void CPU_WaitStatus(condition_variable &cond, bool (*pred)()) { lock_guard guard(cpuThreadLock); while (!pred()) { cond.wait(cpuThreadLock); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 4 && argc != 5) { cout << "Put \"[host-ipaddress:port] [authprovider] [authcode]\" for sign-up and sign-in" << endl; cout << "Put \"[host-ipaddress:port] [uid] [accessToken] 1\" for sign-in" << endl; return 0; } OCPersistentStorage ps{ client_open, fread, fwrite, fclose, unlink }; PlatformConfig cfg { ServiceType::InProc, ModeType::Both, "", // By setting to "", it binds to all available interfaces 0, // Uses randomly available port QualityOfService::LowQos, &ps }; OCPlatform::Configure(cfg); OCStackResult result = OC_STACK_ERROR; string host = "coap+tcp://"; host += argv[1]; OCAccountManager::Ptr accountMgr = OCPlatform::constructAccountManagerObject(host, CT_ADAPTER_TCP); mutex blocker; unique_lock<mutex> lock(blocker); if (argc == 5) { accountMgr->signIn(argv[2], argv[3], &handleLoginoutCB); g_callbackLock.wait(lock); } else { accountMgr->signUp(argv[2], argv[3], &handleLoginoutCB); g_callbackLock.wait(lock); accountMgr->signIn(g_uid, g_accesstoken, &handleLoginoutCB); g_callbackLock.wait(lock); } // MQ broker resource g_mqBrokerResource = OCPlatform::constructResourceObject(host, DEFAULT_MQ_BROKER_URI, static_cast<OCConnectivityType>(CT_ADAPTER_TCP | CT_IP_USE_V4), false, { string("oic.wk.ps") }, { string(DEFAULT_INTERFACE) }); cout << "===Message Queue publisher sample===" << endl; cout << "PUT 0 to discover all topics" << endl; cout << "PUT 1 to discover type based topics" << endl; cout << "PUT 2 to select topic index for publishing data" << endl; cout << "PUT 3 to publish data to selected topic" << endl; cout << "PUT 4 to create topic" << endl; cout << "PUT 5 to create type based topic" << endl; string cmd; while (true) { cin >> cmd; try { QueryParamsMap query; OCRepresentation rep; string topicType; switch (cmd[0]) { case '0': gTopicList.clear(); cout << "Discovering topics" << endl; result = g_mqBrokerResource->discoveryMQTopics(query, &discoverTopicCB, QualityOfService::LowQos); break; case '1': gTopicList.clear(); cout << "Put topic type to discover: "; cin >> cmd; query["rt"] = cmd; result = g_mqBrokerResource->discoveryMQTopics(query, &discoverTopicCB, QualityOfService::LowQos); break; case '2': cout << "Put discovered topic index to select: "; cin >> cmd; { int index = atoi(cmd.c_str()); if (index < 0 || (unsigned int) index >= gTopicList.size()) { cout << "invalid topic index selected" << endl; continue; } g_mqSelectedTopicResource = gTopicList[index]; cout << g_mqSelectedTopicResource->uri() << " selected" << endl; } break; case '3': if (g_mqSelectedTopicResource == nullptr) { cout << "Topic is not selected." << endl; continue; } cout << "Put message to selected topic: "; cin >> cmd; rep["message"] = cmd; result = g_mqSelectedTopicResource->publishMQTopic(rep, query, &publishMessageCB, QualityOfService::LowQos); break; case '4': cout << "Put topic uri to create: "; cin >> cmd; result = g_mqBrokerResource->createMQTopic(rep, cmd, query, &createTopicCB, QualityOfService::LowQos); break; case '5': cout << "Put topic uri to create: "; cin >> cmd; cout << "Put topic type: "; cin >> topicType; query["rt"] = topicType; result = g_mqBrokerResource->createMQTopic(rep, cmd, query, &createTopicCB, QualityOfService::LowQos); break; case 'q': goto exit; break; } if (result != OC_STACK_OK) { cout << "Error, return code: " << result << endl; } } catch (const exception &e) { cout << "Precondition failed: " << e.what() << endl; } } exit: return 0; }
