken Will"))				{ CleanAmt -= 5;	jobperformance -= 10; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Pessimist"))				{ CleanAmt -= 1;	jobperformance -= 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Meek"))						{ CleanAmt -= 2;	jobperformance -= 2; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nervous"))					{ CleanAmt -= 2;	jobperformance -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Dependant"))				{ CleanAmt -= 5;	jobperformance -= 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Bad Eyesight"))				{ CleanAmt -= 5;	jobperformance -= 5; }

	if (roll_a <= 10)
		enjoyc -= g_Dice % 3 + 1; if (filming) enjoym -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		CleanAmt = int(CleanAmt * 0.8);
		ss << "She did not like working in the studio today.";
	else if (roll_a >= 90)
		enjoyc += g_Dice % 3 + 1; if (filming) enjoym += g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		CleanAmt = int(CleanAmt * 1.1);
		ss << "She had a great time working today.";
		enjoyc += max(0, g_Dice % 3 - 1); if (filming) enjoym += max(0, g_Dice % 3 - 1);
		ss << "Otherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.";
	jobperformance += enjoyc + enjoym;
	ss << "\n\n";

	if (filming)
		jobperformance += (((girl->spirit() - 50) / 10) + ((girl->intelligence() - 50) / 10) + (girl->service() / 10)) / 3;
		jobperformance += g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_LEVEL);
		jobperformance += g_Dice % 4 - 1;	// should add a -1 to +3 random element --PP

		if (jobperformance > 0)
			jobperformance = max(1, jobperformance / 10);
			ss << "She helped improve the scene " << (int)jobperformance << "% with her production skills.";
		else if (jobperformance < 0)
			jobperformance = min(-1, jobperformance / 10);
			ss << "She did a bad job today, reduceing the scene quality " << (int)jobperformance << "% with her poor performance.";
		else ss << "She did not really help the scene quality.";
		ss << "\n\n";

	// slave girls not being paid for a job that normally you would pay directly for do less work
	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()))
		CleanAmt = int(CleanAmt * 0.9);
		wages = 0;
	else if (filming)
		wages += CleanAmt + jobperformance;
		wages += CleanAmt;

	ss << gettext("Cleanliness rating improved by ") << CleanAmt;

	if (!filming && brothel->m_Filthiness < CleanAmt / 2) // `J` needs more variation
		ss << "\n\n" << girlName << " finished her cleaning early so she hung out around the Studio a bit.";
		g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, g_Dice % 3 + 1);
		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice % 3 + 1);

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, SHIFT_NIGHT);
	if (filming) g_Studios.m_StagehandQuality += jobperformance;
	brothel->m_Filthiness -= CleanAmt;
	girl->m_Pay = wages;

	// Improve girl
	int xp = filming ? 10 : 5, skill = 3, libido = 1;
	if (enjoyc + enjoym > 2)							{ xp += 1; skill += 1; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, (g_Dice % skill) + 2);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	if (filming) g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, ACTION_WORKMOVIE, enjoym);
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, ACTION_WORKCLEANING, enjoyc);
	//lose traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Clumsy", 30, ACTION_WORKCLEANING, "It took her spilling hundreds of buckets, and just as many reprimands, but " + girl->m_Realname + " has finally stopped being so Clumsy.", Day0Night1);

	return false;
예제 #25
// `J` Job Arena - Fighting - Learning_Job - Combat_Job
bool cJobManager::WorkCombatTraining(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_COMBAT, actiontype2 = ACTION_WORKTRAINING;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	if (girl->m_Skills[SKILL_COMBAT] + girl->m_Skills[SKILL_MAGIC] + girl->m_Stats[STAT_AGILITY] +
		girl->m_Stats[STAT_CONSTITUTION] + girl->m_Stats[STAT_STRENGTH] >= 500)
		ss << "There is nothing more she can learn here so she takes the rest of the day off.";
		girl->m_NightJob = girl->m_DayJob = JOB_ARENAREST;
		return false;	// not refusing
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " trains for combat.\n\n";

	g_Girls.EquipCombat(girl);	// Ready for combat training
	int enjoy = 0;												// 
	int wages = 0;												// 
	int train = 0;												// main skill trained
	int tcom = girl->m_Skills[SKILL_COMBAT];					// Starting level - train = 1
	int tmag = girl->m_Skills[SKILL_MAGIC];						// Starting level - train = 2
	int tagi = girl->m_Stats[STAT_AGILITY];						// Starting level - train = 3
	int tcon = girl->m_Stats[STAT_CONSTITUTION];				// Starting level - train = 4
	int tstr = girl->m_Stats[STAT_STRENGTH];					// Starting level - train = 5
	bool gaintrait = false;										// posibility of gaining a trait
	int skill = 0;												// gian for main skill trained
	int dirtyloss = brothel->m_Filthiness / 100;				// training time wasted with bad equipment
	int sgCmb = 0, sgMag = 0, sgAgi = 0, sgCns = 0, sgStr = 0;	// gains per skill
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100();									// roll for main skill gain
	int roll_b = g_Dice.d100();									// roll for main skill trained
	int roll_c = g_Dice.d100();									// roll for enjoyment

