예제 #1
void ExporterEnsight<MeshType>::writeAsciiValues (const exporterData_Type& dvar, const std::string& suffix)
    using std::setw;

    std::ofstream exportFile;
    std::string filename;

    if ( dvar.regime() == exporterData_Type::SteadyRegime )
        filename = this->M_postDir + super::M_prefix + "_" + dvar.variableName() +
                   this->M_me + suffix;
        filename = this->M_postDir + super::M_prefix + "_" + dvar.variableName() +
                   this->M_postfix + this->M_me + suffix;

    exportFile.open ( filename.c_str() );

    ASSERT (exportFile.is_open(), "There is an error while opening " + filename );

    UInt count = 0;

    const UInt size  = dvar.numDOF();
    const UInt start = dvar.start();
    const UInt vertexNumber = static_cast<UInt> (this->M_ltGNodesMap.size() );

    ASSERT (exportFile.good(), "There is an error while writing to " + filename );
    if ( suffix.compare (".vct") == 0 )
        exportFile << "Vector per node\n";
    else if ( suffix.compare (".scl") == 0 )
        exportFile << "Scalar per node\n";

    exportFile.setf (std::ios::right | std::ios_base::scientific);
    exportFile.precision (5);

    for (UInt i = 0; i < vertexNumber; ++i)
        for (UInt j = 0; j < dvar.fieldDim(); ++j)
            const Int id = this->M_ltGNodesMap[i];
            ASSERT (exportFile.good(), "There is an error while writing to " + filename );
            exportFile << setw (12) << static_cast<float> (dvar (start + j * size + id) ) ;
            if ( count == 6 )
                ASSERT (exportFile.good(), "There is an error while writing to " + filename );
                exportFile << "\n";
                count = 0;
    ASSERT (exportFile.good(), "There is an error while writing to " + filename );
    exportFile << std::endl;

예제 #2
template <typename MeshType> void ExporterEnsight<MeshType>::readAsciiValues (exporterData_Type& dvar,
                                                                              const std::string& suffix)
    ASSERT ( this->M_numImportProc, "The number of pieces to be loaded was not specified." );

    // this vector lists the global IDs of DOFs listed in each piece
    std::vector<Real> globalDOF;

    // Each processor will read all the files, and fill just its own component of the vectors
    for ( UInt iProc = 0; iProc < this->M_numImportProc; ++iProc )
        // build the postfix for the file corresponding to part iProc
        std::ostringstream index;
        index.fill ( '0' );
        index << std::setw (1) << "." ;
        index << std::setw (3) << iProc;

        // fill globalDOF, the list of DOF IDs on which we are going to operate
        readGlobalIDs ( this->M_postDir + super::M_prefix + "_globalIDs" + index.str() + ".scl", globalDOF );

        // open the file with the vector field to be imported
        const std::string filename ( this->M_postDir + super::M_prefix + "_" + dvar.variableName() +
                                     this->M_postfix + index.str() + suffix );
        std::ifstream importFile ( filename.c_str() );

        // debugging step
        if (!this->M_procId)
            std::cout << "\tfile " << filename << std::endl;

        ASSERT (importFile.is_open(), "There is an error while reading " + filename );
        // discard the header of the file
        std::string line;
        ASSERT (importFile.good(), "There is an error while reading from " + filename );
        getline ( importFile, line ); // the line looks like this: "Vector/Scalar per node"

        // parameters to access ExporterData structures
        const UInt size  = dvar.numDOF();
        const UInt start = dvar.start();

        // loop over the DOFs listed in the current piece
        for (UInt i = 0; i < globalDOF.size(); ++i)
            // extract the global ID of each DOF
            const Int id = globalDOF[i];
            // we are working with vectorial fields
            for (UInt j = 0; j < dvar.fieldDim(); ++j)
                // this is the value of the field, to be imported
                Real value (0);

                ASSERT (importFile.good(), "There is an error while reading from " + filename );
                importFile >> value;

                // do the actual import only if the global ID belongs to the current process
                if ( dvar.feSpacePtr()->map().map (Repeated)->MyGID ( id ) )
                    dvar (start + j * size + id) = value;

        ASSERT (!importFile.fail(), "There is an error while reading " + filename );
예제 #3
ExporterVTK<MeshType>::readVTUFiles ( exporterData_Type& dvar )
    ASSERT ( this->M_numImportProc, "The number of pieces to be loaded was not specified." );

    UInt numPoints, numCells;
    std::vector<Real> inputValues;
    std::vector<Real> globalIDs;

    const UInt start        ( dvar.start() );
    const UInt numGlobalDOF ( dvar.numDOF() );

    // Each processor will read all the files, and fill just its own component of the vectors
    for ( UInt iProc = 0; iProc < this->M_numImportProc; ++iProc )
        std::string filename ( this->M_postDir + this->M_prefix + "_" + dvar.variableName() +
                               this->M_postfix + "." + iProc + ".vtu" );
        std::ifstream inputFile ( filename.c_str() );

        if (this->M_procId == 0)
            std::cout << "\tfile " << filename << std::endl;

        ASSERT (inputFile.is_open(), "There is an error while opening " + filename );

        // file parsing: line by line
        std::string line;
        size_t found;
        std::stringstream parseLine;

        while ( inputFile.good() && getline ( inputFile, line ) )
            // this is essentially a consistency check: the number of DOF is explicitly
            // written in the VTK files. We will check that the number of values read
            // from file matches this number
            found = line.find ( "NumberOfPoints" );
            if ( found != std::string::npos )
                // place the get pointer at the first " after NumberOfPoints
                found = line.find ( "\"", found, 1 );
                // after the " we'll find the number: parse the substring
                parseLine.str ( line.substr (found + 1) );
                parseLine >> numPoints;

