예제 #1
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::BlitTest ()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);
  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*8, white, -1, "BLIT() TEST");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*7, black, dsteel, "This will test whether iGraphics2D->Blit() works correctly");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*6, black, dsteel, "on this canvas.");

  WriteCentered (0,-16*4, black, dsteel, "You should see an image of an arrow and the word %s.",
		 CS::Quote::Double ("up"));
  WriteCentered (0,-16*3, black, dsteel, "It is surrounded by a green rectangle, and the image");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*2, black, dsteel, "itself has a black border. No red should be visible");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*1, black, dsteel, "and the border has to be complete, too.");

  if (blitTestImage.IsValid ())
    const int imW = blitTestImage->GetWidth ();
    const int imH = blitTestImage->GetHeight ();
    const int bx = (w - imW) / 2;
    const int by = h / 2;
    DrawClipRect (bx, by, imW + 1, imH + 1);
    myG2D->Blit (bx + 1, by + 1, imW, imH, 
      (unsigned char*)blitTestImage->GetImageData ());
예제 #2
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawLinePerf ()
  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*4, white, -1, "LINE SLOPE AND PERFORMANCE TEST");

  int w2 = myG2D->GetWidth () / 2;
  int colors [4] = { red, green, blue, yellow };
  int a;
  for (a = 0; a < 360; a += 5)
    float angle = (a * TWO_PI) / 360.0;
    float x = w2 + 80 * cos (angle);
    float y = 100 + 80 * sin (angle);
    myG2D->DrawLine (w2, 100, x, y, colors [a & 3]);

  // Compute the size for the random lines box
  int sx = 0;
  int sw = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int sy = myG2D->GetHeight () / 2;
  int sh = sy;
  myG2D->DrawBox (sx, sy + 16, sw, sh - 16, dsteel);

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*2, gray,  -1, "Above this text you should see a uniformly hashed circle,");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*1, gray,  -1, "while below you should see some random lines, and the");
  WriteCentered (0, 16*0, gray,  -1, "measured line drawing performance in pixels per second.");

  // Test line drawing performance for 1/4 seconds
  sx += 20; sw -= 40;
  sy += 30; sh -= 40;
  csRandomGen rng (csGetTicks ());
  csTicks start_time = csGetTicks (), delta_time;
  float pix_count = 0;
    for (a = 0; a < 5000; a++)
      float x1 = sx + rng.Get () * sw;
      float y1 = sy + rng.Get () * sh;
      float x2 = sx + rng.Get () * sw;
      float y2 = sy + rng.Get () * sh;
      myG2D->DrawLine (x1, y1, x2, y2, colors [rng.Get (4)]);
      x2 = csQint (x2 - x1); y2 = csQint (y2 - y1);
      pix_count += csQsqrt (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2);
    myG2D->PerformExtension ("flush");
    delta_time = csGetTicks () - start_time;
  } while (delta_time < 500);
  pix_count = pix_count * (1000.0 / delta_time);
  WriteCentered (0, 16*1, green, black, " Performance: %20.1f pixels/second ", pix_count);
예제 #3
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawAlphaTestScreen ()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);

  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (1, 1, white, -1, "ALPHA COLOR TEST");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (1, 16*2, black, -1, "If your current canvas is in 32-bit mode, you should");
  WriteCentered (1, 16*3, black, -1, "see various text and geometry at various transparencies.");

  myG2D->DrawBox (190, 80, 50, 100, black);
  myG2D->DrawBox (20, 100, 150, 75, myG2D->FindRGB (205, 0, 125, 200));
  myG2D->DrawBox (120, 100, 100, 50, myG2D->FindRGB (120, 50, 50, 100));
  myG2D->DrawLine (30, 110, 120, 60, myG2D->FindRGB (255, 128, 128, 128));
  myG2D->DrawLine (120, 60, 70, 120, myG2D->FindRGB (128, 255, 128, 128));
  myG2D->DrawLine (70, 120, 30, 110, myG2D->FindRGB (128, 128, 255, 128));

  if (alphaBlitImage.IsValid ())
    myG2D->Blit (20, 160, alphaBlitImage->GetWidth (), alphaBlitImage->GetHeight (), 
      (unsigned char*)alphaBlitImage->GetImageData ());

  myG2D->Write (font, 50, 140, myG2D->FindRGB (255, 255, 255, 100), -1,
    L"Here is some partially transparent text");
  myG2D->Write (font, 50, 150, myG2D->FindRGB (0, 0, 255, 150), -1,
    L"overlaying partially transparent boxes.");