	/* */if (roll_a <= 5)	skill = 7;
	else if (roll_a <= 15)	skill = 6;
	else if (roll_a <= 30)	skill = 5;
	else if (roll_a <= 60)	skill = 4;
	else /*             */	skill = 3;
	/* */if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))	{ skill += 1; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; }
	skill -= dirtyloss;
	ss << "The Arena is ";
	if (dirtyloss <= 0) ss << "clean and tidy";
	if (dirtyloss == 1) ss << "dirty and the equipment has not been put back in its place";
	if (dirtyloss == 2) ss << "messy. The equipment is damaged and strewn about the building";
	if (dirtyloss == 3) ss << "filthy and some of the equipment is broken";
	if (dirtyloss >= 4) ss << "in complete disarray and the equipment barely usable";
	ss << ".\n\n";
	if (skill < 1) skill = 1;	// always at least 1 

	do{		// `J` New method of selecting what job to do
		/* */if (roll_b < 20  && tcom < 100)	train = 1;	// combat
		else if (roll_b < 40  && tmag < 100)	train = 2;	// magic
		else if (roll_b < 60  && tagi < 100)	train = 3;	// agility
		else if (roll_b < 80  && tcon < 100)	train = 4;	// constitution
		else if (roll_b < 100 && tstr < 100)	train = 5;	// strength
		roll_b -= 10;
	} while (train == 0 && roll_b > 0);
	if (train == 0 || g_Dice.percent(5)) gaintrait = true;

	if (train == 1) { sgCmb = skill; ss << "She trains in general combat techniques.\n"; }	else sgCmb = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 2) { sgMag = skill; ss << "She trains to control her magic.\n"; }			else sgMag = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 3) { sgAgi = skill; ss << "She trains her agility.\n"; }					else sgAgi = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 4) { sgCns = skill; ss << "She works on her constitution.\n"; }			else sgCns = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 5) { sgStr = skill; ss << "She lifts weights to get stronger.\n"; }		else sgStr = g_Dice % 2;

	if (sgCmb + sgMag + sgAgi + sgCns + sgStr > 0)
		ss << "She managed to gain:\n";
		if (sgCmb > 0) { ss << sgCmb << " Combat\n";		g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_COMBAT, sgCmb); }
		if (sgMag > 0) { ss << sgMag << " Magic\n";			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MAGIC, sgMag); }
		if (sgAgi > 0) { ss << sgAgi << " Agility\n";		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_AGILITY, sgAgi); }
		if (sgCns > 0) { ss << sgCns << " Constitution\n";	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONSTITUTION, sgCns); }
		if (sgStr > 0) { ss << sgStr << " Strength\n";		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH, sgStr); }

	int trycount = 20;
	while (gaintrait && trycount > 0)	// `J` Try to add a trait 
		switch (g_Dice % 10)
		case 0:
			if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Fragile"))
				g_Girls.RemoveTrait(girl, "Fragile");
				ss << "She has had to heal from so many injuries you can't say she is fragile anymore.";
				gaintrait = false;
			else if (!g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Tough"))
				g_Girls.AddTrait(girl, "Tough");
				ss << "She has become pretty Tough from her training.";
				gaintrait = false;
		case 1:
			if (!g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Adventurer"))
				g_Girls.AddTrait(girl, "Adventurer");
				ss << "She has been in enough tough spots to consider herself an Adventurer.";
				gaintrait = false;
		case 2:
			if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nervous") || g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Meek") || g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Dependant"))
				if (g_Dice.percent(50) && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nervous"))
					g_Girls.RemoveTrait(girl, "Nervous");
					ss << "She seems to be getting over her Nervousness with her training.";
					gaintrait = false;
				else if (g_Dice.percent(50) && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Meek"))
					g_Girls.RemoveTrait(girl, "Meek");
					ss << "She seems to be getting over her Meakness with her training.";
					gaintrait = false;
				else if (g_Dice.percent(50) && g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Dependant"))
					g_Girls.RemoveTrait(girl, "Dependant");
					ss << "She seems to be getting over her Dependancy with her training.";
					gaintrait = false;
				if (g_Dice.percent(50) && !g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Aggressive"))
					g_Girls.AddTrait(girl, "Aggressive");
					ss << "She is getting rather Aggressive from her enjoyment of combat.";
					gaintrait = false;
				else if (g_Dice.percent(50) && !g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Fearless"))
					g_Girls.AddTrait(girl, "Fearless");
					ss << "She is getting rather Fearless from her enjoyment of combat.";
					gaintrait = false;
				else if (g_Dice.percent(50) && !g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Audacity"))
					g_Girls.AddTrait(girl, "Audacity");
					ss << "She is getting rather Audacious from her enjoyment of combat.";
					gaintrait = false;
		case 3:
			if (!g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Strong"))
				g_Girls.AddTrait(girl, "Strong");
				ss << "She is getting rather Strong from handling heavy weapons and armor.";
				gaintrait = false;
		case 4:
		case 5:

