예제 #1
파일: Facets.cpp 프로젝트: 3Nigma/frayon
num_put<Pt::Char, ostreambuf_iterator<Pt::Char> >::iter_type
num_put<Pt::Char, ostreambuf_iterator<Pt::Char> >::do_put(iter_type s, ios_base& f, char_type fill, bool val) const
    if( 0 == (f.flags() & ios_base::boolalpha) )
        return do_put(s, f, fill, static_cast<long>(val));
    typedef Pt::Char char_type;
    const numpunct<char_type>& np = use_facet< numpunct<char_type> >( f.getloc() );
    Pt::String str = val ? np.truename() : np.falsename();
    streamsize width = f.width(0);
    if( str.size() >= static_cast<std::size_t>(width) )
        return std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), s);

    streamsize pad = width - str.size();
    ios_base::fmtflags dir = f.flags() & ios_base::adjustfield;

    if (dir == ios_base::left) 
       std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), s);
       std::fill_n(s, pad, fill);
       return s;

    // right/internal padding 
    std::fill_n(s, pad, fill);
    return std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), s);
예제 #2
파일: Facets.cpp 프로젝트: 3Nigma/frayon
num_put<Pt::Char, ostreambuf_iterator<Pt::Char> >::iter_type
num_put<Pt::Char, ostreambuf_iterator<Pt::Char> >::do_put(iter_type s, ios_base& f, char_type fill, const void* ptr) const
    std::size_t val = reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(ptr);
    putHex(s, val, f.flags(), f.width(0), fill);
    return s;
예제 #3
파일: Facets.cpp 프로젝트: 3Nigma/frayon
num_put<Pt::Char, ostreambuf_iterator<Pt::Char> >::iter_type
num_put<Pt::Char, ostreambuf_iterator<Pt::Char> >::do_put(iter_type s, ios_base& f, char_type fill, unsigned long long val) const
	// TODO: grouping
    //const numpunct<char>& np = use_facet<numpunct<char> >(f.getloc());
    //const string& grouping = np.grouping();
    switch (f.flags() & ios_base::basefield) 
        case ios_base::oct:
            putOctal(s, val, f.flags(), f.width(0), fill);
        case ios_base::hex:
            putHex(s, val, f.flags(), f.width(0), fill);
            putDecimal(s, val, f.flags(), f.width(0), fill);

    return s;
예제 #4
_OutputIter  _STLP_CALL
__put_float(__iostring &__str, _OutputIter __oi,
            ios_base& __f, char __fill,
            char __decimal_point, char __sep, 
            size_t __group_pos, const string& __grouping) {
  if ((__group_pos < __str.size()) && (__str[__group_pos] == '.')) {
    __str[__group_pos] = __decimal_point;

  if (!__grouping.empty()) {
    __insert_grouping(__str, __group_pos,
                      __grouping, __sep, '+', '-', 0);

  return __copy_float_and_fill(__CONST_CAST(char*, __str.data()), 
                               __CONST_CAST(char*, __str.data()) + __str.size(), __oi,
                               __f.flags(), __f.width(0), __fill, '+', '-');
예제 #5
_OutputIter  _STLP_CALL
__put_float(__iostring &__str, _OutputIter __oi,
            ios_base& __f, wchar_t __fill,
            wchar_t __decimal_point, wchar_t __sep, 
            size_t __group_pos, const string& __grouping) {
  const ctype<wchar_t>& __ct = *__STATIC_CAST(const ctype<wchar_t>*, __f._M_ctype_facet());

  __iowstring __wbuf;
  __convert_float_buffer(__str, __wbuf, __ct, __decimal_point);

  if (!__grouping.empty()) {
    __insert_grouping(__wbuf, __group_pos, __grouping, 
                      __sep, __ct.widen('+'), __ct.widen('-'), 0);

  return __copy_float_and_fill(__CONST_CAST(wchar_t*, __wbuf.data()), 
                               __CONST_CAST(wchar_t*, __wbuf.data()) + __wbuf.size(), __oi,
                               __f.flags(), __f.width(0), __fill, __ct.widen('+'), __ct.widen('-')); 
예제 #6
파일: Facets.cpp 프로젝트: 3Nigma/frayon
num_put<Pt::Char, ostreambuf_iterator<Pt::Char> >::iter_type
num_put<Pt::Char, ostreambuf_iterator<Pt::Char> >::do_put(iter_type s, ios_base& f, char_type fill, long double val) const
    putFloat(s, val, f.flags(), f.width(0), fill, f.precision());
    return s;
예제 #7
_OutputIter _S_do_put(_OutputIter __s, bool  __intl, ios_base&  __str,
                      _CharT __fill, const _Str& __digits, bool __check_digits,
                      _Str_Type * /*__dummy*/) {
  typedef _CharT char_type;
  typedef _Str_Type string_type;
  typedef ctype<char_type>             _Ctype;
  typedef moneypunct<char_type, false> _Punct;
  typedef moneypunct<char_type, true>  _Punct_intl;

  locale __loc = __str.getloc();
  const _Ctype&      __c_type     = use_facet<_Ctype>(__loc) ;
  const _Punct&      __punct      = use_facet<_Punct>(__loc) ;
  const _Punct_intl& __punct_intl = use_facet<_Punct_intl>(__loc) ;

