예제 #1
 * Set the range of the simulation.
 * INPUT: &cnfg Config file to store ranges to
 * INPUT: c Character to indicate whether to parse X or Y coordinates
void reader::set_range(config &cnfg, char c)
	// Find the range keyword
	int indx1;
	if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') indx1 = data.find("Xrange");
	else indx1 = data.find("Yrange");

	// Find the end of the keyword statement
	int indx2 = data.find(";", indx1+1);
	// Parse the integers out of it
	istringstream stream(data.substr(indx1+6, indx2-indx1));
	int low, high;
	stream >> low >> high;

	// Save to config class
	if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') cnfg.setX(low, high);
	else cnfg.setY(low, high);
