예제 #1
void updateHaptics(void)
    // reset clock
    cPrecisionClock clock;

    // main haptic simulation loop
        // SIMULATION TIME    

        // stop the simulation clock

        // read the time increment in seconds
        double timeInterval = clock.getCurrentTimeSeconds();

        // restart the simulation clock

        // update frequency counter


        // compute global reference frames for each object

        // update position and orientation of tool

        // compute interaction forces

        // send forces to device


        // get position of cursor in global coordinates
        cVector3d toolPos = tool->getDeviceGlobalPos();

        // get position of object in global coordinates
        cVector3d objectPos = object->getGlobalPos();

        // compute a vector from the center of mass of the object (point of rotation) to the tool
        cVector3d v = cSub(toolPos, objectPos);

        // compute angular acceleration based on the interaction forces
        // between the tool and the object
        cVector3d angAcc(0,0,0);
        if (v.length() > 0.0)
            // get the last force applied to the cursor in global coordinates
            // we negate the result to obtain the opposite force that is applied on the
            // object
            cVector3d toolForce = cNegate(tool->m_lastComputedGlobalForce);

            // compute the effective force that contributes to rotating the object.
            cVector3d force = toolForce - cProject(toolForce, v);

            // compute the resulting torque
            cVector3d torque = cMul(v.length(), cCross( cNormalize(v), force));

            // update rotational acceleration
            const double INERTIA = 0.4;
            angAcc = (1.0 / INERTIA) * torque;

        // update rotational velocity
        angVel.add(timeInterval * angAcc);

        // set a threshold on the rotational velocity term
        const double MAX_ANG_VEL = 10.0;
        double vel = angVel.length();
        if (vel > MAX_ANG_VEL)
            angAcc.mul(MAX_ANG_VEL / vel);

        // add some damping too
        const double DAMPING = 0.1;
        angVel.mul(1.0 - DAMPING * timeInterval);

        // if user switch is pressed, set velocity to zero
        if (tool->getUserSwitch(0) == 1)

        // compute the next rotation configuration of the object
        if (angVel.length() > C_SMALL)
            object->rotateAboutGlobalAxisRad(cNormalize(angVel), timeInterval * angVel.length());
    // exit haptics thread
    simulationFinished = true;
예제 #2
bool cEffectMagnet::computeForce(const cVector3d& a_toolPos,
                                  const cVector3d& a_toolVel,
                                  const unsigned int& a_toolID,
                                  cVector3d& a_reactionForce)
    // compute distance from object to tool
    double distance = cDistance(a_toolPos, m_parent->m_interactionProjectedPoint);

    // get parameters of magnet
    double magnetMaxForce = m_parent->m_material.getMagnetMaxForce();
    double magnetMaxDistance = m_parent->m_material.getMagnetMaxDistance();
    double stiffness = m_parent->m_material.getStiffness();
    double forceMagnitude = 0;

    if ((distance > 0) && (distance < magnetMaxDistance) && (stiffness > 0))
        double limitLinearModel = magnetMaxForce / stiffness;
        cClamp(limitLinearModel, 0.0, 0.5 * distance);

        if (distance < limitLinearModel)
            // apply local linear model near magnet
            forceMagnitude = stiffness * distance;
            // compute quadratic model
            cMatrix3d sys;
            sys.m[0][0] = limitLinearModel * limitLinearModel;
            sys.m[0][1] = limitLinearModel;
            sys.m[0][2] = 1.0;
            sys.m[1][0] = magnetMaxDistance * magnetMaxDistance;
            sys.m[1][1] = magnetMaxDistance;
            sys.m[1][2] = 1.0;
            sys.m[2][0] = 2.0 * limitLinearModel;
            sys.m[2][1] = 1.0;
            sys.m[2][2] = 0.0;

            cVector3d param;
            sys.mulr(cVector3d(magnetMaxForce, 0.0, -1.0), param);

            // apply quadratic model
            double val = distance - limitLinearModel;
            forceMagnitude = param.x * val * val + param.y * val + param.z;

        // compute magnetic force
        a_reactionForce = cMul(forceMagnitude, cNormalize(cSub(m_parent->m_interactionProjectedPoint, a_toolPos)));

