예제 #1
typename boost::enable_if<is_multi_array<T>, void>::type
read_dataset(dataset & data_set, T & array)
    const int array_rank = T::dimensionality;
    typedef typename T::element value_type;

    // --- use temporary dataspace object to get the shape of the dataset
    dataspace file_space(data_set);
    if (!(file_space.rank() == array_rank))
        H5XX_THROW("dataset \"" + get_name(data_set) + "\" and target array have mismatching dimensions");

    boost::array<hsize_t, array_rank> file_dims = file_space.extents<array_rank>();

    // --- clear array - TODO check if this feature is necessary/wanted
    boost::array<size_t, array_rank> array_zero;

    // --- resize array to match the dataset - TODO check if this feature is necessary/wanted
    boost::array<size_t, array_rank> array_shape;
    std::copy(file_dims.begin(), file_dims.begin() + array_rank, array_shape.begin());

    hid_t mem_space_id = H5S_ALL;
    hid_t file_space_id = H5S_ALL;
    hid_t xfer_plist_id = H5P_DEFAULT;

    data_set.read(ctype<value_type>::hid(), array.origin(), mem_space_id, file_space_id, xfer_plist_id);
예제 #2
typename boost::enable_if<is_multi_array<T>, void>::type
read_dataset(dataset & data_set, T & array, dataspace const& memspace, dataspace const& filespace)
    // --- disabled this check, it is orthogonal to a useful feature (eg read from 2D dataset into 1D array)
//    const int array_rank = T::dimensionality;
//    if (!(memspace.rank() == array_rank)) {
//        throw error("memory dataspace and array rank do not match");
//    }

    if (static_cast<hsize_t>(filespace.get_select_npoints()) > array.num_elements())
        H5XX_THROW("target array does not provide enough space to store selected dataspace elements");

    hid_t mem_space_id = memspace.hid(); //H5S_ALL;
    hid_t file_space_id = filespace.hid();
    hid_t xfer_plist_id = H5P_DEFAULT;

    typedef typename T::element value_type;
    data_set.read(ctype<value_type>::hid(), array.origin(), mem_space_id, file_space_id, xfer_plist_id);