		case 6:


		default:	break;	// no trait gained


		Small Scars
		Cool Scars
		Horrific Scars
		Fleet of Foot

		Missing Nipple

		Weak Magic
		Strong Magic
		Powerful Magic

		Broken Will
		Iron Will

		Eye Patch
		One Eye

		Missing Teeth

		No Arms
		One Arm
		No Hands
		One Hand
		Missing Finger
		Missing Fingers

		No Feet
		No Legs
		One Foot
		One Leg
		Missing Toe
		Missing Toes

		Great Figure


	//enjoyed the work or not
	/* */if (roll_c <= 10)	{ enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She did not enjoy her time training."; }
	else if (roll_c >= 90)	{ enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She had a pleasant time training."; }
	else /*             */	{ enjoy += g_Dice % 2;		ss << "Otherwise, the shift passed uneventfully."; }
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype2, enjoy);

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_COMBAT, Day0Night1);
	brothel->m_Filthiness += 2;	// fighting is dirty
	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket())) { wages = 0; }
	else { wages = 25 + (skill * 5); } // `J` Pay her more if she learns more
	girl->m_Pay = wages;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 5 + skill, libido = int(1 + skill / 2);

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ xp += 2; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ xp -= 2; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, (g_Dice % xp) + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	return false;
예제 #26
// `J` Job Brothel - Sleazy Bar
bool cJobManager::WorkBarWhore(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_SEX;
	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!

	*	WD:	Modified to fix customer service problems.. I hope :)
	*	Change logic as original code is based on linked list of customers
	*	not random generation for each call to GetCustomer()
	*	Pricing issues seem to be resolved with getting lots of money
	*	from customer that cant pay
	*	The numbers I have added need to be tested
	*	Limit number customers a girl can f**k to 10 max
	*	Limit the number of customers a girl can see if they will
	*	f**k her from 5 to Max Customers * 2
	*	Redid the code for deadbeat customers
	*	% Chance of customers without any money getting service is
	*  percent(50 - INTELLIGENCE) / 5) where  20 < INTELLIGENCE < 100
	*	If caught will set deadbeat flag
	*	GetCustomer() is generating a lot of poor customers changed
	*	code to add pay to customers funds instead of generating
	*	New customer.
	*	% Chance of customer refusing to pay despite having funds is
	*	percent((40 - HAPPINESS) / 2) && percent(CONFIDENCE - 25)
	*	If caught by guards they will pay
	*	Only decrement filthiness when service is performed in brothel
	*	Street Work will not decrement number customers
	*  Street work will only service 66% number of customers
	*	Street Work will only generate 66% of brothel income
	*	Street Work Really needs its own NumCustomers() counter
	*	Rival gangs can damage girls doing Street Work
	*  % Chance of destroying rival gang is depended on best of
	*	Changed message for rival gangs attacking street girls to give
	*	GROUP sex code caculations now consolidated to one place
	*  Fixed end of shift messages
	*	Fame only to be done in GirlFucks()
	*	Now Base Customer HAPPINESS = 60, code conslidated from 2 places in file

	stringstream fuckMessage;
	string message = "";
	string girlName = girl->m_Realname;
	int iNum = 0;
	int iOriginal = 0;
	int	AskPrice = g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_ASKPRICE);
	int pay = 0;
	int tip = 0;
	int LoopCount;
	bool group = false;		// Group sex flag
	bool bCustCanPay;		// Customer has enough money to pay 
	bool acceptsGirl;		// Customer will sleep girl
	int oralcount = 0;		// how much oral she gave for use with AdjustTraitGroupGagReflex

	u_int SexType = 0;
	u_int job = (Day0Night1 ? girl->m_NightJob : girl->m_DayJob);
	stringstream ss;

	// work out how many customers the girl can service

	// Changed the number of custmers stats add.. reasone was that old value, 
	// it was only adding 1 customer per stat, unless stat was 100 for beauty and Charisma. Fame would add a max of 3. and only if was = 10
	// there would be NO point in doing this, if it defaults to NumCusts++ since it is basically the same effect.	-PP

	// Max number on customers the girl can f**k
	int b = g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY), c = g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA), f = g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_FAME);
	int NumCusts = min(8, 2 + ((b + c + f +1) / 50));

	int NumSleptWith = 0;		// Total num customers she f***s this session

	// WD: Set the limits on the Number of customers a girl can try and f**k
	LoopCount = max(NumCusts * 2, 5);

