bool file_info::g_is_meta_equal_debug(const file_info & p_item1,const file_info & p_item2) { const t_size count = p_item1.meta_get_count(); if (count != p_item2.meta_get_count()) { uDebugLog() << "meta count mismatch"; return false; } pfc::map_t<const char*,t_size,field_name_comparator> item2_meta_map; for(t_size n=0; n<count; n++) { item2_meta_map.set(p_item2.meta_enum_name(n),n); } for(t_size n1=0; n1<count; n1++) { t_size n2; if (!item2_meta_map.query(p_item1.meta_enum_name(n1),n2)) { uDebugLog() << "item2 doesn't have " << p_item1.meta_enum_name(n1); return false; } t_size value_count = p_item1.meta_enum_value_count(n1); if (value_count != p_item2.meta_enum_value_count(n2)) { uDebugLog() << "meta value count mismatch: " << p_item1.meta_enum_name(n1) << " : " << value_count << " vs " << p_item2.meta_enum_value_count(n2); return false; } for(t_size v = 0; v < value_count; v++) { if (strcmp(p_item1.meta_enum_value(n1,v),p_item2.meta_enum_value(n2,v)) != 0) { uDebugLog() << "meta mismatch: " << p_item1.meta_enum_name(n1) << " : " << p_item1.meta_enum_value(n1,v) << " vs " << p_item2.meta_enum_value(n2,v); return false; } } } return true; }
void stream_encoders::update_metadata(const file_info&p_info){ metadata.remove_all(); pfc::string artist,title; for (unsigned i=0;i<p_info.meta_get_count();i++) { pfc::string name = p_info.meta_enum_name(i); for (unsigned j=0;j<p_info.meta_enum_value_count(i);j++){ pfc::string value = p_info.meta_enum_value(i,j); pfc::string buffer=name+"="+value; metadata.add_item(buffer); if(pfc::string::g_equalsCaseInsensitive(name,"artist")) artist=value; if(pfc::string::g_equalsCaseInsensitive(name,"title")) title=value; } } pfc::string meta=artist+" - "+title; for(unsigned i=0;i<enc_list.get_count();++i){ strcpy(enc_list[i]->config->gSongTitle,(char*)meta.ptr()); enc_list[i]->config->ice2songChange=true; updateSongTitle(enc_list[i]->config,0); } }
void file_info::copy_meta_single_nocheck(const file_info & p_source,t_size p_index) { const char * name = p_source.meta_enum_name(p_index); t_size n, m = p_source.meta_enum_value_count(p_index); t_size new_index = pfc_infinite; for(n=0; n<m; n++) { const char * value = p_source.meta_enum_value(p_index,n); if (n == 0) new_index = meta_set_nocheck(name,value); else meta_add_value(new_index,value); } }
void file_info::merge_fallback(const file_info & source) { set_replaygain( replaygain_info::g_merge(get_replaygain(), source.get_replaygain() ) ); if (get_length() <= 0) set_length(source.get_length()); t_size count = source.info_get_count(); for(t_size infoWalk = 0; infoWalk < count; ++infoWalk) { const char * name = source.info_enum_name(infoWalk); if (!info_exists(name)) __info_add_unsafe(name, source.info_enum_value(infoWalk)); } count = source.meta_get_count(); for(t_size metaWalk = 0; metaWalk < count; ++metaWalk) { const char * name = source.meta_enum_name(metaWalk); if (!meta_exists(name)) _copy_meta_single_nocheck(source, metaWalk); } }
void file_info_const_impl::copy(const file_info & p_source) { // profiler(file_info_const_impl__copy); t_size meta_size = 0; t_size info_size = 0; t_size valuemap_size = 0; t_size stringbuffer_size = 0; #ifdef __file_info_const_impl_have_hintmap__ t_size hintmap_size = 0; #endif { // profiler(file_info_const_impl__copy__pass1); t_size index; m_meta_count = pfc::downcast_guarded<t_index>(p_source.meta_get_count()); meta_size = m_meta_count * sizeof(meta_entry); #ifdef __file_info_const_impl_have_hintmap__ hintmap_size = (m_meta_count > hintmap_cutoff) ? m_meta_count * sizeof(t_index) : 0; #endif//__file_info_const_impl_have_hintmap__ for(index = 0; index < m_meta_count; index++ ) { { const char * name = p_source.meta_enum_name(index); if (optimize_fieldname(name) == 0) stringbuffer_size += strlen(name) + 1; } t_size val; const t_size val_max = p_source.meta_enum_value_count(index); if (val_max == 1) { stringbuffer_size += strlen(p_source.meta_enum_value(index,0)) + 1; } else { valuemap_size += val_max * sizeof(char*); for(val = 0; val < val_max; val++ ) { stringbuffer_size += strlen(p_source.meta_enum_value(index,val)) + 1; } } } m_info_count = pfc::downcast_guarded<t_index>(p_source.info_get_count()); info_size = m_info_count * sizeof(info_entry); for(index = 0; index < m_info_count; index++ ) { const char * name = p_source.info_enum_name(index); if (optimize_infoname(name) == NULL) stringbuffer_size += strlen(name) + 1; stringbuffer_size += strlen(p_source.info_enum_value(index)) + 1; } } { // profiler(file_info_const_impl__copy__alloc); m_buffer.set_size( #ifdef __file_info_const_impl_have_hintmap__ hintmap_size + #endif meta_size + info_size + valuemap_size + stringbuffer_size); } char * walk = m_buffer.get_ptr(); #ifdef __file_info_const_impl_have_hintmap__ t_index* hintmap = (hintmap_size > 0) ? (t_index*) walk : NULL; walk += hintmap_size; #endif meta_entry * meta = (meta_entry*) walk; walk += meta_size; char ** valuemap = (char**) walk; walk += valuemap_size; info_entry * info = (info_entry*) walk; walk += info_size; char * stringbuffer = walk; m_meta = meta; m_info = info; #ifdef __file_info_const_impl_have_hintmap__ m_hintmap = hintmap; #endif { // profiler(file_info_const_impl__copy__pass2); t_size index; for( index = 0; index < m_meta_count; index ++ ) { t_size val; const t_size val_max = p_source.meta_enum_value_count(index); { const char * name = p_source.meta_enum_name(index); const char * name_opt = optimize_fieldname(name); if (name_opt == NULL) meta[index].m_name = stringbuffer_append(stringbuffer, name ); else meta[index].m_name = name_opt; } meta[index].m_valuecount = val_max; if (val_max == 1) { meta[index].m_valuemap = reinterpret_cast<const char * const *>(stringbuffer_append(stringbuffer, p_source.meta_enum_value(index,0) )); } else { meta[index].m_valuemap = valuemap; for( val = 0; val < val_max ; val ++ ) *(valuemap ++ ) = stringbuffer_append(stringbuffer, p_source.meta_enum_value(index,val) ); } } for( index = 0; index < m_info_count; index ++ ) { const char * name = p_source.info_enum_name(index); const char * name_opt = optimize_infoname(name); if (name_opt == NULL) info[index].m_name = stringbuffer_append(stringbuffer, name ); else info[index].m_name = name_opt; info[index].m_value = stringbuffer_append(stringbuffer, p_source.info_enum_value(index) ); } } m_length = p_source.get_length(); m_replaygain = p_source.get_replaygain(); #ifdef __file_info_const_impl_have_hintmap__ if (hintmap != NULL) { // profiler(file_info_const_impl__copy__hintmap); for(t_size n=0;n<m_meta_count;n++) hintmap[n]=n; pfc::sort(sort_callback_hintmap_impl(meta,hintmap),m_meta_count); } #endif//__file_info_const_impl_have_hintmap__ }
void embeddedcue_metadata_manager::set_tag(file_info const & p_info) { m_content.remove_all(); { track_record & track0 = m_content.find_or_add((unsigned)0); track0.m_info.from_info(p_info); track0.m_info.m_info.set("cue_embedded","no"); } const char * cuesheet = p_info.meta_get("cuesheet",0); if (cuesheet == NULL) { return; } //processing order //1. cuesheet content //2. overwrite with global metadata from the tag //2. overwrite with local metadata from the tag { cue_creator::t_entry_list entries; try { cue_parser::parse_full(cuesheet,entries); } catch(exception_io_data const & e) { console::print(e.what()); return; } for(cue_creator::t_entry_list::const_iterator iter = entries.first(); iter.is_valid(); ) { cue_creator::t_entry_list::const_iterator next = iter; ++next; track_record & entry = m_content.find_or_add(iter->m_track_number); entry.m_file = iter->m_file; entry.m_flags = iter->m_flags; entry.m_index_list = iter->m_index_list; entry.m_info.from_info(iter->m_infos); entry.m_info.from_info_overwrite_info(p_info); entry.m_info.m_info.set("cue_embedded","yes"); double begin = entry.m_index_list.start(), end = next.is_valid() ? next->m_index_list.start() : p_info.get_length(); if (end <= begin) throw exception_io_data(); entry.m_info.set_length(end - begin); iter = next; } } for(t_size metawalk = 0, metacount = p_info.meta_get_count(); metawalk < metacount; ++metawalk) { const char * name = p_info.meta_enum_name(metawalk); const t_size valuecount = p_info.meta_enum_value_count(metawalk); if (valuecount > 0 && !is_reserved_meta_entry(name) && is_global_meta_entry(name)) { __set_tag_global_field_relay relay(p_info,metawalk); m_content.enumerate(relay); } } { pfc::string8_fastalloc namebuffer; for(t_size metawalk = 0, metacount = p_info.meta_get_count(); metawalk < metacount; ++metawalk) { const char * name = p_info.meta_enum_name(metawalk); const t_size valuecount = p_info.meta_enum_value_count(metawalk); unsigned trackno; if (valuecount > 0 && !is_reserved_meta_entry(name) && resolve_cue_meta_name(name,namebuffer,trackno)) { track_record * rec = m_content.query_ptr(trackno); if (rec != NULL) { rec->m_info.transfer_meta_entry(namebuffer,p_info,metawalk); } } } } }
void file_info::copy_meta_single(const file_info & p_source,t_size p_index) { copy_meta_single_rename(p_source,p_index,p_source.meta_enum_name(p_index)); }