  csString str;
  int i;
  int y = 140;
  int tw, th;
  font->GetMaxSize (tw, th);
  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    const uint8 alpha = (i * 51);
    str.Format ("FG has alpha %" PRIu8 , alpha);
    myG2D->Write (font, 320, y, MakeColor (255, 255, 255, alpha), 
      black, str);
    y += th;
    str.Format ("BG has alpha %" PRIu8, alpha);
    myG2D->Write (font, 320, y, white, MakeColor (0, 0, 0, alpha), 
    y += th;
예제 #4
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::WriteCentered (int mode, int dy, int fg, int bg,
  const char *format, ...)
  if (!font) return;

  csString text;
  va_list arg;

  va_start (arg, format);
  text.FormatV (format, arg);
  va_end (arg);

  int fw, fh;
  font->GetDimensions (text, fw, fh);

  int x = (myG2D->GetWidth () - fw) / 2;
  int y = 0;

  switch (mode)
    case 0: // centered by Y
      y = dy + myG2D->GetHeight () / 2;
    case 1: // from top
      y = dy;
    case 2: // from bottom
      y = dy + (myG2D->GetHeight () - 1 - fh);

  myG2D->Write (font, x, y + fh - font->GetDescent(), fg, bg, text, 
예제 #5
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::PixelClipTest ()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  int sx = w/4, sy = h / 2 + 60, sw = w/2, sh = h / 4 - 60;
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);

  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (0,16*-12, white, -1, "PIXEL CLIP TEST");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0,16*-10,  black, dsteel, "This will test if pixel clipping is being done properly");
  WriteCentered (0,16*-8,   black, dsteel, "For each of the following clip tests we will be drawing");
  WriteCentered (0,16*-7,   black, dsteel, "a 1 pixel wide green rectangle with a 1 pixel wide red rectangle");
  WriteCentered (0,16*-6,   black, dsteel, "inside of it.");

  WriteCentered (0,16*-4,   black, dsteel, "The clipping rectangle has been set so the red rectangle is");
  WriteCentered (0,16*-3,   black, dsteel, "inside the clipping region. If any of the lines of the red rectangle");
  WriteCentered (0,16*-2,   black, dsteel, "are solid (not drawn over) then the clipping region is cutting off too much");
  WriteCentered (0,16*0,   black, dsteel, "The green rectangle is outside the clipping region. If any of the lines");
  WriteCentered (0,16*1,   black, dsteel, "of the green rectangle are being drawn over then the clipping region is");
  WriteCentered (0,16*2,   black, dsteel, "not clipping enough.");

  SetFont (fontCourier);

  DrawClipRect(sx, sy, sw, sh);

  myG2D->SetClipRect(sx + 1, sy + 1, sx + sw, sy + sh);

  // Test random pixel drawing
  csRandomGen rng (csGetTicks ());
  csTicks start_time = csGetTicks (), delta_time;

  // widen the range where we try to draw pixels
  sx -= 10;
  sy -= 10;
  sw += 20;
  sh += 20;

	int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      int x = int(sx + rng.Get () * sw);
      int y = int(sy + rng.Get () * sh);
    delta_time = csGetTicks () - start_time;
  } while (delta_time < 100);
예제 #6
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::ResizeContext ()
  if (!myG2D->BeginDraw ())

  myG2D->Clear (black);
  DrawWindowResizeScreen ();

  csString text;
  text.Format ("Canvas [%d x %d]", myG2D->GetWidth (), myG2D->GetHeight ());
  SetFont (fontLarge);
  int fw, fh;
  font->GetDimensions (text, fw, fh);
  int x = myG2D->GetWidth () - fw;
  myG2D->Write (font, x, 0, red, -1, text);

  myG2D->FinishDraw ();
  myG2D->Print (0);
예제 #7
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawFreetypeTest ()
  const char* fontFaces[] = {"DejaVuSans", "DejaVuSansBoldOblique", 
    "DejaVuSansMono", "DejaVuSerif", 0};
  const int fontSizes[] = {4, 8, 12, 24, 0};

  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);

  SetFont (fontItalic);
  int tpos = -h / 2;
  WriteCentered (0, tpos, white, -1, "FREETYPE2 PLUGIN TEST");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*2, black,  -1, 
    "If the FreeType2 plugin was built and activated in the");
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*3, black,  -1, 
    "g2dtest.cfg file (it is by default), you should see text");
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*4, black,  -1, 
    "in various faces and sizes below.");

  csRefArray<iFont> fonts;
  // The used fonts are all kept until the end of this function, to provide
  // some more "stress" on the font cache.