	// WD: limit to number of customers left
	if (LoopCount > g_Customers.GetNumCustomers())
		LoopCount = g_Customers.GetNumCustomers();

	for (int i = 0; i < LoopCount; i++)	// Go through all customers
		// WD:	Move exit test to top of loop
		// if she has already slept with the max she can attact then stop processing her f*****g routine
		if (NumSleptWith >= NumCusts) break;
		// Stop if she has worked the bare minimum and tiredness is high enough to get a warning, pushing too hard is bad for the business too
		if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS > 80) && NumSleptWith >= 2) break;
		// WD:	Init Loop variables
		pay = AskPrice;
		SexType = 0;
		group = false;
		acceptsGirl = false;
		// WD:	Create Customer
		sCustomer* Cust = new sCustomer;
		g_Customers.GetCustomer(Cust, brothel);

		// `J` check for disease
		if (g_Girls.detect_disease_in_customer(brothel, girl, Cust)) continue;

		// filter out unwanted sex types (unless it is street work)
		if (!is_sex_type_allowed(Cust->m_SexPref, brothel) && !is_sex_type_allowed(Cust->m_SexPrefB, brothel))
			continue;	// `J` if both their sexprefs are banned then they leave
		else if (!is_sex_type_allowed(Cust->m_SexPref, brothel)) // it their first sexpref is banned then switch to the second
			SexType = Cust->m_SexPref = Cust->m_SexPrefB;
			Cust->m_Stats[STAT_HAPPINESS] = 32 + g_Dice % 9 + g_Dice % 9;	// `J` and they are less happy
		else	// `J` otherwise they are happy with their first choice.
			// WD:	Set the customers begining happiness/satisfaction
			Cust->m_Stats[STAT_HAPPINESS] = 42 + g_Dice % 10 + g_Dice % 10; // WD: average 51 range 42 to 60
			SexType = Cust->m_SexPref;

		// WD:	Consolidate GROUP Sex Calcs here
		//		adjust price by number of parcitipants
		if (Cust->m_Amount > 1)
			group = true;
			pay *= (int)Cust->m_Amount;
			if (Cust->m_SexPref == SKILL_GROUP) pay = pay * 17 / 10;
			if (Cust->m_SexPref == SKILL_STRIP) pay = pay * 14 / 10;
			// WD: this is complicated total for 1.7 * pay * num of customers
			// pay += (int)((float)(pay*(Cust->m_Amount))*0.7f); 

		// WD: Has the customer have enough money
		bCustCanPay = Cust->m_Money >= (unsigned)pay;

		// WD:	TRACE Customer Money = {Cust->m_Money}, Pay = {pay}, Can Pay = {bCustCanPay}

		// WD:	If the customer doesn't have enough money, he will only sleep with her if he is stupid
		if (!bCustCanPay && !g_Dice.percent((50 - Cust->m_Stats[STAT_INTELLIGENCE]) / 5))
			// WD: Hack to avoid many newcustomer() calls
			Cust->m_Money += (unsigned)pay;
			bCustCanPay = true;

		// test for specific girls
		if (girl->has_trait("Skeleton"))
			fuckMessage << "The customer sees that you are offering up a Skeleton for sex and is scared, if you allow that kind of thing in your brothels, what else do you allow? They left in a hurry, afraid of what might happen if they stay.\n\n";
			brothel->m_Fame -= 5;
			acceptsGirl = false;
		if (Cust->m_Fetish == FETISH_SPECIFICGIRL)
			if (Cust->m_ParticularGirl == g_Brothels.GetGirlPos(brothel->m_id, girl))
				fuckMessage << "This is the customer's favorite girl.\n\n";
				acceptsGirl = true;
		else if (girl->has_trait("Zombie") && Cust->m_Fetish == FETISH_FREAKYGIRLS && g_Dice.percent(10))
			fuckMessage << "This customer is intrigued to f**k a Zombie girl.\n\n";
			acceptsGirl = true;
			// 50% chance of getting something a little weirder during the night
			if (Day0Night1 && Cust->m_Fetish < NUM_FETISH - 2 && g_Dice.percent(50)) Cust->m_Fetish += 2;

			// Check for fetish match
			if (g_Girls.CheckGirlType(girl, Cust->m_Fetish))
				fuckMessage << "The customer loves this type of girl.\n\n";
				acceptsGirl = true;

