예제 #1
파일: http_server.C 프로젝트: Arwid/hserver
void httperror (iostream &sstream, int status, string s_str, string relURL) { 

	string errorFile;

	con.errorLog (s_str, relURL);

	// display error page for corresponding error
	if (status == 403)
		errorFile = "public_www/403error.html";
	else if (status == 404)
		errorFile = "public_www/404error.html";
	else if (status == 400)
		errorFile = "public_www/400error.html";
	else if (status == 501)
		errorFile = "public_www/501error.html";
		errorFile = "public_www/000error.html";

	ifstream inputfile2(errorFile.c_str(), ios::in);
	string header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
	sstream.write (header.c_str(), header.size());
	header = "Content-Type:text/html\r\n";
	sstream.write (header.c_str(), header.size());

	int filesize = FileSize (errorFile.c_str());
	header = "Content-Length:" + strconvert(filesize) + "\r\n";
	sstream.write (header.c_str(), header.size());

	// end with empty line
	sstream.write ("\r\n", 2);

	char c2;
	for (; filesize >0; filesize--) {
		c2 = inputfile2.get();
		sstream.put (c2);
		if (sstream.fail()) {
			// socket stream failed. Closed by client???
			// nothing we can do, but stop
	sstream.flush ();

	inputfile2.close ();
예제 #2
파일: http_server.C 프로젝트: Arwid/hserver
void makeDirectory (iostream &sstream, string relURL) {
	string makedir = "make_directory.html";

	DIR *pdir;
 	struct dirent *pent;

	string requestedFile = ROOT_DIR + relURL;


	ofstream myfile;
	myfile.open (makedir.c_str());
	myfile << "<html><head>" << endl;
	myfile << "<title>Listing Directory Contents of " << relURL << "</title>" << endl;
	myfile << "</head><body>" << endl;
	myfile << "<h1>Listing Directory Contents of " << relURL << "</h1>" << endl;

	while ((pent=readdir(pdir))){
		if (!strcmp(pent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(pent->d_name, ".."))
		myfile << "<a href=\"" << relURL << pent->d_name << "\">" << pent->d_name << "</a>";
		if (con.lookupAccessLog(relURL + pent->d_name) == "")
			myfile << "  <-> <-><br>" << endl;
			myfile << "  " << con.lookupAccessLog(relURL + pent->d_name) << "<br>" << endl;	

	myfile << "</body></html>" << endl;

	ifstream inputfile2(makedir.c_str(), ios::in);
	string header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
	sstream.write (header.c_str(), header.size());
	header = "Content-Type:text/html\r\n";
	sstream.write (header.c_str(), header.size());
	int filesize = FileSize (makedir.c_str());
	header = "Content-Length:" + strconvert(filesize) + "\r\n";
	sstream.write (header.c_str(), header.size());
	// end with empty line
	sstream.write ("\r\n", 2);

	char c2;
	for (; filesize >0; filesize--) {
		c2 = inputfile2.get();
		sstream.put (c2);
		if (sstream.fail()) {
			// socket stream failed. Closed by client???
			// nothing we can do, but stop
	sstream.flush ();

	inputfile2.close ();