  int y = tpos + 16*7;
  int i = 0;
  while (fontFaces[i] != 0)
    csString str;
    int j = 0;
    while (fontSizes[j] != 0)
      int fW, fH;
      csRef<iFont> font = GetFont (fontFaces[i], fontSizes[j]);
      if (font)
	fonts.Push (font);
	SetFont (font);
	str.Clear ();
        str << fontFaces[i] << ", Size " << fontSizes[j];
        WriteCentered (0, y, yellow, -1, str.GetData ());
        font->GetDimensions (str.GetData (), fW, fH);
        y += fH + 4;

  SetFont (fontCourier);
  WriteCentered (2, 0, green, -1, "press any key to continue");
예제 #8
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawTextTest ()
  // Draw a grid of lines so that transparent text background will be visible
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < w; i += 4)
    myG2D->DrawLine (float(i), 0.0f, float(i) + 50.0f, float(h), dsteel);
    myG2D->DrawLine (float(w - i), 0.0f, float(w - i) - 50.0f, float(h), dsteel);

  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*7, white, -1, "TEXT DRAWING TEST");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*5,   blue,    -1, "This is blue text with transparent background");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*4,  green,  blue, "This is green text on blue background");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*3, yellow,  gray, "Yellow text on gray background");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*2,    red, black, "Red text on black background");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*1,  black, white, "Black text on white background");

  SetFont (fontCourier);
  int sx = 0, sy = h / 2 + 48, sw = w, sh = h / 2 - 48;
  myG2D->DrawBox (sx, sy, sw, sh, dsteel);
  const char *text = "Crystal Space rulez";
  int tw, th;
  font->GetDimensions (text, tw, th);
  size_t cc = strlen (text);

  // Test text drawing performance for 1/4 seconds
  int colors [4] = { red, green, blue, yellow };
  sx += 20; sw -= 40 + tw;
  sy += 10; sh -= 20 + th;
  csRandomGen rng (csGetTicks ());
  csTicks start_time = csGetTicks (), delta_time;
  size_t char_count = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
      float x = sx + rng.Get () * sw;
      float y = sy + rng.Get () * sh;
      myG2D->Write (font, int(x), int(y), colors [rng.Get (4)], black, text);
      char_count += cc;
    myG2D->PerformExtension ("flush");
    delta_time = csGetTicks () - start_time;
  } while (delta_time < 500);
  float perf = char_count * (1000.0f / delta_time);
  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0, 16*1, green, black, " Performance: %20.1f characters/second ", perf);
예제 #9
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::BoxClipTest()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  int sx = w/4, sy = h / 2 + 60, sw = w/2, sh = h / 4 - 60;
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);
  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*4, white, -1, "BOX CLIP TEST");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*3,  black, dsteel, "This will test if box clipping is being done properly");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*2,  black, dsteel, "You should see a thin green rectangle below");

  WriteCentered (0,16*0,   black, dsteel, "Again all the black should be contained inside the green");
  WriteCentered (0,16*1,   black, dsteel, "rectangle. The red rectangle should not be visible.");

  SetFont (fontCourier);

  DrawClipRect(sx, sy, sw, sh);

  myG2D->SetClipRect(sx + 1, sy + 1, sx + sw, sy + sh);

  // Test random box drawing
  csRandomGen rng (csGetTicks ());
  csTicks start_time = csGetTicks (), delta_time;

  // widen the range where we try to draw
  sx -= 10;
  sy -= 10;
  sw += 20;
  sh += 20;

	int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      int x = int(sx + rng.Get () * sw);
      int y = int(sy + rng.Get () * sh);
      int width = int(rng.Get () * sw);
      int height = int(rng.Get () * sh);
    delta_time = csGetTicks () - start_time;
  } while (delta_time < 100);

예제 #10
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawContextInfoScreen ()
  SetFont (fontLarge);

  WriteCentered (0,-16*2, white, -1, "Some information about graphics context");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*1, gray,  -1, "Screen size: %d x %d", myG2D->GetWidth (), myG2D->GetHeight ());
  WriteCentered (0,    0, gray,  -1, "Pixel format: %d BPP", myG2D->GetColorDepth());
  int MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY;
  myG2D->GetClipRect (MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY);
  WriteCentered (0, 16*1, gray,  -1, "Current clipping rectangle: %d,%d - %d,%d", MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY);

