/* Returns true if known toys in same side as robot or in middle toy area Otherwise returns false */ bool isToyToPick() { if (knownToys.size() < 1) { return false; } else { geometry_msgs::Point robotPos = getRobotPosition(); int robotArea = inArea(robotPos.x,robotPos.y); if (robotArea==MIDDLE_ROBOT_AREA || robotArea==MIDDLE_TOY_AREA){ return false; //If robot in middle area, do not start toy pick up procedures } else { int number_toys_to_pick = 0; for (float2DVector::size_type i = 0; i < knownToys.size(); i++) { int toyArea = inArea(knownToys[i][0],knownToys[i][1]); if (robotArea == toyArea || toyArea == MIDDLE_TOY_AREA){ number_toys_to_pick++; } } ROS_INFO("%d toys to pick from this side",number_toys_to_pick); if (number_toys_to_pick>0){ return true; } else{ return false; } } } }
/* Adds new toy coordinates to knownToys vector Updates the coordinates if toy already known Input: float x == x float y == y float z == toy_type (wooden == 1, small = 0) */ void update_toys(float x, float y, float z) { bool found = false; float dist = 9999; //Check if the new toy coordinate is inside the radius of any of the known toys for (float2DVector::size_type i = 0; i < knownToys.size(); i++) { dist = sqrt(pow(x - knownToys[i][0],2) + pow(y - knownToys[i][1],2)); if (dist < SAME_TOY_MAX_R) { //inside toy radius, update the toy coordinate knownToys[i][0] = (knownToys[i][0] + x) / 2; knownToys[i][1] = (knownToys[i][1] + y) / 2; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { ROS_INFO("A new toy!"); vector<float> pos; pos.push_back(x); pos.push_back(y); pos.push_back(z); knownToys.push_back(pos); } }
float HolisticRecognizer::holisticDistance(const float2DVector& test,const HolisticShapeModel& train, float bestSoFar) { LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "Entered HolisticRecognizer::holisticDistance" << endl; float distance=0.0f; // distance between testVec and floatVec int loopIndex; // Index used for looping // check and validate the test vector size if (test.size()!=1) { throw LTKException(ECOMPUTE_DISTANCE_ERROR); } floatVector testVec = test.at(0); // check and validate the train vector size if ((train.getModel()).size()!=1) { throw LTKException(ECOMPARISON_ERROR); } floatVector trainVec = (train.getModel()).at(0); int vecSize = testVec.size(); // check and validate the train & test vector sizes if (vecSize!=trainVec.size()) { throw LTKException(ETRAIN_TEST_VECTOR_SIZE_MISMATCH); } // calculating the euclidean distance for(loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < vecSize; ++loopIndex) { distance += (testVec.at(loopIndex)-trainVec.at(loopIndex))*(testVec.at(loopIndex)-trainVec.at(loopIndex)); } distance = sqrt(distance); LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "Exiting HolisticRecognizer::holisticDistance" << endl; return distance; }
/* Main loop: Initialise and Higher level planning */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { //Ros inits ros::init(argc, argv, "final_competition"); ros::NodeHandle n; cmd_vel_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("RosAria/cmd_vel", 10); gripper_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3>("gripper", 10); toy_sub = n.subscribe("toy_coordinates", 10, checkInput); pose_sub = n.subscribe("/amcl_pose", 10, updatePosition); MoveBaseClient ac("move_base", true); goalCmd.target_pose.pose.position.x = 999; goalCmd.target_pose.pose.position.y = 999; //Values for blind movement go_back.linear.x = -0.4; go_back.angular.x = 0.0; go_back.angular.y = 0.0; go_back.angular.z = 0.0; go_forward.linear.x = 0.4; go_forward.angular.x = 0.0; go_forward.angular.y = 0.0; go_forward.angular.z = 0.0; stop.linear.x = 0.0; stop.angular.x = 0.0; stop.angular.y = 0.0; stop.angular.z = 0.0; //Control values for gripper up_open.x = 2; up_open.y = 0; up_close.x = 2; up_close.y = 1; middle_gripper_open.x = 1; middle_gripper_open.y = 0; middle_gripper_close.x = 