Array<T>::Array(dim4 dims, const T * const in_data): ArrayInfo(getActiveDeviceId(), dims, dim4(0,0,0,0), calcStrides(dims), (af_dtype)dtype_traits<T>::af_type), data(memAlloc<T>(dims.elements()), memFree<T>), data_dims(dims), node(), ready(true), offset(0), owner(true) { std::copy(in_data, in_data + dims.elements(), data.get()); }
Array<T> convolve2(Array<T> const& signal, Array<accT> const& c_filter, Array<accT> const& r_filter) { const dim4 cfDims = c_filter.dims(); const dim4 rfDims = r_filter.dims(); const dim_t cfLen= cfDims.elements(); const dim_t rfLen= rfDims.elements(); const dim4 sDims = signal.dims(); dim4 tDims = sDims; dim4 oDims = sDims; if (expand) { tDims[0] += cfLen - 1; oDims[0] += cfLen - 1; oDims[1] += rfLen - 1; } Array<T> temp= createEmptyArray<T>(tDims); Array<T> out = createEmptyArray<T>(oDims); kernel::convolve2<T, accT, 0, expand>(temp, signal, c_filter); kernel::convolve2<T, accT, 1, expand>(out, temp, r_filter); return out; }
Array<T>::Array(dim4 dims, const T * const in_data, bool is_device, bool copy_device): info(getActiveDeviceId(), dims, 0, calcStrides(dims), (af_dtype)dtype_traits<T>::af_type), data((is_device & !copy_device) ? (T*)in_data : memAlloc<T>(dims.elements()).release(), memFree<T>), data_dims(dims), node(bufferNodePtr<T>()), ready(true), owner(true) { static_assert(is_standard_layout<Array<T>>::value, "Array<T> must be a standard layout type"); static_assert(offsetof(Array<T>, info) == 0, "Array<T>::info must be the first member variable of Array<T>"); if (!is_device || copy_device) { // Ensure the memory being written to isnt used anywhere else. getQueue().sync(); copy(in_data, in_data + dims.elements(), data.get()); } }
Array<T>::Array(dim4 dims) : info(getActiveDeviceId(), dims, 0, calcStrides(dims), (af_dtype)dtype_traits<T>::af_type) , data(memAlloc<T>(dims.elements()).release(), memFree<T>) , data_dims(dims) , node(bufferNodePtr<T>()) , ready(true) , owner(true) {}
af_err af_approx1_uniform(af_array *yo, const af_array yi, const af_array xo, const int xdim, const double xi_beg, const double xi_step, const af_interp_type method, const float offGrid) { try { const ArrayInfo& yi_info = getInfo(yi); const ArrayInfo& xo_info = getInfo(xo); const dim4 yi_dims = yi_info.dims(); const dim4 xo_dims = xo_info.dims(); ARG_ASSERT(1, yi_info.isFloating()); // Only floating and complex types ARG_ASSERT(2, xo_info.isRealFloating()) ; // Only floating types ARG_ASSERT(1, yi_info.isSingle() == xo_info.isSingle()); // Must have same precision ARG_ASSERT(1, yi_info.isDouble() == xo_info.isDouble()); // Must have same precision ARG_ASSERT(3, xdim >= 0 && xdim < 4); // POS should either be (x, 1, 1, 1) or (1, yi_dims[1], yi_dims[2], yi_dims[3]) if (xo_dims[xdim] != xo_dims.elements()) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (xdim != i) DIM_ASSERT(2, xo_dims[i] == yi_dims[i]); } } ARG_ASSERT(5, xi_step != 0); ARG_ASSERT(6, (method == AF_INTERP_CUBIC || method == AF_INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE || method == AF_INTERP_LINEAR || method == AF_INTERP_LINEAR_COSINE || method == AF_INTERP_LOWER || method == AF_INTERP_NEAREST)); if (yi_dims.ndims() == 0 || xo_dims.ndims() == 0) { *yo = createHandle(dim4(0,0,0,0), yi_info.getType()); return AF_SUCCESS; } dim4 yo_dims = yi_dims; yo_dims[xdim] = xo_dims[xdim]; if (*yo == 0) { *yo = createHandle(yo_dims, yi_info.getType()); } DIM_ASSERT(1, getInfo(*yo).dims() == yo_dims); switch(yi_info.getType()) { case f32: approx1<float , float >(yo, yi, xo, xdim, xi_beg, xi_step, method, offGrid); break; case f64: approx1<double , double>(yo, yi, xo, xdim, xi_beg, xi_step, method, offGrid); break; case c32: approx1<cfloat , float >(yo, yi, xo, xdim, xi_beg, xi_step, method, offGrid); break; case c64: approx1<cdouble, double>(yo, yi, xo, xdim, xi_beg, xi_step, method, offGrid); break; default: TYPE_ERROR(1, yi_info.getType()); } } CATCHALL; return AF_SUCCESS; }[0]); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { EXPECT_NEAR(hc[i], hb[i], 1e-7) << "at " << i; } } TEST(Select, 4D) { dim4 dims(2, 3, 4, 2); array cond = randu(dims) > 0.5; array a = randu(dims); array b = select(cond, a - a * 0.9, a); array c = a - a * cond * 0.9; int num = (int)dims.elements(); vector<float> hb(num); vector<float> hc(num);[0]);[0]); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { EXPECT_NEAR(hc[i], hb[i], 1e-7) << "at " << i; } } TEST(Select, Issue_1730) { const int n = 1000; const int m = 200;