  SetFont (fontCourier);
  WriteCentered (2, 0, green, -1, "press any key to continue");
예제 #11
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawStartupScreen ()
  myG2D->DrawBox (20, 20, myG2D->GetWidth () - 40, myG2D->GetHeight () - 40, blue);

  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (0, -20, white, -1, "WELCOME");
  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0,   0, white, -1, "to graphics canvas plugin");
  WriteCentered (0, +20, white, -1, "test application");

  SetFont (fontCourier);
  WriteCentered (2, 0, green, -1, "please wait five seconds");

예제 #12
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawCustomCursorScreen ()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);

  SetFont (fontItalic);
  int tpos = -h / 2;
  WriteCentered (0, tpos, white, -1, "CUSTOM MOUSE CURSOR");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*2, black,  -1, "If your current canvas supports custom mouse cursors");
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*3, black,  -1, "you shouldn't see your systems default cursor now.");
예제 #13
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawWindowResizeScreen ()
  DrawWindowScreen ();

  myG2D->AllowResize (true);
  myG2D->DrawBox (0, myG2D->GetHeight () / 2 + 16, myG2D->GetWidth (), 16 * 4, blue);
  SetFont (fontLarge);

  WriteCentered (0, 16*1, white, -1, "Now resizing should be enabled. Try to resize the");
  WriteCentered (0, 16*2, white, -1, "window: you should be either unable to do it (if");
  WriteCentered (0, 16*3, white, -1, "canvas driver does not support resize) or see");
  WriteCentered (0, 16*4, white, -1, "the current window size in top-right corner.");

  SetFont (fontCourier);
  WriteCentered (2, 0, green, -1, "press any key to continue");
예제 #14
파일: basemapgen.cpp 프로젝트: garinh/cs
 LayerSampler (int basemap_w, int basemap_h, MaterialLayer* layer)
  : textureScale (layer->texture_scale)
   float layer_needed_x = float (basemap_w) / textureScale.x;
   float layer_needed_y = float (basemap_h) / textureScale.y;
   iImage* layerImage = layer->GetImage();
   int mip_x = csFindNearestPowerOf2 (
     int (ceil (layerImage->GetWidth() / layer_needed_x)));
   int mip_y = csFindNearestPowerOf2 (
     int (ceil (layerImage->GetHeight() / layer_needed_y)));
   int mip = csMax (
     csClamp (csLog2 (mip_x), csLog2 (layerImage->GetWidth()), 0),
     csClamp (csLog2 (mip_y), csLog2 (layerImage->GetHeight()), 0));
   img = GetImageMip (layerImage, mip);
   img_w = img->GetWidth();
   img_h = img->GetHeight();
예제 #15
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawCustomIconScreen ()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);

  SetFont (fontItalic);
  int tpos = -h / 2;
  WriteCentered (0, tpos, white, -1, "CUSTOM WINDOW ICON");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*2, black,  -1, "If your current canvas supports custom window icons");
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*3, black,  -1, "the window icon should have changed.");
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*4, black,  -1, "It should look like a %s of the Crystal Space logo.",
		 CS::Quote::Double ("shard"));
예제 #16
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawUnicodeTest1 ()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);

  SetFont (fontItalic);
  int tpos = -h / 2;
  WriteCentered (0, tpos, white, -1, "UNICODE TEST 1");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*2, black,  -1, "Below you see the equivalent of %s",
		 CS::Quote::Double ("Quick brown fox"));
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*3, black,  -1, "in several languages.");
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*4, black,  -1, "In the ideal case, all characters should be displayed.");
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*5, black,  -1, "If you see a box in some places, a particular");
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*6, black,  -1, "character is not available in the font.");

  int y = tpos + 16*8;
  int i = 0;
  while (quickBrownFox[i] != 0)
    int fW, fH;
    SetFont (fontCourier);
    WriteCentered (0, y, yellow, -1, quickBrownFox[i + 1]);
    font->GetDimensions (quickBrownFox[i + 1], fW, fH);
    y += fH;

    SetFont (fontLarge);
    font->GetMaxSize (fW, fH);
    int h;
    WriteCenteredWrapped (0, y, h, white, -1, quickBrownFox[i]);
    y += h + fH;
    i += 2;

