예제 #1
         * Sort the interim StringTable and store it to the real protobuf StringTable.
         * while storing to the real table, this function fills the id2id_map with
         * pairs, mapping the interim-ids to final and real StringTable ids.
         * Note that the m_strings table is a std::map and as such is sorted lexicographically.
         * When the transformation into the sortedby multimap is done, it gets sorted by
         * the count. The end result (at least with the glibc standard container/algorithm
         * implementation) is that the string table is sorted first by reverse count (ie descending)
         * and then by reverse lexicographic order.
        void store_stringtable(OSMPBF::StringTable* st) {
            typedef std::multimap<string_info, std::string> cmap;
            cmap sortedbycount;


            std::transform(m_strings.begin(), m_strings.end(),
                           std::inserter(sortedbycount, sortedbycount.begin()), flip_pair<std::string, string_info>);

            int n=0;
            cmap::const_iterator end=sortedbycount.end();
            for (cmap::const_iterator it = sortedbycount.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
                // add the string of the current item to the pbf StringTable

                // store the mapping from the interim-id to the real id
                m_id2id_map[it->first.interim_id] = ++n;
예제 #2
         * Sort the interim StringTable and store it to the real protobuf StringTable.
         * while storing to the real table, this function fills the id2id_map with
         * pairs, mapping the interim-ids to final and real StringTable ids.
         * Note that the m_strings table is a std::map and as such is sorted lexicographically.
         * When the transformation into the sortedby multimap is done, it gets sorted by
         * the count. The end result (at least with the glibc standard container/algorithm
         * implementation) is that the string table is sorted first by reverse count (ie descending)
         * and then by reverse lexicographic order.
        void store_stringtable(OSMPBF::StringTable* st) {
            // add empty StringTable entry at index 0
            // StringTable index 0 is reserved as delimiter in the densenodes key/value list
            // this line also ensures that there's always a valid StringTable

            typedef std::multimap<string_info, std::string> cmap;
            cmap sortedbycount;


            std::transform(m_strings.begin(), m_strings.end(),
                           std::inserter(sortedbycount, sortedbycount.begin()), flip_pair<std::string, string_info>);

            int n=0;
            cmap::const_iterator end=sortedbycount.end();
            for (cmap::const_iterator it = sortedbycount.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
                // add the string of the current item to the pbf StringTable

                // store the mapping from the interim-id to the real id
                m_id2id_map[it->first.interim_id] = ++n;
예제 #3
  * Clear the stringtable, preparing for the next block.
 void clear() {
     m_size = 0;