                // do the same for NumberOfCells
                found = line.find ( "NumberOfCells" );
                found = line.find ( "\"", found, 1 );
                parseLine.str ( line.substr (found + 1) );
                parseLine >> numCells;

            // load all PointData arrays
            if ( line.find ( "<PointData" ) != std::string::npos )
                while ( inputFile.good() && getline ( inputFile, line ) )
                    if ( line.find ( dvar.variableName() ) != std::string::npos )
                        inputValues.resize ( dvar.fieldDim() *numPoints );

                        if ( line.find ( "binary" ) != std::string::npos )
                            UInt numBitsFloat;
                            found = line.find ( "Float" );
                            parseLine.str ( line.substr (found + 5) );
                            parseLine >> numBitsFloat;
                            ASSERT (inputFile.good(), "There is an error while opening " + filename );
                            getline ( inputFile, line );
                            readBinaryData ( line, inputValues, numBitsFloat );
                            ASSERT (inputFile.good(), "There is an error while opening " + filename );
                            getline ( inputFile, line );
                            readASCIIData ( line, inputValues );
                    if ( line.find ( "GlobalId" ) != std::string::npos )
                        globalIDs.resize ( numPoints );
                        ASSERT (inputFile.good(), "There is an error while opening " + filename );
                        getline ( inputFile, line );
                        readASCIIData ( line, globalIDs );
예제 #4
ExporterVTK<MeshType>::composeDataArrayStream (const exporterData_Type& dvar,
                                               const std::map<UInt, UInt>& localToGlobalMap,
                                               std::stringstream& dataArraysStringStream)
    const UInt start        ( dvar.start() );
    const UInt numGlobalDOF ( dvar.numDOF() );
    const UInt numMyDOF     ( localToGlobalMap.size() );

    std::stringstream dataToBeEncoded;
    dataToBeEncoded.str ("");
    std::string encodedDataString;

    std::string formatString;
    std::stringstream nComponents;
    nComponents << dvar.fieldDim();

    int32_type sizeOfFloat = 4;
    std::string floatTypeString;
    switch ( M_floatPrecision )
        case SINGLE_PRECISION:
            ASSERT ( sizeof (float) == 4, "\nThis piece of code assumes sizeof(float) == 4" )
            sizeOfFloat = sizeof (float);
            floatTypeString = "Float32";
        case DOUBLE_PRECISION:
            ASSERT ( sizeof (Real) == 8, "\nThis piece of code assumes sizeof(float) == 4" )
            sizeOfFloat = sizeof (Real);
            floatTypeString = "Float64";
            ERROR_MSG ( "WARNING: this float precision cannot be handled in ExporterVTK\n" )

    int32_type lengthOfRawData ( dvar.fieldDim() *numMyDOF * sizeOfFloat );

    switch ( M_exportMode )
        case ASCII_EXPORT:
            formatString = "ascii";
        case BINARY_EXPORT:
            formatString = "binary";
            dataToBeEncoded.write ( reinterpret_cast<char*> ( &lengthOfRawData ),
                                    sizeof (int32_type) );
            lengthOfRawData += sizeof (int32_type);
            ERROR_MSG ( "WARNING: this export mode cannot be handled in ExporterVTK\n" )

    dataArraysStringStream << "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"" << floatTypeString << "\" Name=\""
                           << dvar.variableName() << "\" NumberOfComponents=\""
                           << nComponents.str() << "\" format=\"" << formatString << "\">\n";

    switch ( M_exportMode )
        case ASCII_EXPORT:
            dataArraysStringStream.setf (std::ios_base::fixed);
            dataArraysStringStream.precision (5);
            dataArraysStringStream.width (12);

            for (UInt iDOF = 0; iDOF < numMyDOF; ++iDOF)
                const Int id = localToGlobalMap.find (iDOF)->second;
                for (UInt iCoor = 0; iCoor < dvar.fieldDim(); ++iCoor)
                    dataArraysStringStream << dvar ( start + id +
                                                     iCoor * numGlobalDOF ) << " ";
        case BINARY_EXPORT:
            for (UInt iDOF = 0; iDOF < numMyDOF; ++iDOF)
                const Int id = localToGlobalMap.find (iDOF)->second;
                for (UInt iCoor = 0; iCoor < dvar.fieldDim(); ++iCoor)
                    if ( M_floatPrecision == SINGLE_PRECISION )
                        const float value ( dvar ( start + id + iCoor * numGlobalDOF ) );
                        dataToBeEncoded.write ( reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&value), sizeof (float) );
                        const Real value ( dvar ( start + id + iCoor * numGlobalDOF ) );
                        dataToBeEncoded.write ( reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&value), sizeof (Real) );

            encodedDataString = base64_encode (reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*> ( dataToBeEncoded.str().c_str() ),
                                               lengthOfRawData );
            dataArraysStringStream << encodedDataString;

            ERROR_MSG ( "WARNING: this export mode cannot be handled in ExporterVTK\n" )

    dataArraysStringStream << "\n\t\t\t\t</DataArray>\n";

    dataArraysStringStream << "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Int32\" NumberOfComponents=\"1\" "
                           << "Name=\"GlobalId\" format=\"ascii\">\n";
    for ( UInt iDOF = 0; iDOF < numMyDOF; ++iDOF )
        dataArraysStringStream << localToGlobalMap.find (  iDOF )->second << " ";
    dataArraysStringStream << "\n\t\t\t\t</DataArray>\n";