  SetFont (fontCourier);
  WriteCentered (2, 0, green, -1, "press any key to continue");
예제 #17
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawUnicodeTest2 ()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);

  SetFont (fontItalic);
  int tpos = -h / 2;
  WriteCentered (0, tpos, white, -1, "UNICODE TEST 2");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*2, black,  -1, "Below you see some translations for %s.",
		 CS::Quote::Double ("I can eat glass"));
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*3, black,  -1, "In the ideal case, all characters should be displayed.");
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*4, black,  -1, "If you see a box in some places, a particular");
  WriteCentered (0, tpos + 16*5, black,  -1, "character is not available in the font.");

  int y = tpos + 16*7;
  int i = 0;
  while (iCanEatGlass[i] != 0)
    int fW, fH;
    SetFont (fontCourier);
    WriteCentered (0, y, yellow, -1, iCanEatGlass[i + 1]);
    font->GetDimensions (iCanEatGlass[i + 1], fW, fH);
    y += fH;

    SetFont (fontLarge);
    font->GetMaxSize (fW, fH);
    int h;
    WriteCenteredWrapped (0, y, h, white, -1, iCanEatGlass[i]);
    y += h + fH;
    i += 2;

  SetFont (fontCourier);
  WriteCentered (2, 0, green, -1, "press any key to continue");
예제 #18
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawLineTest ()
#if 0

  // some tests for some special kinds of lines
  myG2D->DrawLine (0, 0, 200, 200, yellow);
  myG2D->DrawLine (0, 0, 205, 200, red);
  myG2D->DrawLine (0, 0, 195, 200, green);

  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  myG2D->DrawLine (0, 250, w / 3, 250, red);
  myG2D->DrawLine (w / 3, 250.1, w * 2 / 3, 250.1, red);
  myG2D->DrawLine (w * 2 / 3, 250.99, w, 250.99, red);

  myG2D->DrawLine (200, myG2D->GetHeight () - 200, 0, myG2D->GetHeight (), blue);

  myG2D->DrawLine (81, 221, 519, 221, white);


  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*5, white, -1, "LINE DRAWING TEST");
  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*3, gray,  -1, "At the top of the screen you should see a sinusoid,");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*2, gray,  -1, "each point on sinusoid should be connected with the");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*1, gray,  -1, "top-left corner of the canvas.");

  float py = -1;
  int a;
  for (a = 0; a <= myG2D->GetWidth (); a += 8)
    float angle = float (a) / 30;
    float y = int (80 + sin (angle) * 60);
    if (py > 0)
      myG2D->DrawLine (a - 8, py, a, y, red);
    myG2D->DrawLine (0, 0, a, y, yellow);
    py = y;

  WriteCentered (0, 16*1, gray,  -1, "At the bottom of the screen you should see several");
  WriteCentered (0, 16*2, gray,  -1, "lines interruped by a white pixel in the middle.");

  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  float x = (w / 2) + 0.5;
  float y = myG2D->GetHeight () - 50.5;
  myG2D->DrawPixel (int(x), int(y), white);
  myG2D->DrawLine (0, y - 0.5, x - 0.5, y - 0.5, red);
  myG2D->DrawLine (x + 0.5, y + 0.49, w, y + 0.49, red);

  // Compute the slope for a line that is going through (x,y)
  float y1 = y - 5;
  float y2 = y + 5;
  float dy = float (y2 - y1) / float (w);
  float y11 = y1 + (x - 0.5 ) * dy;
  float y12 = y1 + (x + 0.5) * dy;
  myG2D->DrawLine (0, y1, x - 0.5, y11, blue);
  myG2D->DrawLine (x + 0.5, y12, w, y2, blue);

  myG2D->DrawLine (x, y - 20, x, y - 0.5, gray);
  myG2D->DrawLine (x, y + 0.5, x, y + 20, gray);

  WriteCentered (0, 16*4, gray,  -1, "A little above you should see four adjanced horizontal");
  WriteCentered (0, 16*5, gray,  -1, "lines of blue, green, red and yellow colors.");

  myG2D->DrawLine (0, y - 43 - 0.5,  w - 0.9, y - 43,        blue);
  myG2D->DrawLine (0, y - 42 + 0.49, w + 0.9, y - 42,        green);
  myG2D->DrawLine (0, y - 41,        w,       y - 41 - 0.5,  red);
  myG2D->DrawLine (0, y - 40,        w - 0.5, y - 40 + 0.49, yellow);
예제 #19
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::LineClipTest ()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);