		// Other ways the customer will accept the girl
		if (acceptsGirl == false)
			if (girl->has_trait("Zombie"))
				fuckMessage << "The customer sees that you are offering up a Zombie girl and is scared, if you allow that kind of thing in your brothels, what else do you allow? They left in a hurry, afraid of what might happen if they stay.\n\n";
				brothel->m_Fame -= 10;
				acceptsGirl = false;
			else if (girl->has_trait("Lesbian") && Cust->m_IsWoman && g_Dice.percent(50))
				fuckMessage << "The female customer chooses her because she is a Lesbian.\n\n";
				acceptsGirl = true;
			else if (girl->has_trait("Straight") && Cust->m_IsWoman && g_Dice.percent(10))
				fuckMessage << girlName << " refuses to accept a female customer because she is Straight.\n\n";
				brothel->m_Fame -= 2;
				acceptsGirl = false;
			else if (girl->has_trait("Lesbian") && !Cust->m_IsWoman && g_Dice.percent(10))
				fuckMessage << girlName << " refuses to accept a male customer because she is a Lesbian.\n\n";
				brothel->m_Fame -= 5;
				acceptsGirl = false;
			else if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_DIGNITY) >= 70 && Cust->m_SexPref == SKILL_BEASTIALITY && g_Dice.percent(20))	// 
				fuckMessage << girlName << " refuses to sleep with a beast she has to much dignity for that.\n\n";
				brothel->m_Fame -= 5;
				acceptsGirl = false;
			else if (Cust->m_Stats[STAT_LIBIDO] >= 80)
				fuckMessage << "Customer chooses her because they are very horny.\n\n";
				acceptsGirl = true;
			else if (((g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY) + g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA)) / 2) >= 90)	// if she is drop dead gorgeous
				fuckMessage << "Customer chooses her because they are stunned by her beauty.\n\n";
				acceptsGirl = true;
			else if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_FAME) >= 80)	// if she is really famous
				fuckMessage << "Customer chooses her because she is so famous.\n\n";
				acceptsGirl = true;
			// WD:	Use Magic only as last resort
			else if (g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_MAGIC) > 50 && g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_MANA) >= 20)	// she can use magic to get him
				fuckMessage << girlName << " uses magic to get the customer to choose her.\n\n";
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, -20);
				acceptsGirl = true;

		if (!acceptsGirl)	// if the customer will not sleep with her
			if (fuckMessage.str().length() > 0)	// if there is a reason, include it in her messages.
				girl->m_Events.AddMessage(fuckMessage.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
			continue;	// otherwise just move on

		// Horizontal boogy
		string fm = "";
		g_Girls.GirlFucks(girl, Day0Night1, Cust, group, fm, SexType);
		fuckMessage << fm;

		/* */if (SexType == SKILL_ORALSEX)		oralcount += 5;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_GROUP)		oralcount += 5;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_BEASTIALITY)	oralcount += g_Dice % 3;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_LESBIAN)		oralcount += g_Dice % 2;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_TITTYSEX)		oralcount += g_Dice % 2;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_HANDJOB)		oralcount += g_Dice % 2;


		// update how happy the customers are on average
		brothel->m_Happiness += Cust->m_Stats[STAT_HAPPINESS];

		// Time for the customer to fork over some cash

		// WD:	Customer can not pay
		if (!bCustCanPay)
			pay = 0;	// WD: maybe no money from this customer
			if (g_Dice.percent(Cust->m_Stats[STAT_CONFIDENCE] - 25))	// Runner
				if (g_Gangs.GetGangOnMission(MISS_GUARDING))
					if (g_Dice.percent(50))
						fuckMessage << " The customer couldn't pay and managed to elude your guards.";

						fuckMessage << " The customer couldn't pay and tried to run off. Your men caught him before he got out the door.";
						pay = (int)Cust->m_Money;	// WD: Take what customer has
						Cust->m_Money = 0;	// WD: ??? not needed Cust record is not saved when this fn ends!  Leave for now just in case ???
					fuckMessage << " The customer couldn't pay and ran off. There were no guards!";

				// offers to pay the girl what he has
				if (g_Dice.percent(g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE)))
					// she turns him over to the goons
					fuckMessage << " The customer couldn't pay the full amount, so your girl turned them over to your men.";
					fuckMessage << " The customer couldn't pay the full amount.";

				pay = (int)Cust->m_Money;
				Cust->m_Money = 0;	// WD: ??? not needed Cust record is not saved when this fn ends!  Leave for now just in case ???

		// WD:	Unhappy Customer tries not to pay and does a runner
		else if (g_Dice.percent((40 - Cust->m_Stats[STAT_HAPPINESS]) / 2) && g_Dice.percent(Cust->m_Stats[STAT_CONFIDENCE] - 25))
			if (g_Gangs.GetGangOnMission(MISS_GUARDING))
				if (g_Dice.percent(50))
					fuckMessage << " The customer refused to pay and managed to elude your guards.";
					pay = 0;
					fuckMessage << " The customer refused to pay and tried to run off. Your men caught him before he got out the door and forced him to pay.";
					Cust->m_Money -= (unsigned)pay; // WD: ??? not needed Cust record is not saved when this fn ends!  Leave for now just in case ???
				fuckMessage << " The customer refused to pay and ran off. There were no guards!";
				pay = 0;

