void Compute(graph<vertex>& GA, commandLine P) { t1.start(); long start = P.getOptionLongValue("-r",0); if(GA.V[start].getOutDegree() == 0) { cout << "starting vertex has degree 0" << endl; return; } const uintE K = P.getOptionIntValue("-K",10); const uintE N = P.getOptionIntValue("-N",10); const double t = P.getOptionDoubleValue("-t",3); srand (time(NULL)); uintE seed = rand(); const intE n = GA.n; //walk length probabilities double* fact = newA(double,K); fact[0] = 1; for(long k=1;k<K;k++) fact[k] = k*fact[k-1]; double* probs = newA(double,K); for(long k=0;k<K;k++) probs[k] = exp(-t)*pow(t,k)/fact[k]; unordered_map<uintE,double> p; for(long i=0;i<N;i++) { double randDouble = (double) hashInt(seed++) / UINT_E_MAX; long j = 0; double mass = 0; uintE x = start; do { mass += probs[j]; if(randDouble < mass) break; x = walk(x,GA.V,seed++); j++; } while(j <= K); p[x]++; } for(auto it=p.begin();it!=p.end();it++) { p[it->first] /= N; } free(probs); free(fact); t1.stop(); pairIF* A = newA(pairIF,p.size()); long numNonzerosQ = 0; for(auto it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); it++) { A[numNonzerosQ++] = make_pair(it->first,it->second); } sweepObject sweep = sweepCut(GA,A,numNonzerosQ,start); free(A); cout << "number of vertices touched = " << p.size() << endl; cout << "number of edges touched = " << sweep.vol << endl; cout << "conductance = " << sweep.conductance << " |S| = " << sweep.sizeS << " vol(S) = " << sweep.volS << " edgesCrossing = " << sweep.edgesCrossing << endl; t1.reportTotal("computation time"); }
void Compute(graph<vertex>& GA, commandLine P) { t1.start(); long start = P.getOptionLongValue("-r",0); if(GA.V[start].getOutDegree() == 0) { cout << "starting vertex has degree 0" << endl; return; } const int procs = P.getOptionIntValue("-p",0); if(procs > 0) setWorkers(procs); const double t = P.getOptionDoubleValue("-t",3); const double epsilon = P.getOptionDoubleValue("-e",0.000000001); const uintE N = P.getOptionIntValue("-N",1); const intE n = GA.n; const double constant = exp(t)*epsilon/(2*(double)N); double* psis = newA(double,N); double* fact = newA(double,N); fact[0] = 1; for(long k=1;k<N;k++) fact[k] = k*fact[k-1]; double* tm = newA(double,N); {parallel_for(long m=0;m<N;m++) tm[m] = pow(t,m);} {parallel_for(long k=0;k<N;k++) { psis[k] = 0; for(long m=0;m<N-k;m++) psis[k] += fact[k]*tm[m]/(double)fact[m+k]; }} sparseAdditiveSet<float> x = sparseAdditiveSet<float>(10000,1,0.0); sparseAdditiveSet<float> r = sparseAdditiveSet<float>(2,1,0.0); x.insert(make_pair(start,0.0)); r.insert(make_pair(start,1.0)); vertexSubset Frontier(n,start); long j = 0, totalPushes = 0; while(Frontier.numNonzeros() > 0){ totalPushes += Frontier.numNonzeros(); uintT* Degrees = newA(uintT,Frontier.numNonzeros()); {parallel_for(long i=0;i<Frontier.numNonzeros();i++) Degrees[i] = GA.V[Frontier.s[i]].getOutDegree();} long totalDegree = sequence::plusReduce(Degrees,Frontier.numNonzeros()); free(Degrees); if(j+1 < N) { long rCount = r.count(); //make bigger hash table initialized to 0.0's sparseAdditiveSet<float> new_r = sparseAdditiveSet<float>(max(100L,min((long)n,totalDegree+rCount)),LOAD_FACTOR,0.0); vertexMap(Frontier,Local_Update(x,r)); vertexSubset output = edgeMap(GA, Frontier, HK_F<vertex>(x,r,new_r,GA.V,t/(double)(j+1))); r.del(); r = new_r; if(x.m < ((uintT) 1 << log2RoundUp((uintT)(LOAD_FACTOR*min((long)n,rCount+output.numNonzeros()))))) { sparseAdditiveSet<float> new_x = sparseAdditiveSet<float>(LOAD_FACTOR*min((long)n,rCount+output.numNonzeros()),LOAD_FACTOR,0.0); //make bigger hash table new_x.copy(x); x.del(); x = new_x; } output.del(); //compute active set (faster in practice to just scan over r) _seq<ACLpair> vals = r.entries(activeF<vertex>(GA.V,constant/psis[j+1])); uintE* Active = newA(uintE,vals.n); parallel_for(long i=0;i<vals.n;i++) Active[i] = vals.A[i].first; Frontier.del(); vals.del(); Frontier = vertexSubset(n,vals.n,Active); j++; } else { //last iteration