        // add damping component
        double viscosity = m_parent->m_material.getViscosity();
        cVector3d viscousForce = cMul(-viscosity, a_toolVel);

        return (true);
        // the tool is located outside the magnet zone
        return (false);
예제 #3
파일: CWorld.cpp 프로젝트: DanGrise/HugMe
bool cWorld::computeCollisionDetection(
        cVector3d& a_segmentPointA, const cVector3d& a_segmentPointB,
        cGenericObject*& a_colObject, cTriangle*& a_colTriangle, cVector3d& a_colPoint,
        double& a_colDistance, const bool a_visibleObjectsOnly, int a_proxyCall)
    // initialize objects for collision detection calls
    cGenericObject* t_colObject;
    cTriangle *t_colTriangle;
    cVector3d t_colPoint;
    bool hit = false;
    double colSquareDistance = CHAI_LARGE;
    double t_colSquareDistance = colSquareDistance;

    // get the transpose of the local rotation matrix
    cMatrix3d transLocalRot;

    // convert second endpoint of the segment into local coordinate frame
    cVector3d localSegmentPointB = a_segmentPointB;

    // r_segmentPointA is the value that we will return in a_segmentPointA
    // at the end; it should be unchanged from the received value of
    // a_segmentPointA, unless the collision that will be returned is with
    // a moving object, in which case it will be adjusted so that it is in the
    // same location relative to the moving object as it was at the previous
    // haptic iteration; this is necessary so that the proxy algorithm gets the
    // correct new proxy position
    cVector3d r_segmentPointA = a_segmentPointA;

    // check for collisions with all children of this world
    unsigned int nChildren = m_children.size();
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<nChildren; i++)
        // start with the first segment point as it was received
        cVector3d l_segmentPointA = a_segmentPointA;

        // convert first endpoint of the segment into local coordinate frame
        cVector3d localSegmentPointA = l_segmentPointA;

        // if this is a first call from the proxy algorithm, and the current
        // child is a dynamic object, adjust the first segment endpoint so that
        // it is in the same position relative to the moving object as it was
        // at the previous haptic iteration
        if ((a_proxyCall == 1) && (m_children[i]->m_historyValid))

        // call this child's collision detection function to see if it (or any
        // of its descendants) are intersected by the segment
				int coll = m_children[i]->computeCollisionDetection(localSegmentPointA, localSegmentPointB,
                      t_colObject, t_colTriangle, t_colPoint, t_colSquareDistance, a_visibleObjectsOnly, a_proxyCall);

        // if a collision was found with this child, and this collision is
        // closer than any others found so far...
        if ((coll == 1) && (t_colSquareDistance < colSquareDistance))
            // record that there has been a collision
            hit = true;

            // set the return parameters with information about this collision
            // (they may be overwritten if a closer collision is found later
            // on in this loop)
            a_colObject = t_colObject;
            a_colTriangle = t_colTriangle;
            a_colPoint = t_colPoint;

            // this is now the shortest distance to a collision found so far
            colSquareDistance = t_colSquareDistance;

            // convert collision point into parent coordinate frame

            // localSegmentPointA's position (as possibly modified in the
            // call to the child's collision detector), converted back to
            // the global coordinate frame, is currently the proxy position
            // we will want to return (unless we find a closer collision later on)
            r_segmentPointA = cAdd(cMul(m_localRot,localSegmentPointA), m_localPos);

    // for optimization reasons, the collision detectors only computes the
    // squared distance between a_segmentA and collision point; this
    // computes a square root to obtain the actual distance.
    a_colDistance = sqrt(colSquareDistance);

    // set the value of the actual parameter for the first segment point; this
    // is the proxy position when called by the proxy algorithm, and may be
    // different from the value passed in this parameter if the closest collision
    // was with a moving object
    a_segmentPointA = r_segmentPointA;

    // return whether there was a collision between the segment and this world
    return (hit);
예제 #4
void updateHaptics(void)
    // reset clock

    // main haptic simulation loop
        // compute global reference frames for each object

        // update position and orientation of tool

        // compute interaction forces

        // send forces to device

        // stop the simulation clock

        // read the time increment in seconds
        double timeInterval = simClock.getCurrentTimeSeconds();

        // restart the simulation clock

        // temp variable to compute rotational acceleration
        cVector3d rotAcc(0,0,0);