1; middle_gripper_close.y = 1; down_open.x = 0; down_open.y = 0; down_close.x = 0; down_close.y = 1; ROS_INFO("\n\n\n\n\n\n"); //wait for the action server to come up while(ros::ok() && !ac.waitForServer(ros::Duration(5.0))){ ROS_INFO("Waiting for the move_base action server to come up"); } ROS_INFO("move_base action server is up"); sendNewGoal = true; //gripper down and closed for movement gripperDownAndClosed(); //Initial spin to scan the area spinRobot(ac); ros::Rate rate(ROS_RATE_FREQ); while(ros::ok()) { //Check if known toys on the same side of robot //If no toys, do search procedure //If toys, get toy if (!isToyToPick()) { //If known toys in array, but none on robot side, next search position on other side if (knownToys.size() > 0) { geometry_msgs::Point robotPos = getRobotPosition(); int robotArea = inArea(robotPos.x,robotPos.y); //get robot side nextSearchPlace = robotArea+1; //changes to other side } ROS_INFO("No toys going to search place %d",(nextSearchPlace+1)); //Goto next search place robotGoToNextSearchPlace(ac); //If still no toys on same side, search spin if (!isToyToPick()) { spinRobot(ac); nextSearchPlace++; } ROS_INFO("Robot spinned"); } else { ROS_INFO("Toys found in array, getting closest toy"); //Get coordinates for next toy to pick up vector<float> nextPickUpPoint = getNextPickUpPoint(); //Check if correct point form received if (nextPickUpPoint.size() > 3) { geometry_msgs::Point coord; ROS_INFO("Got toy coordinates, starting to use them"); coord.x = nextPickUpPoint[0]; coord.y = nextPickUpPoint[1]; coord.z = 0; float toyIndex = nextPickUpPoint[3]; ROS_INFO("Next pickup point: x = %f, y = %f, angle = %f, index = %f", nextPickUpPoint[0], nextPickUpPoint[1], nextPickUpPoint[2], nextPickUpPoint[3]); ROS_INFO("Approaching toy"); bool approach_success = robotGoToCoord(coord, ac, nextPickUpPoint[2]); if (approach_success) { ROS_INFO("Opening gripper for pick up"); gripperDownAndOpen(); ROS_INFO("Moving blindly to toy"); moveToObject(STEPS_DUMMY_FORWARD_TOY); ROS_INFO("Picking up toy"); gripperDownAndClosed(); ROS_INFO("Stepping back from toy point"); moveAwayFromObject(STEPS_DUMMY_BACK_TOY); ROS_INFO("Checking toy type"); geometry_msgs::Point basket_position; float basket_angle; if (isToyWooden(toyIndex)){ ROS_INFO("It was wooden!"); basket_position.x = WOOD_BASKET[0]; basket_position.y = WOOD_BASKET[1]; basket_angle = WOOD_BASKET[2]; } else{ ROS_INFO("It was not wooden!"); basket_position.x = OTHER_BASKET[0]; basket_position.y = OTHER_BASKET[1]; basket_angle = OTHER_BASKET[2]; } ROS_INFO("Going to basket"); bool basket_success = robotGoToCoord(basket_position, ac, basket_angle); // position is hard coded before basket if (basket_success) { ROS_INFO("Basket reached"); ROS_INFO("Lifting toy"); liftToyUp(); ROS_INFO("Moving blindly towards basket"); moveToObject(STEPS_DUMMY_FORWARD_BASKET); ROS_INFO("Dropping toy"); dropToy(); ROS_INFO("Stepping back from basket"); moveAwayFromObject(STEPS_DUMMY_BACK); ROS_INFO("Putting gripper down and closed"); gripperDownAndClosed(); ROS_INFO("Removing delivered toy from array"); removeToy(toyIndex); } else { ROS_INFO("Failed to reach basket"); ROS_INFO("Dropping toy"); dropToy(); ROS_INFO("Stepping back from dropped toy"); moveAwayFromObject(STEPS_DUMMY_BACK_TOY); ROS_INFO("Closing gripper for movement"); gripperDownAndClosed(); ROS_INFO("Removing unsuccesfully delivered toy from array"); removeToy(toyIndex); } } else{ ROS_INFO("Failed to reach toy, remove toy from array"); removeToy(toyIndex); } } } ros::spinOnce(); ROS_INFO("I'm tired, let's sleep\n\n\n\n\n\n"); rate.sleep(); } return 0; }
/* Remove toy with input index from knownToys */ void removeToy(float index) { int int_index = int(index); knownToys.erase(knownToys.begin()+int_index); }