		else  // Customer has enough money
			Cust->m_Money -= (unsigned)pay; // WD: ??? not needed Cust record is not saved when this fn ends!  Leave for now just in case ??? // Yes this is necessary for TIP calculation.
			if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Your Daughter") && Cust->m_Money >= 20 && g_Dice.percent(15))//may need to be moved to work right
				if (g_Dice.percent(50))
					message += "Learning that she was your daughter the customer tosses some extra gold down saying no dad should do this to there daughter.\n";
					message += "A smile crossed the customer's face upon learning that she is your daughter and they threw some extra gold down. They seem to enjoy the thought of f*****g the boss's daughter.\n";
				Cust->m_Money -= 20;
				girl->m_Tips += 20;
			if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Your Wife") && Cust->m_Money >= 20 && g_Dice.percent(15))//may need to be moved to work right
				if (g_Dice.percent(50))
					message += "Learning that she was your wife the customer tosses some extra gold down saying no husband should do this to their wife.\n";
					message += "A smile crossed the customer's face upon learning that she is your wife and they threw some extra gold down. They seem to enjoy the thought of f*****g the boss's wife.\n";
				Cust->m_Money -= 20;
				girl->m_Tips += 20;

			// if he is happy and has some extra gold he will give a tip
			if ((int)Cust->m_Money >= 20 && Cust->m_Stats[STAT_HAPPINESS] > 90)
				tip = (int)Cust->m_Money;
				if (tip > 20)
					Cust->m_Money -= 20;	// WD: ??? not needed Cust record is not saved when this fn ends!  Leave for now just in case ???
					tip = 20;
					Cust->m_Money = 0;	// WD: ??? not needed Cust record is not saved when this fn ends!  Leave for now just in case ???

				fuckMessage << "\nShe received a tip of " << tip << " gold";

				girl->m_Tips += tip;

				fuckMessage << ".";

				// If the customer is a government official
				if (Cust->m_Official == 1)
					fuckMessage << " It turns out that the customer was a government official, which lowers your suspicion.";

		// Match image type to the deed done
		int imageType = IMGTYPE_SEX;
		/* */if (SexType == SKILL_ANAL)			imageType = IMGTYPE_ANAL;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_BDSM)			imageType = IMGTYPE_BDSM;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_NORMALSEX)	imageType = IMGTYPE_SEX;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_BEASTIALITY)	imageType = IMGTYPE_BEAST;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_GROUP)		imageType = IMGTYPE_GROUP;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_LESBIAN)		imageType = IMGTYPE_LESBIAN;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_ORALSEX)		imageType = IMGTYPE_ORAL;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_TITTYSEX)		imageType = IMGTYPE_TITTY;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_HANDJOB)		imageType = IMGTYPE_HAND;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_FOOTJOB)		imageType = IMGTYPE_FOOT;
		else if (SexType == SKILL_STRIP)		imageType = IMGTYPE_STRIP;

		// chance of customer beating or attempting to beat girl
		if (work_related_violence(girl, Day0Night1, false))
			pay = 0;		// WD TRACE WorkRelatedViloence {girl->m_Name} earns nothing

		// WD:	Save gold earned
		girl->m_Pay += pay;		// WD TRACE Save Pay {girl->m_Name} earns {pay} totaling {girl->m_Pay}
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(fuckMessage.str(), imageType, Day0Night1);
		delete Cust;

	// WD:	Reduce number of availabe customers for next w***e
	iNum = g_Customers.GetNumCustomers();		// WD: Should not happen but lets make sure
	if (iNum < NumSleptWith) g_Customers.AdjustNumCustomers(-iNum);
	else g_Customers.AdjustNumCustomers(-NumSleptWith);

	// End of shift messages
	ss << girlName << " saw " << NumSleptWith << " customers this shift.";
	if (g_Customers.GetNumCustomers() == 0)	{ ss << "\n\nThere were no more customers left."; }
	else if (NumSleptWith < NumCusts)		{ ss << "\n\nShe ran out of customers who like her."; }
	summary += ss.str();

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(summary, IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Good Kisser", 50, actiontype, girlName + " has had a lot of practice kissing and as such as become a Good Kisser.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "S**t", 60, actiontype, girlName + " has turned into quite a s**t.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac", 70, actiontype, girlName + " has been having so much sex she is now wanting sex all the time.", Day0Night1);

	//SIN: use a few of the new traits
	if (g_Dice.percent(1) && g_Dice.percent(girl->oralsex()) && (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac")))
		g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Cum Addict", 90, actiontype, girlName + " has tasted so much cum she now craves it at all times.", Day0Night1);

	if (girl->oralsex() > 30 && g_Dice.percent(oralcount))
		g_Girls.AdjustTraitGroupGagReflex(girl, +1, true, Day0Night1);

	return false;
예제 #27
// `J` Job Clinic - Staff
bool cJobManager::WorkDoctor(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKDOCTOR;
	bool SkipDisobey = (summary == "SkipDisobey");
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "AIDS"))
		ss << "Health laws prohibit anyone with AIDS from working in the Medical profession so " << girlName << " was sent to the waiting room.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		girl->m_PrevDayJob = girl->m_PrevNightJob = girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		return false;
	if (girl->is_slave())
		ss << "Slaves are not allowed to be Doctors so " << girlName << " was reassigned to being a Nurse.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		girl->m_PrevDayJob = girl->m_PrevNightJob = girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_NURSE;
		return false;
	ss << girlName;
	if (girl->medicine() < 50 || girl->intelligence() < 50)
		ss << " does not have enough training to work as a Doctor. She has been reassigned to Internship so she can learn what she needs.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		girl->m_PrevDayJob = girl->m_PrevNightJob = girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_INTERN;
		return false;
	if (!SkipDisobey)	// `J` skip the disobey check because it has already been done in the building flow
		if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
			ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
			girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
			return true;
	ss << " worked as a Doctor.\n";

	cConfig cfg;
	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the patients!

