/// process all materials in the library of materials at once
void TSRModelExporterDOM::ProcessMaterialsLibraryDOM( domCOLLADA& _colladaRoot )
    domLibrary_materials* materials_library = daeSafeCast<domLibrary_materials>( _colladaRoot.getDescendant( "library_materials" ) );
    domMaterial_Array& materials_array = materials_library->getMaterial_array();
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < materials_array.getCount(); i++ )
        ProcessMaterialDOM( materials_array[ i ] );
예제 #2
std::string imagePathFromSampler(domCOLLADA& root, const std::string& sampler_name)
    domLibrary_effects* e = daeSafeCast<domLibrary_effects>(root.getDescendant(COLLADA_ELEMENT_LIBRARY_EFFECTS));

    std::string image_name;

        domEffect_Array& ea =  e->getEffect_array();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < ea.getCount(); i++)
            xsID s = ea[i]->getId();

            domFx_profile_abstract_Array & aaa =  ea[i]->getFx_profile_abstract_array();
            FIXME(Опасное упрощение)
                domProfile_COMMON *pc = daeSafeCast< domProfile_COMMON >( aaa[0] );

            //const domImage_Array& ia =  pc->getImage_array();
            //for (size_t j = 0; j < ia.getCount(); j++)
            //    xsNCName s = ia[j]->getName();
            //    std::string path = ia[j]->getInit_from()->getValue().pathFile();

            //    int jj = 1;

            const domCommon_newparam_type_Array & npa =  pc->getNewparam_array();

            std::string surface_name;

            for (size_t j = 0; j < npa.getCount(); j++)
                xsNCName sid = npa[j]->getSid();

                domFx_sampler2D_commonRef sampl = npa[j]->getSampler2D();

                if(sampl && sampler_name==sid)
                    const domFx_sampler2D_common_complexType::domSourceRef src = sampl->getSource();
                    surface_name = src->getValue();

            for (size_t j = 0; j < npa.getCount(); j++)
                xsNCName sid = npa[j]->getSid();
                domFx_surface_commonRef  sur = npa[j]->getSurface();

                if(sur && surface_name==sid)
                    domFx_surface_init_commonRef sir = sur->getFx_surface_init_common();
                    const domFx_surface_init_from_common_Array & aaaa = sir->getInit_from_array();
                    FIXME(Опасное упрощение)
                        for (size_t jj = 0; jj < aaaa.getCount(); jj++)
                            const xsIDREF & vv = aaaa[jj]->getValue();
                            image_name = vv.getID();