/* Returns vector<float> toyCoords, approach coordinates for the closest toy found on the same side as robot Output: toyCoords[0] = x toyCoords[1] = y toyCoords[2] = angle to face toy toyCoords[3] = toy index in knownToys, for removing toy */ vector<float> getNextPickUpPoint() { vector<float> toyCoords; ROS_INFO("Inside getNextPickUpPoint"); if (!isToyToPick()) { // there needs to be a toy to pick up ROS_INFO("Inside getNextPickUpPoint !isToyToPick()"); toyCoords.push_back(0.0); return toyCoords; //Checked as fail at call } else { geometry_msgs::Point robotPos = getRobotPosition(); int robotArea = inArea(robotPos.x,robotPos.y); int toyArea; vector<float> closestToy; float closestToyIndex; int closestToyArea; float closestDist = 9999; float middleAreaCost = 10; //meters //Find toy with the closest distance on same side as robot or middle toy area for (float2DVector::size_type i = 0; i < knownToys.size(); i++) { toyArea = inArea(knownToys[i][0],knownToys[i][1]); if (robotArea == toyArea || toyArea == MIDDLE_TOY_AREA){ //toys from same or middle toy area float newClosestDist = sqrt(pow(knownToys[i][0] - robotPos.x, 2) + pow(knownToys[i][1] - robotPos.y, 2)); if(MIDDLE_TOY_AREA == toyArea){ //add distance to middle area toys to pick up same side toys first newClosestDist = newClosestDist + middleAreaCost; } if (newClosestDist < closestDist) { //closer toy found, update to closest closestDist = newClosestDist; closestToy = knownToys[i]; closestToyIndex = float(i); //index for removing toy closestToyArea = toyArea; ROS_INFO("Inside getNextPickUpPoint NEWCLOSESTDIST"); } } } float angle; //Calculate approach point and angle //If toy in middle toy area, approach direction is x or -x. if (closestToyArea == MIDDLE_TOY_AREA){ if (robotArea == LEFT_AREA){ toyCoords.push_back(closestToy[0] - STOP_DISTANCE_FROM_TOY* cos(UP)); toyCoords.push_back(closestToy[1] - STOP_DISTANCE_FROM_TOY* sin(UP)); angle = UP; } else { // robotArea == RIGHT_AREA toyCoords.push_back(closestToy[0] + STOP_DISTANCE_FROM_TOY* cos(UP)); toyCoords.push_back(closestToy[1] + STOP_DISTANCE_FROM_TOY* sin(UP)); angle = UP + PI; } } //Else approach direction is angle from robot to toy else { // toyArea == LEFT_AREA || RIGHT_AREA robotPos = getRobotPosition(); ROS_INFO("Inside getNextPickUpPoint STRAIGHT"); angle = atan2((closestToy[1] - robotPos.y),(closestToy[0] - robotPos.x)); toyCoords.push_back(closestToy[0] - STOP_DISTANCE_FROM_TOY* cos(angle)); toyCoords.push_back(closestToy[1] - STOP_DISTANCE_FROM_TOY* sin(angle)); } toyCoords.push_back(angle); toyCoords.push_back(closestToyIndex); ROS_INFO("Closest toy x coordinate is %f and y coordinate is %f",toyCoords[0],toyCoords[1]); return toyCoords; } }
/* Filters input coordinates Called by subscriber to toy coordinates published by image processing Calls update_toys when trust treshold for coordinate is reached Obstacles are filtered out Input: input_coord->x: float x input_coord->y: float y input_coord->z: float toy_type (wooden == 1, small = 0) */ void checkInput(const geometry_msgs::Point::ConstPtr& input_coord) { bool found = false; float dist = 9999; //initialise distance between new and old toy coordinates float x = input_coord->x; float y = input_coord->y; //Map area points for ignoring toy coordinates in obstacles: //Outside float map_x_begin = -1.00; float map_x_end = 2.63; float map_y_begin = -1.62; float map_y_end = 1.35; //Box float box_x_begin = 0.44; float box_x_end = 1.10; float box_y_begin = 0.24; float box_y_end = 0.80; //Pillar, currently not needed float pillar_x_begin = 999.0; float pillar_x_end = 999.0; float pillar_y_begin = 999.0; float pillar_y_end = 999.0; //Middle wall float wall_x_begin = 0.768; float wall_x_end = 1.215; float wall_y_begin = -1.814; float wall_y_end = -0.307; //White basket float white_x_begin = -0.379; float white_x_end = 0.004; float white_y_begin = -1.772; float white_y_end = -1.539; //Blue basket, currently not needed float blue_x_begin = 999.0; float blue_x_end = 999.0; float blue_y_begin = 999.0; float blue_y_end = 999.0; // NOT (outside the map OR in box OR in pillar OR in middle wall OR in white box OR in blue box) if (!