  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*4, white, -1, "LINE CLIP TEST");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*1,  black, dsteel, "This will test if line clipping is being done properly");
  WriteCentered (0,0,   black, dsteel, "You should see 3 thin green rectangles below with black");
  WriteCentered (0,16*1,   black, dsteel, "inside each. Like before we want no black on the green while the");
  WriteCentered (0,16*2,   black, dsteel, "red should be covered. The first box is drawing horizontal lines, ");
  WriteCentered (0,16*3,   black, dsteel, "the second, vertical lines, and the third, random diagonal lines.");

  SetFont (fontCourier);
  int sx1 = w/7, sx2 = 3*sx1, sx3 = 5*sx1, sy = h / 2 + 60, sw = w/7, sh = h / 4 - 60;
  DrawClipRect(sx1, sy, sw, sh);
  DrawClipRect(sx2, sy, sw, sh);
  DrawClipRect(sx3, sy, sw, sh);

  // Test random pixel drawing
  csRandomGen rng (csGetTicks ());
  csTicks start_time = csGetTicks (), delta_time;

  // widen the range where we try to draw pixels
  int sx1_big = sx1 - 10;
  int sx2_big = sx2 - 10;
  int sx3_big = sx3 - 10;
  int sy_big = sy - 10;
  int sw_big = sw + 20;
  int sh_big = sh + 20;

	int i;

    myG2D->SetClipRect(sx1 + 1, sy + 1, sx1 + sw, sy + sh);
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      float x1 = sx1_big + rng.Get () * sw_big;
      float x2 = sx1_big + rng.Get () * sw_big;
      float y = sy_big + rng.Get () * sh_big;

    myG2D->SetClipRect(sx2 + 1, sy + 1, sx2 + sw, sy + sh);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
      float x = sx2_big + rng.Get () * sw_big;
      float y1 = sy_big + rng.Get () * sh_big;
      float y2 = sy_big + rng.Get () * sh_big;

    myG2D->SetClipRect(sx3 + 1, sy + 1, sx3 + sw, sy + sh);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
      float x1 = sx3_big + rng.Get () * sw_big;
      float y1 = sy_big + rng.Get () * sh_big;
      float x2 = sx3_big + rng.Get () * sw_big;
      float y2 = sy_big + rng.Get () * sh_big;
    delta_time = csGetTicks () - start_time;
  } while (delta_time < 100);

예제 #20
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::FontClipTest()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  int sx = w/10, sy = h / 2 + 60, sw = sx * 2, sh = h / 6 - 60;
  int sx1 = sx * 1, sx2 = sx * 4, sx3 = sx * 7;
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);
  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*8, white, -1, "FONT CLIP TEST");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*7, black, dsteel, "This will test if font clipping is being done properly");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*6, black, dsteel, "You should see three thin green rectangles below");

  WriteCentered (0,-16*4, black, dsteel, "Again all the black should be contained inside the first");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*3, black, dsteel, "green rectangle. The red rectangle should not be visible.");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*1, black, dsteel, "The second and third green rectangles shouldn't be crossed as well,");
  WriteCentered (0, 16*0, black, dsteel, "the text should only overdraw the red rectangle. Additionally,");
  WriteCentered (0, 16*1, black, dsteel, "all the text should look the same (well, except for the parts cut off.)");

  SetFont (fontCourier);

  const char* testText = "CrystalSpace";
  int fW, fH;

  font->GetDimensions (testText, fW, fH);

  int fX = -fW /2, fY = -fH / 2;

  DrawClipRect(sx2, sy, sw, sh);
  myG2D->SetClipRect(sx2 + 1, sy + 1, sx2 + sw, sy + sh);

  myG2D->Write (font, sx2 + fX,          sy + fY,          black, -1, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx2 + sw / 2 + fX, sy + fY,          black, -1, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx2 + sw + fX,     sy + fY,          black, -1, testText);

  myG2D->Write (font, sx2 + fX,          sy + sh / 2 + fY, black, -1, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx2 + sw / 2 + fX, sy + sh / 2 + fY, black, -1, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx2 + sw + fX,     sy + sh / 2 + fY, black, -1, testText);

  myG2D->Write (font, sx2 + fX,          sy + sh + fY,     black, -1, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx2 + sw / 2 + fX, sy + sh + fY,     black, -1, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx2 + sw + fX,     sy + sh + fY,     black, -1, testText);