// running in a dedicated thread void process() { int clear_index; { unique_lock<mutex> auto_lock(cur_lock); cond.wait(auto_lock); clear_index = (cur_index + 2) % 3; int next_index = (cur_index + 1) % 3; cur_index = next_index; cur_set = &queue[next_index]; } auto back_set = &queue[clear_index]; auto it = back_set->begin(); while (it != back_set->end()) { file_entry_t fe = *it; grandet_sync_task_t sync_task = NULL; grandet_remove_task_t remove_task = NULL; _files_lock.lock(); INFO("processing %s\n", fe->link.c_str()); if (fe->deleted) { INFO("processing deleted fe, size=%ld, fetched=%d, open_rc=%d\n", fe->st.st_size, fe->fetched, fe->open_rc); } if (fe->deleted && fe->open_rc == 0) { // when it is out of tree, no one can open it anymore if (fe->deleted == 1) { string data_path; if (fe->fetched) cache_remove(fe->st.st_size); get_data_path(data_path, _data_store_base, fe->link.c_str()); grandet_remove_task_start(fe->link.c_str(), data_path.c_str(), &remove_task); grandet_remove_task_wait(remove_task); grandet_remove_task_end(remove_task); fe->deleted = 2; // avoiding repeated deletion } fe_put(fe); } else { // Update if (fe->content_dirty) { if (!S_ISREG(fe->st.st_mode)) { DEBUG("flush a non-regular file"); } string data_path; get_data_path(data_path, _data_store_base, fe->link.c_str()); fe->content_dirty = 0; grandet_sync_task_start(fe->link.c_str(), data_path.c_str(), fe->xattr, &sync_task); _files_lock.unlock(); grandet_sync_task_wait(sync_task); grandet_sync_task_end(sync_task); _files_lock.lock(); // during the unlock and lock, there may be some // thread writing data in and close, causing // content_dirty be 1 again. Or some one can even // delete it. In those cases, it will appear in // update queue again. if (fe->open_rc == 0 && fe->fetched == 1 && fe->content_dirty == 0 && fe->deleted == 0) { // DEBUG("add %s to idle list\n", fe->link.c_str()); // LRU if (!list_empty(&fe->u_node)) list_del_init(&fe->u_node); INFO("add %s to idle_list (dirty)\n", fe->link.c_str()); list_add_before(&_idle_list, &fe->u_node); } } else if (fe->fetched == 1 && fe->open_rc == 0) { if (!list_empty(&fe->u_node)) list_del_init(&fe->u_node); INFO("add %s to idle_list (clean)\n", fe->link.c_str()); list_add_before(&_idle_list, &fe->u_node); } fe_put(fe); } _files_lock.unlock(); ++ it; } back_set->clear(); }
void CPU_SetState(CPUThreadState to) { lock_guard guard(cpuThreadLock); cpuThreadState = to; cpuThreadCond.notify_one(); cpuThreadReplyCond.notify_one(); }
void draw() { static int frameIndex = 0; ovrHmd_BeginFrame(hmd, frameIndex++); short textureSwitch = 0;// frameIndex % 2; // wait for camera thread { unique_lock<mutex> lck(camMutex); while (!camFinish){ camFinishCondition.wait(lck); } } // swap image pointers for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { IplImage* tempImage = perEyeReadImage[i]; perEyeReadImage[i] = perEyeWriteImage[i]; perEyeWriteImage[i] = tempImage; } // notify camera thread to resume { unique_lock<mutex> lck(camMutex); camFinish = false; drawFinish = true; drawFinishCondition.notify_all(); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { ovrEyeType eye = hmdDesc.EyeRenderOrder[i]; if (perEyeReadImage[eye] && !terminateApp) { EyeArgs & eyeArgs = perEyeArgs[eye]; gl::Stacks::projection().top() = eyeArgs.projection; gl::MatrixStack & mv = gl::Stacks::modelview(); eyeArgs.framebuffer.activate(); ovrPosef renderPose = ovrHmd_BeginEyeRender(hmd, eye); mv.withPush([&]{ glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); //GlUtils::renderFloorGrid(glm::mat4()); //GlUtils::renderSkybox(Resource::IMAGES_SKY_CITY_XNEG_PNG); if (ovrEye_Left == eye) { mv.rotate(M_PI / 2, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1)); } else { mv.rotate(-M_PI / 2, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1)); } mv.scale(1); mv.rotate(M_PI, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0)); // only load necessary part of image glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, CAM_IMAGE_WIDTH); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 189); // bind and load camera image imageTextures[eye]->bind(); glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, RENDER_IMAGE_WIDTH, RENDER_IMAGE_HEIGHT, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, perEyeReadImage[eye]->imageData); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0); GlUtils::renderGeometry(quadGeom, texturedPtr); }); ovrHmd_EndEyeRender(hmd, eye, renderPose, &perEyeArgs[eye].textures.Texture); } //eyeArgs.framebuffer.deactivate(); }; ovrHmd_EndFrame(hmd); }
void release(){ unique_lock<mutex> lck(mtx); ++count; cv.notify_all(); }
void updateCameraImages() { CvCapture* camLeft = cvCaptureFromCAM(701); cvSetCaptureProperty(camLeft, CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC, CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G')); cvSetCaptureProperty(camLeft, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, CAM_IMAGE_WIDTH); cvSetCaptureProperty(camLeft, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, CAM_IMAGE_HEIGHT); CvCapture* camRight = cvCaptureFromCAM(700); cvSetCaptureProperty(camRight, CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC, CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G')); cvSetCaptureProperty(camRight, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, CAM_IMAGE_WIDTH); cvSetCaptureProperty(camRight, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, CAM_IMAGE_HEIGHT); IplImage *imageLeft; IplImage *imageRight; float fps = 0.f; int framecount = 0; long start = Platform::elapsedMillis(); while (!terminateApp) { // wait on draw thread { unique_lock<mutex> lck(camMutex); while (!drawFinish && !terminateApp) { drawFinishCondition.wait(lck); } } imageLeft = cvQueryFrame(camLeft); if (imageLeft) { memcpy(perEyeWriteImage[0]->imageData, imageLeft->imageData, CAM_IMAGE_HEIGHT * CAM_IMAGE_WIDTH * 3); } else{ SAY("Didn't get image of left cam"); } imageRight = cvQueryFrame(camRight); if (imageRight) { memcpy(perEyeWriteImage[1]->imageData, imageRight->imageData, CAM_IMAGE_HEIGHT * CAM_IMAGE_WIDTH * 3); } else { SAY("Didn't get image of right cam"); } long now = Platform::elapsedMillis(); ++framecount; if ((now - start) >= 2000) { float elapsed = (now - start) / 1000.f; fps = (float)framecount / elapsed; SAY("FPS cams: %0.2f\n", fps); start = now; framecount = 0; } { unique_lock<mutex> lck(camMutex); drawFinish = false; camFinish = true; camFinishCondition.notify_all(); } } cvReleaseCapture(&camLeft); cvReleaseCapture(&camRight); }
void wait_for_cloud(uint n = 1) { // Wait until the cloud cb notifies us uint64_t old_cloud_count = cloud_count; unique_lock<std::mutex> unique_lock(cloud_count_lock); cloud_count_cv.wait(unique_lock, [=]{ return old_cloud_count + n <= cloud_count; }); }
// Thread function: Condition notifier void ThreadCondition1(void * aArg) { lock_guard<mutex> lock(gMutex); -- gCount; gCond.notify_all(); }
void WakeUpThread() { _noWork.notify_one(); }
~QuadTreeThread() { _running = false; _noWork.notify_one(); }