예제 #1
* Displays the scores of each player next to them.
void updateScore(int comps)
	const char* cstr3;
	const char* cstr2;
	const char* cstr1;
	const char* cstr;
	case 3: 
		cstr3 = currentGame.getPlayer(3).getScore().c_str();
		mvprintw(7,5,cstr3); //Falls through to the next player
	case 2: 
		cstr2 = currentGame.getPlayer(2).getScore().c_str();
	case 1: 
		cstr1 = currentGame.getPlayer(1).getScore().c_str();
		cstr = currentGame.getPlayer(0).getScore().c_str();
예제 #2
* Checks the game winning conditions to see if it has been won.
bool isGameOver()
	//checks to see if the game is over after each turn if all player hands and deck are empty
	int gameOverCounter=0;
	int totalPlayerCount=currentGame.getPlayerCount();
	for(int i = 0; i < totalPlayerCount; i++)
	if(gameOverCounter==totalPlayerCount && currentGame.getDeck().isEmpty()==true)
		return true;
		return false;
예제 #3
 * This is the main function that starts the driver artifact.
 * This function demonstrates some of the abilities of the Display class
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	// various variable declarations
	char key;
	int numOfComps = 0;
	int coordX = 0;
	int coordY = 0;
	int gameState = 0;
	int cardSelected = 0;

	// enable a interrupt triggered on a window resize
	signal(SIGWINCH, detectResize); // enable the window resize signal

	/* You can uncomment and change the colors for various cards here*/
	//    init_pair(1, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); // for card outline
	//    init_pair(2, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); // for spades and clubs
	//    init_pair(3, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK);  // for hearts and diamonds
	//    init_pair(4, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); // for turned over card
	//    init_pair(5, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); // for box drawing
	//    init_pair(6, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); // for banner display

	//Display the intro and select the amount of computer players.
	gameDisplay.bannerBottom("Select the number of computer players...");
	gameDisplay.displayCard(10,5,1,1, A_BOLD);
	gameDisplay.displayCard(20,5,1,2, A_BOLD);
	gameDisplay.displayCard(30,5,1,3, A_BOLD);
		key = gameDisplay.captureInput();
		coordX = gameDisplay.getMouseEventX();
		coordY = gameDisplay.getMouseEventY();
		if(coordX >= 10 && coordX <= 15 && coordY >= 5 && coordY <= 9)
			gameDisplay.bannerBottom("1 Computer selected.");
			numOfComps = 1;
		else if(coordX >= 20 && coordX <= 25 && coordY >= 5 && coordY <= 9)
			gameDisplay.bannerBottom("2 Computers selected.");
			numOfComps = 2;
		else if(coordX >= 30 && coordX <= 35 && coordY >= 5 && coordY <= 9)
			gameDisplay.bannerBottom("3 Computers selected.");
			numOfComps = 3;

	//Creates the computer players on the screen.
	player player1("Player 1",12,40);
	player player2("Computer 1",35,4,7,5);
	player player3("Computer 2",70,8,7,68);
	player player4("Computer 3",5,8,3,32);
	mvprintw(12,40,"Score: 0");
	if(numOfComps > 2)
		gameDisplay.displayCard(5,8,0,0, COLOR_PAIR(4));
		mvprintw(6,5,"Computer 3");
		mvprintw(7,5,"Score: 0");
		currentGame.addPlayer(player4); //add player to game
	if(numOfComps > 1)
		gameDisplay.displayCard(70,8,0,0, COLOR_PAIR(4));
		mvprintw(6,68,"Computer 2");
		mvprintw(7,68,"Score: 0");
		currentGame.addPlayer(player3); //add player to game
	if(numOfComps > 0)
		gameDisplay.displayCard(35,4,0,0, COLOR_PAIR(4));
		mvprintw(2,32,"Computer 1");
		mvprintw(3,32,"Score: 0");
		currentGame.addPlayer(player2); //add player to game
	currentGame.createGame(); //deal out the cards and perform any other configuration
	displayHand(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand()); //display the new hand
	updateScore(numOfComps); //update the score in case any pairs off the bat

	for (;;) 
		bool gameOver = false;
			key = gameDisplay.captureInput();
			coordX = gameDisplay.getMouseEventX();
			coordY = gameDisplay.getMouseEventY();

			//The Player's turn
			if(gameState == 0) //wait for user input for card selection
				cardSelected = currentGame.getPlayer(0).coordsToCard(coordX,coordY); //see if player clicked on card in hand
				if(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand().size() == 0) //Check if hand is empty first
					gameDisplay.bannerBottom("Go Fish!");
					if(currentGame.getDeck().isEmpty() == false)
						currentGame.addCard( currentGame.drawCard(),0 ); //draw a card
					gameState = 2; //Go to computer's turn
					displayHand(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand()); //display the new hand
					updateScore(numOfComps); //update the score in case any pairs off the bat
					cardSelected = -1; //invalidate card selection
				else if(cardSelected > -1 && cardSelected < 14) //Card is selected
					char buffer[30];
					sprintf(buffer, "%d selected. Ask a player.", cardSelected);
					gameDisplay.bannerBottom(buffer); //display the card selected
					gameState = 1;
					gameDisplay.bannerBottom("Select a card.");
					cardSelected = -1;
			else if(gameState == 1) //The user must now select a computer to ask