	int enjoy = 0, wages = 100;

	// this will be added to the clinic's code eventually - for now it is just used for her pay
	int patients = 0;			// `J` how many patients the Doctor can see in a shift

	// Doctor is a full time job now
	girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_DOCTOR;

	double jobperformance = JP_Doctor(girl, false);

	//enjoyed the work or not
	int roll = g_Dice.d100();
	if (roll <= 10)
		enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		jobperformance *= 0.9;
		ss << "Some of the patients abused her during the shift.\n";
	else if (roll >= 90)
		enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		jobperformance *= 1.1;
		ss << "She had a pleasant time working.\n";
		enjoy += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "Otherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.\n";

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);
	patients += (int)(jobperformance / 10);		// `J` 1 patient per 10 point of performance
	g_Clinic.m_Doctor_Patient_Time += patients;

	/* `J` this will be a place holder until a better payment system gets done
	*  this does not take into account any of your girls in surgery
	int earned = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < patients; i++)
		earned += g_Dice % 150 + 50; // 50-200 gold per customer
	ss << girlName << " earned " << earned << " gold from taking care of " << patients << " patients.\n";
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

	girl->m_Pay += wages + (patients * 10);

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 10 + (patients / 2), libido = 1, skill = 1 + (patients / 3);

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Lesbian"))				{ libido += patients / 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);

	return false;
예제 #28
// `J` Job Movie Studio - Actress
bool cJobManager::WorkFilmAnal(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKMOVIE;
	// No film crew.. then go home	// `J` this will be taken care of in building flow, leaving it in for now
	if (g_Studios.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_CAMERAMAGE, SHIFT_NIGHT) == 0 || g_Studios.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_CRYSTALPURIFIER, SHIFT_NIGHT) == 0)
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage("There was no crew to film the scene, so she took the day off", IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return false;

	cConfig cfg;
	stringstream ss;
	string girlName = girl->m_Realname;
	int wages = 50;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int finalqual = 0;
	int jobperformance = 0;

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for actress (yet)

	ss << girlName << " worked as an actress filming anal scenes.\n\n";

	int roll = g_Dice.d100();
	if (roll <= 10 && (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, ACTION_WORKMOVIE, brothel) || g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, ACTION_SEX, brothel)))
		ss << "She refused to do anal on film today.\n";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	else if (roll <= 10) { enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She didn't like having a c**k up her ass today.\n\n"; }
	else if (roll >= 90) { enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She loved having her ass pounded today.\n\n"; }
	else /*            */{ enjoy += g_Dice % 2;		ss << "She had a pleasant day letting her co-star slip his c**k into her butt.\n\n";
	jobperformance = enjoy * 2;

	if (g_Girls.CheckVirginity(girl))
		jobperformance += 20;
		ss << "She is a virgin.\n";

	// remaining modifiers are in the AddScene function --PP
	finalqual = g_Studios.AddScene(girl, SKILL_ANAL, jobperformance);
	ss << "Her scene is valued at: " << finalqual << " gold.";

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_ANAL, Day0Night1);

	// work out the pay between the house and the girl
	if (girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket())
		wages = 0;	// You own her so you don't have to pay her.
		wages += finalqual * 2;
	girl->m_Pay = wages;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 10, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_PERFORMANCE, g_Dice%skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_ANAL, g_Dice%skill + 1);

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, ACTION_SEX, enjoy);
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, ACTION_WORKMOVIE, enjoy);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Fake O****m Expert", 50, ACTION_SEX, "She has become quite the faker.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "P**n Star", 80, ACTION_WORKMOVIE, "She has performed in enough sex scenes that she has become a well known P**n Star.", Day0Night1);

	return false;
예제 #29
// `J` Job House - General - Matron_Job - Full_Time_Job
bool cJobManager::WorkHeadGirl(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKMATRON;
	// DisobeyCheck is done in the building flow.
	girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_HEADGIRL;	// it is a full time job

	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << "Head Girl " << girlName;

	int numgirls = brothel->m_NumGirls;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int conf = 0;
	int happy = 0;

