예제 #1
set<public_key_type> signed_transaction::get_required_signatures(
   const chain_id_type& chain_id,
   const flat_set<public_key_type>& available_keys,
   const std::function<const authority*(account_id_type)>& get_active,
   const std::function<const authority*(account_id_type)>& get_owner,
   uint32_t max_recursion_depth )const
   flat_set<account_id_type> required_active;
   flat_set<account_id_type> required_owner;
   vector<authority> other;
   get_required_authorities( required_active, required_owner, other );

   sign_state s(get_signature_keys( chain_id ),get_active,available_keys);
   s.max_recursion = max_recursion_depth;

   for( const auto& auth : other )
   for( auto& owner : required_owner )
      s.check_authority( get_owner( owner ) );
   for( auto& active : required_active )
      s.check_authority( active  );


   set<public_key_type> result;

   for( auto& provided_sig : s.provided_signatures )
      if( available_keys.find( provided_sig.first ) != available_keys.end() )
         result.insert( provided_sig.first );

   return result;
예제 #2
void verify_authority( const vector<operation>& ops, const flat_set<public_key_type>& sigs, 
                       const std::function<const authority*(account_id_type)>& get_active,
                       const std::function<const authority*(account_id_type)>& get_owner,
                       uint32_t max_recursion_depth,
                       bool  allow_committe,
                       const flat_set<account_id_type>& active_aprovals,
                       const flat_set<account_id_type>& owner_approvals )
{ try {
   flat_set<account_id_type> required_active;
   flat_set<account_id_type> required_owner;
   vector<authority> other;

   for( const auto& op : ops )
      operation_get_required_authorities( op, required_active, required_owner, other );

   if( !allow_committe )
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT( required_active.find(GRAPHENE_COMMITTEE_ACCOUNT) == required_active.end(),
                       invalid_committee_approval, "Committee account may only propose transactions" );

   sign_state s(sigs,get_active);
   s.max_recursion = max_recursion_depth;
   for( auto& id : active_aprovals )
      s.approved_by.insert( id );
   for( auto& id : owner_approvals )
      s.approved_by.insert( id );

   for( const auto& auth : other )
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT( s.check_authority(&auth), tx_missing_other_auth, "Missing Authority", ("auth",auth)("sigs",sigs) );

   // fetch all of the top level authorities
   for( auto id : required_active )
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT( s.check_authority(id) || 
                       tx_missing_active_auth, "Missing Active Authority ${id}", ("id",id)("auth",*get_active(id))("owner",*get_owner(id)) );

   for( auto id : required_owner )
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT( owner_approvals.find(id) != owner_approvals.end() ||
                       tx_missing_owner_auth, "Missing Owner Authority ${id}", ("id",id)("auth",*get_owner(id)) );

      "Unnecessary signature(s) detected"
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (ops)(sigs) ) }
예제 #3
 bool has_permission( account_name n )const {
    return _provided_auths.find(n) != _provided_auths.end();