  DrawClipRect(sx3, sy, sw, sh);
  myG2D->SetClipRect(sx3 + 1, sy + 1, sx3 + sw, sy + sh);

  myG2D->Write (font, sx3 + fX,          sy + fY,          black, blue, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx3 + sw / 2 + fX, sy + fY,          black, blue, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx3 + sw + fX,     sy + fY,          black, blue, testText);

  myG2D->Write (font, sx3 + fX,          sy + sh / 2 + fY, black, blue, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx3 + sw / 2 + fX, sy + sh / 2 + fY, black, blue, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx3 + sw + fX,     sy + sh / 2 + fY, black, blue, testText);

  myG2D->Write (font, sx3 + fX,          sy + sh + fY,     black, blue, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx3 + sw / 2 + fX, sy + sh + fY,     black, blue, testText);
  myG2D->Write (font, sx3 + sw + fX,     sy + sh + fY,     black, blue, testText);

  DrawClipRect(sx1, sy, sw, sh);
  myG2D->SetClipRect(sx1 + 1, sy + 1, sx1 + sw, sy + sh);

  // Test random text drawing
  csRandomGen rng (csGetTicks ());
  csTicks start_time = csGetTicks (), delta_time;

  // widen the range where we try to draw
  sx -= fW;
  sy -= fH;
  sw += fW * 2;
  sh += fH * 2;

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      int x = int(sx + rng.Get () * sw);
      int y = int(sy + rng.Get () * sh);
      myG2D->Write (font, x, y, black, blue, testText);
    delta_time = csGetTicks () - start_time;
  } while (delta_time < 100);
예제 #21
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::SetupFrame ()
  if (state_sptr == 0)
    EventOutlet->Broadcast (csevQuit (object_reg));

  appState curstate = state [state_sptr - 1];
  switch (curstate)
    case stInit:
    case stStartup:
    case stContextInfo:
    case stWindowFixed:
    case stWindowResize:
    case stCustomCursor:
    case stCustomIcon:
    case stAlphaTest:
    case stTestUnicode1:
    case stTestUnicode2:
    case stTestFreetype:
    case stTestLineDraw:
    case stTestLinePerf:
    case stTestTextDraw:
    case stTestTextDraw2:
    case stPixelClipTest:
    case stLineClipTest:
    case stBoxClipTest:
    case stFontClipTest:
    case stBlitTest:
      if (!myG3D->BeginDraw (CSDRAW_2DGRAPHICS))

