float GetConstructionProgressOffset(const CVector3D& pos) { if (m_ConstructionProgress.IsZero()) return 0.0f; CmpPtr<ICmpVisual> cmpVisual(GetEntityHandle()); if (!cmpVisual) return 0.0f; // We use selection boxes to calculate the model size, since the model could be offset // TODO: this annoyingly shows decals, would be nice to hide them CBoundingBoxOriented bounds = cmpVisual->GetSelectionBox(); if (bounds.IsEmpty()) return 0.0f; float dy = 2.0f * bounds.m_HalfSizes.Y; // If this is a floating unit, we want it to start all the way under the terrain, // so find the difference between its current position and the terrain CmpPtr<ICmpTerrain> cmpTerrain(GetSystemEntity()); if (cmpTerrain && (m_Floating || m_ActorFloating)) { float ground = cmpTerrain->GetExactGroundLevel(pos.X, pos.Z); dy += std::max(0.f, pos.Y - ground); } return (m_ConstructionProgress.ToFloat() - 1.0f) * dy; }
virtual void Deserialize(const CParamNode& paramNode, IDeserializer& deserialize) { Init(paramNode); u32 oldSeed = GetActorSeed(); SerializeCommon(deserialize); // If we serialized a different seed, reload actor if (oldSeed != GetActorSeed()) ReloadActor(); fixed repeattime = m_AnimSyncRepeatTime; // save because SelectAnimation overwrites it if (m_AnimRunThreshold.IsZero()) SelectAnimation(m_AnimName, m_AnimOnce, m_AnimSpeed, m_SoundGroup); else SelectMovementAnimation(m_AnimRunThreshold); SetAnimationSyncRepeat(repeattime); if (m_Unit) { CmpPtr<ICmpOwnership> cmpOwnership(GetSimContext(), GetEntityId()); if (cmpOwnership) m_Unit->GetModel().SetPlayerID(cmpOwnership->GetOwner()); } }
virtual void Hotload(const VfsPath& name) { if (!m_Unit) return; if (name != m_ActorName) return; std::set<CStr> selections; CUnit* newUnit = GetSimContext().GetUnitManager().CreateUnit(m_ActorName, GetActorSeed(), selections); if (!newUnit) return; // Save some data from the old unit CColor shading = m_Unit->GetModel().GetShadingColor(); player_id_t playerID = m_Unit->GetModel().GetPlayerID(); // Replace with the new unit GetSimContext().GetUnitManager().DeleteUnit(m_Unit); m_Unit = newUnit; m_Unit->SetID(GetEntityId()); m_Unit->SetEntitySelection(m_AnimName); if (m_Unit->GetAnimation()) m_Unit->GetAnimation()->SetAnimationState(m_AnimName, m_AnimOnce, m_AnimSpeed.ToFloat(), m_AnimDesync.ToFloat(), m_SoundGroup.c_str()); // We'll lose the exact synchronisation but we should at least make sure it's going at the correct rate if (!m_AnimSyncRepeatTime.IsZero()) if (m_Unit->GetAnimation()) m_Unit->GetAnimation()->SetAnimationSyncRepeat(m_AnimSyncRepeatTime.ToFloat()); m_Unit->GetModel().SetShadingColor(shading); m_Unit->GetModel().SetPlayerID(playerID); // TODO: should copy/reset silhouette flags }