(x < map_x_begin || x > map_x_end || y < map_y_begin || y > map_y_end || (x > box_x_begin && x < box_x_end && y > box_y_begin && y < box_y_end) || (x > pillar_x_begin && x < pillar_x_end && y > pillar_y_begin && y < pillar_y_end) || (x > wall_x_begin && x < wall_x_end && y > wall_y_begin && y < wall_y_end) || (x > white_x_begin && x < white_x_end && y > white_y_begin && y < white_y_end) || (x > blue_x_begin && x < blue_x_end && y > blue_y_begin && y < blue_y_end) )) { //Check if the new coordinate is inside the radius of any of the filtering table coordinates for (float2DVector::size_type i = 0; i < filteringTable.size(); i++) { dist = sqrt(pow(x - filteringTable[i][0],2) + pow(y - filteringTable[i][1],2)); if (dist < SAME_TOY_MAX_R) { //Inside coordinate radius, update the filtering table coordinate filteringTable[i][0] = (filteringTable[i][0] + x) / 2; filteringTable[i][1] = (filteringTable[i][1] + y) / 2; filteringTable[i][3] = filteringTable[i][3] + 1; if (filteringTable[i][3] >= INPUT_TRUST_TRESHOLD) { //coordinate has reached it input trust treshold, update toys update_toys(filteringTable[i][0], filteringTable[i][1],filteringTable[i][2]); } found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //no matching toy, add a new toy to filtering table vector<float> pos; pos.push_back(x); pos.push_back(y); pos.push_back(input_coord->z); pos.push_back(1); filteringTable.push_back(pos); //If too much coordinates in filtering table, clear first ones while (filteringTable.size() > 50) { filteringTable.erase(filteringTable.begin()); } } } }
int HolisticFeatureExtractor::extractFeatures(const LTKTraceGroup& traceGroup, const LTKCaptureDevice& captureDevice, const LTKScreenContext& screenContext, LTKPreprocessorInterface *ltkShapeRecPtr, float2DVector& featureVector) { LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "Entered HolisticFeatureExtractor::extractFeatures" << endl; LTKTrace preprocessedTrace; // a trace of the trace group LTKTrace preprocessedTrace2; // a trace of the trace group LTKTrace preprocessedTrace3; // a trace of the trace group LTKTraceGroup preprocessedTraceGroup; LTKTraceGroup preprocessedTraceGroup2; LTKTraceGroup preprocessedTraceGroup3; int traceIndex; // variable to loop over all traces of the trace group // preprocessing the traceGroup in 3 ways to extract 3 kinds of features preprocess(traceGroup, preprocessedTraceGroup, captureDevice, screenContext, ltkShapeRecPtr); preprocess2(traceGroup, preprocessedTraceGroup2, captureDevice, screenContext, ltkShapeRecPtr); preprocess3(traceGroup, preprocessedTraceGroup3, captureDevice, screenContext, ltkShapeRecPtr); // extracting the feature vector for(traceIndex = 0; traceIndex < traceGroup.getNumTraces(); ++traceIndex) { preprocessedTrace = preprocessedTraceGroup.getTraceAt(traceIndex); preprocessedTrace2 = preprocessedTraceGroup2.getTraceAt(traceIndex); preprocessedTrace3 = preprocessedTraceGroup3.getTraceAt(traceIndex); // calling the compute features methods floatVector features; // calculating features with preprocessedTrace2 features.push_back(computeEER(preprocessedTrace)); features.push_back(computeOrientation(preprocessedTrace)); // calculating features with preprocessedTrace2 float TCL = computeTCL(preprocessedTrace2); TCL /= calculateBBoxPerimeter(screenContext); // normalizing using the perimeter features.push_back(TCL); features.push_back(computePII(preprocessedTrace2, screenContext)); // calculating features with preprocessedTrace3 float swAng = computeSweptAngle(preprocessedTrace3); // normalizing the swept angle with swAngNormFactor x 360 degrees swAng /= (2*PI*m_swAngNormFactor); features.push_back(swAng); featureVector.push_back(features); }//traceIndex LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "Exiting HolisticFeatureExtractor::extractFeatures" << endl; return SUCCESS; }