      myG2D->Clear (black);
      LeaveState ();
      switch (curstate)
        case stInit:
	  fontLarge = GetFont (CSFONT_LARGE);
	  fontItalic = GetFont (CSFONT_ITALIC);
	  fontCourier = GetFont (CSFONT_COURIER);
	  fontSmall = GetFont (CSFONT_SMALL);
	    csRef<iVFS> vfs = csQueryRegistry<iVFS> (object_reg);
	    csRef<iImageIO> iio = 
	      csQueryRegistry<iImageIO> (object_reg);
	    if (vfs.IsValid () && iio.IsValid ())
	      csRef<iFile> testFile = vfs->Open ("/lib/g2dtest/up.png", 
	      if (testFile.IsValid ())
		csRef<iDataBuffer> fileData = testFile->GetAllData ();
		blitTestImage = iio->Load (fileData, CS_IMGFMT_TRUECOLOR 
	      testFile = vfs->Open ("/lib/std/cslogo2.png", VFS_FILE_READ);
	      if (testFile.IsValid ())
		csRef<iDataBuffer> fileData = testFile->GetAllData ();
		alphaBlitImage = iio->Load (fileData, CS_IMGFMT_TRUECOLOR |
	  EnterState (stStartup);
        case stStartup:
          DrawStartupScreen ();
	  EnterState (stContextInfo);
          EnterState (stPause, 5000);
        case stContextInfo:
          DrawContextInfoScreen ();
          EnterState (stWindowFixed);
          EnterState (stWaitKey);
        case stWindowFixed:
          DrawWindowScreen ();
          EnterState (stWindowResize);
          EnterState (stWaitKey);
        case stWindowResize:
          DrawWindowResizeScreen ();
          EnterState (stCustomCursor);
          EnterState (stWaitKey);
	case stCustomCursor:
          DrawCustomCursorScreen ();
	  SetCustomCursor ();
	  if (lastkey9)
            EnterState (stCustomIcon);
            EnterState (stCustomCursor);
	case stCustomIcon:
          SetNormalCursor ();
	  SetCustomIcon ();
          DrawCustomIconScreen ();
	  EnterState (stAlphaTest);
          EnterState (stWaitKey);
	case stAlphaTest:
          DrawAlphaTestScreen ();
          EnterState (stTestUnicode1);
          EnterState (stWaitKey);
	case stTestUnicode1:
	  DrawUnicodeTest1 ();
          EnterState (stTestUnicode2);
          EnterState (stWaitKey);
	case stTestUnicode2:
	  DrawUnicodeTest2 ();
          EnterState (stTestFreetype);
          EnterState (stWaitKey);
	case stTestFreetype:
	  DrawFreetypeTest ();
          EnterState (stTestLineDraw);
          EnterState (stWaitKey);
        case stTestLineDraw:
          DrawLineTest ();
          EnterState (stTestLinePerf);
          EnterState (stWaitKey);
        case stTestLinePerf:
          DrawLinePerf ();
          if (lastkey2)
            EnterState (stTestTextDraw);
            EnterState (stTestLinePerf);
        case stTestTextDraw:
          DrawTextTest ();
          if (lastkey3)
            EnterState (stTestTextDraw2);
            EnterState (stTestTextDraw);
        case stTestTextDraw2:
          DrawTextTest2 ();
          if (lastkey4)
            EnterState (stPixelClipTest);
            EnterState (stTestTextDraw2);
        case stPixelClipTest:
          PixelClipTest ();
          if (lastkey5)
            myG2D->SetClipRect(0,0,myG2D->GetWidth(), myG2D->GetHeight());
            EnterState (stLineClipTest);
            EnterState (stPixelClipTest);
        case stLineClipTest:
          LineClipTest ();
          if (lastkey6)
            myG2D->SetClipRect(0,0,myG2D->GetWidth(), myG2D->GetHeight());
            EnterState (stBoxClipTest);
            EnterState (stLineClipTest);
        case stBoxClipTest:
          BoxClipTest ();
          if (lastkey7)
            myG2D->SetClipRect(0,0,myG2D->GetWidth(), myG2D->GetHeight());
	    EnterState (stFontClipTest);
            EnterState (stBoxClipTest);
        case stFontClipTest:
          FontClipTest ();
          if (lastkey8)
	    EnterState (stBlitTest);
            EnterState (stFontClipTest);
	case stBlitTest:
	  BlitTest ();
          EnterState (stWaitKey);
    case stPause:
      if (int (csGetTicks () - timer) > 0)
        LeaveState ();
        csSleep (1);
    case stWaitKey:
      if (lastkey)
        LeaveState ();
        SwitchBB = false;
        if (SwitchBB)
          myG2D->Print (0);
          csSleep (200);
          csSleep (1);
예제 #22
파일: g2dtest.cpp 프로젝트: crystalspace/CS
void G2DTestSystemDriver::WriteCenteredWrapped (int mode, int dy, int &h, 
						int fg, int bg, 
						const char *format, ...)
  if (!font) return;

  csString text;
  va_list arg;

  va_start (arg, format);
  text.FormatV (format, arg);
  va_end (arg);

  int y = 0, w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int fW, fH;
  font->GetMaxSize (fW, fH);

  switch (mode)
    case 0: // centered by Y
      y = dy + myG2D->GetHeight () / 2;
    case 1: // from top
      y = dy;
    case 2: // from bottom
      y = dy + (myG2D->GetHeight () - 1 - fH);

  h = 0;

  int sW, sH;
  font->GetDimensions (" ", sW, sH);

  // break text so that it completely fits onto the screen.
  int lw = -sW;
  int maxLH = fH;
  char* line = csStrNew (text);
  char* p = line;
  csString drawLine;

  while (p && *p)
    char* space = strchr (p, ' ');
    if (space != 0)
      *space = 0;
    int tW, tH;
    font->GetDimensions (p, tW, tH);
    if (lw + tW + sW >= w)
      WriteCentered (1, y + h, fg, bg, (drawLine.GetData ()) + 1);
      drawLine.Clear ();
      drawLine << ' ' << p;
      //p = space + 1;
      lw = 0;
      h += maxLH;
      maxLH = MAX(fH, tH);
      lw += tW + sW;
      drawLine << ' ' << p;
      maxLH = MAX(maxLH, tH);
    if (space != 0) p = space + 1; else p = 0;
  WriteCentered (1, y + h, fg, bg, (drawLine.GetData ()) + 1);
  h += maxLH;
  delete[] line;