  // some special characters
  char_type __minus = __c_type.widen('-');
  char_type __plus  = __c_type.widen('+');
  char_type __space = __c_type.widen(' ');
  char_type __zero  = __c_type.widen('0');
  char_type __point = __intl ? __punct_intl.decimal_point()
                             : __punct.decimal_point();

  char_type __sep = __intl ? __punct_intl.thousands_sep()
                           : __punct.thousands_sep();

  string __grouping = __intl ? __punct_intl.grouping()
                             : __punct.grouping();

  int __frac_digits      = __intl ? __punct_intl.frac_digits() 
                                  : __punct.frac_digits();

  string_type __curr_sym = __intl ? __punct_intl.curr_symbol() 
                                  : __punct.curr_symbol();

  // if there are no digits we are going to return __s.  If there
  // are digits, but not enough to fill the frac_digits, we are
  // going to add zeros.  I don't know whether this is right or
  // not.
  if (__digits.empty()) 
    return __s;

  typename string_type::const_iterator __digits_first = __digits.begin();
  typename string_type::const_iterator __digits_last  = __digits.end();

  bool __is_negative = *__digits_first == __minus;
  if (__is_negative)

  string_type __sign = __intl ? __is_negative ? __punct_intl.negative_sign()
                                              : __punct_intl.positive_sign()
                              : __is_negative ? __punct.negative_sign()
                                              : __punct.positive_sign();
  if (__check_digits) {
    typename string_type::const_iterator __cp = __digits_first;
    while (__cp != __digits_last && __c_type.is(ctype_base::digit, *__cp))
    if (__cp == __digits_first)
      return __s;
    __digits_last = __cp;

  // If grouping is required, we make a copy of __digits and
  // insert the grouping.

  _STLP_BASIC_IOSTRING(char_type) __new_digits;
  if (!__grouping.empty()) {
    __new_digits.assign(__digits_first, __digits_last);
                      __new_digits.size() - __frac_digits,
                      __sep, __plus, __minus, 0);
    __digits_first = __new_digits.begin(); // <<--
    __digits_last  = __new_digits.end();   // <<--

  // Determine the amount of padding required, if any.  
  streamsize __width = __str.width();

#if defined(_STLP_DEBUG) && (defined(__HP_aCC) && (__HP_aCC <= 1))
  size_t __value_length = operator -(__digits_last, __digits_first);
  size_t __value_length = __digits_last - __digits_first;

  size_t __length = __value_length + __sign.size();

  if (__frac_digits != 0)

  bool __generate_curr = (__str.flags() & ios_base::showbase) !=0;
  if (__generate_curr)
    __length += __curr_sym.size();
  money_base::pattern __format = __intl ? (__is_negative ? __punct_intl.neg_format()
                                                         : __punct_intl.pos_format())
                                        : (__is_negative ? __punct.neg_format()
                                                         : __punct.pos_format());
    //For the moment the following is commented for decoding reason.
    //No reason to add a space last if the money symbol do not have to be display
    //if (__format.field[3] == (char) money_base::symbol && !__generate_curr) {
    //  if (__format.field[2] == (char) money_base::space) {
    //    __format.field[2] = (char) money_base::none;
    //  }
    //space can only be second or third and only once (
    if ((__format.field[1] == (char) money_base::space) ||
        (__format.field[2] == (char) money_base::space))

  const bool __need_fill = (((sizeof(streamsize) > sizeof(size_t)) && (__STATIC_CAST(streamsize, __length) < __width)) ||
                            ((sizeof(streamsize) <= sizeof(size_t)) && (__length < __STATIC_CAST(size_t, __width))));
  streamsize __fill_amt = __need_fill ? __width - __length : 0;

  ios_base::fmtflags __fill_pos = __str.flags() & ios_base::adjustfield;

  if (__fill_amt != 0 &&
      !(__fill_pos & (ios_base::left | ios_base::internal)))
    __s = __fill_n(__s, __fill_amt, __fill);
  for (int __i = 0; __i < 4; ++__i) {
    char __ffield = __format.field[__i];
    switch (__ffield) {
    case money_base::none:
      if (__fill_amt != 0 && __fill_pos == ios_base::internal)
        __s = __fill_n(__s, __fill_amt, __fill);
    case money_base::space:
      *__s++ = __space;
      if (__fill_amt != 0 && __fill_pos == ios_base::internal)
        __s = __fill_n(__s, __fill_amt, __fill);
    case money_base::symbol:
      if (__generate_curr)
        __s = copy(__curr_sym.begin(), __curr_sym.end(), __s);
    case money_base::sign:
      if (!__sign.empty())
        *__s++ = __sign[0];
    case money_base::value:
      if (__frac_digits == 0)
        __s = copy(__digits_first, __digits_last, __s);
      else {
        if ((int)__value_length <= __frac_digits) {
          *__s++ = __point;
          __s = copy(__digits_first, __digits_last, __s);
          __s =  __fill_n(__s, __frac_digits - __value_length, __zero);
        else {
          __s = copy(__digits_first, __digits_last - __frac_digits, __s);
          if (__frac_digits != 0) {
            *__s++ = __point;
            __s = copy(__digits_last - __frac_digits, __digits_last, __s);
    } //Close for switch
  } // Close for loop

  // Ouput rest of sign if necessary.
  if (__sign.size() > 1)
    __s = copy(__sign.begin() + 1, __sign.end(), __s);
  if (__fill_amt != 0 &&
      !(__fill_pos & (ios_base::right | ios_base::internal)))
    __s = __fill_n(__s, __fill_amt, __fill);
  return __s;