예제 #1
 void block_do(BlockBegin* from) {
   int n = from->end()->number_of_sux();
   int tag = _tags->at(from->block_id());
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     BlockBegin* to = from->end()->sux_at(i);
     if (tag != _tags->at(to->block_id())) {
       // this edge is a transition between two different
       // caching regions, so we need to insert a CachingChange
       _pairs->append(new BlockPair(from, to));
예제 #2
 // add a new entries to the resolved_references map (for invokedynamic and invokehandle only)
 int add_invokedynamic_resolved_references_entries(int cp_index, int cache_index) {
   assert(_resolved_reference_limit >= 0, "must add indy refs after first iteration");
   int ref_index = -1;
   for (int entry = 0; entry < ConstantPoolCacheEntry::_indy_resolved_references_entries; entry++) {
     const int index = _resolved_references_map.append(cp_index);  // many-to-one
     assert(index >= _resolved_reference_limit, "");
     if (entry == 0) {
       ref_index = index;
     assert((index - entry) == ref_index, "entries must be consecutive");
     _invokedynamic_references_map.at_put_grow(index, cache_index, -1);
   return ref_index;
예제 #3
 // add a new CP cache entry beyond the normal cache for the special case of
 // invokespecial with InterfaceMethodref as cpool operand.
 int add_invokespecial_cp_cache_entry(int cp_index) {
   assert(_first_iteration_cp_cache_limit >= 0, "add these special cache entries after first iteration");
   // Don't add InterfaceMethodref if it already exists at the end.
   for (int i = _first_iteration_cp_cache_limit; i < _cp_cache_map.length(); i++) {
    if (cp_cache_entry_pool_index(i) == cp_index) {
      return i;
   int cache_index = _cp_cache_map.append(cp_index);
   assert(cache_index >= _first_iteration_cp_cache_limit, "");
   // do not update _cp_map, since the mapping is one-to-many
   assert(cp_cache_entry_pool_index(cache_index) == cp_index, "");
   return cache_index;
예제 #4
  void init_maps(int length) {
    _cp_map.initialize(length, -1);
    // Choose an initial value large enough that we don't get frequent
    // calls to grow().
    // Also cache resolved objects, in another different cache.
    _reference_map.initialize(length, -1);
    _resolved_reference_limit = -1;
    _first_iteration_cp_cache_limit = -1;

    // invokedynamic specific fields
    _patch_invokedynamic_bcps = new GrowableArray<address>(length/4);
    _patch_invokedynamic_refs = new GrowableArray<int>(length/4);
예제 #5
 int add_cp_cache_entry(int cp_index) {
   assert((cp_index & _secondary_entry_tag) == 0, "bad tag");
   assert(_cp_map[cp_index] == -1, "not twice on same cp_index");
   int cache_index = _cp_cache_map.append(cp_index);
   _cp_map.at_put(cp_index, cache_index);
   assert(cp_entry_to_cp_cache(cp_index) == cache_index, "");
   return cache_index;
예제 #6
 int add_invokedynamic_cp_cache_entry(int cp_index) {
   assert(_pool->tag_at(cp_index).value() == JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic, "use non-indy version");
   assert(_first_iteration_cp_cache_limit >= 0, "add indy cache entries after first iteration");
   // add to the invokedynamic index map.
   int cache_index = _invokedynamic_cp_cache_map.append(cp_index);
   // do not update _cp_map, since the mapping is one-to-many
   assert(invokedynamic_cp_cache_entry_pool_index(cache_index) == cp_index, "");
   // this index starts at one but in the bytecode it's appended to the end.
   return cache_index + _first_iteration_cp_cache_limit;
예제 #7
 virtual void block_do(BlockBegin* block) {
   assert(_tags->at_grow(block->block_id(), -1) == -1 || _tags->at_grow(block->block_id(), -1) == _tag, "this block is part of two loops");
   _tags->at_put_grow(block->block_id(), _tag, -1);
 void spop()                { assert(_stack.is_empty() || _stack.top() == -1, ""); raw_pop(); }
 int  raw_pop()             { return _stack.is_empty() ? -1 : _stack.pop(); }
 void raw_push(int i)       { _stack.push(i); }
예제 #11
 int cp_cache_delta() {
   // How many cp cache entries were added since recording map limits after
   // cp cache initialization?
   assert(_first_iteration_cp_cache_limit != -1, "only valid after first iteration");
   return _cp_cache_map.length() - _first_iteration_cp_cache_limit;
예제 #12
 void record_map_limits() {
   // Record initial size of the two arrays generated for the CP cache
   // relative to walking the constant pool.
   _first_iteration_cp_cache_limit = _cp_cache_map.length();
   _resolved_reference_limit = _resolved_references_map.length();
예제 #13
 int add_secondary_cp_cache_entry(int main_cpc_entry) {
   assert(main_cpc_entry < _cp_cache_map.length(), "must be earlier CP cache entry");
   int cache_index = _cp_cache_map.append(main_cpc_entry | _secondary_entry_tag);
   return cache_index;
예제 #14
 void init_cp_map(int length) {
   _cp_map.initialize(length, -1);
   // Choose an initial value large enough that we don't get frequent
   // calls to grow().
   _cp_cache_map.initialize(length / 2);