void cOpenGLControl::Create(cWindow& parent, int idControl) { // Register our window class RegisterClass(); // Create the OpenGL control control = ::CreateWindowEx(0, TEXT(LIBWIN32MM_OPENGL_CONTROLCLASS), TEXT(""), WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, parent.GetWindowHandle(), (HMENU)idControl, GetHInstance(), (LPVOID)0); parent.SetControlDefaultFont(control); UpdateSize(); // Set our user data for this window ::SetProp(control, TEXT("cOpenGLControlThis"), (HANDLE)this); }
void cLinkControl::Create(cWindow& parent, cLinkControlListener& listener, int idControl, const string_t& sText) { // Create the SysLink control control = ::CreateWindowEx(NULL, WC_LINK, sText.c_str(), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP, 50, 220, 100, 24, parent.GetWindowHandle(), (HMENU)NULL, ::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL ); // Set the default font parent.SetControlDefaultFont(control); parent.AddHandler(control, *this); pListener = &listener; }