				//Checks if the hand size is empty but the game has not been won yet, can still draw cards
				if(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand().size() == 0 && currentGame.getDeck().isEmpty() == false && isGameOver() == false)
					gameDisplay.bannerBottom("Go Fish!");
					if(currentGame.getDeck().isEmpty() == false)
						currentGame.addCard( currentGame.drawCard(),0 );
					displayHand(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand()); //display the new hand
					updateScore(numOfComps); //update the score in case any pairs off the bat
					cardSelected = -1;
					gameState = 2;

				//Computer 3's deck selected
				else if(coordX >= 5 && coordX <= 10 && coordY >= 8 && coordY <= 12)
					if(numOfComps == 3) //Check if computer exists
						if(currentGame.getPlayer(3).haveCard(cardSelected) == true) //Check if computer has card
							gameDisplay.bannerBottom("Computer 3");
							card::card c = currentGame.takeCard(cardSelected,3);
							currentGame.addCard( c,0 );
							cardSelected = -1;
							gameState = 2;
							displayHand(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand()); //display the new hand
							updateScore(numOfComps); //update the score in case any pairs off the bat
						else //Otherwise draw from deck
							gameDisplay.bannerBottom("Go Fish!");
							if(currentGame.getDeck().isEmpty() == false)
								currentGame.addCard( currentGame.drawCard(),0 );
							displayHand(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand()); //display the new hand
							updateScore(numOfComps); //update the score in case any pairs off the bat
							cardSelected = -1;
							gameState = 2;
						gameOver = isGameOver();
						if(gameOver == true)
					else //Does not exist
						cardSelected = -1;
						gameState = 0;

				//Computer 1's deck selected
				else if(coordX >= 35 && coordX <= 40 && coordY >= 4 && coordY <= 8)
					if(currentGame.getPlayer(1).haveCard(cardSelected) == true) //Check if computer has card
						gameDisplay.bannerBottom("Computer 1");
						card::card c = currentGame.takeCard(cardSelected,1);
						currentGame.addCard( c,0 );
						cardSelected = -1;
						gameState = 2;
						displayHand(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand()); //display the new hand
						updateScore(numOfComps); //update the score in case any pairs off the bat
					else //Otherwise draw from deck
						gameDisplay.bannerBottom("Go Fish!");
						if(currentGame.getDeck().isEmpty() == false)
							currentGame.addCard( currentGame.drawCard(),0 );
						displayHand(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand()); //display the new hand
						updateScore(numOfComps); //update the score in case any pairs off the bat
						cardSelected = -1;
						gameState = 2;
					gameOver = isGameOver();
					if(gameOver == true)

				//Computer 2's deck selected
				else if(coordX >= 70 && coordX <= 75 && coordY >= 8 && coordY <= 12) //Computer 2's deck selected
					if(numOfComps > 1) //Check if computer exists
						if(currentGame.getPlayer(2).haveCard(cardSelected) == true) //Check if computer has card
							gameDisplay.bannerBottom("Computer 2");
							card::card c = currentGame.takeCard(cardSelected,2);
							currentGame.addCard( c,0 );
							cardSelected = -1;
							gameState = 2;
							displayHand(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand()); //display the new hand
							updateScore(numOfComps); //update the score in case any pairs off the bat
						else //Otherwise draw from deck
							gameDisplay.bannerBottom("Go Fish!");
							if(currentGame.getDeck().isEmpty() == false)
								currentGame.addCard( currentGame.drawCard(),0 );
							displayHand(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand()); //display the new hand
							updateScore(numOfComps); //update the score in case any pairs off the bat
							cardSelected = -1;
							gameState = 2;
						gameOver = isGameOver();
						if(gameOver == true)
					else //Does not exist
						cardSelected = -1;
						gameState = 0;

				else if(coordY < 13) //Coordinates not in playing area, unselect card and start over
					cardSelected = -1;
					gameState = 0;

			//Computer's turn
			else if(gameState == 2)
				/*AI algorithm
				* Iterate through the computer list and randomly select a card from hand and then randomly select a computer to play it on.
				int i = 1;
				for(; i <= numOfComps; i++) //Loop through computers
					if(currentGame.getPlayer(i).getHand().size() > 0) //Make sure has something in hand
						int computerPlayerFaceVal = currentGame.getPlayer(i).getRandomCard().getFace();//get random card from hand
						srand(time(NULL)); //Seed the random number generator
						int randPlayerNumber = rand()%(numOfComps);
						while(randPlayerNumber == i)
							randPlayerNumber = rand()%(numOfComps); //Make sure computer doesn't ask itself
						if(currentGame.getPlayer(randPlayerNumber).haveCard(computerPlayerFaceVal) == true) //Has card
							currentGame.addCard( currentGame.takeCard(computerPlayerFaceVal,randPlayerNumber),i ); //Take card from player
						else //Otherwise GoFish
							if(currentGame.getDeck().isEmpty() == false)
								currentGame.addCard( currentGame.drawCard(),i );
					else //Otherwise GoFish
						if(currentGame.getDeck().isEmpty() == false)
							currentGame.addCard( currentGame.drawCard(),i );
					gameOver = isGameOver();
					if(gameOver == true)

				displayHand(currentGame.getPlayer(0).getHand()); //display the new hand
				updateScore(numOfComps); //update the score in case any pairs off the bat
				gameState = 0;
				cardSelected = -1;
		return currentGame.highestScore();