	// Complications
	int check = g_Dice.d100();
	if (check < 10 && numgirls >(girl->service() + girl->confidence()) * 3)
		enjoy -= (g_Dice % 6 + 5);
		conf -= 5; happy -= 10;
		ss << " was overwhelmed by the number of girls she was required to manage and broke down crying.";
	else if (check < 10)
		enjoy -= (g_Dice % 3 + 1);
		conf -= -1; happy -= -3;
		ss << " had trouble dealing with some of the girls.";
	else if (check > 90)
		enjoy += (g_Dice % 3 + 1);
		conf -= 1; happy -= 3;
		ss << " enjoyed helping the girls with their lives.";
		enjoy += (g_Dice % 3 - 1);
		ss << " went about her day as usual.";

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

	// Improve girl
	int xp = numgirls / 10, libido = 1, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 5; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 5; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			libido += 2;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Lesbian"))				libido += numgirls / 20;

	girl->m_Pay = int(float(100.0 + (((girl->get_skill(SKILL_SERVICE) + girl->get_stat(STAT_CHARISMA) + girl->get_stat(STAT_INTELLIGENCE) + girl->get_stat(STAT_CONFIDENCE) + girl->get_skill(SKILL_MEDICINE) + 50) / 50)*numgirls) * cfg.out_fact.matron_wages()));

	if (conf>-1) conf += g_Dice%skill;
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONFIDENCE, conf);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, happy);

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, g_Dice%xp + 5);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, g_Dice%skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, g_Dice%skill + 2);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, g_Dice%libido);

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Charismatic", 30, actiontype, "She has worked as a matron long enough that she has learned to be more Charismatic.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Psychic", 60, actiontype, "She has learned to handle the girls so well that you'd almost think she was Psychic.", Day0Night1);

	return false;
예제 #30
// `J` Job Movie Studio - Crew
bool cJobManager::WorkCrystalPurifier(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKMOVIE;
	bool SkipDisobey = (summary == "SkipDisobey");
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname;

	// No film crew.. then go home	// `J` this will be taken care of in building flow, leaving it in for now
	if (g_Studios.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_CAMERAMAGE, SHIFT_NIGHT) == 0 || g_Studios.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_CRYSTALPURIFIER, SHIFT_NIGHT) == 0)
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage("There was no crew to film the scene, so she took the day off", IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return false;	// not refusing
	else if (g_Studios.Num_Actress(0) < 1)
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage("There were no actresses to film, so she took the day off", IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return false;	// not refusing

	// `J` added this to allow the Director to assign someone to this job without making it permanent
	if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_FILMFREETIME)	// the director sets the old job to dayjob when changing night job
		ss << girlName << " was assigned to work as a crystal purifier";
		ss << "The Director assigned " << girlName << "to edit the scenes for the week";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for studio crew

	int roll = g_Dice.d100();
	if (!SkipDisobey)	// `J` skip the disobey check because it has already been done in the building flow
		if (roll <= 10 && g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))
			if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_FILMFREETIME)
				ss << " but she refused to work.";
				girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
				ss << " but " << girlName;
				if (g_Studios.is_Actress_Job(girl->m_DayJob))	ss << " wanted to be part of the action instead of just watching it.\n";
				else if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_PROMOTER)		ss << " preferred to sell the movies rather than edit them.\n";
				else if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_FLUFFER)			ss << " wanted to see the action live instead of watching it afterwards.\n";
				else if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_STAGEHAND)		ss << " wanted to clean instead of editing scenes.\n";
				else if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_CAMERAMAGE)		ss << " preferred to film the scenes rather than edit them.\n";
				girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_BACKTOWORK);
			return true;
	ss << ".\n\n";

	int wages = 50;
	int enjoy = 0;

	if (roll <= 10)
		enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		ss << "She did not like working in the studio today.\n\n";
	else if (roll >= 90)
		enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		ss << "She had a great time working today.\n\n";
		enjoy += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "Otherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.\n\n";
	double jobperformance = JP_CrystalPurifier(girl, false);
	jobperformance += enjoy * 2;

	// slave girls not being paid for a job that normally you would pay directly for do less work
	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()))
		jobperformance *= 0.9;
		wages = 0;
	else	// work out the pay between the house and the girl
		// `J` zzzzzz - need to change pay so it better reflects how well she edited the films
		wages += 20;
		int roll_max = girl->spirit() + girl->intelligence();
		roll_max /= 4;
		wages += 10 + g_Dice%roll_max;

	/* */if (jobperformance > 0)	ss << "She helped improve the scene " << (int)jobperformance << "% with her production skills. \n";
	else if (jobperformance < 0)	ss << "She did a bad job today, she reduced the scene quality " << (int)jobperformance << "% with her poor performance. \n";
	else /*                   */	ss << "She did not really help the scene quality.\n";

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);
	g_Studios.m_PurifierQaulity += (int)jobperformance;
	girl->m_Pay = wages;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 5, skill = 3, libido = 1;
	if (jobperformance > 5)	skill += 1;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	if (g_Dice % 2 == 1)
		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, g_Dice%skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, g_Dice%skill + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	return false;