        // check if tool is touching an object
        cGenericObject* objectContact = tool->m_proxyPointForceModel->m_contactPoint0->m_object;
        if (objectContact != NULL)
            // retrieve the root of the object mesh
            cGenericObject* obj = objectContact->getSuperParent();

            // get position of cursor in global coordinates
            cVector3d toolPos = tool->m_deviceGlobalPos;

            // get position of object in global coordinates
            cVector3d objectPos = obj->getGlobalPos();

            // compute a vector from the center of mass of the object (point of rotation) to the tool
            cVector3d vObjectCMToTool = cSub(toolPos, objectPos);

            // compute acceleration based on the interaction forces
            // between the tool and the object
            if (vObjectCMToTool.length() > 0.0)
                // get the last force applied to the cursor in global coordinates
                // we negate the result to obtain the opposite force that is applied on the
                // object
                cVector3d toolForce = cNegate(tool->m_lastComputedGlobalForce);

                // compute effective force to take into account the fact the object
                // can only rotate around a its center mass and not translate
                cVector3d effectiveForce = toolForce - cProject(toolForce, vObjectCMToTool);

                // compute the resulting torque
                cVector3d torque = cMul(vObjectCMToTool.length(), cCross( cNormalize(vObjectCMToTool), effectiveForce));

                // update rotational acceleration
                const double OBJECT_INERTIA = 0.4;
                rotAcc = (1.0 / OBJECT_INERTIA) * torque;

        // update rotational velocity
        rotVel.add(timeInterval * rotAcc);

        // set a threshold on the rotational velocity term
        const double ROT_VEL_MAX = 10.0;
        double velMag = rotVel.length();
        if (velMag > ROT_VEL_MAX)
            rotVel.mul(ROT_VEL_MAX / velMag);

        // add some damping too
        const double DAMPING_GAIN = 0.1;
        rotVel.mul(1.0 - DAMPING_GAIN * timeInterval);

        // if user switch is pressed, set velocity to zero
        if (tool->getUserSwitch(0) == 1)

        // compute the next rotation configuration of the object
        if (rotVel.length() > CHAI_SMALL)
            object->rotate(cNormalize(rotVel), timeInterval * rotVel.length());
    // exit haptics thread
    simulationFinished = true;
예제 #5
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: remis/chai3d
void hapticsLoop(void* a_pUserData)
    // read the position of the haptic device

    // compute forces between the cursor and the environment

    // stop the simulation clock

    // read the time increment in seconds
    double increment = g_clock.getCurrentTime() / 1000000.0;

    // restart the simulation clock

    // get position of cursor in global coordinates
    cVector3d cursorPos = cursor->m_deviceGlobalPos;

    // compute velocity of cursor;
    timeCounter = timeCounter + increment;
    if (timeCounter > 0.01)
        cursorVel = (cursorPos - lastCursorPos) / timeCounter;
        lastCursorPos = cursorPos;
        timeCounter = 0;

    // get position of torus in global coordinates
    cVector3d objectPos = object->getGlobalPos();

    // compute the velocity of the sphere at the contact point
    cVector3d contactVel = cVector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    if (rotVelocity.length() > CHAI_SMALL)
        cVector3d projection = cProjectPointOnLine(cursorPos, objectPos, rotVelocity);
        cVector3d vpc = cursorPos - projection;
        if (vpc.length() > CHAI_SMALL)
            contactVel = vpc.length() * rotVelocity.length() * cNormalize(cCross(rotVelocity, vpc));

    // get the last force applied to the cursor in global coordinates
    cVector3d cursorForce = cursor->m_lastComputedGlobalForce;

    // compute friction force
    cVector3d friction = -40.0 * cursorForce.length() * cProjectPointOnPlane((cursorVel - contactVel), cVector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (cursorPos - objectPos));

    // add friction force to cursor

    // update rotational velocity
    if (friction.length() > CHAI_SMALL)
        rotVelocity.add( cMul(-10.0 * increment, cCross(cSub(cursorPos, objectPos), friction)));

    // add some damping...
    //rotVelocity.mul(1.0 - increment);
    // compute the next rotation of the torus
    if (rotVelocity.length() > CHAI_SMALL)
        object->rotate(cNormalize(rotVelocity), increment * rotVelocity.length());

    // send forces to haptic device