예제 #1
// static
bool wordEncoder::isEncodingNeeded
	(const generationContext& ctx, const string& buffer,
	 const charset& charset, const string& lang)
	if (!ctx.getInternationalizedEmailSupport())
		// Charset-specific encoding
		encoding recEncoding;

		if (charset.getRecommendedEncoding(recEncoding))
			return true;

		// No encoding is needed if the buffer only contains ASCII chars
		if (utility::stringUtils::findFirstNonASCIIchar(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) != string::npos)
			return true;

	// Force encoding when there are only ASCII chars, but there is
	// also at least one of '\n' or '\r' (header fields)
	if (buffer.find_first_of("\n\r") != string::npos)
		return true;

	// If any RFC-2047 sequence is found in the buffer, encode it
	if (buffer.find("=?") != string::npos || buffer.find("?=") != string::npos)
		return true;

	// If a language is specified, force encoding
	if (!lang.empty())
		return true;

	return false;
예제 #2
void emailAddress::generateImpl
	(const generationContext& ctx, utility::outputStream& os,
	 const string::size_type curLinePos, string::size_type* newLinePos) const
	string localPart, domainPart;

	if (ctx.getInternationalizedEmailSupport() &&
	    (!utility::stringUtils::is7bit(m_localName.getBuffer()) ||
		// Local part
		string localPartUTF8(m_localName.getConvertedText(vmime::charsets::UTF_8));
		word localPartWord(localPartUTF8, vmime::charsets::UTF_8);

		vmime::utility::outputStreamStringAdapter os(localPart);
		localPartWord.generate(ctx, os, 0, NULL, text::FORCE_NO_ENCODING | text::QUOTE_IF_NEEDED, NULL);

		// Domain part
		domainPart = m_domainName.getConvertedText(vmime::charsets::UTF_8);
		// Local part
		vmime::utility::outputStreamStringAdapter os(localPart);
		m_localName.generate(ctx, os, 0, NULL, text::QUOTE_IF_NEEDED, NULL);

		// Domain part as IDNA
		domainPart = domainNameToIDNA(m_domainName.getConvertedText(vmime::charsets::UTF_8));

	os << localPart
	   << "@"
	   << domainPart;

	if (newLinePos)
		*newLinePos = curLinePos
			+ localPart.length()
			+ 1 // @
			+ domainPart.length();